gendouhydeist Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 i mean vlite is also using Windows Image File Mini-Filter Driver (wimfltr.sys) in vLite\wimfltr\x86 are you also using the latest one?
Cr4z33 Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 I solved the permissione problem!I found out that you have to typeimagex /mountrwand notimagex /mountIf don't you do that you won't have writing permission!
Jeronimo Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 @gendouhydeist: I used the one delivered with vLite and I would use the one from Windows Vista AIK SP1 if I would need it now.@Cr4z33: I do not even need to check, I now I always use mountrw in my batch-file and never mount.
Cr4z33 Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Jeronimo said: @gendouhydeist: I used the one delivered with vLite and I would use the one from Windows Vista AIK SP1 if I would need it now.@Cr4z33: I do not even need to check, I now I always use mountrw in my batch-file and never mount.Yeah, my fault actually.I just realised I had to run no commands at all apart from removal.bat and its related actions...
Cr4z33 Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 (edited) OK I am getting a different problem now.I succesfully created a first Windows 7 Ultimate ITA installation, but I didn't like the fact .NET Framework was missing and many programs needed it.So I started again making a new revision, but now during the Windows installation I get a generic installation error when the setup is at the Updates step. I have to say I got some errors while running removal.bat, also I didn't need to include languages (I've got an Italian RTM build), drivers and updates.All I want is to remove the unneeded stuff but Windows Media Player, .NET Framework and the Intel Matrix Storage drivers.Therefore I deselected Windows Media Player and the INTEL driver in vLite, and used "set remove.NET=K" in REMOVAL.BAT.Here is how does my batch file look like:@echo offREM Initialisation part 2 triggered from removal_custom.batif "%1" == "init2" goto init2REM Initialising environment variables (check for your usage)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------REM Windows codebase: amd64, x86 or empty (determine from %DVD%\setup.exe)set cb=amd64REM Windows 7 buildset build=7600REM Sub versionset svn=16385REM Pre-part (the same for all Windows 7 builds?)set pre=31bf3856ad364e35REM Image edition (Starter, HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional or Ultimate)set edition=UltimateREM Obsolete - Image Index (pre-vLite: 1 HomeBasic/Starter, 2 Home Premium, 3 Professional, 4 Ultimate)set II=4REM Remove Microsoft.NET (C for complete removal, V to keep vLite working or K to keep)set remove.NET=KREM Folder of updates to be integratedset updateloc=C:\vLite\UpdatesREM Extenstion of the updates to be integrated (msu, cab or * for all/both)set update.ext=*REM Folder of drivers to be integratedset driverloc=C:\vLite\DriversREM Language to be integrated (do not change to your en-US/0409)set lang=it-ITset langid=1040REM Program location intlcfg.exe (WAIK)set intlcfg=C:\vLite\intlcfg.exeREM Location Language pack and extracted files for Localised Setupset langloc=C:\vLite\LangpackREM DVD & sources-folder containing install.wim (and dism.exe)set DVD=D:\s1REM Folder for mount (Dism/Imagex) or Root (Imagex)set mount=D:\s2REM Imagexset imagex="C:\vLite\imagex.exe"Rem Dismset dism="%sources%\dism.exe"REM Command for install WIM tweakREM -----------------------------set iwt=install_wim_tweak.exe /p %mount% /mREM Command for creating an image from an active installation at OOBE (EXAMPLE!)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------REM %imagex% /compress maximum /flags "HomePremium" /capture e: c:\install.wim "Windows 7 Home Premium" "Windows 7 Home Premium"REM Initialising other environment variablesREM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:init2set PATH=%PATH%;%cd%set version=6.1.%build%.%svn%set tail=~%pre%~%cb%~~%version%set IEver=8.0.%build%.%svn%set tailIE=~%pre%~%cb%~~%IEver%if not exist %mount% mkdir %mount%set sources=%DVD%\sourcesREM Set Image id for your editionfor /l %%i in (1,1,6) do ( %imagex% /info "%sources%\install.wim" %%i|find /i "flags"|find /i "%edition%" >nul if not errorlevel 1 set II=%%i)REM Set the proper codebaseif %cb% == "" ( find /i "processorArchitecture=""amd64""" "%DVD%\setup.exe" >nul if not errorlevel 1 (set cb=amd64) else (set cb=x86))REM Imagex mount/unmountset mountimagex=%imagex% /mountrw "%sources%\install.wim" %II% "%mount%"set unmountimagex=%imagex% /unmount /commit %mount%set discardimagex=%imagex% /unmount %mount%REM Dism mount/unmountset mountdism=%dism% /mount-wim /wimfile:"%sources%\install.wim" /index:%II% /mountdir:%mount%set unmountdism="%sources%\dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:%mount% /commitset discarddism="%sources%\dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:%mount% /discardset getpackages="%sources%\dism.exe" /image:%mount% /get-packagesset rempackage="%sources%\dism.exe" /image:%mount% /remove-package /packagename:REM Command for mounting by Imagex or Dism (currently Imagex)REM ---------------------------------------------------------set mountimage=if not exist "%mount%\Windows" %mountimagex%set unmountimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %unmountimagex%set discardimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %discardimagex%REM set mountimage=if not exist "%mount%\Windows" %mountdism%REM set unmountimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %unmountdism%REM set discardimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %discarddism%REM Initialisation part 2 triggered from removal_custom.batif "%1" == "init2" goto endREM Languagepack integration Windows (pre-vLite)if "%1"=="langpack" goto langpackREM Languagepack integration Setup (pre-vLite)if "%1"=="langpack2" goto langpack2REM Update integration (pre-vLite)if "%1"=="updates" goto updatesREM Packages removal (pre-vLite)if "%1"=="packages" goto packagesREM Update integration + packages removal (pre-vLite)if "%1"=="pre" goto updatesREM Cleanup of "redundant files and folders (post-vLite)if "%1"=="cleanup" goto cleanupREM Integrate drivers (post-vLite)if "%1"=="drivers" goto driversREM Not recommended: packages+cleanup+drivers (pre-vLite)if "%1"=="full" goto packagesREM Clean-up + integrate drivers (post-vLite prefereable)if "%1"=="post" goto cleanupREM Actions under the freshly installed Windows (post-installation)if "%1"=="final" goto finalREM Initialisation of environment variables for manual useset updates=%0 updatesset langpack=%0 langpackset langpack2=%0 langpack2set packages=%0 packagesset cleanup=%0 cleanupset drivers=%0 driversset pre=%0 preset post=%0 postset full=%0 fullset final=%0 finalREM Custom action in removal_custom.batif exist removal_custom.bat ( if not "%1" == "" set %1=removal_custom.bat %1 removal_custom.bat %1 if not "%1" == "" goto unmount)start "WIM-prompt" cmdexitREM Update integration (pre-vLite)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:updates%mountimage%for /f %%i in ("%updateloc%\*.