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Make_PE3 Program to Create Portable Windows 7 PE

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Posted (edited)

hi Wimb, i just post My_7PE.cmd here : http://www.boot-land.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=11801

perhaps you want to take a look what has been changes since the preview. (i add some more registry tweaks)

i use dism to detect image number, international settings and distribution language.

Hi trizet

Thanks a lot for your new version of My_7PE.cmd :thumbup

I will have a look at the recent changes and your solution to copy bootmgr from System Reserved.

I have also no idea where index=1 of boot.wim is used for.

Good to know that index=2 of boot.wim corresponds to winre.wim

So I used the right index=2 of boot.wim :)

Edited by wimb

Posted (edited)


when you said it doesn't copy file "bootmgr" do you mean you build using Wimb's Make_PE3 or using My_7PE.cmd?

because you replying to wimb's post but quoting my readme file, it is confusing me :unsure:

i use Wimb's Make_PE3. because he used your cmd files as base thats why i quote your read me. if something wrong at yours can be wrong at his too. isn't it?

all i want to learn that why both of you don't use setupdvd boot.wim as option to copy wim. because xp users will not have hidden boot partition to copy wim.

Edited by Kullenen_Ask

there are a lots of changes in my batch cmd since the preview i gave to wimb, i think i include cmd to copy bootmgr from system reserved on the preview. he will fix it anyway, he much better then me in making program :thumbup , i am just a beginner :D

on my batch cmd there are options to use boot.wim and bootmgr from setup dvd or system repair cd. it will look for file :\sources\boot.wim, so it could be setup dvd/system repair cd/iso file/usb flash disk or any partitions.

@wimb and @Kullenen_Ask

do you have windows 7 other than en-US with system reserved partition installed?

if yes, can you help me to see "volume label" of system reserved using diskpart.

on en-ES version it is reads as "System Rese" , i want to includes commands to automatically assign drive letter for system reserved but i am not sure the "Volume label" will be the same for all language versions.

Posted (edited)

*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Portable Windows 7 PE ***

  • Added support to use mounted install.wim as Source for making Windows 7 PE without WAIK
  • Changed how to copy bootmgr file, to support case of System Reserved partition
  • Added getsgt.exe and updsgt.exe made by oriensol to Add Seagate DiscWizard to boot.wim

Thanks to oriensol for making addsgtti with getsgt.exe and updsgt.exe

- Tool to Add Seagate DiscWizard to PE3 Wim, Free Acronis TrueImage 11


Required as Source - 32-bits Installed Windows 7 Drive

32-bits Windows 7 Setup DVD can be used as well as Source, but requires to auto-collect AIK_Tools,

by Running once Make_PE3 in Windows 7 OS or environment with Installed Windows 7 AIK

Make_PE3.exe and Make_PE3.cmd can be used in XP or Windows 7 as OS

Not Required anymore - AIK for Windows 7 - KB3AIK_EN.iso - Microsoft - Windows PE 3.0


Dism.exe of AIK must be version 6.1.7600.16385 (earlier version 7000 gives Errors)

Guide with More Info:




I don't have a system reserved partition, but have found another workaround to copy bootmgr for such case.


Use of mounted install.wim as Source is now supported for making Windows 7 PE

In that case you have to copy first manually from Setup DVD a few files:

- copy file sources\boot.wim to workfolder win7pe_x86

- copy file bootmgr and folder boot to folder win7pe_x86\ISO



Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

sorry but it gets worse then ever with my every comment :blushing: i dont understand why. maybe better to be calm. i use imagex vista version and it was working until now without problem. now it complain for new version dism and dism errors.

trizet your batches also doesnt support xp as base operating system isnt it?

Edited by Kullenen_Ask

I'm new to this and was wondering if possible could an option for UK english be added also has anyone got shutdown to work yet? i have been using a workaround using http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-22-36-81/PinItem.zip and http://deploymentlive.com/blog/ZTIUtility.vbs to pin the shutdown and reboot shortcuts to the taskbar, had to use the old PE3-SOFTWARE_CLID.reg as with the optimized one this no longer worked


sorry but it gets worse then ever with my every comment :blushing: i dont understand why. maybe better to be calm. i use imagex vista version and it was working until now without problem. now it complain for new version dism and dism errors.

