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Make_PE3 Program to Create Portable Windows 7 PE


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*** Make_PE3 Program to Create Portable Windows 7 PE ***

Make_PE3 can be used in Windows 8/7/XP Multi-Boot environment
Source can be fresh installed Win7 SP0 without Updates or Win7 DVD SP0 or SP1 - x86 or x64 versions

AIK_Tools folder in Make_PE3 is the place where used tools as Dism.exe and imagex.exe and oscdimg.exe are collected.

Without AIK you can use Make_PE3 to make in about 4 minutes 7pe_x86.iso
from Winre.wim in Recovery folder and by using Dism.exe of Windows 7 Source Drive
Thanks to tsetya for publishing this easy way to create Windows 7 PE

7pe_x86.iso = Win7 Recovery ISO with Windows 7 GUI , and made from Winre.wim or boot.wim and without AIK
pe3_x86.iso = AIK Windows PE 3.0 with Windows 7 GUI , and made from winpe.wim by using AIK

Portable Windows 7 PE is a bootable ISO with size of about 200 MB
The Boot ISO files are made by adding to boot.wim about 700 files and some registry settings of Windows 7
Thanks to JFX for pioneering work on Win7PE_SE which is an important source of info for me

BOOT_IMG.exe can be used to install the ISO files as boot option in grub4dos Menu on HDD or USB
Moreover, Make_USB.exe of U_XP_SET package can be used to create bootable USB-stick with Portable Windows 7 PE

Required for making pe3_x86.iso - AIK for Windows 7 - KB3AIK_EN.iso - Microsoft - Windows PE 3.0
Dism.exe of AIK must be version 6.1.7600.16385 (earlier version 7000 gives Errors)

Known issue:
Previous use of WimFltr v.1 by e.g. imagex version 6.0.6001 (e.g. for making BB-7PE or W7PEX)
would result in reg load error when using Make_PE3 programs, but the program will detect and STOP before building 7 PE
It means that when Make_PE3 has mounted boot.wim with Dism, that reg load of PE registry would fail.
Solution: simply Reboot before using Make_PE3 programs to STOP WimFltr v.1

Portable 7 PE x86 has 4 Versions differing in size and functionality:
- MIN and BS Explorer version are booting fast and meant for PC repair purpose (Device and Disk Management available)
- Explorer version has Internet Explorer 8 and Themes and is meant for general purpose
- Media version has Windows Media Player and DirectX and is meant for MultiMedia purpose


It is required to extract Make_PE3.exe to the root of your drive

- Download VLC Media Player for PStart menu from
Run VLCPortable_1.1.4.paf.exe
Browse to your \Make_PE3\MULTI\PStart\Progs folder
Install in your \Make_PE3\MULTI\PStart\Progs\VLCPortable folder

Copy PStart folder and wallpaper.jpg and drv folder with drivers as normal from Make_PE3\MULTI to root of HDD or USB boot drive.

Adding Programs before building the 7 PE ISO - The easiest way is to make use of plugins for Make_PE3 package.

The Make_PE3_plugins.exe are selfextracting packages with addons, and containing files, registry and drivers for apps,
and which contain Start Menu and Desktop icons and have similar folder structure as in Make_PE3 and as in 7 PE and Windows 7.
Registry exported from Windows 7 or 7 PE can be used as reg files in the plugins, so that they can be made easily.
The Export registry must be made suitable for import in the from PE3 loaded SYSTEM SOFTWARE and DEFAULT hive and have keys like


In this way we can share and exchange easily plugins packages with addons. :thumbup:
As exemple you may download Make_PE3_plugins.exe for adding imaging software to Make_PE3 folder to build Portable 7 PE
Run and Extract Make_PE3_plugins.exe in the same way as you did for Make_PE3.exe

Edited by wimb
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  • 4 weeks later...

