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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86

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i create two new installer and their name is NDP20SP2-KB976576-x86.exe and NDP30SP2-KB977354-x86.exe and i don't put NDP30SP2-KB982524-x86.exe to WORK folder.

After i create my silent .net installer.

is it true?

Yes, this is true.

Posted (edited)


Hej! NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86 is required ?? WU does not require this file in my system.

Edited by pakeroso


Hej! NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86 is required ?? WU does not require this file in my system.

NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86 is superseded by NDP1.1sp1-KB979906-X86 which is in turn superseded by NDP1.1sp1-KB2416447-X86.



I create my .net aio exe but i see a problem like this..

I can execute this file only windows xp and i can't see any option for windows 7 or general option.If i can't tell please look picture :)

This is error


and This is my ini files options


Posted (edited)

I create my .net aio exe but i see a problem like this..

I can execute this file only windows xp and i can't see any option for windows 7 or general option.If i can't tell please look picture :)

Read the title of this topic:

Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86

It is not for Windows 7, besides Windows 7 has .Net framework already included.


Edited by Escorpiom

You can run it through RunOnce with switches, or use those switches to make a switchless installer with 7-Zip, WinRAR (shareware) etc.

Here are the switches

post-236786-078622600 1287317463_thumb.j


Just to give everyone a heads up, since strel has been MIA now for quite awhile, I'm making an attempt to update this script. I've gotten a LOT of help from gora and YumeYao so far, but I'm always very happy to get all the help I can from anyone who is willing/able to help. :)

Some Questions/Comments:

1) Anyone still using this script for Win2K? - My2GirlsDad did if I remember right.

2) I'm fixing the script so the work arounds that Mooms, SunLion, & Escorpiom came up with will not be required.

3) The IExpress method that krose came up with to handle the multiple embedded hotfix issue will also not be required.

4) I'll update the advice section to current so recently superseded hotfixes will be taken care of.

5) I'm looking at the posibility of adding the ability to add .NET 4 with this method - NO PROMISES - I know several other methods seem to have a few issues with XP and slow start up, so if I can't come up with a way that works, I won't add it.

6) I'm looking at the posibility of adding the ability to handle Win7 (for .NET 1.1 and .NET 4 ONLY) with this method - NO PROMISES

7) I'm very curious why I can't recall anyone asking strel about adding the capability for using this method for x64 - no interest at all? It should work, but I don't even have a x64 capable system, so I would need a LOT of help with testing. It would also help to be able to see someone else's x64 addon that works to see what they did and possibly use it as a model for what my result needs to look like. I might play with this, but - NO PROMISES

8) I'll TRY to add the improvements that are possible with this method that YumeYao has implemented, but again - NO PROMISES

9) I would really appreciate being able to bounce some questions/ideas off anyone who might know just a little bit about this script and it's inner workings, especially concerning the use of the many different versions of KB960043 that have come out and when to use which version. Any help out there, PLEASE??? It would really speed things up as to when I can get this script reworked. If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. I'll get it figured out eventually. I'm just the kind of guy that has to understand WHY it works, not just that it does.

Some of the other members here have really been great about taking up the slack in strel's absence to help everyone with their problems. Just to mention a few, Mooms, SunLion, Escorpiom, My2GirlsDad, -X-, gora, YumeYao, Sp0iLedBrAt, Kurt_Aust, krose, and user_hidden among others I'm sure I've forgotten. This script would not have survived without the help of members like this.

I'll try to keep you updated with my progress. If there are any questions, comments, suggestions as to what you would like to see added, changed, or taken out, NOW is the time to make them.

Cheers and Regards

Posted (edited)

Wow bphlpt, that's great news! I would be happy to test your work too.

Please reconsider .Net 1.1 for Windows 7, that's rather old and most apps moved on to 2.0 or higher.

But the .Net 4 is perfectly fine for Win XP or Win 7.

I hope you succeed in updating the script. Awesome.

Edit: No Win2K support needed here.


Edited by Escorpiom


How excellent notice!

All we will be very grateful for this its initiative. Also, we will look for to help in what it will be to our reach.



Posted (edited)

As I'm trying to update strel's SNMsynth script I have become very confused about KB960043 and it's use. I'm looking for AN"YONE that can shed just a little light on it for me.

I have downloaded and examined ALL the .NET hotfixes I could find on thehotfixshare.net. I have found SIX different versions of NDP35SP1-KB960043.msp BEFORE M$ finally designated them NDP35SP1-KB960043-v3.msp (only used for NDP20SP2-KB972848.msp that I've found) and NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp. The widest variety of versions is used for .NET 2.0. The hotfix is always named NDP35SP1-KB960043xxx.msp regardless whether it's intended to be applied to .NET 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5.

