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Can you confirm the Flags registry entries for 64 bit version are they the same as 32 bit ?

yes same

64 bit I had to do this anyways

REM http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_examdiffpro
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /VE /D "ExamDiff Pro 5.xx 64bit" /f

the x64 makes it grab things from Program Files and not Program Files (x86) when it copies

Trying to work out a problem after installed SP1 where I get a dialog box saying not found when moving folders so I have to image back to Sp1 and try something with ProcessMonitor.

The windows system image works quite well although a bit slower and creates larger WindowsImageBackup folder

the x64 makes it grab things from Program Files and not Program Files (x86) when it copies
OOPS forgot about that sorry M8 :)

Posted (edited)

i am trying to customize win7 ultimate. i have skipped drivers and applications. already had an autounattend.xml that i created using WAIK and i copied that over. added some windows updates, did the setupcomplete.cmd, cleanup.cmd and feature packages things. i am not adding modded files. now when i click finalize image and have selected compress, an admin cmd window pops up, the image mounts to zMountDir. it goes upto 100%, then waits for some time and then gives an error. the error message is:

Error mounting image.

Error: GLE = 216

i tried the rightclick cleanup 1 and 2 on install.wim as well as boot.wim, deleted the zMountDir after exiting the app and then started se7en_UA again to recreate tht mount point, tried taking ownership of the mountpoint and such that came to my mind, but every time i try to finzlize, the same error pops up.

on the other hand, i can use gimagex to mount install.wim to zMountDir in rw mode and that works successfully. please help.

is there a way that i can mount the image using gimagex and then make se7en_UA do whatever processessing it needs to do on the image and then commit and unmount this image again using gimagex? what i mean is that if these processing is done using some cmd or bat file or script, can i edit the script to remove just this mounting part and then let the script run all the rest of the commands? that would give the same results...wont it?

edit 1:

I made the mistake of trying to close the cmd window after it mounted 100% and before the error came up, and also the other windows that poped up...another msg came up sayin that features and tweaks cannot be done as registry was not loaded. i checked the Hfix10.cmd and i think thats what runs when i click finalize..if i am right, then what does the last line in it do? the line goes ":Cleanup" without the quotes. i imagine it is trying to run the cleanup.cmd thing but there is no cleanup.cmd in the tools folder.but there are these cmd files in the uaDVD\sources\oem\$$\install folder.does that mean that Hfix10.cmd is trying to run these cmd files? now se7en_UA doesnt allow me to click the finalize thing again.

i remember something when customizing XP that a particularly named file would automatically run if placed in a particular folder coz thats how the xp setup works. does win7 work similarly? coz if thats true, can i mountrw the install.wim and then just copy the oem folder alongwith its subdirectories and contents and place it in the WIM parallel to the 'windows' folder so that when setup runs, it automatically copies over these onto C: and then hope that the cmd files will be automatically run by setup?

also, another thing i had in mind... the reason i didnt use apps to install anything is that right now, my pc is configures exactly how i want it to be. C: contains the widows folder. D: is the progfiles, E: contains the pagefile, F:\temp contains the temporary folders, CD burn staging folder etc. userprofiles resides on 2nd HDD on M:

i used some junk file cleanres, reg cleaners and defragmenters to clean and tune up my system. so, i was thinking, AIK said something about a data.wim or something. could i just capture D: onto this data.wim thingy and then use one of those cmd files to apply onto disk0\partition3? (partition 1 is an 07 type OEM partition. partition 2 is the c: and 3 is d:), then take a complete export of my current registry and then use these cmd files to apply it? also, i can capture my M: into the data.wim and mount it to remove the system files that windows creates on being installed, like ntuser,dat and stuff while preserving others and then apply this to M: using the above method? the problem here is how do i ensure that the user folders are created on M: ? if i can apply the complete.reg and apply the data.wim before windows loads and users are created and stuff, then it would work... but how do i go on about that? for one thing, i may not be able to create a user of my name coz windows may say that this user name already exists, or maybe, i may not need to create a new user as the user already exists... or maybe i can remove this userspecific part from complete.reg and seperately create a reg that sets default and public profiles and stuff to m: and then use the rar.exe method to copy and paste all execpt the system files that windows creates when i create a new user into this neq user's folder. this can include all doc, txt and such files, appdata for the installed applications and so on...

any ideas or suggestions? please reply to both querries. Thanx.

