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princektd That's what I already knew. Have found nothing new on replacing it.

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.5: August 05, 2010, 5:20:55 PM
' Found error when dismounting only if using compress
' Does not copy extra dism files if running on Windows 7

Loads faster but still mount to get features and packages. You select image you want to use when it goes to do that. No longer uses Ultimate by default

Just tried this new version and recieved the following error

when I finalized the image

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool

Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Error: 87

The /mountdir option is not recognized in this context.

For more information, refer to the help.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool

Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image File : C:\Se7en_UA\uaDVD\sources\install.wim

Image Index : 4

Saving image


Unmounting image


The operation completed successfully.

Pause to see if ERROR. Copy Error and let me know

Press any key to continue . . .


jbm, i changed 1 thing from last right there so will take a look but what are you running this from? XP, Vista and is this 64 bit

long as you get the Saving image 100% and Unmount 100% it should still be fine


jbm, i changed 1 thing from last right there so will take a look but what are you running this from? XP, Vista and is this 64 bit

long as you get the Saving image 100% and Unmount 100% it should still be fine

I'm running it from win 7 64 bit

One other thing I had disabled pausing but it still paused on this error.

Which was good but unexpected.

Another minor thing I noticed ( maybe its on purpose)

Whin I right click a wim file "Boot.wim 1 mount R/W = Sefault"

used to read "Boot.wim 2 mount R/W = Sefault"

It still mounts boot.wim index 2 though


One other thing I had disabled pausing but it still paused on this error.

Which was good but unexpected.

Another minor thing I noticed ( maybe its on purpose)

Whin I right click a wim file "Boot.wim 1 mount R/W = Sefault"

used to read "Boot.wim 2 mount R/W = Sefault"

It still mounts boot.wim index 2 though

ok I got it also and think I see what is wrong. Too late tonight but will fix in the morn.

Always pauses on final dismount in case of errors

Posted (edited)

princektd That's what I already knew. Have found nothing new on replacing it.

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.5: August 05, 2010, 5:20:55 PM
' Found error when dismounting only if using compress
' Does not copy extra dism files if running on Windows 7

Loads faster but still mount to get features and packages. You select image you want to use when it goes to do that. No longer uses Ultimate by default

hey maxXPsoft, the old vists type bootscreen is just plain background/image with the greenish progressbar... cant do anything to get an animation... what about the progressbar itself? is it some animation or a set of bmp files similar to how things are in firstUXres??? i tried extracting and opening winload.exe and winload.exe.mui but the resource i get is only 1kb in size!!! and nothing in them.

if this vista bootscreen progbar is a set of bmp images, cant we edit them like how we did the firstUXres.wim and then pack the edited files back??? further, if it is bmp images, any way to change their dimension? coz if thats possible, then i think we can get the images to be of a bigger dimension, say 800*600 or 1024*786 and then use frames that seems to show some animation, like say breaking up an animated gif and using these frames so that these frames when shown one after another seems like a small animation.....

edit 1: any idea how to test out how your firstUXres.wim looks after being modified? i have modified it, but i want to test out to see it gives the proper effect before i put it into the install.wim. so how do i go about testing it??? any ideas, people???

Edited by princektd
Posted (edited)

edit 1: any idea how to test out how your firstUXres.wim looks after being modified? i have modified it, but i want to test out to see it gives the proper effect before i put it into the install.wim. so how do i go about testing it??? any ideas, people???

because thats a protected file there is no fix right now.

I see they have changed authui.dll


also have you seen this? maybe something can be done to force that

FIX: Windows 7 animated boot screen is missing or switched to Windows Vista boot screen after Startup Repair

Edited by maxXPsoft

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.6: August 09, 2010, 7:38:18 PM
' Fix error 87 found by jbm
' If you get error on XP or Vista use the Se7en_UA6.3.3 XP Vista.zip

took a bit of testing like 4 times on each my drives to make sure it no longer got that error


'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.6: August 09, 2010, 7:38:18 PM
' Fix error 87 found by jbm
' If you get error on XP or Vista use the Se7en_UA6.3.3 XP Vista.zip

took a bit of testing like 4 times on each my drives to make sure it no longer got that error

That fixed it.