Documentation has finally trickled out from Microsoft! :)

Adding Support for 802.1x to WinPE

Thanks for your Info on Adding Support for 802.1x to WinPE

It seems to me a rather complicated way for a specific WLAN connection instead of a general solution.

With Make_PE3.exe one can make in 4 minutes pe3.iso with GUI with WLAN Support and PENetwork program.

AutoIt3 Program Make_PE3.exe was made to Create and Install Windows PE 3.0 ISO Boot Image.

After booting with pe3.iso from GRUB4DOS Menu on Target Drive, then PStart Menu is launched for

Support of Portable Programs located on HDD or USB-drive.

As source is used AIK for Windows 7 and additional files and registry entries from Installed Windows 7 OS.

Dism.exe of AIK must be version 6.1.7600.16385 (earlier version 7000 gives Errors)

Guide with More Info:



User Interface of Make_PE3.exe Program to Create pe3.iso Boot Image





Windows PE 3.0 with Wireless Internet and PStart Menu for Portable Programs




Edited by wimb
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  • 2 weeks later...

*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Windows PE 3.0 + GUI ISO Boot Image ***

Required AIK for Windows 7 - KB3AIK_EN.iso - Microsoft - Windows PE 3.0


Dism.exe of AIK must be version 6.1.7600.16385 (earlier version 7000 gives Errors)

Guide with More Info:



User Interface of Make_PE3.exe Program to Create pe3_x86.iso Boot Image





Windows PE 3.0 with Wireless Internet and PStart Menu for Portable Programs




Edited by wimb
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very impressive wimb (and others), good job ill have to check that out sometime

Thanks gosh,

Booting with pe3_x86.iso and GUI support for Portable Progam Menu is working very well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

*** Update of Make_PE3 package to Create Windows PE 3.0 + GUI ISO Boot Image ***

  • Added Explorer Shell with Program Menu
    Thanks to JFX and vvurat for help with needed registry settings
  • Added IME support which allows to write in Opera browser with Japanese, Korean or Chinese characters
    Thanks to ChinaDragon for making Input Method Editor (IME) support for Make_PE3
  • Source of Windows 7 files can be Drive or Path containing Windows folder
    or Path containing sources folder with file install.wim of Setup DVD
  • Filelist WIN7_add_files.txt has now leading backslash to allow easy comparison with Optimize_Profile.txt list
  • Optimization is only applied to 4 folders: winsxs fonts servicing and system32\wbem
    In this way we can keep all drivers and keyboard files and have a Universal pe3_x86.iso file of 160 MB
  • Solved a bug in GUI version of Make_PE3.exe which made program hang on second and next run in Windows 7 OS

x64 support to make pe3_amd64.iso needs still to be improved (mmc and explorer shell are not working yet),

but I miss the en-US 64-bit version of Windows 7 to collect the needed registry settings.

May be someone else can help me to improve x64 support.

Required AIK for Windows 7 - KB3AIK_EN.iso - Microsoft - Windows PE 3.0


Dism.exe of AIK must be version 6.1.7600.16385 (earlier version 7000 gives Errors)

Guide with More Info:



Windows PE 3.0 with Explorer Shell and PStart Menu for Portable Programs





Windows PE 3.0 with Chinese Font and IME support for browsing Internet




Edited by wimb
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I tested it and i should say i am very impressed. Havent seen such a easy to use, small,fast (took only 10 minutes to build), customizable (using reg files very usefull to edit.) tool before. I think it is great work. Only problem i had was it wants en-us packages at build but i use tr localized packages. i don't have wmi.en-us have wmi_tr-tr. It should be easy to take localized variable at build. I solved by changing packages names from tr-tr to en-us. After i boot it i couldn't manage to work mmc snapins. neither device manager nor others but i like it. I was quick to try it and haven't read all the instructions in it :blushing: You need more advertisement and people should have rights to learn about it. Keep up good work. Want to be your supporter if you accept but i spend lots of time to build my perfect one now. :blushing:

Edited by Kullenen_Ask
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Look like better from mines. small and effective. can you give more screenshots. mounted wim support works now? doesnt chineese support gets it bigger. small megabytes are important in small wims. request you add internet explorer support too. ready for help

Yes, you can use now also mounted install.wim files as source for collecting Windows 7 files.