%update.ext%") do %dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-package /packagepath:"%%i"if "%1" == "updates" goto unmount REM Packages removal (pre-vLite)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:packages%mountimage%REM Perform the install Wim tweak%iwt%REM Remove "localisation" packages%getpackages%|find "Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~%lang%~%version%" >nulif not errorlevel 1 if not "%lang%" == "en-US" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~en-US~%version%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-AU-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-CA-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-GB-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-US-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-ZA-Package%tail%REM Remove "Windows Features" pacakages%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Gadget-Platform-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troubleshooters-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package%tailIE%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-OpticalMediaDisc-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Shell-MultiplayerInboxGames-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-SnippingTool-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-StickyNotes-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Xps-Foundation-Client-Package%tail%REM Remove packages (1/3)%rempackage%Microsoft-Hyper-V-Common-Drivers-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Hyper-V-Guest-Integration-Drivers-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Anytime-Upgrade-Results-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Backup-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-BLB-Client-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-BusinessScanning-Feature-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-ClipsInTheLibrary-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-GPUPipeline-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Links-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-MobilePC-Client-Sensors-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-PeerDist-Client-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-PhotoPremiumPackage%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-RecDisc-SDP-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Shell-HomeGroup-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Publishing-WMIProvider-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteApplications-Client-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-VirtualPC-Licensing-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-VirtualPC-USB-RPM-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-VirtualXP-Licensing-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-WindowsMediaPlayer-Troubleshooters-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-WinOcr-Package%tail%if "%edition%"=="Professional" %rempackage%Networking-MPSSVC-Rules-HomePremiumEdition-Package%tail%if "%edition%"=="HomePremium" %rempackage%Networking-MPSSVC-Rules-BusinessEdition-Package%tail%if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Networking-MPSSVC-Rules-UltimateEdition-Package%tail%REM Remove packages (2/3)%rempackage%Microsoft-Media-Foundation-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Client-Wired-Network-Drivers-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-CodecPack-Basic-Encoder-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Editions-Client-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-NetworkDiagnostics-DirectAccessEntry-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-ServicingBaseline-Ultimate-Package%tail%REM Remove packages (3/3)if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Anytime-Upgrade-Package%tail%if "%edition%"=="Professional" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Branding-HomePremium-Client-Package%tail%if "%edition%"=="HomePremium" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Branding-Professional-Client-Package%tail%if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Branding-Ultimate-Client-Package%tail%if not "%remove.NET%" == "K" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-OfflineFiles-Package%tail%if "%edition%"=="Professional" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-HomePremium-Package%tail%if "%edition%"=="HomePremium" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Professional-Package%tail%if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Ultimate-Package%tail%%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-ShareMedia-ControlPanel-Package%tail%if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-StorageService-Package%tail%if "%1"=="packages" goto unmountif "%1"=="pre" goto unmountREM Cleanup of "redundant" files and folders (post-vLite)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:cleanup%mountimage%REM Remove packages%rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-ICM-Package%tail%%dism% /image:%mount% /disable-feature:MediaPlaybackecho Disregard the above message, feature was properly disabled!REM Fix Registry key (NameSpace)reg load HKLM\%edition%_%part% %mount%\Windows\System32\config\softwarereg delete HKLM\%edition%_%part%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{98D99750-0B8A-4c59-9151-589053683D73} /freg unload HKLM\%edition%_%part%REM Logfilesdel /f /s /q "%mount%\*.log" >nulREM BITS related files (untested with Windows Update)REM del /f /q "%mount%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr?.dat" >nulREM Empty foldersrd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices" >nulrd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files (x86)\Windows Portable Devices" >nulREM Internet Explorermove /y "%mount%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" "%mount%\Windows\system32" >nulrd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files\Internet Explorer" >nulrd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer" >nulrd /s /q "%mount%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" >nuldel /f /q "%mount%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\*.lnk" >nulREM Microsoft Gamesrd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files\Microsoft Games" >nulREM Default picturesrd /s /q "%mount%\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures" >nulREM Ringtonesrd /s /q "%mount%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones" >nulREM Publicfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Users\Public\*.