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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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If you tell me what exactly you slipped / nlited into your XP CD, I properly can fix it.


I didn't think this program supported a modded XP source or did I miss something? What did you think about adding the browse for $OEM$ folder button? :yes::no: ? :lol:

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I didn't think this program supported a modded XP source or did I miss something? What did you think about adding the browse for $OEM$ folder button? :yes::no: ? :lol:

Well I doesn't support modded sources, but as this is constantly requested I'm thinking about a list of files the cause trouble.

If everything works as expected there could be a file list WinNTSetup takes care about.

custom $OEM$ folder already integrated in v2.3.2.0, just forgot to mention it in last changelog.


Edited by JFX
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Well I doesn't support modded sources, but as this is constantly requested I'm thinking about a list of files the cause trouble.

If everything works as expected there could be a file list WinNTSetup takes care about.

custom $OEM$ folder already integrated in v2.3.2.0, just forgot to mention it in last changelog.


To be honest, I would say more than half of XP installers mod the source in someway or another and it would be great if your tool would work with a mod XP source but hey if it never does, your tool already does enough. XP will be gone in a year so NT6x stuff is the more important now. Thanks for your work and testing the new build now! :thumbup

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that xp pro corp source is converted mce 2005

winnt setup cant locate this file during setup we have to locate manually.


few ex. files it couldn't find ill tell later when i install again and note them

two addons which install after we create initial account and setup basic xp settings are not installing



we can not manually locate them because on browse button is available

jfx if we want to use the repair option or revovery console mode how can we used that could add a setup option for that.

i mean when selecting partitions for setuo to set up initial phase.

you add the repair or recovery console mode prompt in the set up phase built in.

Can anyone make a univeral OS Installer Utility portable one

i created a thread there please i know its big and have arguments

but i have explained how to make one after the arguments

please its a need for any one who wants independent solution like without in an os environment

i know its difficult

please read and take your time to think about

a bootable virtual cd dvd emulator contains self os features

like running a virtual drive running in windows and the cd dvd file works flawlessly inside without errors

making a self bootable portable program is not an old concept i guess as to my knowledge

once its developed entire world would give respect to the maker.

the thread i created please read its big


i wish to be a part in this project but i have no programming skills.

and the arugment part were i speak grow up developers is not for jfx, steve, and pete barted there are doing the different stuff i meant the paid one softwares developers.

developers who sells the stuff and still dont able make a program rufus, winnt setup, or rmprepusb

these three are keeping the installation process and problems in safe zone.

Edited by jaclaz
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The general idea is that you NEVER post twice one after another, if you have something to say you forgot and your previous post is the last one in the thread, please edit it adding new content.

I cannot make head or tail of what you are talking about.

With their limits, the software solutions are all "on the table", grub4dos, winsetupfromusb, rmprepusb, rufus, etc.

Everytime I hear someone - expecially if self-proclaiming himself as a non-programmer - talking of "universal" OS installer I get shivers down my back.

Such a thing does not (and CANNOT) exist.

There may be solutions, like the mentioned ones that can usually be extended/adapted to another OS install (sometimes, not "always" or not always without modifying - possibly heavily - the install source).

If you want an "universal" solution, you need a hardware one, at least THREE of them do exist, mentioned in this thread:


  1. the iodd drive
  2. CDEMU (experimental)
  3. isostick (which has a dedicated sub-forum) http://reboot.pro/forum/132/

With the addition of this thingy here (which seemingly is not - or not yet AFAIK- multiboot):



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how to make solution is it a bad or stupid idea

a self bootable program like yours without preparation usb from usb or hdd

what i mean is there a way to the os iso or any cd dvd format and run directly from locating the path from hdd or usb using hdd space for installation process.

how hacking and code breaking take over these limits

eg console emulators makers

converting console hardware to software is emulating

how about creating a pe os installer or a program which boots and its loads self to hdd or ram which ever is best and then provide options to install take control over or supports these issues & limitations of virtual drive, ram, and protected mode os other stuff you talked about

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The general idea is that you NEVER post twice one after another, if you have something to say you forgot and your previous post is the last one in the thread, please edit it adding new content.

I cannot make head or tail of what you are talking about.

With their limits, the software solutions are all "on the table", grub4dos, winsetupfromusb, rmprepusb, rufus, etc.

Everytime I hear someone - expecially if self-proclaiming himself as a non-programmer - talking of "universal" OS installer I get shivers down my back.

Such a thing does not (and CANNOT) exist.

There may be solutions, like the mentioned ones that can usually be extended/adapted to another OS install (sometimes, not "always" or not always without modifying - possibly heavily - the install source).

