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Se7en_UA - RunOnceEx Tester still working with Win 11 2022

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Thnx guys.

can anyone provide me with a cool looking 'layered circular loading animation' in gif format??? if no gif, then the seperate frames will do, but they must be named in the proper order. something similar to the images i attached. and, i would prefer it without the percentage numbers or signs.

some games often come with similar cool looking loading screens or door locks, but i havent been able to find their gif animated versions.... check out the swf files... if anyone has them or finds links for such gif files, please reply.

note: i need animated gif only or its frames. other formats wont do...

i am trying to replace the powderpuff animation during win7 setup....

edit 1:

can anyone tell me how the start menu got a image in its bkground, as in the theme.jpg file???

also, any idea how to give win7 explorer a bkground, as in the explorer.png file???

post-183563-027583600 1284057414_thumb.p

post-183563-060884400 1284057653_thumb.g

post-183563-089032500 1284057701_thumb.g





post-183563-097451900 1284059247_thumb.j

post-183563-099826100 1284059296_thumb.p

Edited by princektd
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windows\system32\explorerframe.dll is another file that can be modified... for back/forward buttons and so on.

also, oobefldr.dll for welcome centre, shell32.dll for the task pane and the time.cpl or something file for the clock??? ...

havent checked out what these files contain...

Edited by princektd
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I can send you to make the corrections needed, if you agree!?


I was really mean just these mod's to dll's. I can't figure out some of your's

Need them all combined in one place

heres vg.com http://www.askvg.com/list-of-windows-7-system-files-to-be-hacked-using-resource-hacker/

Edited by maxXPsoft
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how do i put a 'pinned to start menu' shortcut into the wim??? what i mean is, i have this small prog called start orb changer which i plan to insert into the windows folder in the wim. then i plan to have a shortcut to this prog and pin the shortcut to start menu. i know how to add the prog. it is standalone and needs no install, just copy it into the wim...but how do i make the shortcut to it and pin it into the start menu inside the wim???

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nice walls :thumbup

how do i put a 'pinned to start menu' shortcut into the wim???

since the user is not created till late I do it this way

I copy all my shortcuts from the Start to a folder here \sources\$OEM$\$1\Install\Start

Export this reg with the Start menu set the way you want it

CMD /C REG EXPORT "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage2" D:\Se7en_UA\uaDVD\sources\$OEM$\$1\Install\StartPage2.reg

Run this in like your firstlogoncommands. Just create a FirstLog.cmd file and run it from there

REM      Start Menu Pinned
CMD /C attrib -H "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned"
CMD /C MD "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu"
timeout /t 1
CMD /C copy "%systemdrive%\Install\Start\*.*" "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu" /Y
timeout /t 1
CMD /C attrib +H "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned"
REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\StartPage2.reg

<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<Description>Running FirstLog.cmd</Description>
<CommandLine>cmd /C start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\FirstLog.cmd</CommandLine>

think that covers it all

Edited by maxXPsoft
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nice walls :thumbup

how do i put a 'pinned to start menu' shortcut into the wim???

since the user is not created till late I do it this way

I copy all my shortcuts from the Start to a folder here \sources\$OEM$\$1\Install\Start

Export this reg with the Start menu set the way you want it

CMD /C REG EXPORT "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage2" D:\Se7en_UA\uaDVD\sources\$OEM$\$1\Install\StartPage2.reg

Run this in like your firstlogoncommands. Just create a FirstLog.cmd file and run it from there

REM      Start Menu Pinned
CMD /C attrib -H "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned"
CMD /C MD "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu"
timeout /t 1
CMD /C copy "%systemdrive%\Install\Start\*.*" "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\StartMenu" /Y
timeout /t 1
CMD /C attrib +H "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned"
REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\Install\StartPage2.reg

<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<Description>Running FirstLog.cmd</Description>
<CommandLine>cmd /C start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\FirstLog.cmd</CommandLine>

think that covers it all

Thnx a lot, maxXPsoft.

Anyone found the kind of gif i requested?

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'Se7en_UA.exe 6.4.0: September 11, 2010, 8:45:16 PM
' Added at Application copy a button 'Update APPS Only no dvd copy'.
' If you are using a second drive for APPS then this will only update your APPS Folder and not copy to uaDVD\APPS location.
' Usefull if you are installing like Office and it exceeds the 4.5Gb dvd limit.
' If installing APPS must have them on second drive/USB
'Se7en_UA.exe 6.3.9: September 07, 2010, 7:32:10 PM
' Fix error with 64 bit OS and Program Files FLAG2 file's not copy
' Added Get-Drivers to export drivers list for info purposes right now.