The build with Chineese font + BS Explorer amounts to 228 MB (No Optimize of course).

The build with Explorer shell was optimized and has size 203 MB (BS Explorer + optimize is 160 MB)

More sreenshots you can find in the Guide with info (the link of my signature)

At the moment I am using Portable Opera as internet browser and are quite happy with this portable program.

I prefer to keep most programs portable, so that the ISO is as small as possible, which is good for fast booting.

Moreover, the portable programs can also be used from PStart Menu e.g. from USB stick, when NOT booting with the ISO.

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Only problem i had was it wants en-us packages at build but i use tr localized packages. i don't have wmi.en-us have wmi_tr-tr. It should be easy to take localized variable at build. I solved by changing packages names from tr-tr to en-us. After i boot it i couldn't manage to work mmc snapins. neither device manager nor others but i like it.

To solve the mmc problem, you might additionally need in Make_PE3\PE3_mod\WIN7_add\x86\WIN7_add_files.txt and

WIN7_add_explor.txt to change en-US in tr-TR so that the program will find your Windows 7 source files.

May be for some entries you need to keep en-US

Check for occurrence of files in source.

And create in AIK folder WinPE_FPs\en-us folder with file winpe-wmi_en-us.cab renamed from Turkish version as you did already.

Please report if such build solves your problem, then I can make necessary changes in the program.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by wimb
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As i said it was a quick preview without read the documentation. It will be better you can automate for different languages. Forexample to put WIN7_add_files_en-us.txt, WIN7_add_files_tr-tr.txt (will be 1 minute fix) or better autoit can change en-us strings in WIN7_add_files.txt automatically for selected language in main program. I don't know how much you know autoit (i don't know any). I explained in portable win7 post topic number 13 about internet explorer. I only added program files internet explorer folder 4.5mb. but i give you a modified clid.reg by me. change it with your Make_PE3\PE3_mod\PE3_add\x86\Windows\System32\clid.reg, add ie folder and tell me result. i don't know why there is clid.reg and PE3-SOFTWARE_CLID.reg in your build. this one works for me for turkish and english locales. i dont know what "all 43,00,3a,00,5c,00 were replaced by 58,00,3a,00,5c,00" this means, i didnt do such thing in it.



i am testing now.


* Should be something about wireless hotfix in customize.txt to copy it where??? It popup at build and disappear in a few seconds. Should think OPK users. it looks works with opk too because you want user select tools folder it is good. In OPK folder structure is this Windows OPK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs in your prog it looks to WinPE_OCs but it works i dont understand how it find other packages maybe should put hotfix to that folder.

* At this build and winbuilder same mistake stays yet. clid.reg loads to hkey_classes_root at boot time and it takes much time because big. hkey_classes_root and software_classes keys are same. i don't know how other reg keys do you integrate to hives but clid.reg should add at build (loadhive, add). i integrate it always to software_classes offline and doesnt want it work at boot. I think it will solved in win7pe_se too. Boot process should be clean without anything else then wpeinit and shell maybe other stuff that user can select to run but if it is selected only.

* i think it added grup4dos to my working system without ask me anything. i don't remember i selected such thing when build. maybe shouldn't select target drive or folder for install of p3.iso. my fault. there will be lots of novice users that can't remove that stuff from pc's. need to be more attention about it.

* I don't like personaly garbage inside iso(txt files in photo root drive)

* It freeze mouse for sometime from something after boot, i don't know why.CPU uses %100 (maybe normal because of wpeutil but it looks more). Probably adding tweaks to registry. Need take load from shoulders of cpu.