There was no change in the way imagex and Dism are used as compared to the precvious version of 24 june

Or do you make comparison with older version ?

When you select your folder with mounted install.wim

then imagex.exe is not used for making 7pe_x86.iso

In that case Dism.exe from folder AIK_Tools\x86\Dism is used,

but that requires newer version 7600 or 7100 of wimgapi.dll which will be present in folder Dism.

What is your Windows 7 source (DVD or installed Win 7 or mounted install.wim) and what are you trying to make (pe3 or 7pe)

and what is your OS (Win7 or XP) ?


I'm new to this and was wondering if possible could an option for UK english be added also has anyone got shutdown to work yet? i have been using a workaround using http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer-Components-PostAttachments/00-03-22-36-81/PinItem.zip and http://deploymentlive.com/blog/ZTIUtility.vbs to pin the shutdown and reboot shortcuts to the taskbar, had to use the old PE3-SOFTWARE_CLID.reg as with the optimized one this no longer worked

UK english can be added in next release ....

Shutdown is working for me from Program Menu or Administrator tools menu. No workaround needed.

Posted (edited)

i am mounting install.wim to a folder with gimagex using vista imagex and apis. it works 10 times faster then dism. did everything about bootmgr and boot.wim no problem there. when it start build it gives dism errors. previous versions works. i select option one from gui as always. pe3 or 7pe different things??? possible reason dism should work from its working directory. probably your batches calls it from a different directory.

Edited by Kullenen_Ask

Sorry Wimb I ment the windows shutdown button and yes the shortcuts for shutdown in Program Menu or Administrator tools are ok just used the pinitem script to add them to the task bar

Can you give me any advise on getting audio working the audio fix script gets the volume control working but I still have no sound


Can you give me any advise on getting audio working the audio fix script gets the volume control working but I still have no sound

In Windows 7 with working soundcard collect the registry key


(your guid will differ from mine {f36cd2e2-2a57-4081-a8d2-2064695810bc})

Use these values as described in



*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Portable Windows 7 PE ***

  • Removed bug in Make_PE3.cmd which could cause to collect AIK_Tools as wimgapi.dll from wrong drive


Download new version and don't overwrite existing Make_PE3 folder.

So first rename existing Make_PE3 folder and then Extract the download.

Hopefully now it will work for you.

Posted (edited)

standalone Make_PE3.exe 17.898.950 bayt not works yet (latest)

can we return to version post #124. i think i am the only man on the earth that use this on a xp base system and i can copy bootmgr and boot.wim at least want dism to work and build it. why don't you have a previous builds on your ftp? don't they give you a enough space. maybe you can put them as Make_PE3_010810.exe Make_PE3_220710.exe with time date for to easy access prvious builds. it was working like this until now. it try to use c:\windows\system32\wimgapi.dll.


Edited by Kullenen_Ask
Posted (edited)

standalone Make_PE3.exe 17.898.950 bayt not works yet (latest)

Can you give a screenshot or detailed description of error.

Are you making 7pe_x86.iso (option 2 in batch or use Checkbox in exe) Or pe3_x86.iso (option 4 of batch or second radio button in exe)

Strange, the version of post #124 is using the same code for using Dism and imagex

Or do you compare with earlier version with only options to make pe3_x86.iso ?

Please check version of used Dism.exe and wimgapi.dll in folder Make_PE3\AIK_Tools\x86\Dism

It should be 7100 0r 7600 and not 6001

Dism.exe in this folder is used by the program to create 7pe_x86.iso without using AIK.

For making pe3_x86.iso then as always Dism.exe of AIK is used

Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

Please check version of used Dism.exe and wimgapi.dll in folder Make_PE3\AIK_Tools\x86\Dism

it copy by itself. wrong copy? it is not.

i checked

C:\Make_PE3\AIK_Tools\x86\Dism\wimgapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385

C:\Make_PE3\AIK_Tools\x86\Dism\Dism.exe 6.1.7600.16385

why it complain about C:\windows\system32\wimgapi.dll in error if it uses C:\Make_PE3\AIK_Tools\x86\Dism\wimgapi.dll ?

Edited by Kullenen_Ask

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