Se7en_UA6.3.32 for XP Vista.zip updated with all above if you are running XP/Vista

If you use that button then it will delete the APPS from uaDVD when you create Iso

post-9484-005342500 1284257959_thumb.png

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Thanks maxXPsoft for the new release Se7en_UA6.4.0!

But I can't download this one because "Norton Internet Security 2010" delete the program when I download it!?? (WS.Reputation.1, detected?)


Edited by myselfidem
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Thanks maxXPsoft for the new release Se7en_UA6.4.0!

But I cna't download this one because "Norton Internet Security 2010" delete the program when I dowload it!?? (WS.Reputation.1, detected?)


No problems downloading here using Avast free, obviously false positive can you not just disable norton until you download. Norton is really bad for that Van will tell you himself he used to use it.

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Yes NIS was bad about deleting some things off my drive including SendToA3X which is a handy program

Strange I just added a little code to update APPS without copy to uadvd\APPS location

avast here and I scanned the folder

post-9484-046618700 1284281996_thumb.png

Edit: I fixed minor error where it did not delete blank APPS folder and I'll upload again, try that new version see if adding 1 line will change something

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Trying out version 6.40 and I'm having a problem with FLAG2.

The files are'nt being copied.

Here's my entry in appswitch.dat

REM http://www.gocyberlink.com/english/index.jsp
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /VE /D "Cyberlink" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\Cyberlink\PowerDVD10.exe" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\Cyberlink\power2go.exe" /f

when I run it thru the runonceex tester this is what I get

Color 0A
SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "RunOnceEx - Testing Applications" /f
REG ADD %KEY% /v Flags /t REG_DWORD /d "20" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /VE /D "Cyberlink" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 101 /D "CMD /C Start /Wait E:\APPS\Cyberlink\PowerDVD10\setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 102 /D "CMD /C Start /Wait E:\APPS\Cyberlink\power2go\setup.exe /S /v/qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 103 /D "REGEDIT /S E:\APPS\cyberlink\cyberlink1.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 104 /D "REGEDIT /S E:\APPS\cyberlink\cyberlink2.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 105 /D "REGEDIT /S E:\APPS\cyberlink\cyberlink3.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 106 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\APREG\" \"%SystemDrive%\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CyberLink\Power2Go\" /I /H /R /Y" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 107 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\Power2Go.sim\" \"%SystemDrive%\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CyberLink\Power2Go\" /I /H /R /Y" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 108 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\Power2GoExpress.sim\" \"%SystemDrive%\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CyberLink\Power2Go\" /I /H /R /Y" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 109 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\Power2GoExpressServer.sim\" \"%SystemDrive%\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CyberLink\Power2Go\" /I /H /R /Y" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 110 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\olreg.ini\" \"%SystemDrive%\Users\Public\CyberLink\OLReg\HKEY_CLASS_ROOT\CLSID\{397A21FB-EADF-4116-9027-32B8FA04C3E2}\Version\6.0\" /I /H /R /Y" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 111 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\PowerDVD10.sim\" \"%SystemDrive%\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CyberLink\PowerDVD10\" /I /H /R /Y" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 112 /D "CMD /C XCOPY \"E:\APPS\cyberlink\CLAud.sim\" \"%SystemDrive%\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CyberLink\PowerDVD10\AudioFilter\" /I /H /R /Y" /f

The files aren't copied from my programfile folder to my apps folder or,

if I manually copy them into my apps they aren;t copied during installation.

found part if not all of my problem. Its the %SystemDrive%\%ProgramFile% which

causes a C:\C:\program files in the final output

Edited by jbm
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Yes NIS was bad about deleting some things off my drive including SendToA3X which is a handy program

Strange I just added a little code to update APPS without copy to uadvd\APPS location

avast here and I scanned the folder

post-9484-046618700 1284281996_thumb.png

Edit: I fixed minor error where it did not delete blank APPS folder and I'll upload again, try that new version see if adding 1 line will change something

Many thanks maxXPsoft ! :thumbup

Very nice...Downloaded now with no problem!!


Edited by myselfidem
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