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Opera 10


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Well, i just tried to install the latest Opera 10.00 on my 95 B box with no luck!

For the record, this has the latest service pack, and still has the IE 3 version as given.

It goes through the commencing install, untill this message appears:

Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows installer package.

A DLL required required for this install to complete could not be run.

Contact your support yada-yada-yada...

Action SetLocaleCode, Entry: SetLocaleCode, Library: C:\...\MSI1083.TMP

What am I doing wrong?

It works for Andrew T. But not for Me!

Get yourself the so-called 'Classic' Installer. You used to have to click around to find it but lately it is found right there on the main Opera download page.

You probably downloaded and used the normal setup which is typically an MSI installer wrapped in an Installshield package, which is indicated by your error message. Its a miracle the thing works at all on Win9x these days.

The Classic package is a basic Wise wrapper that only leaves a single registry key uninstall entry which is a very tiny footprint. Win95 has severe registry size limits so my advice is to use as few MSI installer packages as possible (their registry footprint can be gigantic!). This is FYI only since your error message appears to be locale related and not registry size related.

The really nice thing about the Classic setup is that you can just grab the files and drop them into folders yourself (if you know what you are doing naturally ;) ). This is very easily done with WinRar as it opens the file directly. This can also be accomplished with WUN (Wise Unpacker) and 7-zip (7z.exe).

But before doing it manually, try running the Classic installer of course.

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Well, I downloaded and installed Opera Classic, as an upgrade over version 9.27----and it did indeed, install.

But when I click on the Desktop Opera Icon, it does not open Opera up, even after waiting a good 10 minutes!

So I unstalled Opera Classic, and things rolled back to where they were---Now comming to you from my ancient 133Mgz machine with only 64 mb of Ram.

Either I've sinned against the Most High OS, or the machine is just too slow; or, I should remove Opera 9.27 first and Then install the latest virsion.

I will rest a tad, uninstall 9.27---and install 10.00 fresh!

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Well, I downloaded and installed Opera Classic, as an upgrade over version 9.27----and it did indeed, install.

But when I click on the Desktop Opera Icon, it does not open Opera up, even after waiting a good 10 minutes!

So I unstalled Opera Classic, and things rolled back to where they were---Now comming to you from my ancient 133Mgz machine with only 64 mb of Ram.

Either I've sinned against the Most High OS, or the machine is just too slow; or, I should remove Opera 9.27 first and Then install the latest virsion.

I will rest a tad, uninstall 9.27---and install 10.00 fresh!

Exactly what are the specs of your machine with Opera 9.27 working (including JRE version)?

Be aware that un-installing Opera may result in the loss of saved settings, passwords, bookmarks etc.

Opera 10 should work on any machine that runs 9.xx provided the JRE and stuff remain the same. Having said that, 9.2x was definitely faster than 10.

Can you estimate how long the delay was for 9.27 from the time you clicked the icon until Opera appeared? There is a delay while the JRE initializes. I have noticed a slightly longer delay from running Opera 10 versus 9 under the same exact JRE.

Note that I find it helpful to start Opera with no home page and no open tabs.

(1) It is possible that the shortcut you mentioned may not have pointed directly at the Opera.exe file, instead it may have been an MSI generated pseudo-shortcut that used the Application Data folder.

(2) Also, it is possible that the registry settings for Opera may have similar MSI generated bogus data.

If you cannot get it to run after re-installing, we should look at both of these (1) and (2) as likely suspects.

Also, please post here the exact path on your HDD to the Opera.exe file after you install Opera 10. This will make it easy to whip up a quick registry patch should you need it.

Edited by CharlotteTheHarlot
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It Works!

Thank you one and all for your kind assistance!

Charlotte The Harlot! M( )zart! and Mijzelf!

Yes, I certainly would not have thought to use Opera Classic.

When I looked at the options Charlotte The Harlot gave--as to why it might be failing, I tried to recollect the entire process of the UN-install of Opera 9.27.

I remember that in the Add/Remove box there were was an entry "Opera"

and also an entry "Opera 9.26" (I still remember installing 9.27)

So I decided there must have been some confliction or something going on somewhere!

