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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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how to use that software...

1. select your windows distribution

2. choose a installation partition

3. push the setup button

hmm, maybe not my biggest talent to explain things...

Could you make a list of questions that arise while using the tool? So i can address every thing that is not so clear.


Edited by JFX
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Great tool. I'm using it to install WIN7 from unpacked iso from folder on USB key and I have a question.

My setup finishes OK, unattended works great. However it looks like the $oem$ folders from sources\$oem$\$$\setup\scripts\.. and setupcomplete.cmd doesnt get copied and run from %system% folder.

Tried same setup from DVD and everything was OK. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi amitri,

Seems I forgot the $OEM$ folder for Vista and newer windows version.

Will be fixed in next release.


Edited by JFX
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Hello everybody,

I'm new to WinNTSetup2, I think it's a great utility and I'm looking forward to using it (from my "Master" USB, which is a bootable WinPESE v17 USB stick, with all my backups in Truecrypt containers, extra software, OS ISO's etc).

So far, I've done two major tests, one for XP and one for W7. It would be very nive if you could help me a little with the following:

This is what I do:

(1) Boot my test-laptop (HP nc6320, one HD) from USB stick using WinPE SE v17.

(2) Disk management: Format HD: One partition, format NTFS, active

(3) Run OSFMount, this mounts my W7 (untouched MSDN) setup image to F:\

(4) Start WinNTSetup2 as follows:

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -nt6 -source:f:\sources\install.wim -syspart:c: -setup -unattend:"autounattend.xml" -savedriveletters

This is working nicely, with just one issue: My systemdrive is now called D:

I tried the above setup without the "savedriveletters", it didn't help.

I'm running out of ideas, even though I've been reading a lot of stuff about this issue. Can anybody give me some hints to test out?

My ultimate goal is to make a little AutoIt/AutoHotkey script to automate the install, looks like I'm very close, if I could only get the driveletter right...

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Hi Atari800XL,

The system drive needs an extra parameter: -sysletter.

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -nt6 -source:f:\sources\install.wim -syspart:c: -setup -unattend:"autounattend.xml" -savedriveletters -sysletter:C


EDIT: Just found a parsing bug: -sysletter only accept C but not C:

Edited by JFX
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Thank you very much for your reply. The "sysletter:c" did the trick!! I'm very happy that everything works now, this means that I come ever closer to my "everything on one USB stick" goal! Right now, I have Win PE SE on it, some more Grub-started stuff (Ghost, ADDS, etc), W7 setup from WinPE SE (thanks to WinNTSetup2!), my backups (Truecrypt volumes), etc.

As I said, the Windows 7 setup is going smoothly, including autounattend.xml. I'm using the same file as I used on my "standalone" W7 install stick (that install is completely unattended, except for the HD partitioning screen).

When I use the file in *this* setup (using WinNTSetup2), there is one (and only one) screen I get, just before setup is done. It's the "Activate" screen, which asks me for the serial. The screen also has the "Acticate automatically" checkbox. I didn't get this screen on the "other" USB, so I wonder what particular setting it is that I should add in autounattend.xml.

But I'm VERY happy with the way things are going up to now, thank you very much for this great utility!!!

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Maybe I shoud rephrase that last question a bit more clearly:

- Why is it that a W7 autounattend.xml file works on a normal/ full install, but leaves one "Attended" screen in a WinNTSetup2-based install?

Edited by Atari800XL
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WinNTSetup uses a "fast" install mode

The complete section <settings pass="windowsPE"> is ignored in this way of setup.

You should get unattended setup by adding SkipMachineOOBE and SkipUserOOBE in your <settings pass="oobeSystem">




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Thanks again!! Everything working fully unattended now!!!

Maybe my last two questions were a little "dumb"? If so, maybe you could point me to some websites/ forums were I should have read about this? Sorry I missed the part about <settings pass="WindowsPE">...

[EDIT: After re-reading all the documentation, it all seems so simple, maybe it's just my fault that I sometimes can't grasp some concepts before I actually *try* them :huh: ]

Thank you very much for your very clear and precise answers up to now, thanks to you I now have a powerful PE (SE v17) system combined with a fully unattended W7 setup on one USB stick! (plus my automatic PostInstall system, which installs all my tools and applications).

Edited by Atari800XL
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Update: Version

- Use "Noerr lines" in VHD creation only if needed

- multi boot improvements

- automatically unload system BCD if necessary

- creates a log file in the system root of the new installation

- copies NT6.x $OEM$ folder content to its respective location

- all registry operations are done through the offline registry libary

- no longer depends on reg.exe and bcopy.exe

- fixed save settings to ini forgot some options

- fixed file copy errors for some nlite update packs

- reduced CPU usage

- cosmetics

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how to use that software...

1. select your windows distribution

2. choose a installation partition

3. push the setup button

hmm, maybe not my biggest talent to explain things...

Could you make a list of questions that arise while using the tool? So i can address every thing that is not so clear.


Thanks i ll let u know if i have some difficulties,

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Hi JFX, thanks for the update! :thumbup

BTW, can you host your file on another site? Mediafire is blocked in my country. I think Data File Host is a great alternative. :rolleyes:

Edited by ghfujianbin
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BTW, can you host your file on another site? Mediafire is blocked in my country. I think Data File Host is a great alternative. :rolleyes:

Sure have added Data File Host Mirror to first page :)

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