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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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I have already requested this so I would humbly request the reason why you do not want to implement it. It is not hard, it will not cause any harm the code, so what is the issue?


Yeah, I remember you requested that.


I will properly implement that, if I will be in the right mood to do so.

You the only one who use the ini file like that.


And currently I have no time for this project, so don't expect a fix anytime soon.

Edited by JFX
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  • 2 weeks later...


Here's an example of a deployment day:

  • open winntsetup.exe, load 7-admin.ini for virtual machine testing
  • setup finished, take HDD
  • insert new HDD for windows 10 deployment
  • same instance of winntsetup.exe, load 10-user.ini which contains image, unattend and OEM paths different than the 7-admin.ini


If I do this 10 times a day, should I do it manually? I'm the only one who requested because I am the only one that actually uses it every day, and some times more than once a day.




Passing on to another issue...

I think something is wrong withour XP deployment. If I already have a winNT.sif in XPDir\i386\, and trying to add an external winNT.sif or winNT.txt, the result is strange and unstable. Sometimes it applies the file in i386, otherwise the external one. I've tried it 3 times, and it is the same. It only worked when there is no winNT.sif in i386.

If this is a normal behaviour, a suggestion might be to exclude the file in i386 if an external one is applied.


Can anyone confirm?




Also, I would like to say that your application is the best and does not need any kind of change. Some points to look out for, and my humble two cents:

  • always make it compatible with WinPE, cause that is where it will be used the most. All of them, because on some computers, the latest PE does not work, so try to maintain a PE2 (Windows Vista) To PE10 and beyond
  • make available the same options in the .ini configuration as well as in the command-line. Sometimes it is easier to work with .ini rather than batch, and other way around
  • Be on the lookout for bloated stuff, keep it small, keep it simple, and focus on deployment only. Not other functions
Edited by AlexCeed
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I make a new XP iso every month (with latest POS updates, using OnePiece DXUPAC-made addons etc).

I always put a winnt.sif in the i386 folder (in case I ever need to install if from CD, which I haven't done for months).


I only use this iso with WinNTSetup (boot from PESE usb, mount iso), using command line winnt.sif selection.

I never have any problems with this, the winnt.sif from the command line is always used.


About your other issues: Can't you automate this with command line options as well?

Edited by Atari800XL
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I make a new XP iso every month (with latest POS updates, using OnePiece DXUPAC-made addons etc).

I always put a winnt.sif in the i386 folder (in case I ever need to install if from CD, which I haven't done for months).


I only use this iso with WinNTSetup (boot from PESE usb, mount iso), using command line winnt.sif selection.

I never have any problems with this, the winnt.sif from the command line is always used.

Yes, but is winnt.sif in i386 the same with the one you use in your batch?

In my cause, the one from i386 is very different from the one I use through WinNTSetup

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1) Well, you the only one, how uses 1 instance for multiple installations.
   The ini file isn't very useful that way and by far has not all the option cmdline has.
   It would require quite some code changes and I'm almost certain I'll break something
   else doing that.

2) What you mean with "result is strange and unstable"?
   The winnt.sif you choose will be copied in the $WIN_NT$.~BT folder on boot drive.
   The one in i386 should have no effect on setup.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re. Integrating WIM2VHD MOD, CompactOS, Compact MFT scripts into WinNTsetup
Some functions from WIM2VHD Mod (dialmak from Ukraine) are realized in fact. There are some restrictions as I could remember.
CompactOS (stea.61 from Russia) is the script with some dialogs in Russian and bad English. It is more convenient for ready OS.
Compact MFT (nikzzzz from Russia). I have not tested it, but I will.
IMHO, it is sophisticated idea, all, who needs it, could be counted on hand fingers.
Better suggestion would be to use CompactOS, UltraDefrag, SDelete, diskpart-compact after OS would be ready (settings, tweaks, programs ...)

When Win 7 x64 have been installed in compact mode on USB drive you need to click F8  to disable driver signature enforcement (usbuhci.sys). I uncompress 2 files:
Package_1_for_KB2862330~x or _2_... if there is no _1_... so on
Package_1_for_KB982018~x as previous
in folder \Windows\System32\catroot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}

Have you ever modified WinNTsetup v. 2 for Windows XP installlation from WIM? I know this one with Russian interface, but my locale is not Russian

It's my first message after 4.5 years

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HI stasys44,

Thanks for the report about win7 CompactOS and USB boot.
Will be fixed in next version.

About v2, no it was never updated to use wim install of xp.

You can translate v3, to your language by right click on title bar and select "Create Lanuguage File".
The new dll can be edited with ResHacker.

Or if you prefer, you can rename "Lang\1049.dll" to "Lang\language.dll"

than you will have always a Russian interface.

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No need in Russian interface.  My grandchildren don't understand Russian

I have tested VHD Compact MFT. There is an error in the section GoScript (my vhd size is 5000 MB)
set drive=%drive:~0,1%
if defined letter (set drive=%letter%)
if %drive:~-1% neq ":" (set drive=%drive%:)
if "%vhdsize%" gtr "32769" (set partsize=size=32768)
if "%vhdsize%" gtr "32770" (set extend=echo extend)

set dp=%windir%\system32\diskpart.exe

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Please forgive me if this has been covered. I installed Win 8  fresh from my USB. I did all the updates, and installed my stuff. I used sysprep command with oobe to reset the system, then rebooted into a Windows PE to capture the wim with DISM. I then tried to use WinNTsetup to load the newly created wim to a new hard drive, and I'm getting a error.


Is it safe to say, WinNTsetup doesn't support this kinda of install from a custom wim?

Edited by laddanator
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Have you used the generalize option in sysprep?
If not this would be an explanation.

WinNTsetup does support self created WIM images.

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Anyway to add additional options on the "Ready?" screen to the ini? Like start the setup, don't update the boot code, whether it's bios or UEFI, and reboot after setup? I know this can be done with commands, but I'd like to add these options to the ini. 

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I have uploaded a new beta version, that should be able to save and load all option form ini.

This break exiting ini files, as tweaks options are now saves as in a new [WinNT?\TWEAKS] ini section.

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19 hours ago, JFX said:

I have uploaded a new beta version, that should be able to save and load all option form ini.

This break exiting ini files, as tweaks options are now saves as in a new [WinNT?\TWEAKS] ini section.

Nice! Thanks! I've been using the full command line, and I set variables, depending on the numbered choice of Windows to install. The complete ini file will make my commands a little cleaner.


WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 /source:"%LaddsUSB%\WINSETUP\%Folder%\%Wim%" /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C /sysletter:C /unattend:"%LaddsUSB%\WINSETUP\%Folder%\Autounattend.xml" /setup /nobootsect /bcd:ALL /reboot


WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 /source:"%LaddsUSB%\WINSETUP\%Folder%\%Wim%" /syspart:Z: /tempdrive:C: /sysletter:C: /unattend:"%LaddsUSB%\WINSETUP\%Folder%\Autounattend.xml" /setup /nobootsect /bcd:UEFI /reboot
Edited by laddanator
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