aaaaalex1994 Posted June 1, 2010 Posted June 1, 2010 Please aaaaalex1994 try again with the new version.Now it works... Thanks for the update!
ChrisR Posted June 2, 2010 Posted June 2, 2010 (edited) Thanks for the Update,I had also some problems with Make_PE3 with French language, here are some modification i made to the script Make_PE.au3:missing & in the following msgboxMsgBox(48, "ERROR - OverFlow on Target Drive", " Image Size = " & $BTIMGSize & " MB" & @CRLF _ & " Free Space = " & $TargetSpaceAvail & " MB" & @CRLF & @CRLF _ & " Skip Install of " & $image_file & " on Target " & $IMG_Path)I added in the routine _w7_selfol for copying AIK tools to folder Make_PE3 first time If Not FileExists($AIK_Tools & "\" & $PArch & "\imagex.exe") Then MsgBox(48,"ERROR - File imagex.exe is missing ", $AIK_Tools & "\" & $PArch & "\imagex.exe is Missing " & @CRLF & @CRLF _ & "First Install AIK for Windows 7 ") DisableMenus(0) GUICtrlSetState($Win7_Select, $GUI_FOCUS) Return Endif If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch & "\imagex.exe") Then DirCopy($AIK_Tools & "\" & $PArch, @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, 1) If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch & "\imagex.exe") Then MsgBox(48,"ERROR - File imagex.exe is missing ", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch & "\imagex.exe is Missing " & @CRLF & @CRLF _ & "First Install AIK for Windows 7 ") DisableMenus(0) GUICtrlSetState($Win7_Select, $GUI_FOCUS) Return Endiffew lines modified for allways use imagex from the folder Make_PE3\Aik_Tools. I use imagex from WAIK 2.0, because i have some issue with imagex from WAIK 3.0 and the last version takes too long $val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /unmount " & @ScriptDir & "\mnt7_inst >nul", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) ;if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /unmount /mnt7_inst return with error code : " & $val) $val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /mount " & $WimSourceDrive & "\sources\install.wim 1 " & @ScriptDir & "\mnt7_inst", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /mount install.wim return with error code : " & $val) $val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /unmount " & @ScriptDir & "\mnt7_inst", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /unmount \mnt7_inst return with error code : " & $val) $val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /unmount " & @ScriptDir & "\mnt7_inst", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /unmount \mnt7_inst return with error code : " & $val) $val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /unmount " & $PEWork & "\mount >nul", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE);if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /unmount \mount return with error code : " & $val) $val = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /mountrw " & $PEWork & "\ISO\sources\boot.wim 1 " & $PEWork & "\mount", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /mountrw boot.wim return with error code : " & $val) $val= RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /unmount /commit " & $PEWork & "\mount", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /unmount \mount return with error code : " & $val) $val=RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c imagex.exe /export " & $PEWork & "\iso\sources\boot.wim 1 " & $PEWork & "\iso\sources\boot2.wim /compress maximum", @ScriptDir & "\AIK_Tools\" & $PArch, @SW_HIDE) if $val <> 0 then MsgBox(48, "Error imagex", "Imagex /export boot.wim return with error code : " & $val)_Aiklang Routine to detect the language of AIK. smaller change for winpe-wmi_ & AikLangGlobal $Arch = @OSArch, $Lang = "en-US", $Timezone = "Pacific Standard Time", $DistLang = "en-US", $AikLang = "en-US"Func _AikLang() If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\en-US\") Then $AikLang = "en-US" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\ar-SA\") Then $AikLang = "ar-SA" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\bg-BG\") Then $AikLang = "bg-BG" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\cs-CZ\") Then $AikLang = "cs-CZ" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\da-DK\") Then $AikLang = "da-DK" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\de-DE\") Then $AikLang = "de-DE" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\el-GR\") Then $AikLang = "el-GR" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\es-ES\") Then $AikLang = "es-ES" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\et-EE\") Then $AikLang = "et-EE" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\fi-FI\") Then $AikLang = "fi-FI" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\fr-FR\") Then $AikLang = "fr-FR" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\he-IL\") Then $AikLang = "he-IL" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\hr-HR\") Then $AikLang = "hr-HR" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\hu-HU\") Then $AikLang = "hu-HU" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\it-IT\") Then $AikLang = "it-IT" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\ja-JP\") Then $AikLang = "ja-JP" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\ko-KR\") Then $AikLang = "ko-KR" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\lt-LT\") Then $AikLang = "lt-LT" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\lv-LV\") Then $AikLang = "lv-LV" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\nb-NO\") Then $AikLang = "nb-NO" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\nl-NL\") Then $AikLang = "nl-NL" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\pl-PL\") Then $AikLang = "pl-PL" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\pt-BR\") Then $AikLang = "pt-BR" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\pt-PT\") Then $AikLang = "pt-PT" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\ro-RO\") Then $AikLang = "ro-RO" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\ru-RU\") Then $AikLang = "ru-RU" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\sk-SK\") Then $AikLang = "sk-SK" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\sl-SI\") Then $AikLang = "sl-SI" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\sr-Latn-CS\") Then $AikLang = "sr-Latn-CS" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\sv-SE\") Then $AikLang = "sv-SE" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\th-TH\") Then $AikLang = "th-TH" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\uk-UA\") Then $AikLang = "uk-UA" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\zh-CN\") Then $AikLang = "zh-CN" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\zh-HK\") Then $AikLang = "zh-HK" If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\zh-TW\") Then $AikLang = "zh-TW"EndFunc ;==> _AikLang _AikLang() Local $aik_files[5] = [$AIK_Tools & "\" & $PArch & "\Servicing\Dism.exe", $AIK_Tools & "\" & $PArch & "\imagex.exe", _ $PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\", $PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\" & $AikLang & "\winpe-wmi_" & $AikLang & ".cab", _ $AIK_Tools & "\" & $PArch & "\oscdimg.exe"] _AikLang() If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\" & $DistLang & "\winpe-wmi_" & $DistLang & ".cab") Then _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus," Dism is Adding winpe-wmi_" & $DistLang & ".cab - wait .... ", 0) $val = ShellExecuteWait('"' & $Dism & '"', "/image:" & $PEWork & "\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:" & '"' & $PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\" & $DistLang & "\winpe-wmi_" & $DistLang & ".cab" & '"', "", "open", @SW_HIDE) ElseIf FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\" & $AikLang & "\winpe-wmi_" & $Lang & ".cab") Then _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus," Dism is Adding winpe-wmi_" & $AikLang & ".cab - wait .... ", 0) $val = ShellExecuteWait('"' & $Dism & '"', "/image:" & $PEWork & "\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:" & '"' & $PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\" & $AikLang & "\winpe-wmi_" & $AikLang & ".cab" & '"', "", "open", @SW_HIDE) Else If FileExists($PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\en-us\") Then _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($hStatus," Dism is Adding - wait .... ", 0) $val = ShellExecuteWait('"' & $Dism & '"', "/image:" & $PEWork & "\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:" & '"' & $PETools & "\WinPE_FPs\en-us\" & '"', "", "open", @SW_HIDE) EndIf EndIfHere you can find the modified script to see my changes Make_PE3.au3I am working on windows 7 x64, for working autoit i must compile the script in x64 version. Maybe it is nice to have the two versions in the package, Make_PE3_x86.exe and Make_PE3_x64.exe.Thanks for all, it works well for me. Edited June 2, 2010 by ChrisR
