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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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The file Mscorlib.dll Version=2.0.50727.4005 is in NDP20SP2-KB963676-x86.exe, try to delete it (NDP20SP2-KB963676-x86.exe) from a working folder and check up the version of a file Mscorlib.dll after installer assemblage.

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Hi All,

I am having problems getting the Silent .Net Maker to work.

The gist of the problem is that when I run the CMD file, nothing happens.

I have had a discussion with Sp0iLedBrAt here:

DoTNet Failing Discussion

As you'll see, we got to a point where Sp0iLedBrAt suggested I come over here to see if anyone can help, so here I am.

Any suggestions most welcome.



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I'm stumped... I have figured out how to use SNMS correctly, as far as I know. The problem that I am getting is the "XPDNF20sp230sp235sp1.exe is a WXP only installer." I am creating the t-13 .7z to use in my new test xp cd. I think that the addon or addons that may be causing the issue are XPTSP and/or the MCE/7MCE addons. I'm positive that the program isn't recognizing the install as XP. I have also extracted the .7z and tried to just run the executable in a VM that included those 2 addons but it still would not recognize the os as XP. Now the funny thing is I compiled SNMS on the VM as an addon, extracted the .exe and ran it, and it ran fine. The issue is when I used the .7z file to build the xp cd again including the addons, during the VM install, again, it would not recognize the os as XP. Long story short, is there a way that I can force the installer to install os independent? I rarely install anything other than xp x86 so the os check for me is not crucial. Also, is it possible to add a switch in your bat or is there something that I can erase that can remove this os check?

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Just an idea. Can you try changing the install order so that .NET is installed before the MCE/7MCE addons? I think this is possible by renaming, since the install order is generally done alphabetically. Also, just curious. What specifically are the MCE/7MCE addons that you are using? Ricktendo64's, or what?

Cheers and Regards

Edit: Removed previous edit.

Edited by bphlpt
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In my batch file that I use to create my xp cd, which uses various tools such as Nlite and rvmi, the .net addon is integrated 3rd after ie8 and wmp11 in one run of nlite at the start of my bat. MCE isnt integrated until after my other various addons via nlite. I'm also using the MCE05 addon by ricktendo64, and Vista Media Center addon by ricktendo64 to be precise, along with XPtsp.v1.4.7.X batch. From what I see, the MCE05 addon isn't configurable to how and when it is to be installed, looks as though the files are slipped into the system.

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The file Mscorlib.dll Version=2.0.50727.4005 is in NDP20SP2-KB963676-x86.exe, try to delete it (NDP20SP2-KB963676-x86.exe) from a working folder and check up the version of a file Mscorlib.dll after installer assemblage.

AH! Thanks dude, it works again! :) !! :thumbup

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Yes, I have tried Enabling it, and leaving it empty. I have tried creating it within the VM os after install, I have tried creating it on my main machine. I guess what i need to try is creating it from within an xp setup that doesnt include mce, and possibly one that doesnt include tsp to see what happens. Still wondering is there a way to disable the os check or has this been discussed and possibly shot down as an alternative? Or possibly having another setting in the ini after choosing the target os, that if set, will then enable another setting to not force an os check. It can include a STERN warning about running it on an unintended target os.

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Just one more question: I see you are using nLite; why not download a tested add-on? I'm sure you will find an AIO (All-In-One) .NET such as the one you're trying to create, either here or at Ryan's. I know I have linked other people to it plenty of times.

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I have pretty much tried every .net addon that has come out in the past 2 years. Most give me issues, the only one that doesn't is no longer maintained, description=.Net Framework All-In-One builddate=01/28/2009 maintained by jd976. All other .net addons give me grief because my installs always end up with a non functioning ie8 and ie6 prevails as the browser along with wmp11 failing to install but wmp8 or so functioning, and icons and addons failing to install. Which is why i turned to SNMS because they offered an addon that can install at t-13 where i believe a few of my addons install from which then would require me to have .net functioning by t-13. I also figured to use jd976's .net installer and then just throw in a roe snms but not sure how the two will work together, will SNMS ROE run silently and properly with other .net preinstalled? And now I will end up with twice the time that it takes to install .net which makes me :(.

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Have you tried again without having any version of the XPtsp addon by dougiefresh, since he acknowledged that it seems to change the version of explorer so that it is identified as Vista?

Cheers and Regards

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2 strel

This is not correct:

COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\SP2QFE\*.*" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\SP3QFE" >NUL
FOR %%I IN (spuninst.exe,spmsg.dll,spupdsvc.exe,update\spcustom.dll,update\update.exe,update\updspapi.dll) DO COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\%%I" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\%%I" >NUL
XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL
) ELSE XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL

this is correct:

IF /I "%TARGETOS%"=="XP" (
COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\SP2QFE\*.*" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\SP3QFE" >NUL
FOR %%I IN (spuninst.exe,spmsg.dll,spupdsvc.exe,update\spcustom.dll,update\update.exe,update\updspapi.dll) DO COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\%%I" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\%%I" >NUL
XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL
) ELSE XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL

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