And congragulations your software has the first internet explorer supported pe3 builder now. The build with Explorer shell was optimized and IE8 has size 202mb. works really fast and smooth. i couldnt get powercfg.cpl to work ever but work in yours maybe i changed much. There is double folders in root drive as mine builds :( i think because something wrong in my clid.reg. It is good i learned that. Wireless doesn't work maybe because i couldn't add hotfix i mentioned above. Else everything works fine.


User Note: change clid.reg and PE3_CUSTOM.reg with the files i give in make_pe3 and copy "Program Files\Internet Explorer" folder with all files from windows 7 inside Make_PE3\PE3_mod\PE3_add\Common\Program Files folder until wimb makes a version update. (he can change registry hives and copy files as he wish)

I don't know how my clid.reg effected your build. You can understand better. From my experiences if you use any command it doesn't work after wpeinit in startnet.cmd (Especially if you have winpeshl.ini, I didn't see command shell any you have commands there) maybe that commands didn't work and PE3_CUSTOM.reg didn't processed???

IE8 runs better from all my builds in yours. i couldn't see advanced options works in my builds ever. also it didnt ask for to be default browser. it is good. annoys. You will not need and i think you dont want to use opera again.

Edited by Kullenen_Ask
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Thanks for the two hotfiles.

IE8 is running well in pe3_x86.iso when using Explorer Shell.

In the next version I will add IE8 support to Make_PE3

Replacing in clid.reg "all 43,00,3a,00,5c,00 were by 58,00,3a,00,5c,00" means that hexcode for C:\ is replaced by X:\

(C is hex 43 and X is hex 58).

Is mmc working now for you ?

I would like to know if proposed changes are working before I implement them in the program.

I only have en-US 32-bits version of Windows 7, so I cannot test language influence here.

The location of the wireless hotfix can be changed probably in the program to WinPE_FPs

Selecting the TargetDrive for Install of PE3 ISO in GRUB4DOS menu,

means in fact that you ask me to make such boot option and to add GRUB4DOS grldr to the TargetDrive.

I think this is clearly indicated in the program, but no one is forced to use this option (move your mouse over button to read Tip Info).

However, booting with pe3_x86.iso from GRUB4DOS menu on HDD or USB-stick is fast and convenient and preferred by me.

The other requests I will consider and implement if possible.



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i changed WIN7_add_explor.txt and WIN7_add_files.txt en-US to tr-TR as you said. mmc works.

Thanks for testing.

Good that mmc is working now with Turkish files.

That means that I know now how to support Windows 7 source with non en-US language.

I will make necessary changes in next version of Make_PE3.

Your clid.reg contains some Turkish naming which appear e.g. in context menu as IrfanView ile Gözat.

I think I can manage to make proper clid.reg

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i changed WIN7_add_explor.txt and WIN7_add_files.txt en-US to tr-TR as you said. mmc works.

Thanks for testing.

Good that mmc is working now with Turkish files.

That means that I know now how to support Windows 7 source with non en-US language.

I will make necessary changes in next version of Make_PE3.

Your clid.reg contains some Turkish naming which appear e.g. in context menu as IrfanView ile Gözat.

I think I can manage to make proper clid.reg

I think there are not turkish problem with windows 7 files. Before i was using irfanview for image support. Turkish parts shouldnt be much at irfanview because i manually edit a irfanview plugin. But if you want to remove all irfanview registry entries it will be a hard job for you. Also if you can add photoviewer directory and spool\drivers\color directory like internet explorer into custom folders. photoviewer will work too.

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Also if you can add photoviewer directory and spool\drivers\color directory like internet explorer into custom folders. photoviewer will work too.

I tried PhotoViewer as proposed but it did not work for me.

Additionally adding \Windows\System32\d3d8thk.dll helps to let PhotoViewer Window Open,

but the picture will not load .....

Do you have a solution ?

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