Edited by princektd

i am trying to customize win7 ultimate. i have skipped drivers and applications. already had an autounattend.xml that i created using WAIK and i copied that over. added some windows updates, did the setupcomplete.cmd, cleanup.cmd and feature packages things. i am not adding modded files. now when i click finalize image and have selected compress, an admin cmd window pops up, the image mounts to zMountDir. it goes upto 100%, then waits for some time and then gives an error. the error message is:

Error mounting image.

Error: GLE = 216

i tried the rightclick cleanup 1 and 2 on install.wim as well as boot.wim, deleted the zMountDir after exiting the app and then started se7en_UA again to recreate tht mount point, tried taking ownership of the mountpoint and such that came to my mind, but every time i try to finzlize, the same error pops up.

on the other hand, i can use gimagex to mount install.wim to zMountDir in rw mode and that works successfully. please help.

is there a way that i can mount the image using gimagex and then make se7en_UA do whatever processessing it needs to do on the image and then commit and unmount this image again using gimagex? what i mean is that if these processing is done using some cmd or bat file or script, can i edit the script to remove just this mounting part and then let the script run all the rest of the commands? that would give the same results...wont it?

Sorry princektd, what host r u using? XP, vista, or 7? From what I know gimagex needed windows aik preinstalled, if u don't have waik then u have to copy the needed file in waik to ur gimagex folder. I dont know what version of Se7en_UA r u using but it happen to me when I use the v6.23 in vistasp1 x86 host, for the latest I dont have any problem with mounting/unmounting image.

@For myselfidem, here's the test result for ur request.

Host : XP SP3 x86, Onepiece 3.80 updatepack, Kell's Runtime v6.8 (integrated with ryanvm integrator v1.6)

Target : Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (import single image from 5 image edition)

Se7en_UA version : 6.29 (as ur request, not the latest)

Update pack : Solor compiled update pack for windows 7 x86

I dont know exactly what's ur problem for the blank display page in feature n package Se7en_UA, but when I try it's work fine, it's probably I've integrate my xp with update n runtime, what I remembered it needed ms xml 4 or 6 updated (I dont know exactly, but if u first time installed waik (1.1 or 2) ur ms xml will automatically updated).

Regards (sorry for the late test, almost 1 month my kids is sick, so I've to wait n take care of him in hospital until he's fully recovered, sorry all!)

Posted (edited)

@For myselfidem, here's the test result for ur request.

Host : XP SP3 x86, Onepiece 3.80 updatepack, Kell's Runtime v6.8 (integrated with ryanvm integrator v1.6)

Target : Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (import single image from 5 image edition)

Se7en_UA version : 6.29 (as ur request, not the latest)

Update pack : Solor compiled update pack for windows 7 x86

I dont know exactly what's ur problem for the blank display page in feature n package Se7en_UA, but when I try it's work fine, it's probably I've integrate my xp with update n runtime, what I remembered it needed ms xml 4 or 6 updated (I dont know exactly, but if u first time installed waik (1.1 or 2) ur ms xml will automatically updated).

Hello ar_seven_am! :rolleyes:

When I try Se7en_UA6.3.3 for "Windows 7 Ultimate x86" with Windows XP Professionnal SP3 ( French version) the files zFEATURES.TXT and zPackagelist.txt are in English (and not in French) and the features/packages aren't displayed in the window "Features and Packages". Only Tweaks is displayed!

maxXPsoft has fixed this problem for French localised version for Windows 7!

French.ini works with Windows 7, but not works with Windows XP SP3 localised version.

I think that works only for English version!

Thanks for your reply!

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

i am trying to customize win7 ultimate. i have skipped drivers and applications. already had an autounattend.xml that i created using WAIK and i copied that over. added some windows updates, did the setupcomplete.cmd, cleanup.cmd and feature packages things. i am not adding modded files. now when i click finalize image and have selected compress, an admin cmd window pops up, the image mounts to zMountDir. it goes upto 100%, then waits for some time and then gives an error. the error message is:

Error mounting image.

Error: GLE = 216

i tried the rightclick cleanup 1 and 2 on install.wim as well as boot.wim, deleted the zMountDir after exiting the app and then started se7en_UA again to recreate tht mount point, tried taking ownership of the mountpoint and such that came to my mind, but every time i try to finzlize, the same error pops up.

on the other hand, i can use gimagex to mount install.wim to zMountDir in rw mode and that works successfully. please help.

is there a way that i can mount the image using gimagex and then make se7en_UA do whatever processessing it needs to do on the image and then commit and unmount this image again using gimagex? what i mean is that if these processing is done using some cmd or bat file or script, can i edit the script to remove just this mounting part and then let the script run all the rest of the commands? that would give the same results...wont it?