wimb Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) @ChrisRThanks for your reply with feedback info and improvements for Make_PE3.au3Allways using imagex from the folder Make_PE3\Aik_Tools is a good idea since it offers to use a preferred imagex version._Aiklang Routine to detect the language of AIK is also a good improvement.Then you are sure to find the right language version of file.The next version of Make_PE3 will be Updated accordingly.The present version of Make_PE3.exe will run in both x32 and x64 OS environment.I prefer to have one version of Make_PE3.exe instead of having a separate version for x64 OS. I hope you can confirm that the present program is running in x64 OS.By the way, have you made pe3_amd64.iso with Explorer Shell support and is it working for you ? Is MMC working ?May be some extra registry is needed to make pe3_amd64.iso working with Explorer Shell and MMC, but I don't have at the moment access to x64 Windows 7I am interested to know how to improve the PE3_reg\amd64 registry files. Edited June 3, 2010 by wimb
ChrisR Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 @Wimb,My computer is a Windows 7 64 bit platetform and I use Make_PE3 with a source Windows 7 x86 (install.wim).I prefer to build Make_PE3 with a x86 source for more compatibility.Sorry, but I did not try to build pe3_amd64.iso to test and investigate Explorer Shell and MMC. Make_PE3 script was complied using the 32bit compiler and work fine on 32 bit machines but fails to work on 64 bit machines (dircopy, filexist, ...)I anderstand your choice to have only one version of Make_PE3, i test it, it doesn't work for 64bit machines.I am not a specialist of autoit and I don't find a solution on internet to build an only version of Make_PE3 for the 2 platetforms.I am at the beginning of my tests on Make_pe3, to work on a French version or other language, do i have to modified things in Optimize_explor.txt, Optimize_Profile.txt, WIN7_add_explor.txt, WIN7_add_files.txt Example: \windows\winsxs\manifests\ (exist)\windows\winsxs\manifests\ (exist)\Windows\System32\en-US\accessibilitycpl.dll.mui (don't exist) \Windows\System32\fr-FR\accessibilitycpl.dll.mui (exist)...
wimb Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) @Wimb,Make_PE3 script was complied using the 32bit compiler and work fine on 32 bit machines but fails to work on 64 bit machines (dircopy, filexist, ...)Is it only not functioning for dircopy or does the program not run at all in x64 OS ?I will test again on x64 OS to look for errors ,but Make_PE3.exe was running in x64 OS environment.I am at the beginning of my tests on Make_pe3, to work on a French version or other language, do i have to modified things in Optimize_explor.txt, Optimize_Profile.txt, WIN7_add_explor.txt, WIN7_add_files.txt For other languages such as French, you don't have to modify WIN7_add_explor.txt, WIN7_add_files.txt The program will detect the Distribution Language of the source and find the files as specified by using your DistLang.The INCL Optimize files and EXCLude files PE3_del_files.txt and PE3_del_folders.txt are recorded and specified for en-US only. So these files need to be adapted to the files present in your pe3_x86.isoYou can make and use as source a dirlist of all files and folders present in boot.wimYou can use manual commands like this:imagex.exe /mountrw C:\winpe3_x86\ISO\sources\boot.wim 1 C:\winpe3_x86\mountdir /ad /b /on /s >x86_Fol_boot.txtdir /b /on /s >x86_Fil_boot.txtimagex.exe /unmount C:\winpe3_x86\mount Edited June 3, 2010 by wimb
jfx_ Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 @ChrisRThere shouldn't be a problem with Make-PE3 under x64 OS.A minor thing for your _AikLang() func:$PETools is a local variable inside _Go_PE3() func, so all FileExists return failure.$PETools may should be set as global variable, thought.
