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Posted (edited)

Just wanna to confirm this once for all (specially for those who just found this topic).

Thanks to this guide, over 1000 HDDs were 100% repaired without any issue, or data loss until date.

There are innumerables "Thanks" here as evidence, so this just reaffirm the guide is flawlessly (as far the user understand every step of guide and is able to following them).

I'll just say that: In which you'll trust?, in someone who came here for flamewar, caos, and Confucius's thing (using untested cmds and doubtful methods), or those who really wants to help? ;)

Well, I don't even need to answer that, right? :whistle:


PS: 6 years is nothing, specially when you pass over 20 years into this stuff. ;)

Edited by Gradius2

To dear mr Gradius2:

I really dont want start an flamewar. When someone comming here and reads your first post, everything looks as you are autor of this solution. To be honest did you underestand what are you doing? No, you just grabbed all infos from Yura site and called him a thief. I cant forgive you that. How dare you?

You make terrible mistakes when translating that site by google and you dont want to listen when we tryed to tell you what is wrong in "your tutorial". There are rare cases when problems can occur, but it happens. I sent PM to you, you ignored that. Its your choice. But people have right to know that you dont have any idea how this really works.

Anyway there are many drives where terminal locks up. It will happen after do a power cycle, which was totally unnecessary at that moment and dangerous for drive. All these steps can be done without any power cycle between steps, but its necessary to do additional checks. Without, it can be a lottery and noone wants to gamble with own (or worse customers) data.

What can i say? If anyone feels that I helped and want to make a donation? Sure, but not for me, send money to unicef, caritas or any other organization who really needs it. I dont want anyones money for helping here. I like my job and it makes me fun when I can help someone without any interest in it.

As your tutorial is on first page, I really suggest you mr Gradius2 to review all steps and correct what is wrong with it.

First, there is no any reason to clear G-list if it not contain errors, moreover it will destroy all content in sectors which was remapped. It will not visible just by checking content of directories and check few files for consistence.

Second: power cycles are no need and are potentialy dangerous.

Third: Touching any single screw on drive is not necessary too. Yes you dont need to take off pcb to do all steps. So ppl dont need torx screwdriver that you wanted to sell in kit.

Fourth: making unnecessary double signal conversion is a potentialy source of problems: from USB (which is +5V) to RS232 levels (which are -12V to +12V) and back to TTL levels (+5V) which btw is a little too much but noone fried his drive due that.

When you read posts from yesterday you (maybe) will find out what else are wrong.


i believe you both know alot more than most of us - if you can put your heads together maybe there can be a solution that is agreed upon by both of you.... and be the best route for us all to take.




Now I need help.

My ST3500320AS doesn't spin on anymore. This evening I wanted to try this workaround (busy mode) again. But after connecting the hd to the powersupply nothing happened.

In bios: 0MB, under OS X in the disk utility: 2 TB. ?!

It seems that you burned motor ic, Im almost sure that you connect motor when pcb was not stopped and gives voltage to motor. Thats why I told its was really stupid to disconnect it, you will not know when motor is powered and when not.

Does drive making any sounds? (it can be really silent, just put ear on it and power on). Does drive says anything on terminal? Maybe something like this: Buzz Buzz Buzz if yes, it means that microprogram is trying to start motor but could not. Let me know.

hm...... that's bad. :(

But how did I do that?! It is really dissapointing cause I checked every connection twice but didn't get the right output in the terminal.

Know I've damaged something. Data gone forever?!




please help me! :}

When start communication with Hyperterminal it starts to type random characters and my keyboard is disabled...

I have used a ca42 pin 6/7 to TX RX, is it wrong? Do I short my cable?

Posted (edited)
please help me! :}

When start communication with Hyperterminal it starts to type random characters and my keyboard is disabled...

I have used a ca42 pin 6/7 to TX RX, is it wrong? Do I short my cable?

driver to cable is properly installed? did you try to "loopback test" ? short RX and TX in your cable and try type something. are you sure that you choose 38400, n , 1 and no flow control?

I saw something like you described but then also cpu consumpition was always 100% and the only way to stop it was to pull off cable from usb port. i tryed on another pc and it worked fine.