I started the process to remove Opera 9.26---which I had rolled back to after the latest version of 10.00 failed----and a box popped up telling me a needed file "Opera exe." was missing!

I canceled---and after everything settled down----checked into the program files to see what had been done to Opera (the folder was still there)---and there was no "Opera" exe or any kind of O in the folder to be found. Also, the Big O had been removed from the desktop.

So, after thinking I had really messed things up---I Installed Opera 10.00 Classic, and all went according to the way it was supposed to happen.

I must say, this version is a lot faster than 9.27! Smooth as silk!

Thank you all again and again!!!!!!!!!!!

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Opera 10 continues to be an exercise in frustration with no end in sight.

See post above # 13 above.

First the problem was Opera 10 going to 100 % cpu utilization after 10-15 minutes of browsing. Turning the disk cache off bypassed the problem.

I then tried 10.10 snapshots and discovered a problem with Opera every five or so minutes masking out keyboard and mouse interrupts for 30 seconds or so. I haven't yet seen the 100 % cpu problem.

Today I tried 10.10 beta build 1833 and listened to an audio news program with the Quick Time plugin and discovered that Opera would stall and go silent every five or so minutes and then start again. Nonething else was running and cpu utilization was zero during the stall.

The problem was something turning Opera off and not just masking external interrupts.

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Well, couple of weeks ago I installed Opera 10 on my Windows 98 PC. I also have it on my main PC with Vista and on my work PC with XP. I never had any serious problems with it. Though I had some minor problems.

On Windows 98 I could not open saved mht files. And also Opera did not save MSDN pages correctly even as html, when opening them, only header, footer, and tree was available, and browser tried to go online for the article main content. Turbo was on. Firefox 2 saved these pages correctly. Also I encountered a couple of crashes, once in the Windows 98 and once in the Windows XP. But the crashes are very rare. And I never encountered such processor usage as fortcollins.

On Windows XP MSDN pages and mht files were saved correctly. When I can access my Windows 98 PC again in a few weeks, I'll perform more tests.

PS: cyberformer, thanks for the info.

Edited by M()zart
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Just wanted to let you know that Opera 10.01 was released yesterday. So far it appears to have finally solved the aggravating 100% CPU utilization problem I was experiencing (and apparently many others too). The 10.01 changelog states "Issue of 100% CPU usage fixed by preventing and avoiding the filling up of message loop", whatever that means. Their developer blog said the problem was related to its cache configuration.

Opera 10.01 download

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Has anyone tried Opera 10 with Tihiy's modded msimg32.dll (which, I think, ships with KernelEx) and noticed a difference?

I've just replaced the Windows ME version of MSIMG32.DLL (5.00.2218.1 - having previously replaced the version that ships with 98 SE) with the modded version included with an old version of KernelEx (version 0.3.6, I think). Doing this fixed the issues in the following Opera bug report:

Version: 10.10

Build: 1844

Operating system: Windows 98

Platform: PC

Summary: Default Tab Bar background image disappears, reappears in Windows Native skin

Steps to reproduce


1.Switch the browser skin to Windows Native.

2. Hover your cursor over the New Tab button on the Tab Bar, or the Close Tab cross on any open tab, or the Closed Tabs button on the Tab Bar. Move from one to the other.

3. If, having hovered one of the above, nothing happens, moving the cursor away from it usually triggers the behaviour.

Expected result


All being well I expect the Tab Bar's background gradient image should remain constant, regardless of whether the browser window loses focus, or any of the above buttons are focused.

Actual result


Depending upon the order in which you hover over the various buttons above, you will see the Tab Bar's gradient background image appear in its entirety, disappear, or appear only partially (e.g., it doesn't span the full length of the Tab Bar). When the browser window loses focus, the background gradient disappears entirely, leaving a grey coloured image slightly off in hue from the Windows native grey colour.

GDI resources seem far more stable. No noticeable side-effects yet. :)

I'm not sure whether the modded MSIMG32.DLL is still available for download. Tihiy, Xeno86, anyone?

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I use the classic installer because it doesn't clutter up up the registry after MSI runs (and installs itself first). If I ever have to use MSI to get a program on board, I roll back the registry afterward to a clean backup made just prior, and then remove all new MSI files and folders. Never have cared for stuff installing itself without my permission. B)

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