Sorry princektd, what host r u using? XP, vista, or 7? From what I know gimagex needed windows aik preinstalled, if u don't have waik then u have to copy the needed file in waik to ur gimagex folder. I dont know what version of Se7en_UA r u using but it happen to me when I use the v6.23 in vistasp1 x86 host, for the latest I dont have any problem with mounting/unmounting image.

@For myselfidem, here's the test result for ur request.

Host : XP SP3 x86, Onepiece 3.80 updatepack, Kell's Runtime v6.8 (integrated with ryanvm integrator v1.6)

Target : Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (import single image from 5 image edition)

Se7en_UA version : 6.29 (as ur request, not the latest)

Update pack : Solor compiled update pack for windows 7 x86

I dont know exactly what's ur problem for the blank display page in feature n package Se7en_UA, but when I try it's work fine, it's probably I've integrate my xp with update n runtime, what I remembered it needed ms xml 4 or 6 updated (I dont know exactly, but if u first time installed waik (1.1 or 2) ur ms xml will automatically updated).

Regards (sorry for the late test, almost 1 month my kids is sick, so I've to wait n take care of him in hospital until he's fully recovered, sorry all!)

thnx ar_seven_am. i'm using the se7en_ua6.3.3 and host os is win7ultimate x86. the dvd i'm tryin to customize contains both x86 and x64 version of win7 and all editions. i already had copied the dvd on hdd, so i just moved it into the uaDVD folder. i already have waik for windows 7 installed. it is a version i d/l from microsoft just yesterday. like i said, i can mount it using gimagex but not thru se7en_UA. i dont know why... currently there is an '$OEM$ folders' in the se7en_ua/uaDVD folder.this is empty. then a '$OEM$' folder in se7en_UA\uaDVD\sources. this one has $1 and $$ folders. so, can i do the customizing manually by mounting using gimagex and then manually runing whatever scripts se7en_ua has crested, or by copying over the $OEM$ folder in se7en_ua\uaDVD\sources into the image, parallel to the windows folder???

also pls tell me if u have any sugestions regarding the other thing i asked, about the data.wim to apply progfiles and userprofiles.

thnx again.

Edited by princektd
Posted (edited)

the dvd i'm tryin to customize contains both x86 and x64 version of win7 and all editions. i already had copied the dvd on hdd, so i just moved it into the uaDVD folder.

That certainly won't work, You may try go back to beginning and let Se7en_UA copy it in but No app I know of will work with both version x86 x64 combined images.

give a try and let us know

Edit: from what I have seen those are pretty much self built although I have seen several things on building them I haven't done that as I don't need it. 64 is the way to go when you can get a system that will do it, or wait like I did

Edited by maxXPsoft

the dvd i'm tryin to customize contains both x86 and x64 version of win7 and all editions. i already had copied the dvd on hdd, so i just moved it into the uaDVD folder.

That certainly won't work, You may try go back to beginning and let Se7en_UA copy it in but No app I know of will work with both version x86 x64 combined images.

give a try and let us know

Edit: from what I have seen those are pretty much self built although I have seen several things on building them I haven't done that as I don't need it. 64 is the way to go when you can get a system that will do it, or wait like I did

thnx maxxpsoft.

what about the copying $OEM$ directly into the wim as i mentioned before? will that work??? and how exactly r the tweaks put into the wim? if i can do that manually...

the modded files + setup bkground thing... again, error mounting wim. but i can directly mount the boot2.wim using gimagex to another mount point. so i did that and then manually edited setup.bmp, winpe.bmp, background.bmp, firstuxres.wim and so on and then commited the changes.

similarly, can i manually do the changes on install.wim by just copying the $OEM$ into it, parallel to windows folder so that when windows starts for the first time, the $OEM$ folder is on the C: drive. will the cmd files in it ie, firstlog, audituser etc run automatically? if so, then any other changes i have to do, i just have to modify these files accordingly... like applying data.wim (captured from my progfiles folder on d:\) directly to d:\ and also merging a complete regbackup.reg of my pc, thus changing the necessary paths in the reg to reflect this new progfiles folder... no need to go on about installing the progs... and ofcourse, u need a copy of ur userprofile folder that contains all the appdata and stuff related to the programs in ur progfiles as some of them also use these files for settings. the userprof stuf can be done by the rar.exe way, thus avoiding the newly created user profile getting damaged or removed when u try to apply image... when unraring, the folders can be caused to merge and so, no problem of imp windows sys files getting overwritten... what do u think about this?