Is it original nokia's CA-42 or clone? What you see in COM ports in device manager? Tell more details then someone will help ya

Edited by aviko

I've colored the important parts in red...

please help me! :}

When start communication with Hyperterminal it starts to type random characters and my keyboard is disabled...

I have used a ca42 pin 6/7 to TX RX, is it wrong? Do I short my cable?

Tokuro, you're right too.

3.3v is already in RX/GND and TX/GND. With a little help of a volt meter you can find the ground: connecting the negative pole to the ground wire and the positive to RX or TX you will see that 3.3 voltage in the meter. Once you set up your terminal session, by typing some random chars in the terminal you'll see in the meter that voltage slighty go up or down in the TX line, the other one should stay fixed on 3.3v. With this you can find RX and TX wire too and then you're done, connect TX and RX to the HD and if you don't share a common ground (if you use your notebook for the usb plug and another PSU for powering the HD) connect the ground wire on the HD pin 2 as showed on one of my previous posts.

My cable had 6 wires and the right ones were white (GND), yellow (TX) and blue (RX) but sadly there're no standard colors.

If you don't have a volt meter, you can also do a very rough test. Set up your terminal session and slightly let touch 2 wires at once. If you see come up strange characters in your terminal window, then you have in your hands RX and GND wires. Then, type random characters in your terminal and do the same with the other wire and when you'll see what you type come back in your terminal window it just means you connected RX and TX togheter (a loopback connection!!).

Do some trial and error and don't be hurry! Good luck!

Before I chop its head off... anyone knows if this cable should work or not????

It's a CA-45 Nokia Cable. Pictures attached.

It's the same -nameless- brand i bought! The only thing is that mine was CA-42, this is CA-45. I cannot be sure, but I think the only difference is in the phone plug model, the long usb connector seems to be the same as mine. Inside it there's a chinese USB to Serial Arkmicron chip. Note that for those chips there're no Vista drivers, XP only.

You may also check on pinouts.ru website for be sure it has TX/RX/3.3v.

Well, I've just chopped it off. And it has 3 cables: Black, Red and White.

You were right: it installs as "Arkmicro USB to SERIAL" in my XP notebook.

You were also right: my vista PC won't install it. (no drivers)

You were right too: It is a long USB connector identical as the one seen in the CA-42 and DKU-5 pictures on the net.

But... are you sure I've to check if one of the 3 cables is 3.3V???? I was assuming that the 3 cables were for TX, RX and GROUND. Am I wrong???

Greets, ToKuRo.

I guess you are using RX and GROUND instead of TX. If you are SURE that you have TX and RX then you should check if your cables are not short circuiting. (<--not sure if it is the right word)


Posted (edited)

Hi again,

I've just bought a ttl converter like this -> http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataShee...232R3V3_v09.pdf

But when i tried yesterday it didn't work. I dont get any terminal answer. I'm wondering if i need to connect the power to the pinouts also??

If someone knows how to do, please help me..

I've connected the TX to the orange and RX to the yellow cable, do i need to do anything more?


Edited by alexx86
Hi again,

I've just bought a ttl converter like this -> http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataShee...232R3V3_v09.pdf

But when i tried yesterday it didn't work. I dont get any terminal answer. I'm wondering if i need to connect the power to the pinouts also??

If someone knows how to do, please help me..

I've connected the TX to the orange and RX to the yellow cable, do i need to do anything more?


first of all, check terminal with shorting tx and rx together you should see what you type. i posted this information few times. and not only me.

tell model f/w and p/nof your disk.

do you have any older series of seagate disks? pcb from it is enough, if yes, connect it as in photo few pages ago and set terminal to 9600, then you will be 100% sure that everything is in place and working

Hi again,

I've just bought a ttl converter like this -> http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataShee...232R3V3_v09.pdf

But when i tried yesterday it didn't work. I dont get any terminal answer. I'm wondering if i need to connect the power to the pinouts also??

If someone knows how to do, please help me..

