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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Ah, I forgot this update for Office 2003:
2817523 | non-security | outlfltr | 39598 | replaces old junk email filter update

All changes since 2013-02-03 file-checker for Office2003:

Minus sign means "to be removed".Plus sign means "to add this update".Zero means to "not bother to install this".+ 2810046 MS13-043 (2013-May)+ 2810047 MS13-042 (2013-May)+ 2817421 MS13-051 (2013-June)+ 2817480 MS13-054 (2013-July)+ 2817523 outlfltr (2013-July)0 2817473 outlfltr (2013-June, replaced by 2817523)- 2584052 MS11-073 (replaced by 2817421)- 2598253 MS12-034 (replaced by 2817480)- 2760497 MS12-079 (replaced by 2810046)- 2553084 MS10-091 (replaced by 2810047)- Old junk email filter update
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All changes since 2013-02-03 file-checker for Office2003:


new file-checker for office 2003:

2013-08-12- Added: KB2810047 (MS13-042: Microsoft Publisher)- Added: KB2810046 (MS13-043: Microsoft Word)- Added: KB2817421 (MS13-051: Microsoft Office)- Added: KB2817480 (MS13-054: GDI+)- Added: KB2817523 (Update for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter)- Removed: KB2584052 (MS11-073: Microsoft Office, replaced by KB2817421)- Removed: KB2553084 (MS11-091: Microsoft Publisher, replaced by KB2810047)- Removed: KB2598253 (MS12-034: GDI+, replaced by KB2817480)- Removed: KB2760497 (MS12-079: Microsoft Word, replaced by KB2810046)- Removed: KB2760754 (Update for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter, replaced by KB2817523)

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2013/01/06 with Office2003-update-list v.2013/08/12

Special thanks to Explorer09 :yes:

Edited by Mim0
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new file-checker for office 2003:


Download: HFSLIPFC v.2013/01/06 with Office2003-update-list v.2013/08/12

Special thanks to Explorer09 :yes:

You're welcome. But here's one more (released this month):

2817666 | non-security | outlfltr | 39921 | replaces old junk email filter update


+ 2817666 outlfltr (2013-August)- 2817523 outlfltr (2013-July, replaced by 2817666)
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+ 2817666 outlfltr (2013-August)- 2817523 outlfltr (2013-July, replaced by 2817666)

Thx for the info! :)

new file-checker for XP:

2013-08-14:- Added: KB2862772 (MS13-059: Internet Explorer)- Added: KB2850869 (MS13-060: Unicode Scripts Processor)- Added: KB2849470 (MS13-062: Remote Procedure Call)- Added: KB2859537 (MS13-063: Windows Kernel)- Added: KB2863058 (Cumulative Time Zone Update)- Added: KB931125 (Roots Certificates Update August 2013)- Added: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.3.9301.0)- Removed: KB2846071 (MS13-055: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2862772)- Removed: KB981322 (MS10-063: Unicode Scripts Processor, replaced by KB2850869)- Removed: KB2360937 (MS10-084: Windows Local Procedure Call, replaced by KB2849470)- Removed: KB2839229 (MS13-048: Windows Kernel, replaced by KB2859537)- Removed: KB2794119 (Cumulative Time Zone Update, replaced by KB2863058)- Removed: KB2829069 (Daylight saving time (DST) update for Paraguay, replaced by KB2863058)- Removed: KB931125 (Roots Certificates Update May 2013)- Removed: KB890830 (Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.2.9201.0)

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2013/01/06 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2013/08/14

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I do not recommend to install/integrate KB2803821 or KB2834904 from MS13-057 (Windows Media Format Runtime), read the info here:


Microsoft has fixed this issue today. Please update the filenames in the file checker. They are v2 now.




Why was this bulletin revised on August 27, 2013?

Microsoft revised this bulletin to rerelease the following updates for the specified editions of Windows:

For Windows XP: The 2803821, 2834902, 2834903, 2834904, and 2834905 updates

For Windows Server 2003: The 2803821, 2834902, and 2834904 updates

For Windows Vista: The 2803821 update

For Windows Server 2008: The 2803821 update

The rereleased updates address an application compatibility issue in which WMV encoded video could fail to properly render during playback. Customers should install the rereleased updates.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll let other people handle the Windows updates. Here are the Office 2003 updates:

2817474 | MS13-072 | mso.dll | 40191 | replaces 2817421 in MS13-051 (the replacement info in KB article is wrong, but it is right in the bulletin)

2817682 | MS13-072 | Word | 40192 | replaces 2810046 in MS13-043

2810048 | ms13-073 | Excel | 40169 | replaces 2687481 in MS12-076

2825947 | outlfltr | 40240 | you know which one :)

FrontPage is not part of Office 2003, but it's worth mentioning (AFAIK some students in Taiwan are still being taught this crap):

2825621 | MS13-078 | FrontPage | 40180 | none

Since 2013-08-13+ 2817474 MS13-072 (2013-September)+ 2817682 MS13-072 (2013-September)+ 2810048 MS13-073 (2013-September)+ 2825947 outlfltr (2013-September)- 2817421 MS13-051 (replaced by 2817474)- 2810046 MS13-043 (replaced by 2817682)- 2687481 MS12-076 (replaced by 2810048)- 2817666 outlfltr- 2817523 outlfltr
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