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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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The ini file is misleading

The description of the ini file says:

DNF20OFFICE2K3DEBUGGER setting allow removing outdated office2K3 (office11) crash reporting utilities (debugger)

So if I want that and the .NET Assistant Firefox add-on REMOVED my *.ini should have these two settings as



Right? Or it's vice-versa?!

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Back to using silent maker

The ini file is misleading

The description of the ini file says:

DNF20OFFICE2K3DEBUGGER setting allow removing outdated office2K3 (office11) crash reporting utilities (debugger)

So if I want that and the .NET Assistant Firefox add-on REMOVED my *.ini should have these two settings as



Right? Or it's vice-versa?!

Correct. The =NO means that the specified component will not be included in the package.


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Just finished a vmware install with the silent net french XPDNF11SP1fr20SP2fr30SP2fr35SP1fr.7z addon. It was properly added to svcpack to run at T-13(added with nlite), but when I run Windows Update net 3.5 sp1 (kb951847) and .net 1.1 are still showing up. They didn't install at all.

The langpacks were added.I'd like to narrow this down.

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you are missing some updates, this is what you should have to be up to date: (some are maybe superseded)


You could find my french .net addons made with snmsynth here: http://www.forum-unattend.fr/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=15

A lot of them are superseded. Like 10 of them. I'd like to build this with the minimum required files.

Thanks anyway.

No errors were generated ,so the addon was built correctly, but for some reason it still shows up in windows update.


Edited by atolica
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could you tell me wich are superseded ?

Anyway, my addons works well as they are, try them !

I'd like to know that too, thanks. Or the best method for finding it out myself.

Edited by NLZ
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For .Net 1.1 sp1



NDP1.1sp1-KB971108-x86.exe - W2K only


For .Net 2.0 sp2



NDP20SP2-KB971111-x86.exe - W2K only



NDP30SP2-KB982524-x86.exe - contains KB976576


For .Net 3.5 sp1










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Thanks Kurt

I have suppressed these 4 hotfixes:





and rebuilded the addons, the size is the same (a few kb larger, dunno why ....), no complaints on MU

Edited by mooms
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  • 2 weeks later...

Very good post Kurt_aust,

My installer is a bit more efficient now.

I'm trying to complete the list of superseded fixes:

NDP1.1sp1-KB979906-X86.exe supersedes NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86

NDP20SP2-KB976569-x86.exe supersedes NDP20SP2-KB974417-x86 (not officially as it is a compatibility update where KB974417 was a security update.)

NDP20SP2-KB983583-x86.exe supersedes NDP20SP2-KB976569-x86

NDP30SP2-KB982168-x86.exe supersedes NDP30SP2-KB976570-x86 (contains NDP20SP2-KB976765, NDP20SP2-KB980773, NDP30SP2-KB976769.)

Don't forget that from Kurt's list both KB982168 and KB982524 have to be extracted and compiled into separate installers.

@Mooms: The package didn't change size because some updates contain the same files, compiling the installer you are actually adding some of the files twice from different revisions.

I asked myself the same question after checking the final size :rolleyes: logical conclusion.


Edited this post according to Kurt_aust findings.

Edited by Escorpiom
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@Mooms: The package didn't change size because some updates contain the same files, compiling the installer you are actually adding some of the files twice from different revisions.

I asked myself the same question after checking the final size :rolleyes: logical conclusion.

I have already figured that, but why my installers are always around 100kb bigger than the previous with these 4 superseded updates ?

Not logical ins't it ?

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