I've connected the TX to the orange and RX to the yellow cable, do i need to do anything more?


first of all, check terminal with shorting tx and rx together you should see what you type. i posted this information few times. and not only me.

tell model f/w and p/nof your disk.

do you have any older series of seagate disks? pcb from it is enough, if yes, connect it as in photo few pages ago and set terminal to 9600, then you will be 100% sure that everything is in place and working

I have fw SD1A and the model is 3500320AS. Okey I will try shortcircuit RX and TX, why 9600, in the main post it says 38400?

I tried the 0 LBA fix (HDD is recognized by BIOS, but as 0MB), but it doesn't seem to work:

When I input "m0 2,2,0,0,0,0,22" it takes a few seconds until the first line ("Max Wr Retries"...) shows up completly but then appears the following error message:

Error 1008 DETSEC 0000500D

User Partition Format Failed - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs

R/W Sense 00000002, R/W Error 00000084, File Error 00001002

Blk Addr 01080001, Blk Addr Type D0, Cyl 01590000, Hd 00

Anyone experienced the same or can help?

EDIT: Interface is a modified Sagem data-cable with SP232AET-chipset (equal to MAX232), but this interface seems to work as it gets an answer.

This might be caused for something more severe problem on drive.

The drive just went into 0 LBA error after a reboot? After that, you didn't tried anything else (like trying to upgrade the firmware, etc) ?

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22


Partition: 0
FormatOpts: 2
DefectListOpts: 2
MaxWrRetryCnt: 0
MaxRdRetryCnt: 0
MaxEccTLevel: 0
MaxCertifyTrkRewrites: 0
ValidKey: 22

Try this:

F3 T>m0,1,1,0,0,0,0,22

If no good, try:

F3 T>m0,1,1,2,2,0,0,22

If success, try this again:

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22

It can takes as slow as 30 to 120 secs to get something on terminal.


I am seriously terrified. Your irresponsibility and incompetence has no end. You recommend him try these command, did you ever know what it means? Kadolf was extremely lucky, his terminal wasnt work correctly and these commands wasnt executed.

Just look what it does:

F3 T>m0,1,1,2,2,0,0,22					  
Max Wr Retries = 02, Max Rd Retries = 02, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewr
ite Retries = 0000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 001061F7, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 002120B3, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 0031DF6F, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00429E2B, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00536553, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00642C7B, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 0074E2CB, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 0085A9F3, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 009668AF, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00A7276B, ErrCode C40
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00B7E627, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00C8AD4F, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00D97477, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00EA3B9F, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00FB02C7, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 010BC183, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 0% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 011C803F, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 1% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 012D4767, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 1% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 013E16FB, ErrCode 000
User Partition Format 1% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 014ED5B7, ErrCode C40

process was cancelled....

it lasted 120 seconds, data from 0-120000000 sectors was irreversibly destroyed, more after breaking format both defect lists are destroyed and unusable so you cannot recalculate proper translator anymore.

Dear Mr Gradius2, please dont make a specialist from yourself. Your advices could be catastrofic for someone. Dont test commands on innocent people who came here for help with their losted data.

You invented nothing, just copy and paste someones hard work and research. I can proove this many many times. For example this user tryed to enter improper command which he found here and which was with SAME error on source page. I mean "m0 2,2,0,0,0,0,22" space instead of comma, coincidence?

I promised myself that I will not make war against you but after saw your experiments on innocent users I just cant leave it.


first of all, check terminal with shorting tx and rx together you should see what you type. i posted this information few times. and not only me.

tell model f/w and p/nof your disk.

do you have any older series of seagate disks? pcb from it is enough, if yes, connect it as in photo few pages ago and set terminal to 9600, then you will be 100% sure that everything is in place and working

I have fw SD1A and the model is 3500320AS. Okey I will try shortcircuit RX and TX, why 9600, in the main post it says 38400?

9600 was for for older series, 7200.7 .8 .9 .10 , 38400 is for .11

If you have any old seagate set terminal to 9600 and try with older one. There wasnt any issues with terminal so if you can communicate with old one, you will be sure that terminal is working, of course to work with .11 you have to set baud back to 38400

aviko, from your experience is it safe to swap pcbs and run the firmware for those of us who are not good with electronics/coding?