For .NET 3.0 and 3.5 strel handled it this way:

1) Create an administrative install point.

2) Don't apply hotfixes that have been superceded.

3) Sort the remaining hotfixes that apply to that framework (incorrectly, but I know a way to handle that issue).

4) Apply the GDR branch hotfixes (those that have no version of KB960043 included) in numerical order.

5) Apply NDP35SP1-KB960043.msp (if included with any hotfix) then apply the hotfixes that included it in numerical order. [if there were more than one version of NDP35SP1-KB960043.msp involved, it's not clear to me which one was used and if it matters.]

6) Apply NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp (if included with any hotfix) then apply the hotfixes that included it in numerical order.

7) Apply language packs.

etc, etc

NOTE: If the right hotfixes are there, then BOTH NDP35SP1-KB960043.msp AND NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp will be applied.

For .NET 2.0 it's similiar but a little more complicated. The differences are in step (5) and (6). A few of the hotfixes, even if distributed with one of the later versions of NDP35SP1-KB960043.msp, are not applied until after NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp is applied, but if and only if there are other hotfixes present that use one of the earlier versions of NDP35SP1-KB960043.msp. If NDP20SP2-KB972848.msp is present, then NDP35SP1-KB960043-v3.msp is applied first, unless there are other hotfixes present which need NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp, then NDP20SP2-KB972848.msp is applied with them and NDP35SP1-KB960043-v3.msp is not used. It might even be more complicated than that, depending on the exact hotfixes present, but that's what I can wrap my head around so far. This seems extrordinarily convoluted.

What's the difference between KB960043, KB960043-v3 and KB960043-v4? I can't find any discussion by M$ that even acknowledges that there ARE different versions much less explains their differences and which ones are used when and why. And it doesn't seem right to apply BOTH NDP35SP1-KB960043.ms AND NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp.

Would it be OK to always just use KB960043-v4?

Would it hurt to always apply NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp to .NET 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 even if it wasn't necessary?

YumeYao has explained to me that "KB960043 doesn't contain any actual file inside it, it mainly changes the "UpgradeCode" of a specific product(2.0/3.0/3.5). In this way, the LDR branch can be applied upon it." If this is true, then it seems that it really only effects the administrative (or regular) install, and not the hotfix it is distributed with, so why can't I just use NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp?

If I could do that, then I would think a revised build scenario could be:

1) Extract all hofixes, that have not been superceded, in correct numerical order, overwriting any xxxxx.msp with a earlier date code.

2) Resort, in correct numerical order, by framework.

3) If any version of KB960043.msp is present, use only the latest and delete the others, or even force the use of NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp.

Then for each framework:

A- Create an administrative install point.

B- Apply NDP35SP1-KB960043-v4.msp if present, or do it all the time if that would not cause a problem.

C- Apply the framework hotfixes in correct numerical order.

D- Apply language packs.

etc, etc

The revised step (1) is almost necessary now as a general build process since M$ has started distributing hotfixes that apply to more than one framework, such as NDP30SP2-KB982168-x86.exe, if I don't want to have to handle special cases.

If nothing else, I can just try it, but then how can I tell if it worked, since the effected hotfixes are generally request only and wouldn't show up on MU/WU even if they weren't installed correctly? Any thoughts, opinions, or advice? I could sure use some.

I look forward to hearing from anyone about this very confusing matter.

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt
Would it be OK to always just use KB960043-v4?

Isn't this how Windows Update basically works?

In absence of actual documentation, all we CAN do is presume the every superseeding hotfix already contains the code included in the previous versions, as well as some repairs done to it. Of course, this will only work if every following version contains the exact files that were in the previous ones.

That's what I do.

bphlpt, I read your PM; hope this helps.



Isn't this how Windows Update basically works?

In this case, I don't know. Since KB960043 is included inside the hotfix exe that requires its presence, I don't know what WU/MU does when it comes across another hotfix that also has KB960043, but a different version. Is it applied also? Potentially 8 times since I found 8 versions? Only versions 4, 7 and 8, or what? What happens if you use version 8 only, even though the hotfix was distributed with version 1 or 2? I have found NO documentation from M$. As I said, I can try it, but how do we verify it? If I can't find anyone who knows, I guess that's what I'll have to do, but it's frustrating. (But isn't everything M$ does?)

When I get this done I'll have to rely a LOT on you guys to test this.

Cheers and Regards

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