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Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 Troubles

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Since today my drive is bricked, too (the reason, why I found this forum). But their serial number check thinks it's not affected. Checked the drive connected to the onboard-controller and connected to a controller-card and changed the sata-cable. It's both the same. Bought my drive in November 2008. :angry:

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Hey guys,

my drive is no longer detected in bios. I bought the drive in April 2008!! I put the serial into the seagate serial checker and surprise surprise it's not affected :realmad:

anyway, are segate going to help us users recover our data whose drives are not detected in the bios? I dont care what happens to my drive I just really want my data!!

Here are my drive details, any help is appreciated

Barracuda 7200.11 500GB

S/N - 9QM1VH6X


P/N - 9BX154-303

Firmware - SD15

Date Code - 08365

Product of Thailand

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Some facts.

They produce over 10 millions of 3.5" HDs per month (and around 5 millions of 2.5" HDs), so the problem is there for around 6 months at least.

This means, over 60 millions 3.5" HDs where shipped until 31/12/2008. The faulty rate is as high (or higher) than 50%, saying is just 30~40% is a joke.

So, let stick with just 50%, that means at least 30 millions 3.5" HDs are screwed, now imagine Seagate trying to fix that! Even if they get a super 3rd party company to fix all that, they will never do over a million fixes per month (is just inhuman!), so they will spent 3 years (at least) to fix all those HDs !

This will be just the CAOS, if you don't believe me, just wait and see.

About CC1H question, someone on $eagate forum says it causes a lot errors, when copying a lot files, etc:



I have two 1TB with CC1F, they appear working fine, BUT the access time is kinda low (15.6ms).

Until date, every SDnn is screwed too.


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I bought a seagate 7200.11 with firmware SD15 750 Go last week.

I just check the serial number to the seagate webpage and it told me my drive is affected.

Does it mean the drive is affected by the firmware bug on revision SD15 ?

for info, my drive has been produced on august 28th, 2008 in China plant.

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Hi all,

Just found this forum, and all these peoples problems.

I too have a drive that fails at the bios detection (one minute the drive was fine, next the pc locked up, after a reboot it hung at the Sata detection stage.

The drive is a 500gig Maxtor DiamondMax 22 STM3500320AS

S/N 5qmovlqy

P/N 9gt154-325

Firmware MX15

Date Code 08326

Made In china

I believe that this drive is exactly the same (name apart) as the ones being mentioned here.

Ive owned it for quite a few months now, probably 6-8 (not sure how to work the date code out tho.)

It looks as though the problem has existed a bit longer than thought tho.

Anyway any links to hard/software solutions to restoring the BSY Flag would be appreciated or a step bt step would be helpfull.

Anyone in the Uk tried the HD Doctor too???

T.I.A. Anth

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my two Seagate 7200.11 1GB still working (i hope untill firmware fix release) :}:wacko: .

The Seagate check webpage told all two drives are affected:





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The Solution for 7200.11 Seagate HDDs:

Attention: This guide isn't intent for unexperienced users! Is very easy to KILL your HD if you don't follow the instructions with extreme caution. You have been warned! I'm NOT responsible for any damage or data loss it can causes.

You'll need:

- 1 (one) RS232 to TTL (I recommend those with +5V so you can use power from power supply PC).

- 1 (one) RS232 cable

- 1 (one) PC with Terminal software (like HyperTerminal) and RS232 port

- 4 (four) wires (for TX, RX, GND and +5V)

- Some jumpers, or similar (to link TX and RX on Seagate)

- Soldering Iron (optional)

- A fixed firmware from Seagate (to be released around 01/20)

- A torx tool

TX and RX connections from a SATA Seagate 3.5":


Connect TX and RX ports with RS232 to TLL adapter, you'll need something like jumpers in order to do that, or soldering directly to the PCB board. Connect GND and +5V to PC power supply, or similar.

Keep in mind RED wire from supply is +5V, and green or black are GNDs (yellow is +12V so don't use it).

Run HyperTerminal (or your favourite terminal software).

Config the RS232 port to: 38400 8 N 1

Fixing 0 LBA error:

To correct 0 LBA error, you'll need to do a quick format in order to regenerate the partition, just with m0,2,2 and the rest can be left blank by putting only commas or filling out with zeros. At the end you need to use a "ValidKey" code, or 22. So we'll have to enter:

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 (enter)

Now wait 15~30 seconds until something like this appears (it will vary a bit):

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format 5% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00008DED, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

ONLY after the message like above, enter:

F3 T>/2 (enter)

F3 2>Z (enter)

Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 0.147 msecs

NOW you can turn off everything.