If you mean 7200.11/ES.2/Diamondmax22 series it will not work. Connect only pcb without hda to pc and recognize it in bios or any other software. there will be capacity 0mb but serial number should be visible. What is that mean? It means that individual for any single hdd data are stored on its own pcb. Unless you do some work (sorry i cant tell you in simple words how exactly you need to do) it will not work. Use your brain/google/help someone and consider do you really have experience and proper tools to do that.


as I underestand you mean swap pcb from another hdd right? Or by swapping you mean removing its own and put back together due all above steps in solution.


Sorry I was not clear at all. I will try again.

I have two drives ST31000340AS, lets call them A + B.

A is good and updated to firmware SD1A.

B has SD15 but cannot be seen in BIOS, hd light is constantly on.

Can I take pcb from B put it on A, flash the drive to SD1A, then put the pcb back to B.

Will this work without damage to both hardware and data?

Posted (edited)

Now that everyone is getting pretty good at fixing Seagate drives.

Seagate will have a 2TB drive in the 3rd quarter of 2009. (this could need fixing too! )



seagate press release.


Here's a reviewers comment on it which they supplied before they were asked!

To establish prior art for this joke - 'I know why it's named Constellation, I was so mad when my drive died I saw stars .'

Here's a comment on that review site that I didn't know about and perhaps others didn't either.

The MBR is limited to a maximum partition size of 2TB, and while the GPT removes that limitation it isn't implemented in BIOS but rather in EFI. I'm sure a hack is forthcoming once single drives exceed 2TB, a la the previous limit.

Thus, should the drive manufacturers make drives bigger than 2TB, one will have to split the drive into partitions

that don't exceed 2TB each.

GUID Partition Table (GPT) per Msoft site when one searches it for "GPT drive".


Because the x64 and x86 architectures do not provide support for an EFI boot partition, you cannot use a GPT drive to boot an x64-based computer or an x86-based computer with a legacy BIOS. Therefore, computers running these operating systems must be equipped with more than one physical driver to allow the use of the GPT disk format.

Looks like windowx X64 can do this but not x32. Can someone confirm this since I don't have x64 OS. and VISTA.

Windows 7?????


Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI). where's the firmware? Intel has the spec on this.

4. Where can I find the specification for GPT disk partitioning?

Chapter 16 of the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) specification defines the GPT format.

This document is available at http://www.Intel.com/technology/efi/

More from the GPT FAQS.

13. Can Windows XP x64 read, write, and boot from GPT disks?

Windows XP x64 edition can use GPT disks for data only. Only Windows for Itanium-based systems can boot from GPT partitions.

14. Can the 32-bit version of Windows XP read, write, and boot from GPT disks?

No. The 32-bit version will see only the Protective MBR. The EE partition will not be mounted or otherwise exposed to application software.

15. Can the 32-bit versions of Windows Server 2003 read, write, and boot from GPT disks?

All versions of Windows 2003 since Server Pack 1 can use GPT partitioned disks for data. Booting is only supported for Itanium-based systems.

16. Can Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 read, write, and boot from GPT disks?

Yes, all versions can use GPT partitioned disks for data. Booting is only supported for EFI-based systems.

17. Can Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, or Windows 95/98 read, write, and boot from GPT?

No. Again, legacy software will see only the Protective MBR.

18. What about mixing and matching GPT and MBR disks on the same system?

GPT and MBR disks can be mixed on systems that support GPT, as described earlier the following restrictions apply:

• Systems that support EFI require that the boot partition must reside on a GPT disk. Other hard disks can be either MBR or GPT.

• Both MBR and GPT disks can be present in a single dynamic disk group. Volume sets can span both MBR and GPT disks. However, the MBR cylinder alignment restriction might cause some difficulties mirroring or striping MBR and GPT disks.

19. What about removable media?

Removable media must be MBR or "superfloppy."

What about Virtual Disks that are formatted with GPT and Virtual OS'?

More UEFI aka EFI at,



Here is a link from intel to MSOFT UEFI tools.


The following Disk Utilities are available:

Diskpart EFI GPT Disk Partitioning Tool

Efichk EFI Check Disk Utility

Efifmt EFI Format Utility


Edited by mikesw

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