If you want an "universal" solution, you need a hardware one, at least THREE of them do exist, mentioned in this thread:


  1. the iodd drive
  2. CDEMU (experimental)
  3. isostick (which has a dedicated sub-forum) http://reboot.pro/forum/132/

With the addition of this thingy here (which seemingly is not - or not yet AFAIK- multiboot):



the iodd drive is good but how making a software like that one for any usb or hdd internal or external

i have usb ddvd writer but i am fed up with writing again and again making new iso cd' dvd's and usb is time consuming for anyone

that i why i thought i should ask people to make a software like iodd portable virtual drive because when its broke you have buy again and keeping lot removable things is brain twisting your best device is your internal hdd is guess which comes with any pc you get.


man that the one i think will needed to make for windows or how about cdemu standalone program having its self os built in well just a thought

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I will try again, SECOND WARNING:


The general idea is that you NEVER post twice one after another, if you have something to say you forgot and your previous post is the last one in the thread, please edit it adding new content.


the iodd drive is good but how making a software like that one for any usb or hdd internal or external

As you have been already told, here and on the thread on the other board you linked to, making such thing in software is either NOT possible or extremely difficult, and in any case it has not being done till now, and even when it will be made it cannot be "universal".

It is not that by whining or by repeating over and over your questions/wishes you will in any way facilitate the creation of such a tool.

We got the message, you want someone else (not you since you don't know programming) to write something that is (for those that actually know about programming) deemed impossible.

Your wish is recorded, you don't need to insist on it, or if you wish to do so this thread (which is about JFX's WinNTSetup) is NOT the place to post about it or your other babblings.


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the BOOTSECT.DAT posted by AQM (and as well the bootsector in WinNTSetup.log) are both "wrong". :w00t:

Sectors before are 0 (should have been 63), i.e. at 0x1C there should be 0x3F and not 0x00.


jaclaz can you tell me how to check, test or verify where is the problem it there a way to fix by myself if not is there a problem with winnt setup program


can you tell me how to check these file i uploaded i would love to understand that

is there a tool for this


i tried to press the edit button i mistakenly posted the post is there a way to delete what is wrongly posted

ok understood about the last post end words

could you make a winnt setup version like this just asking as u told it can be made universal

sorry for late understanding this forum edit functions i though we could delete what u mistakenly posted

We got the message, you want someone else (not you since you don't know programming) to write something that is (for those that actually know about programming) deemed impossible.

ok could u give some tips from where i should start on learning programming i have books on c in three days, java 2, vb 6

i could start doing that rather than receiving responses like that.

if u can't help how to check these two files then its fine

can i ask the same thing for you jfx how to check these files

i remember the days when i worked in kalsoft those fastians graduate developers had the same attitude problem with me that why i left the job

lets start asking how to start making stuff like that and i serious logical commands and programming is not my field but a response like will drive anyone crazy to which i not there field to do.

so where should start in this field lets what i can do my ideas my ways can only done by learning that the only way everybody's happy

dont take this personal

every thing you want is not always easy.

in our religion no one has the right to speak like insulting anyone's skill level our prophet was the who didnt knew how to read write.

and everbody know what muhammad (saw) did with the help of only allah subhanuwatahllah god almighty.

i wish he was here today to help less literate followers of his so we dont ask and receive responses like that in forums.

having knowledge is nothing but the have knowledge and spreading and teaching to those who are weak is the best person among all in the of allah.

again dont take it personnel i have this knowledge of quran and sunnah and i dont feel proud when knowledge somebody need help in joining or sharing.

its very commoner right given by allah to every common muslim its anyone complusory duty to do not a favor or something.

some code in this post has mixed the edited posts i made so far

could any one fix this

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AQM, if you want tips about starting to learn programming, you could start a NEW thread here:


About the issue you had with WinNTSetup v2.3 cannot say by what it was caused, most probably by a "wrong" way with which you have partitioned/formatted the hard disk.

The MBR you posted had the starting address of the volume at offset 0x3F (63).

The PBR/VBR/bootsector you posted had the starting address of the volume at offset 0x00 (0).

Of course such a disk won't boot, as these values should be the same.

This has actually nothing to do with programming, but rather with knowing how hard disks, partitions and volumes "work".

Go here:


and read EVERYTHING on it.

If you have doubts, question, feel free to ask them, in a NEW thread, the most suitable forum for these kind of questions is:



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This looks like a corrupted *.dll file. Don't think it's related to WinNTSetup.

Vista will load fine if I install it without WinNTsetup. I will look into the DLL file thing and see what I find. B)

Ok, the source I was using at first, I forgot I injected IE9 into the source and I used a true clean source and WinNTsetup loaded the Vista fine but why would the source with IE9 cause and issue? I used DISM to make the injection as the same with Windows 7 and WinNTsetup loads it fine. I can use the same Vista source with the IE9 and load it fine from DVD or USB. What do you think WinNTsetup is having an issue with?

Edited by laddanator
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