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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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Yeah, next version will accept the new names.

Thanks reminding about the name changes.

WinNTSetup v3.3

- fixed sfc disable patch did not delete *.cat in dllcache folder
- removed dll dependencies: imagehlp, netapi32, psapi
- removed all deprecated win32 API's
- fixed xp user creation, when setup an x64 OS from WinNTSetup_x86.exe
- accepts bootice???.exe names in Tools folder and appdir
- fixed swm files where detected by extention instead of attributes
- fixed updating bootsector could use wrong tool

Edited by JFX
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Well even bootice can do this:


JFX (or xcv150, who brought up GPT ESP partitions), I was interested in JFX's example of creating an EFI system partition with Bootice. In your example above, it looks like you're creating an NTFS partition of 10gb, while "create ESP" and "create MSR" are both selected. As I don't have a GPT disk to test on, please could you explain how this is done? Does Bootice "subtract" some mb's from the single NTFS partition to create those two partitions, or are there more screens after this one where you select those sizes?

I *have* done some rescue/ repair work on newer laptops (using W8PESEx64, on secureboot systems), but no reinstalls yet, so I was wondering how to go about it if the situation would present itself.

Right now on MBR disks, I never use the "extra" partitions (seperate boot/msr/recovery), so I would imagine on GPT, I would only create the Fat32-ESP and use the rest for normal partitions. As Bootice can be nicely "integrated" into WinNTSetup, this would seem like a great (and simple) setup. I was just wondering if this way of thinking is correct, any comments are very welcome.

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Yes, it's as simple as it looks on the picture.

Bootice will subtract 100MB for the EFI and 32MB for MSE partition.

Edited by JFX
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WinNTSetup and Bootice, is there anything they can't do? :thumbup

(Tried my first Bootice multi-partition USB stick today, nice to have a small partition on my large USB to put those Grub4dos-loaded PE isos, which can't be fragmented of course. Now I only have to empty/ format that small partition when there are new versions, and can leave the large OS isos on another partition, ready for install with WinNTSetup.)

Edited by Atari800XL
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, almost three weeks without traffic. I guess WinNTSetup has reached the point where it is 100% perfect, and so easy to use that there are no further questions or criticisms. Congratulations, JFX!

Maybe it's like Windows XP, I've heard it will only need a few more updates before it will be perfect as well!

(sorry, didn't mean to compare these two, just kidding).

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Hallo JFX,

Tweaking Windows 8 for booting to Desktop and to Disable the Lock Screen

as done by WinNTSetup3 is very handy and useful.

Can you publish all Tweaks that you use in WinNTSetup3 for Install of XP and 7/8

so that they can be used on other occasions.

In any case Thanks for your very good program WinNTSetup3 to Install XP and 7/8 :thumbup


Edited by wimb
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  • 2 weeks later...

JFX, did you ever have that new Windows 8.1 setup animation right at the end of setup? It only appears on PC's that are online at the time of install. It looks like the "old" Windows 8 animation (that I turn off with WinNTSetup using -win8noanimation, of course).

It says something like "You can now download aps from the store". As I said, it's just before the desktop appears.

Anyone else notice this or know about a way to turn it off?

(Just realized I've used WinNTSetup for 2 years now, never used a normal Windows setup since!!)

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Hmm, only if the pc is online, you said.

Don't tell me you mean the app updates on end of setup?

If so you need to disable the update options:


Edited by JFX
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So you're saying it's normal that a full-screen "Metro-like" screen is apearing at the end of setup? (I don't like it).

It's not *after* setup, but *at the end*, so that's why I thought that maybe there could be a way for WinNTSetup to prevent it.

I will do another setup in a minute, hope I can catch the exact text and details of the screen.

EDIT: The install.wim I'm using is original, but I added netfx3 (dism enable-feature) and removed 20 appx packages (Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage). You don't think this extra setup screen tries to make me me re-install these again (when it sees I only have one Metro app: "Store"), do you???!

No matter what, it would be nice to prevent it... Other people use the word "Kiddy screen", that's how it looks to me.

EDIT2: Last setup I did: No animantion/ extra screen. Weird. Some extra info: the first setup I did was with the install.wim I mentioned above. I used this install for an "update run": I let it update, enter auditmode, generalize/ shutdown, capture updated win.

When I installed using this updated wim, the animation wasn't there. So I guess my conclusion for now: It only appears with an original wim?

Ah, we'll just forget about it for now... Thanks for listening anyways!!

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So you're saying it's normal that a full-screen "Metro-like" screen is apearing at the end of setup? (I don't like it).

Yes, sadly that's normal or "windows 8 normal".

So I guess my conclusion for now: It only appears with an original wim?

Makes sense, if you removed app packages or have them updated already. There's no need to update them at end of setup.

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Yes, sadly that's normal or "windows 8 normal".

Well, not exactly normal (it only appears in some very specific circumstances, 8.1 only) and I'm still not sure we're talking about the same thing, but we'll let it rest (once again), there are more important things.

I'm curious to see what 8.1.1 will bring...

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  • 2 weeks later...


i have little request for a checkbox on setup screen so that UEFI bootloader will nt b created on MBR partition hdd.

i have some uefi capable boards with default settings, booted into UEFI with MBR partition, in the end my win 7 ended up with error and i had to reinstall.



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Hi Joseph,

There shouldn't be such a problem with The EFI loader on MBR disks.

But actually very EFI seems to following it's own will.

I don't want to add check boxes for everything, so for now I added just a new switch

run it like this WinNTSetup_x86.exe NT6 -nombrefi

and it will not create EFI on MBR disks


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