*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul 2>&1REM Boot languagesfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\Boot\EFI\*-*") do ( if not "%%i" == "%mount%\Windows\Boot\EFI\nl-NL" if not "%%i" == "%mount%\Windows\Boot\EFI\en-US" rd /s /q "%%i" >nul)REM Help%getpackages%|find "Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~en-US~%version%" >nulif not errorlevel 1 ( del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\mui\0409\*.chm" >nul del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\Windows\en-US\*.h1s" >nul)%getpackages%|find "Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~%lang%~%version%" >nulif not errorlevel 1 ( del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\mui\%langid%\*.chm" >nul del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\Windows\%lang%\*.h1s" >nul)REM Mediard /s /q "%mount%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Media" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\Media\*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nuldel /s /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Media\*.mid" >nulREM Remove Recoverydel /s /f /q "%mount%\Windows\System32\Recovery\*.*" >nulREM Wallpapersfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Windows Powershellrd /s /q "%mount%\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell" >nulrd /s /q "%mount%\windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell" >nulREM Nullify Backup folder (Filenames required for Windows update)for %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Backup\*") do type nul>"%%i"REM Redundant driversREM ATiset part=atidel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Brotherset part=brmfdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Faxset part=faxcdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM HPset part=hpdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Intel Graphicsset part=igdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Intel Wirelessset part=netw5del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Modemset part=mdmdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Nvidiaset part=nvdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Printersset part=prndel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Scannersset part=wiadel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulfor /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nulREM Microsoft.Netif "%remove.NET%" == "K" goto fontsfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\1.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\3.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\3.5* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\8.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\assembly\NativeImages*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulif "%remove.NET%" == "V" ( for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\2.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\GAC_64\2.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul) else ( REM Complete removal (including files in GAC_MSIL) for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\2.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul)del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\*.*" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulif "%cb%" == "amd64" del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\*.*" >nulREM Language folders and repository for x86 and (if present) amd64for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\10?? /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\?? /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\ASP.NETWebAdminFiles /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulREM Required for installationREM for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Config /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\GAC /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\MUI /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\MSBuild /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\RedistList /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\repository /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nuldel /f /q %mount%\Windows\system32\dfshim.dll >nuldel /f /q %mount%\Windows\system32\netfxperf.dll >nuldel /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\system32\mscoree.dll >nuldel /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\system32\mscorier.dll >nulrd /s /q %mount%\Windows\system32\MUI >nulif "%cb%" == "amd64" ( del /f /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\dfshim.dll >nul del /f /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\netfxperf.dll >nul REM Required for vLite if not "%remove.NET%" == "V" del /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\mscoree.dll >nul del /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\mscorier.dll >nul rd /s /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\MUI >nul)REM Removal of mscories.dll causes a non-fatal error with personalization upon first bootREM Fonts:fontsdel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\angsa*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\aparaj*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\calibri*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\cambria*.tt?" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\Candara*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\comic*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\consola*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\constan*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\corbel*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\cordia*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\daunpenh.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\dokchamp*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\ebrima*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\estr*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\euphemia.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\framd*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\Gabriola.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\gautami*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\georgia*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\gisha*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\himalaya.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\impact.