Posted (edited)

$OEM$ you can create yourself right in the dvd\sources\$OEM$ folder

$$ <<- C:\Windows $$\Web\Wallpaper <<- Wallpapers here
Setup\Scripts <<- setupcomplete.cmd
System32 <<- $$\System32\OEM <<- OEM *.xrm-ms + valid Product Key
$1 <<- Drive Root
Drivers <<- where some OEM place driver files
Install <<- where I place most things and call from there. EX: %SystemRoot%\Install\Firstlog.cmd

I copied this here somewhere

Edit the registry on a mounted WIM

Mount the WIM file to a local folder using ImageX.

Load the registry hive you need. In this case let's mount HKLM\Software.

C:\mount>reg load HKLM\test c:\mount\windows\system32\config\software

Open Regedit to make changes or use Reg Add from the command line.

Unload the reg hive.

C:\Windows\system32>reg unload HKLM\test

Unmount the image

Edited by maxXPsoft
Posted (edited)

@Myselfidem : Ooooh I see, guess the language is the problem, sorry :lol:

@Maxxpsoft : Did the latest Se7en_UA fix dual image problems for capacity larger than 4 GB???? I haven't try it yet, as soon as my mobo at home recover from bad flashing bios I'll try it soon, offcourse with the unattended setting n apps installed :thumbup

Edited by ar_seven_am

@Myselfidem : Ooooh I see, guess the language is the problem, sorry :lol:

@Maxxpsoft : Did the latest Se7en_UA fix dual image problems for capacity larger than 4 GB???? I haven't try it yet, as soon as my mobo at home recover from bad flashing bios I'll try it soon, offcourse with the unattended setting n apps installed :thumbup

I have not tried this with SP1 sources yet since it was a beta.

It should work with multiple images but it will only inject driver and update into 1 image when Finalize. It give warning about dvd size only if burn to dvd, dual layer or larger usb no problem

I had separate problem with sp1 where I got a warning when moving folder in explorer and turns out it was the Remove All Libraries in Windows explorer tweak from askvg.com

Posted (edited)

$OEM$ you can create yourself right in the dvd\sources\$OEM$ folder

$$ <<- C:\Windows $$\Web\Wallpaper <<- Wallpapers here
Setup\Scripts <<- setupcomplete.cmd
System32 <<- $$\System32\OEM <<- OEM *.xrm-ms + valid Product Key
$1 <<- Drive Root
Drivers <<- where some OEM place driver files
Install <<- where I place most things and call from there. EX: %SystemRoot%\Install\Firstlog.cmd

I copied this here somewhere

Edit the registry on a mounted WIM

Mount the WIM file to a local folder using ImageX.

Load the registry hive you need. In this case let's mount HKLM\Software.

C:\mount>reg load HKLM\test c:\mount\windows\system32\config\software

Open Regedit to make changes or use Reg Add from the command line.

Unload the reg hive.

C:\Windows\system32>reg unload HKLM\test

Unmount the image

thnx maxxpsoft

so, i just need to copy the OEM folder into sources... i thought i had to mount the wim and copy OEM into it... though, i have a doubt... u see, if someone ahs a dvd with multiple versions of win7 like starter, pro, home basic and ultimate, and wishes to do different settings and softwares, then wont putting oem into sources cause problems? while putting oem into the wim would be easier coz u can load the specific image index from the wim and copy oem into it... thereby allowing different oem folders for different versions... thats y i asked wether u need to put oem inside the install.wim file.

edit 1: i hav already put oem into the wim and am just waitin to clear out some space on hdd to try and see what happens. if it doesnt work, i'll try putting it into the sources folder and try again... may take some time as my burner's acting strange and so i cant burn data and clear free space on hdd... :(

edit 2: we can change the install bkground screen by editing spwizimg.dll and some bmp and jpg files. can something similar be done to change the boot animation? i mean the shining flag seen with 'starting windows' ? it has to be inside some file, right? so if u know which file that is, can we edit it using resource hacker?

they say u cant do it in win7 like u used to do in xp... maybe changing it after win7 is installed may cause system to become unbootable. but how about doin it on the dvd itself and then installing this modded dvd? any ideas???

Edited by princektd
Posted (edited)

1. I have seen a multi dvd and they copied all OEM in as I said but then they run scripts to determine which oem and which image/key and points to correct folders. can't remember where I seen it but look for pre-activation_kit_v2.7.2 but may be later version now

2. MountDir & "\Windows\System32\oobe\FirstUXRes.WIM is the animated logo and consists of numerous bitmaps. You would have to mount each image and replace ;(. I just mount the wim and replace the background with mine and it looks good.


