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Vista service pack 2 RTM


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the way you are wording things you are making it sound like i am uploading the images to torrents or something.

ANYTIME you download a torrent you are sharing and spreading the image. You have no clue how torrents work.

Trust me I have been busted for torrenting in the past. Actuall men with badges and all that!

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Dear folks,

I red the tutorial for reverse integration several times. Every try following the describtion results in the same error. At last I did'nt test with SP0+SP1+SP2 nor SP0+SP1. I only tested with VistaSP0 unmodified.

1.) I installed VistaSP0

2.) entered audit mode

3.) changed nothing and shutdown with generalize

4.) boot my WinPE liveDVD

5.) use imagex exactly as described (wait 1 hour)

6.) replaced original install.wim of purchased DVD

7.) started vlite to make an ISO

8.) ERROR: the input string has invalid format

9.) alternatively tried OSCDIMG

10.) booted VMWare with virtual iso

11.) ERROR: image mount error the system cannot find the file specified 0x80070020

(I don't know the exact english error phrases, because I use vlite+Vista in german)


Hi MagicAndre1981.

Da du als sehr kompetenter und zuverlässiger deutscher vlite Nutzer gehandelt wirst, möchte ich dir gern die deutschen Fehlermeldungen schreiben. vlite=Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche format.

VistaSetup=Windows kann die Datei nicht öffnen, prüfen sie ob alle erforderlichen Dateien verfügbar sind Code 0x80070020.

Is it importend or obsolete if I use imagex.exe from Waik 1.0 ~700MB or WaikSP1 1.1 ~1300MB?

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?

I thank you for any response.



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Dear folks,

thank you for the fast reply.

My first tests were...

VistaSp0-Audit Mode-SP1-reboot-SP2-reboot-generalize (RTM from 28.Apr.2009)

Because this results in the error, my second tries were...

VistaSp0-Audit mode-SP1-reboot-generalize

Even the same error...

The show must go on, so I installed...

VistaSP0-Audit Mode-NO CHANGES!-generalize

After that I used the command...

imagex.exe /compress maximum /flags "HomePremium" ......... "Windows Vista HomePremium"

Consider, there was nothing changed on my last try but the error is the same if I would do so.

I forgot to mention that the command imagex.exe -info....... results in the same overview my

original purchased install.wim results in.

vLite 1.2 can open my original VistaSp0 without any errors, but not the "homemade" version

I have no further idea.


Hi MagicAndre1981,

was ist in vLite mit Eingabezeichenfolge gemeint? Gehe ich zu den Fehlerdetails erscheinen einige Compiler Parameter $String... u.s.w. Da hört es bei mir leider auf.

Best regards


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Hi fellows,

dear MagivAndre1981,

of course, I will test the imagex.exe from WAIK1.0 and WAIK1.1 today evening and post it to you tomorrow. I know from several slipstream/integration guides that guiImagex-Frontend also compresses wrong *.wim's. Maybe the imagex.exe version ist the solution.

see you tomorrow




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Hi fellows,

as I promised here are the attached pics and logs.

The change from waik1.0 imagex.exe v.11.2006

to the waiksp1.1 imagex.exe v08.2008 does'nt

help - same errors.

I dont know what i'm doing wrong.

It can't be as tricky as it is on my pc

because MS uses the same way and

recommends it for home users too.

I know the competitor vlite is'nt loved

in Redmond :realmad:

Hope smebody can help me.






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This almost seems like a culture conversion problem rather than an actual integer parsing problem (a quick google search for this error turns up issues with English-written C# code on non-English Windows builds of Windows and/or .net and this error with this exact stack).

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Hi you all,

now, I would like to report you of my big surprise yesterday evening. After submitting my last reply to you I gave the vista setup one last chance.

Surprise: it installs flawless!!!!! This was my intension to download another sliptream/integrate tool - the VUI 1.0beta5. http://www.winvistaside.de/downloads/syste...-integrator-47/

This tool runs/loads flassless too. So I can send you the following matrix of tests.

ImageX imageX imageX

Version Waik1.0 Waik1.1

vLite 1.2 -------- --------


VistaInst -------- XXXXX

Relating the VistaSetup is behaves like described in the 7th post on this website.


Relating the vlite problem I only have one idea and will test it today. Your hint with the english vista/.NET could be the reason. I have to explain that all my done splipstream/integration work is to replace my preinstalled HP-Pavilion OEM Recovery Vista Version. I hate the Crapware and the missing hotfixes/ patches. Of course I execute vlite on that system. Maybe it was an english one with only an german sliptreamed language pack??? So I will run vlite on my new SP2 partition loading the install.wim.

The new installed vista shows SP2-Version in system but does'nt do that in add/remove. Is this because I run the vsp1cln.exe and compcln.exe after installing SP's and before generalize???? I red uninstalling is unavailabe then.

Bye + you are the best


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The new installed vista shows SP2-Version in system but does'nt do that in add/remove. Is this because I run the vsp1cln.exe and compcln.exe after installing SP's and before generalize???? I red uninstalling is unavailabe then.
Yes, this is why - you make it permanent after you run those tools, removing the uninstall files, the previous SP's files, and any restore points the installer created during SP setup.
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the way you are wording things you are making it sound like i am uploading the images to torrents or something.

ANYTIME you download a torrent you are sharing and spreading the image. You have no clue how torrents work.

Trust me I have been busted for torrenting in the past. Actuall men with badges and all that!

and sometimes torrents can have unwanted malware/spyware/viruses in them which makes them more risky

BTW - I looked at the posts at the bottom of this page:


Vista SP2 will be posted at Windows Update and at the Microsoft Download Center on May 26.

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Dear fellows,

I did my final tests with my reverse slipstreamed SP2 and vlite. Because vlite would'nt load the *.wim on my 1st preinstalled HP-OEM system, I promised to test on the running SP2 system.

The problem is the same. But this system IS a german one, with german WAIK+wimfltr.inf, with german .NET and german vlite. So I don't know where the language conversion error relates on.

Is there any possibility to do the extraction of unwanted applications anyway else? How/what does vlite do to remove some stuff?

Best regards


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The Vista SP2 final downloads are now available (including the SP2 DVD ISO image) from Microsoft Download Center.

Check out the New Downloads section of the Microsoft Download Center. Vista SP2 should also be available at Microsoft Update/Windows Update shortly.

Edited by erpdude8
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