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\iskpota*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\kalinga*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\kartika*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\KhmerUI*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\kokila*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\LaoUI*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\latha*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\leelaw*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\l_10646.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\majalla*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\malgun*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\mangal*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\monbaiti.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\moolbor*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\msuighur.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\msyi.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\mvboli.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\ntailu*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\nyala.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\pala*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\phagspa*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\plant*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\raavi*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\modern.fon" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\roman.fon" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\script.fon" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\segoepr*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\segoesc*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\Shonar*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\shruti*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\sylfaen.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\taile*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\tunga*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\utsaah*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\vani*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\vijaya*.ttf" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\vrinda*.ttf" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-angsa*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-aparaj*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-calibri*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-cambria*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-Candara*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-comic*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-consola*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-constan*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-corbel*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-cordia*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-daunpenh_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-dokchamp*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-ebrima*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-estr*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-euphemia_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-franklingothic_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-Gabriola_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-gautami*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-georgia*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-gisha*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-microsofthimalaya_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-impact_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-iskoolapota_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-kalinga*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-kartika*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-KhmerUI*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-kokila*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-LaoUI*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-latha*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-leelaw*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-lucidasans_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-sakkalmajalla*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-malgun*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-mangal*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-mongolianbaiti_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-moolbor*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-microsoftuighur_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-yibaiti_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-mvboli_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-new_tai*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-nyala_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-pala*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-phagspa*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-plant*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-raavi*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-segoepr*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-segoesc*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-Shonar*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-shruti*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-sylfaen_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-tai_le*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-tunga*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-utsaah*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-vani*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-vijaya*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulfor /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-vrinda*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-angsa*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-aparaj*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-calibri*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-cambria*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-Candara*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-comic*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-consola*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-constan*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-corbel*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-cordia*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-daunpenh_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-dokchamp*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-ebrima*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-estr*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-euphemia_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-franklingothic_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-Gabriola