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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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There is nothing to worry about.
WinNTSetup just check if the target partition has the set FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED.
That is what the last checkbox of drive properties (if unchecked) means.

Only in that case, WinNTSetup will inherit FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED to all files and folder,
that will be applied from the wim/esd file.


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i can confirm jfx is correct!!! so we'll have to take good care to have the box unchecked beforehand if we want no indexing,

btw, I have a feeling that only my old captured wims work properly; I have never succeeded to make a dvd out of what I have just recaptured. I do not know what the resason might be; it never was so with any previous version. there must be something wrong with my capturing (and recapturing, for that matter).

whoops, sorry - I tried once again and ... no issue this time. so I guess it all depended on my postmodified vhds 


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What's the best way to add an additional vhdx to a partition that already has another bootable vhdx?

I created a vhdx with disk2vhd from sysinternals and added it to the current BCD  used to boot my other vhd with Bootice. I get the Bootmgr  Menu that shows both vhd entries, but only the original vhd will boot. The new one doesn't and returns with a blue screen cannot Start message. I have a feeling Disk2VHD doesn't create a vhd that can be used for what I want to do. I only need a vhd of the partition and not the entire disk.  I'll try the Copy windows Installation.








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Yeah, Disk2VHD is properly only thought to copy entire disk and boot it in a VM.

Also be careful with creating a VHD entry with bootice, that's not fully supported, better mount and use bcdboot for it.

WinNTSetup's Wincopy should do what you want.

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Not sure what I did wrong. Also, I've always used WimScript.ini when running capture after a sysprep. Is it necessary to do this when copying the partition?

	WinCopy Q:\ --> Z:
	config:  D:\ThinApps\WinNTSetup\WimScript\WimScript.ini
	Failed to copy Windows installation. WIMHost (wimlib) error 0x44: The requested
operation is unsupported
Total elapsed time: 1:14 mins
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Maybe you use Windows 7 or some other old OS, here?

By default WinCopy uses a wimlib capture and apply, but without actually creating a WIM file.
So yes, WimScript.ini is needed and if not set by command line, that the default one is used.

Not sure what problem wimlib has, that error codes could be during scan and apply.
I uploaded a "b" version that will add wimlib error file to the console output.

Anyway you could also try volume mode of WinCopy by adding "-volume" to the command line.

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Sorry, I was using a batch file to create the vhdx and to do the Wincopy. As it turns out I did not consider diskpart not finishing its' script if it could not create the vdisk. This was causing the wimlib error because nothing got mounted by diskpart. I finally got it working by deleting the vhdx before running the batch, but the copy takes extremely long to finish. 19 min. compared to 7 min. doing a restore.

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