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Vista service pack 2 RTM


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

could somebody explain the error rbcc (US) and me (GER) gets in vlite during loading a working reverse integrated vSP2 version? It seams it has nothing to do with locale/language differences of vista<->waik<->.NETfx. Is it possible that M$ uses some code to prevent vlite from loading? M$ actually do more offense marketing against vlite and pro reverse integration.

If so, and if there is no hope for future releases of vlite HOW does vlite the component removal? I would do it myselfs at command prompt if neccessary.



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Dear MagicAndre1981,

dear RBCC,

today I sucessfully removed components from a technes msdn M$ Vista SP2 RTM ISO.

BUT my own reverse integrated version does'nt work with the same procedure.

So I searched the forum once again. I could'nt found more people with the exact error but

I found some .NET exeption handles + some possible solutions to resolve.

One suggestion was to downgrade from vlite 1.20 -> 1.1.6. THATs IT. This worked for me too.

Now i can remove components from my own ISO.

Maybe somebody is interested to know this?



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about all the ilegit stuff and legit stuff

i wanna speak my mind

mostly for the staff of the forum that make very good job

first i dont agree with the ms eula rules

its really unfair

its really getting to deep to our bones and places that even not connect directly to the OS

and for staff u saw how much projects opened and closed for urs eyes

if i would staff or admin i wont be so supportive to ms or any other soft company

im not saying make it warez forum or whatever

just less care about stuff

u guys speaking alot about warez and what allowed and what is not allowed

for example

if someone speak i download from http://website.com should be not tolerate and ban him

but if he saying i download from torrent or something not giving a link

just notice he could have problem virus or something

i duno the policy of this fourm

but u guys work so hard on that subject and even not get paid :) by those software companies

and im sorry if im sound rude here

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It's ok - we try to take cases on a case-by-case basis and judge the contents of a post against the rules. As to the EULA and licensing, regardless of whether or not the admins and mods here like or dislike the limitations/restrictions/etc of the companies involved, we still respect their rights for operating within the laws of theirr countries and international law. Again, it doesn't reflect our personal opinions or our views, just the laws and us making sure that this forum (which is hosted in the US, also) follows applicable local and international laws as much as possible.

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no, I've also used the german Vista Sp2 integrated ISO and I have no issues.

Vlite 1.2 used ( on a Win7 PC ) to customize a technet iso of Vista ENU with sp2 integrated.

As you can see, the lighted Vista works like a charm on the old PC which is a Siemens Scenic D 815E, Pentium III 866 with 256MB of Ram, using it now to post here ,and no it is not as slow as you might think.. :thumbup :


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