_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-gautami*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-georgia*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-gisha*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-microsofthimalaya_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-impact_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-iskoolapota_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-kalinga*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-kartika*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-KhmerUI*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-kokila*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-LaoUI*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-latha*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-leelaw*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-lucidasans_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-sakkalmajalla*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-malgun*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-mangal*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-mongolianbaiti_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-moolbor*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-microsoftuighur_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-yibaiti_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-mvboli_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-new_tai*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-nyala_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-pala*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-phagspa*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-plant*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-raavi*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-segoepr*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-segoesc*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-Shonar*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-shruti*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-sylfaen_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-tai_le*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-tunga*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-utsaah*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-vani*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-vijaya*_*" >nuldel /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-vrinda*_*" >nulif "%1" == "cleanup" goto unmount REM Driver integration (post-vLite, final step prefereable)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:drivers%mountimage%%dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-driver /driver:"%driverloc%" /recursegoto unmountREM Languagepack integration (pre-vLite)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:langpack%mountimage%%dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-package /packagepath:"%DVD%\original\"REM Windows Language%intlcfg% -all:%lang% -image:%mount%%intlcfg% -genlangini -dist:"%DVD%" -image:%mount%%intlcfg% -defaultlang:%lang% -dist:"%DVD%"%unmountimage%REM Setup Languageecho Integration of Language pack into setup Language not fully automated (yet)echo Extract the following files from "%langloc%\":echo "setup\sources\%lang%\*.*" -> "%langloc%\setup\sources\%lang%\*.*"echo "sources\license\*.*" -> "%langloc%\sources\license\*.*"echo When using different paths, rename these within "%0" and use:echo "%0" langpack2goto unmount:langpack2%imagex% /mountrw "%sources%\boot.wim" 2 "%mount%"xcopy "%sources%\lang.ini" "%mount%\sources" /cherykimkdir "%mount%\sources\%lang%"xcopy "%langloc%\setup\sources\%lang%\*.*" "%mount%\sources\%lang%" /cherykixcopy "%langloc%\sources\license\*.*" "%mount%\sources\license" /cheryki%unmountimagex%goto unmountREM Actions under the freshly installed Windows (post-installation):finalREM Register file required for safe removal and proper explorer functionalityif exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\ieproxy.dll" regsvr32 /s "%SystemRoot%\system32\ieproxy.dll"REM Remove Microsoft.NET files, but keeping those used by vLiteif "%remove.NET" == "K" goto endtakeown /f "%SystemRoot%\assembly\NativeImages*" /r >nulicacls "%SystemRoot%\assembly\NativeImages*" /grant Administrators:F /t /q >nulfor /d %%i in ("%SystemRoot%\assembly\NativeImages*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nultakeown /f "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET" /r >nulicacls "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET" /grant Administrators:F /t /q >nulrd /s /q "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64" >nulfor /f %%i in ('dir %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Config /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nulset dn=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727mkdir "%dn%\Temp"move /y "%dn%\fusion.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nulmove /y "%dn%\mscorie.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nulmove /y "%dn%\mscorjit.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nulmove /y "%dn%\mscorlib.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nulmove /y "%dn%\mscorrc.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nulmove /y "%dn%\mscorwks.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nulmove /y "%dn%\sort*.nlp" "%dn%\Temp" >nuldel /f /q "%dn%\*.*" >nulmove /y "%dn%\Temp\*.*" "%dn%" >nulrd /s /q "%dn%\Temp"takeown /f "%SystemRoot%\system32\mscories.dll" >nultakeown /f "%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\mscories.dll" >nulicacls "%SystemRoot%\system32\mscories.dll" /grant Administrators:F /q >nulicacls "%SystemRoot%\Syswow64\mscories.dll" /grant Administrators:F /q >nuldel /f /q "%SystemRoot%\system32\mscories.dll" >nuldel /f /q "%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\mscories.dll" >nulgoto unmountREM Commit the image if all went wel (pre-vLite)REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------:unmountif not errorlevel 1 %unmountimage%if exist "%mount%\Windows" echo An error occured, please commit/discard your image manually:endCan you please help me Jeronimo posting here a custom REMOVAL.BAT for my needs? Edited September 16, 2009 by Cr4z33
Rommsey Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 I appreciate the work of those involved but these guides are very poorly laid out and written. Many people are receiving errors due to steps overlooked or not easily understood due to gaps in the guides.May I suggest a detailed, step-by-step guide that uniformly addresses what users should expect, must do and can easily understand? One will be surprised how a little structure in guides goes a long way to solving common issues and preventing common mistakes.
