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7Customizer - a Windows 7 Customization and Deployment tool

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Yea, kinda knew it wasnt possible at all to do that but worth the question tongue.gif

Uhm, i tried the tool, i got 2 errors, one on each LP (eng and chinese) but integrating seems to work fine, im not getting any errors but if installation fails using the english LP im gonna try the ones i downloaded yesterday and see if that works better..

Seems like it was just a corrupt .cab file to me luckily.

I hope it works for you. I tried to install the 64bit version in VMware but it failed (VMWare problem). I think I need to install a newer vmware version or VirtualBox perhaps.


Thanks man for your help and testing I really appreciate it.


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Yea, i hope so to :)

Im soon done integrating stuff to win7 Ultimate 64bit and then im gonna try them in sun virtualbox.

Ill get back to you as fast as i can.

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I hope it works for you. thanks for your help


Thanks man for the advice. I will download virtualbox and give it a try


Aha,well integrating and creating an iso worked fine (besides the iso turned out to be almost 4.7 GB).

But when starting the installation in sun virtualbox, why cant i choose language to use when installing and after? (Btw. i choosed not to create an unattended file but maybe i shouldve ?

Looks the same as this guy: http://www.msfn.org/board/7customizer-repl...p;view=findpost

Edit: I took a look at 7Costumizer and it shows the languages (32bit) are integrated but i cant pick them when installing..

Edit2: Hm seems like ive to create an unattended file after all, am i able to choose which version and language to install ?

Edited by tcntad
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Hi blue4603 I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if its been suggested before.

I see you are using dism.exe, I would suggest to add something like removal of packages. You could make it like a check box or something so you could tick the boxes with what you want to remove.

Another thing is integration of drivers.

The project looks good :)

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Hi blue4603 I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if its been suggested before.

I see you are using dism.exe, I would suggest to add something like removal of packages. You could make it like a check box or something so you could tick the boxes with what you want to remove.

Another thing is integration of drivers.

The project looks good :)

yea.. I believe he wrote that in his first post. all those things comes later:), especially integrating drivers.

Whynot get a good working software first before adding more stuff ?:=)

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Of course, but as he asks in the first thread, he want to suggestion too :). Its always nice to know what to do next after the software is running great :) . So a Todo list is nice to have even if the software is not complete

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Of course, but as he asks in the first thread, he want to suggestion too :). Its always nice to know what to do next after the software is running great :) . So a Todo list is nice to have even if the software is not complete


Integrating drivers & Component removal is on the to do list, i just wish i could do some programming and had more knowledge bout this:(.

Also cleaning up and makin an iso or even burning it straight to dvd would be nice to see in the future but as already stated.. to do :)

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Aha,well integrating and creating an iso worked fine (besides the iso turned out to be almost 4.7 GB).

But when starting the installation in sun virtualbox, why cant i choose language to use when installing and after? (Btw. i choosed not to create an unattended file but maybe i shouldve ?

Looks the same as this guy: http://www.msfn.org/board/7customizer-repl...p;view=findpost

Edit: I took a look at 7Costumizer and it shows the languages (32bit) are integrated but i cant pick them when installing..

Edit2: Hm seems like ive to create an unattended file after all, am i able to choose which version and language to install ?

7Customizer integrates the languages only. You can change the language after you finish the installation. It can be done that the user could choose the language of the installation part but I think it will needs some work which I think I need to concentrate in adding new features rather than putting effort in such minor stuff. Maybe later I could take a look at this iddue.



it works very fine1 My mistake was, that I did not put my Win7 folder in the same partition. Now everythin is on C and it orks fine. I di not test any languages because i have a german win7 DVD.

Glad it worked for you and thanks for the feedback


Thanks for the suggestion. A to do list is a nice thing. I will put it on the first thread.


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Aha,well integrating and creating an iso worked fine (besides the iso turned out to be almost 4.7 GB).

But when starting the installation in sun virtualbox, why cant i choose language to use when installing and after? (Btw. i choosed not to create an unattended file but maybe i shouldve ?

Looks the same as this guy: http://www.msfn.org/board/7customizer-repl...p;view=findpost

Edit: I took a look at 7Costumizer and it shows the languages (32bit) are integrated but i cant pick them when installing..

Edit2: Hm seems like ive to create an unattended file after all, am i able to choose which version and language to install ?

7Customizer integrates the languages only. You can change the language after you finish the installation. It can be done that the user could choose the language of the installation part but I think it will needs some work which I think I need to concentrate in adding new features rather than putting effort in such minor stuff. Maybe later I could take a look at this iddue.


Yea i noticed :)

I know vLite did that when integrating languagepacks and i thougt 7Costumizer would do the same but appearently i was wrong :P

Could be a nice thing to choose language when installing and have that language after setup:)

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you want to select language use an xml

	<settings pass="windowsPE">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

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Yea i noticed smile.gif

I know vLite did that when integrating languagepacks and i thougt 7Costumizer would do the same but appearently i was wrong tongue.gif

Could be a nice thing to choose language when installing and have that language after setup:)

I agree. As I said in a future release I will try to resolve this issue.


I think I already implemented that in 7Customizer but it is still not working.


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