Conglatulations, you done it! (Goodbye money! Oh my! I could be rich!) :blink:

Fixing BSY or CC errors aka BUSY (this will be kinda tough! I recommend a lot practice before to trying):

First you need to remove the PCB from HDA case, after that, connect RX & TX cables, verify that all is correct, and then power supply to PCB.

Explanation: To drives that hangs all the time in "busy" and on terminal (for example: LED: 000000CC FAddr: 0024A051 error codes), in which it blocks the terminal and it doesn't respond to any command, first we'll have to block off the time reading from plates on HD, in other words, power off your HD and DISCONNECT the PCB from HDA, with PCB alone, power up and press CTRL+Z (to enter on CMD mode), now we'll need to access the Level 2:

F3 T>/2 (enter)

F3 2>

And enter (to stop the spindle motor):

F3 2>Z (enter)

Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 0.147 msecs (the time will vary here)
F3 2>

Now the hard part. Pratice a lot without any power (of course), before even trying anything here.

Then mount the PCB back to HDA case, and DO NOT power off or disconnect the PCB from RX/TX (RS232) and power supply !

Now enter (to start the motor):

F3 2>U (enter)

You should get something like this:

Spin Up Complete

Elapsed Time 7.093 secs

F3 2>

Then go to Level 1 (by typing /1):

F3 T>/1 (enter)

Now lets do a S.M.A.R.T. erase (create S.M.A.R.T. sector):

F3 1>N1 (enter)

Now turn off (or power off) the drive. At this point I don't know yet if the drive power off alone after N1 command or not (I'm still need to order my RS232 to TTL adaptor). So, I'll just mention that as "Power OFF/ON" process.

G-List Erase (cert the reserved cyl):

F3 T>i4,1,22 (enter)

Power OFF/ON

Partition regeneration:

F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 (enter)

You should get something like (in around 15~30 seconds):

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 14, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 00C8
User Partition Format 10% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00004339, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs
User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

If you didn't get the msg above, then you skipped something important, and turning off your drive now will render an unreadable drive, so be careful.

ONLY after the message like above, enter:

F3 T>/2 (enter)

F3 2>Z (enter)

Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 0.147 msecs

NOW you can turn off everything.

Conglatulations, you done it! (Goodbye money! Oh my! I could be rich!) :blink:

Reference files (.fbr video [FlashBack] and pdf).

Credits goes to the peoples from:





Keep in mind I did my best to compile all this information and provide more and better details.


Edit: the default speed is indeed 38400 bps

Edited by Gradius2
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Just got this from the forum moderator at Seagate:


Thanks for your participation on the forums so far.

I have edited your message so as to remove the off-topic content.

Off-topic content includes the following: advertisements for other

companies, advertisements for TV shows, complaints that contain no

helpful/actionable content, whining, links to off-site pages that

contain no actionable content, etc. In your case, your post contained

no helpful or actionable content.

We are glad you're posting on the forum. Just please restrict your

comments to on-topic content, which is either a question detailing the

situation and requesting help, a question asking another user for more

information, or an answer to a question with something helpful for the

other user, and thus comply with the rules and guidelines to which you

agreed when you registered.


Best Regards,



God these guys got no brains at all. Hundreds of customers are really p***ed off and all they can think off it's stupid and non-sense forums rules? Seagate needs to burn in hell for all they are doing! :realmad:

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Fixing 0 LBA error:

To correct 0 LBA error, you'll need to do a quick format in order to regenerate the partition, just with m0,2,2 and the rest can be left blank by putting only commas or filling out with zeros. At the end you need to use a "ValidKey" code, or 22. So we'll have to enter:

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 (enter)


a question: Will the quick format wipe out / erase the existing data?

Thanks, Arnd

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guys try using capital letters when entering the serial # on seagates checker site.

this person is right!

mine was affected when i entered my number in so i was wondering why so many others were having problems. i just put it in again in lower case and it tells me my drive is not affected. make sure you enter the letters in caps on the seagate checker!

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I called to them, they confirmed free data recovery, but they asked to call back on Tuesday.

Just wondering, were you escalated to one of the supervisors to find out that information?

Yes! At the beginning women told me that free data recovery is a bul*****!

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Fixing 0 LBA error:

To correct 0 LBA error, you'll need to do a quick format in order to regenerate the partition, just with m0,2,2 and the rest can be left blank by putting only commas or filling out with zeros. At the end you need to use a "ValidKey" code, or 22. So we'll have to enter:

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 (enter)


a question: Will the quick format wipe out / erase the existing data?

Thanks, Arnd

Actually this isn't a full format, its just regenerates (or re-create) some part of the partition.

Of course there are always the possibility to loss some data.


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