Cr4z33 Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 (edited) Help! Edited September 17, 2009 by Cr4z33
Rommsey Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Cr4z33 said: Help! What kind of errors did you get running removal.bat?
kawe Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Jeronimo said: @kawe: I saw it, but I will not participate in illegal distribution.@Cr4z33: sorry, but I can only help you out once I have my own non-English release. I had no issues when integrating Dutch, removing English and that performing the additional actions.ah well, ur right, missed that. well now i am trying to follow some guides and do it myself but still cant figure it out why i am having problems finishing installation. Replied to other topic but with no results. maybe u can help outi followed the guide made by liquid and finished removing components with dism. problem is that at end of install i get error that setup couldnt configure win to work with my comps hardware.. didnt even edit the removal/components batches
franner Posted September 18, 2009 Posted September 18, 2009 Thanks alot for your lovely tool Jeronimo, I have been using it for some time and playing around with the removal in integration of language packs.I got 2 suggestion for a "maybe" better code:When i run removal.bat it doesnt want to open dism.exe (cannot find the %sources%\dism.exe). I found a quick solution by moving the "set sources=%DVD%\sources" just below "set dism="%sources%\dism.exe""like thisRem Sourcesset sources=%DVD%\sourcesRem Dismset dism="%sources%\dism.exe"Next part is the:langpack%mountimage%%dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-package /packagepath:"%DVD%\original\"Here i changed%DVD%\original\lp7264x64.cabto%langloc%\lp7264x64%dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-package /packagepath:"%langloc%\"I hope u can use this information or test it yourself.
Jeronimo Posted September 19, 2009 Author Posted September 19, 2009 @Rommsey: I intended to share my findings here and to make it easier for others where possible, I had/have no intention of writing a step-by-step guide.@Cr4z33: sorry but I am not going to look through your entire batch file to see if there might be a mistake in it.@frabber: thanks, starter post updated
franner Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 (edited) I got an issue with integrating updates with the batch file provided.Anyone else got problems with that? I can integrate them doing manual file names and locations, but when using the batch file it doesn't work. I have tried working it out but cant seem too solve it.If i got the updates in the same directory with an other code it works. but when moving them to another dir it doesn't work. Anyone else got issues with "removal.bat updates"?I am trying different options right now to figure out how to solve this but haven't yet. I hope I'm not the only one having this issue?PS. I have tried the standard paths provided in the batch file, everything else works but the update integration Edited September 20, 2009 by franner
Cr4z33 Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Rommsey said: Cr4z33 said: Help! What kind of errors did you get running removal.bat?Well, considering I am running it on an Italian release and that I am not including languages, updates & drivers I get missing packages errors when running the packages and cleanup steps.I tried to cleanup a little bit the batch, but if I will get no support into that I am definitely going to give up and use another better explained and better working method.
dead0 Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 (edited) Cr4z33 said: Cr4z33 said: I cannot apply the install_wim_tweak in no f*****g way neither in a real x64 partition nor into wmware because of ownership problems. SYSTEM is the owner and I cannot find a way to take the ownership of the SOFTWARE file located into C:\s2\windows\system32\config.Even if I apply the authorization settings when I run the tweak I get that annoying error showed below again and again.For the record it says something like "Exception not handled: System.Unauthorizedblah blah blah" and "Access to path: 'c:\s2\windowsblah blahblah' denied".Please help. Seriously people if someone finds a solution to this please post it here. do you have UAC enabled? if so, try disabling that & try again? also, make sure you're using imagex from amd64 to mount the wim to c:\s2...? Edited September 21, 2009 by dead0
Rommsey Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Jeronimo said: @Rommsey: I intended to share my findings here and to make it easier for others where possible, I had/have no intention of writing a step-by-step guide.@Cr4z33: sorry but I am not going to look through your entire batch file to see if there might be a mistake in it.@frabber: thanks, starter post updatedThis is why your guide is very poor and despite your good intentions to help people with your findings, such intentions are wasted by refusing to clearly state your findings and then not offer help directly to someone who tried to follow your steps and ran into issues.Liquid's guide is superior and as such it's clear that Cr4z33 is making the better choice in looking for help elsewhere.
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