ChrisR Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) @wimbIs it only not functioning for dircopy or does the program not run at all in x64 OS ?I will test again on x64 OS to look for errors ,but Make_PE3.exe was running in x64 OS environment.the program Make_PE3.exe seems to work fine in x64 but some functions will not run properly (dircopy maybe other).for example, files for Internet Explorer does not copy in the folder Make_PE3\PE3_mod\WIN7_add\x86\Program Files\Internet Explorer@jfx_yes i put $PETools in global variable; Setting variablesGlobal $w7drive="C:", $TargetDrive="", $ProgressAll, $Paused, $g4d_vista=0, $mk_bcd=0, $ntfs_bs=1, $bs_valid=0, $PETools Edited June 3, 2010 by ChrisR
ChrisR Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) @wimbFor other languages such as French, you don't have to modify WIN7_add_explor.txt, WIN7_add_files.txt The program will detect the Distribution Language of the source and find the files as specified by using your DistLang.The INCL Optimize files and EXCLude files PE3_del_files.txt and PE3_del_folders.txt are recorded and specified for en-US only. So these files need to be adapted to the files present in your pe3_x86.isoOK, thanks for the tips Edited June 3, 2010 by ChrisR
Kullenen_Ask Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) will it work without need to install aik or opk if we put the files in scriptdir aik folder? also a directory that has packages in it can be usefull. forexample makepe3dir\WinPE_FPs\ and makepe3dir\WinPE_FPs\??-??\ and packages that are with *.* not with exact names. it can integarate whatever package it find in that directory. users can select the packages and put which they need. prefer not to install all aik for it to work. can backup needed files from an installed aik and use later with makepe3 Edited June 3, 2010 by Kullenen_Ask
jfx_ Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 yes i put $PETools in global variableYep, but at the time the func is called it's only local defined Local $PETools = $AIK_Tools & "\PETools\" & $Arch_AikLang()
ChrisR Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 Kullenen_Ask will it work without need to install aik or opk if we put the files in scriptdir aik folder? also a directory that has packages in it can be usefull. forexample makepe3dir\WinPE_FPs\ and makepe3dir\WinPE_FPs\??-??\winpe-wmi_en-us.cabThis interests me also with boot.wim from windows 7 source, it is ok for imagex, DISM ?
Kullenen_Ask Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) it can work with boot.wim of setup dvd but there are 2 images in boot.wim. first image hasnt got boot flag. need export one of them. also it will have pre installed packages in it. need mount and delete setup packages in wim. after can be used like boot.wim fo aik. makepe3 can be modified to use setup dvd instead of aik. setupdvd has dism in it. it can be used intagrate packages. and wims has already integrated packages. people wont need to install aik then. build time can decrease because will not spend time for integrating packages. better for international support. Edited June 3, 2010 by Kullenen_Ask
wimb Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) will it work without need to install aik or opk if we put the files in scriptdir aik folder? also a directory that has packages in it can be usefull. forexample makepe3dir\WinPE_FPs\ and makepe3dir\WinPE_FPs\??-??\ and packages that are with *.* not with exact names. it can integarate whatever package it find in that directory. users can select the packages and put which they need. prefer not to install all aik for it to work. can backup needed files from an installed aik and use later with makepe3The PETools folder with the packages is almost 1 GB and is the main part of the AIK.To collect just the needed packages requires at least once to Install the AIK.I never tried to use the packages and Dism without having AIK installed.It might work, but I don't think it is very usefull. It is not so handy anymore.For Chinese, Japanese and Korean you need the large fontsupport packages.The WAIK for Windows 7 is a free download available for everyone.Not everyone has access to a Windows 7 setup DVD .... Edited June 3, 2010 by wimb
Kullenen_Ask Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 (edited) what about using setup dvd and boot.wim of it? only extra packages you will need is pppoe and wireless hotfix. post #102i use dism without install from setup dvd. only problem is it should work from command line of its own folder.Chinese, Japanese and Korean large fontsupport packages should be probably integrated in their boot.wim of setup dvd. same for other nations too.Not everyone has access to a Windows 7 setup DVD .... dont be funny. they can build from installed system but at least they need setup dvd to install that system.if they can download 1gb aik they can download 2.5gb windows 7 enterprise trial too. more usefull Edited June 3, 2010 by Kullenen_Ask
wimb Posted June 3, 2010 Author Posted June 3, 2010 what about using setup dvd and boot.wim of it? only extra packages you will need is pppoe and wireless hotfix. post #102i use dism without install from setup dvd. only problem is it should work from command line of its own folder.Chinese, Japanese and Korean large fontsupport packages should be probably integrated in their boot.wim of setup dvd. same for other nations too.You will miss wmi package required to integrate WLAN hotfix with Dism.Using Setup DVD only as source has disadvantage of extra time to mount install.wimI think just downloading and install of WAIK of Windows 7 is most simple and effective solution for everyone available.
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