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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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user_hidden and YumeYao

Fantastic guys, I couldn't work on this in the last days. Thx a lot for the solution. Will be included in the next version, soon, I'm testing now.


Thx a lot I'm going to include it in the guide. I'm not using actually any win2K so I rely on you, and you don't say anything about this hotfixes producing errors with the script nor appearing after install in win/ms update, so I guess they are correctly applied. Am I right?

Alpha95 and everybody

You'll find the simplified user_hidden's fix in YumeYao's post #439. Until next release, you only have to insert that value under that regkey after installing SNMsynth installer containing .NET 2.0 SP2 with NDP20SP2-KB974417-x86.exe applied.

EDIT: Guide has been updated to link to KB974417 fix until next release, and to include the latest hotfixes. Anything I could have omitted, please let me know. Thx in advance.

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some new thoughts after I did a test on windows 2000:

1. There are some files in .NET 2.0 only needed by windows 2000, if we could remove them then the size would be smaller for XP/2k3. I decide to remove all components with condition NOT (VersionNT > 500) yet i haven't done a test yet. I'll let you know the result.

EDIT: .NET 1.1 also has such files. but I don't intend to install .NET 1.1 any longer.

2. Is it possible to create a generic mst that removes components such as KBxxxxxx.ARP.NoRemove & KBxxxxxx.ARP.Add? They cause the issue that 2000/XP SP0/XP SP1/2k3 SP0 shows KBxxxxxx for .NET entries on ARP. I decide to manually move them in my release, however.

3. For 2000, KB951847 fix is not needed. KB971111 doesn't require a fix too(WU checks gdiplus.dll version).

The only need is KB974417 fix (plus language pack fix for 2.0).

Therefore I'm going to make a new mst for .net 2.0 to avoid useless registry entries on windows 2000.

Edited by YumeYao
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1. OK, wait to see, always welcome to remove uneeded stuff.

2. Automatically and ad-hoc? ufff!, don't think so, unless .mst or .msi could be directly edited from command line or so; maybe with ad-hoc .mst files per framework version (and SP), and with one .mst per hotfix applied, but this sounds painful; but maybe there's some other way I don't know to do that.

Anyway the fix the script provides do the work, it's reasonable that an hand custom made release against an automatic custom made one would be a bit more elegant.

3. KB951847 fix is never applied to 2000 installers/add-ons.

Edited by strel
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Well my test on Windows 2000 reveals (nLite addons, not merged):

The .Net 1.1 framework appears to be processed correctly, although one does get warnings about missing KB928366 & KB947722.

With .NET 2.0, Windows update declares that KB974417 has not been applied, also the processing order is perhaps not optimal:



NDP20SP2-KB971111-x86.exe Required for W2K


Edit for cut & paste while half asleep.

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This is not featured yet. You have to wait for the next version or do it yourself editing the .msi

You can use YumeYao installers too.

Edited by strel
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you can use my chinese installer (link or sp3only), extract it and replace language packs with yours, then repack it. Only that SNM won't slim down 3.5 LNG pack for you, if you need it and don't understand how to do it yourself, leave a post here, I'll help you with it.


can you introduce to us what the progress is for next release. I know I have written too much on it.

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I am back to creating a .net addon using your great tool.

What about NDP1.1sp1-KB928366-X86.exe? Is it required as a prerequisite in the working folder or not? Because you stated that it is superseded by NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe. Do I have to download it or just have NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe present ???

The batch file throws me this error:

WARNING: NDP1.1sp1-KB928366-X86.exe regular hotfix is not present.



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Dumpy Dooby

I've updated my answer to your logging problems.


MS states is KB928366 is superseded by KB953297


New hotfixes are: NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe, NDP1.1sp1-KB971108-X86.exe, NDP20SP2-KB974417-x86.exe and NDP20SP2-KB971111-x86.exe

Edited by strel
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