Edited by maxXPsoft
Posted (edited)

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.4: July 30, 2010, 7:34:01 PM
' Beta Test. Have switched to use Dism for operations instead of Imagex if running from Windows 7.
' For me this has fixed [ WARN ] An objectID is in use on this volume
' Fix file copy error adding applications if file doesn't exist which crashed.


This is a test to use Dism instead of Imagex if you are running Windows 7. So far everything is working for me but I have not completed full tests. For me this has fixed [ WARN ] An objectID is in use on this volume mounting multiple images on the C: drive. If this is sucessfull then I can remove mounting image at first to extract dism tools except for non Windows 7 OS

This changes the right click .wim also so remove and then add back

Let me know if you have error's

Edited by maxXPsoft
Posted (edited)

1. I have seen a multi dvd and they copied all OEM in as I said but then they run scripts to determine which oem and which image/key and points to correct folders. can't remember where I seen it but look for pre-activation_kit_v2.7.2 but may be later version now

2. MountDir & "\Windows\System32\oobe\FirstUXRes.WIM is the animated logo and consists of numerous bitmaps. You would have to mount each image and replace ;(. I just mount the wim and replace the background with mine and it looks good.

i already edited firstuxres.wim. what i asked was that after win7 is installed and running fine, the flag-energy boot animation u get when u start ur machine, the one where 4 balls of light meet together and form the win flag in the centre along with the letters 'starting windows'... that one. can that be edited?

edit 1: boot bmp changer. says that it will display a static image of our choicee during boot... thats not what i want though...

edit 2:

"- First, Use ResHack with %windir%\system32\bootres.dll file

- Extract the RCData resource.

- So you have two files, one *.rc and another one *.bin

- Rename the file *.bin into *.wim (not win!!)

- Use 7zip to extract your *.wim file

- In the extracted files you have an xml

which describe the second file which is the boot logon bitmap animation!!!

Now you can modify the logon animation! But be carefull, to have a correct xml description file!!!

After modifications, do the inverse procedure, with a backup of your original bootres.dll file."

i extracted bootres.dll and renamed the *.bin to wim and mounted it. there is a file called activity.bmp which is a 12mb bmp file that shows up the whole boot animation sequence as stills in one single bmp file and win7 boot code scrolls through this bmp vertically at higj speed so that the still images change fast, thereby giving an impression of being an animated file.

insted of mounting, when i extracted this *.wim using 7zip, i got 2 files:

a folder named 1 and a file named 1.xml

the folder '1' contains the file activity.bmp.

now, i am not a good artist and neither do i have much idea of xml. but i seem to figure out that the xml describes the image dimensions and the file sizes and stuff.

so if someone changes activity.bmp, then he must update 1.xml to reflect these changes. then, pack them back into the wim, rename it back to *.bin and then replace/update bootres.dll resource with this updated bin file. i think one must also update the *.rc file u get along with the *.bin when using resourcehacker to extract resource from bootres...

also, bootres.dll is digitally signed so changing it makes it unsigned. unless bootres is signed properly, win7 wont use it. ie, if u did the above steps to midify bootres.dll and copied it to the proper place, still, win7 wont use it as it is now unsigned. rather, it will revert to the vista boot animation. infact, the recovery option uses vista boot animation too... dont know about the final builds, but the rc version does...

edit 3: it was possible to change vista bootscreen by modding the winload.exe and winload.exe.mui... so, is it possible to make bootres.dll unsigned so that win7 starts using vista boot animation, and then changing this vista animation to a boot animation of choice? infact, if this is possible, the final result is what u need...a new and beautiful bootscreen. if this is successful, then there maybe a way to implement this onto the dvd itself. just mount install.wim, copy over the unsigned bootres.dll and replace the signed version in the wim, thus forcing win7 to use vista boot anime right from the first logon after setup completes... also, replace the needed files to modify this vista-type screen in the mounted wim itself. and there u have it- a win7 dvd that along with the other customizations, also causes win7 to display a new boot animation.

i havent tried it as i mentioned earlier...i am not good with art. if somebody can upload a modified winload.exe and winload.exe.mui, then i can try this out. if somebody else already has the needed stuff and virtual PC, then please try this out and post ur opinions and suggestions.

Edited by princektd
Posted (edited)

princektd That's what I already knew. Have found nothing new on replacing it.

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.5: August 05, 2010, 5:20:55 PM
' Found error when dismounting only if using compress
' Does not copy extra dism files if running on Windows 7

Loads faster but still mount to get features and packages. You select image you want to use when it goes to do that. No longer uses Ultimate by default

Edited by maxXPsoft

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