@ maxXPsoft

The items under the servicing tab are disabled during editing of the autounattend.xml file.

I tried it under all four versions on my DVD Ultimate, Pro, Home Prem, and Home basic.

Should they be? Just thought I'd ask, it's been that way since I sarted using se7en_UA

and I know they can be enabled/disabled under packages and tweaks.

Another curios thing when I save the xml file all the checkboxes on that page

are briefly checked then unchecked after I press the save botton.


@ maxXPsoft

The items under the servicing tab are disabled during editing of the autounattend.xml file.

I disabled that when I had error causing a crash. They did work with Vista. I'll have to go back through them and try and determine why i had that back then. I know they can be used.
Posted (edited)

edit 1: any idea how to test out how your firstUXres.wim looks after being modified? i have modified it, but i want to test out to see it gives the proper effect before i put it into the install.wim. so how do i go about testing it??? any ideas, people???

because thats a protected file there is no fix right now.

I see they have changed authui.dll


also have you seen this? maybe something can be done to force that

FIX: Windows 7 animated boot screen is missing or switched to Windows Vista boot screen after Startup Repair

thnx maxXPsoft.

the authui.dll thing is gr8!! nice change to the UI...

fixing the win7 animated boot thing...... what i understood frm it was that this happnd if bcd got corrupted or missed a locale entry. but in our case, thats not whats happening. we r changing the boot logo itself by modifying bootres.dll, arent we? i heard that MS has digitally signed this file to discourage tampering. in their words, this helps avoid boot time malicious codes.... still, let me see if this can be used in our case somehow....

i saw the firstUXres file in system32, i think.... not only on DVD but on installed systems too. now, where is this file used in installed and working systems? i mean i have seen this animation only during installation phase, where setup completes some stuff, rite? i have never seen this animation being displayed elsewhere on a system that is already working... if u know of any situation where this animation is displayed (except the 'during installation'), tell me. then i can try to get my system to do it, and by replacing the original firstUXres with the modded one, i can try to test the modification out.

Edited by princektd

Max, why if I want to replace some dll use restorator 2007 it always askin' permission? I have to take ownership the files then it can be replaced, it always happen on host x64 but not in x86 (both xp, vista or 7). It's not a bugs anyway, just a little annoyance message from windows, but I think it's all ok. Keep ur good work max!


it always happen on host x64 but not in x86 (both xp, vista or 7). It's not a bugs anyway

64 is tighter than x86 but I mod my dll's in separate folder then inject them to my .wim

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.7: August 13, 2010, 7:09:17 PM
' Added back in disable of enabled Features with xml in Servicing Pass request by jbm
' <selection name="More Games" state="false" />

finished VM and they are working. Add's everything to this that is enabled :thumbup

Hopefully by next release I will remove requirements for the wimmount unless you are using XP/Vista to build on. use Se7en_UA6.3.3 XP Vista.zip. I will update it but leave it froze


found a problem with some of the enteries in the Appswitch.dat file.

If there's no space between the last " and the /f at the end

the REG ADD command puts a /f at the end of the entry in the registry.

I was using the runonceex tester and found the error in one of my entries

and noticed it in others.


found a problem with some of the enteries in the Appswitch.dat file.

If there's no space between the last " and the /f at the end

the REG ADD command puts a /f at the end of the entry in the registry.

I was using the runonceex tester and found the error in one of my entries

and noticed it in others.

Yes gotta watch that. I found 5 in my personal .dat and will correct in the included

Also these have to be like this, add's quotes around them things with spaces in the names

"CMD /C DEL \"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\avast! Free Antivirus.lnk\"" /f

Have completed the new version and going to make a new complete install in the morning to test and then I can release it.

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