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How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI

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Sorry, I have no ideas. Maybe try removing UnattendedInstall="No" :unsure:

Is the windows version the same as the one on the CD which repair install option worked?

I recall in the previous tests when Setup was performed from USB, repair install was possible, should the extra line in boot.ini was present. Maybe some entries in \windows\system32\$winnt$.inf, which differ from a CD install matter as well...

ilko_t: Thank you very much for your commitment and effort in trying to get this to work! :thumbup

I have tried with UnattendedInstall="No", and UnattendedInstall="Yes". But for some reason, it seems Setup does not look for previous installations, and if so fails to provide the Repair screen. Or does so, so fast I cannot tell. Windows versions are the same. The extra line in the boot.ini gets removed every time during Setup, so I stopped using it.

I suppose I could copy the $winnt$.inf from the CD to the Flash Drive, but not sure how that would impact Multiboot?

Anyway, I successfully ran Setup:Repair from CD and am now working on the elusive VPN problem which was the whole reason for attempting a Repair in the first place.

Thanks again to All! :)


Try with only these entries in winnt.sif and nothing else:


Make sure you are editing winnt.sif in ~BT folder.

Did you use USB_multiboot or WinSetupFromUSB ? If the latter, did you replace the modified by the program winnt.sif with your own, or created previously by USB_multiboot?

I used USB_multiboot, and replaced the winnt.sif on UFD with the modified one.

Posted (edited)

Does anyone know why this is not copying the contents of my $OEM$ folder along? It is causing my RunOnceEx program installations to fail.

Also DriverPacks seems to be broken (DriverPacks is not extracting the .7z archives at the start of setup like it normally does) I hear this all has something to do with a "presetup.cmd" file but it is no where to be found on the USB.

Can I not just add OEMPreinstall=1 back to the winnt.sif file?

Edit: OK seems that there is a presetup.cmd (located in the i386 directory in the "LS" folder) but it just doesnt seem to work? I dunno, can anyone help?

Edited by Xeijin

dforionstar- sorry we couldn't make it work from USB, but glad you made it from a CD :)

Xeijin- well, you should provide more details, like what are contents of presetup.cmd, is $OEM$ on the USB stick etc. etc.

Try to read your own post, how much useful information you could gather to help troubleshooting your problem?

Posted (edited)

Sorry about that, I've included the contents of presetup.cmd, it seems to be alright I'm just wondering if it actually gets executed?

FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO IF EXIST "%%i:%TAG%" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:

IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\7z.exe Copy /V /Y %OEM%\bin\7z.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7z.exe
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\7z.exe Copy /V /Y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\7z.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7z.exe
IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\un7zip.exe SET UN7ZIP=%OEM%\bin\un7zip.exe
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\un7zip.exe SET UN7ZIP=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\un7zip.exe

IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini Copy /V /Y %OEM%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DPsFnshr.ini
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini Copy /V /Y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DPsFnshr.ini
IF EXIST %OEM%\*.ins Copy /V /Y %OEM%\*.ins %SYSTEMDRIVE%\

IF EXIST %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7z.exe (
IF EXIST %OEM%\D*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\D*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\D*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\bin\D*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\D*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\D*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SR*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_SR*.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SR*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SR*.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%
IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SD*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_SD*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
) ELSE (
IF EXIST %OEM%\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\bin\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %SystemDrive%\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %SystemDrive%\bin\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SR*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\000_SR*.7z %SYSTEMROOT%\
IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SD*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\000_SD*.7z %SYSTEMDRIVE%\


IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\DevPath.exe SET SDP=%OEM%\bin\DevPath.exe

%SDP% %DP%

REM ===========Added by WinSetupFromUSB============
IF EXIST %systemroot%\system32\setupold.exe DEL /F %systemroot%\system32\setupold.exe
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$1\nul xcopy %CDDRIVE%\$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$1\*.* %systemdrive%\ /i /k /e /r /y /h
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$$\nul xcopy %CDDRIVE%\$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$$\*.* %systemroot%\ /i /k /e /r /y /h
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$Progs\nul xcopy %CDDRIVE%\$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$Progs\*.* "%systemdrive%\Program Files\" /i /k /e /r /y /h
type %systemroot%\system32\tempunat.inf >> %systemroot%\system32\$winnt$.inf
IF EXIST c:\boot.003 DEL /F c:\boot.003
REM ====================END=======================

Additionally, both the $OEM$ and OEM folders are present on the USB Stick (In the LS directory) and both contain the correct contents, but nothing seems to be done with them.

Thanks in Advance.

Edited by jaclaz

Compare USB_stick\~LS\I386\setup.ex_ with \WinSetup\files\winsetup\setup.ex_, are they the same? If not- copy the latter to the USB stick.

The program checks presence of BTS OEM folder and does not copy the modified setup.exe (which launches presetup.cmd) in such case, assuming it had been already replaced by BTS integrator. Maybe you still have the original setup.exe, curious why it was not the fake one, if that's the case.

WinSetupFromUSB log files may help revealing what has happened. Check the first post in this thread for the latest and the backed up logs location.

Posted (edited)
Thanks jaclaz.

I've just excluded menu.lst from the files being copied, no matter from what source. This should fix unexpected problems later on, should more and more items included start using grub4dos.

Entries in menu.lst to start the various items are added by WinSetupFromUSB anyway. May also add merging menu.lst if found, with the one created by the program.

Maybe you could use the menu from VistaPE over that of the current XP installer. It's much smoother graphically [uses the face background], and all that has to be done [as jaclaz also mentioned] is appending entries to the list.

EDIT: Any plans to add support for multiple 'distros' under the one category [ie VistaPE + Vista installation DVD on the one medium]?. I have done it manually by creating partitions and just changing GRUB's menu file, but it would be that little bit nicer if it was integrated. In any case, it's no problem. A little legwork never hurts :)

Edited by jezza333
Posted (edited)
Compare USB_stick\~LS\I386\setup.ex_ with \WinSetup\files\winsetup\setup.ex_, are they the same? If not- copy the latter to the USB stick.

The program checks presence of BTS OEM folder and does not copy the modified setup.exe (which launches presetup.cmd) in such case, assuming it had been already replaced by BTS integrator. Maybe you still have the original setup.exe, curious why it was not the fake one, if that's the case.

WinSetupFromUSB log files may help revealing what has happened. Check the first post in this thread for the latest and the backed up logs location.

Well the file in the WinSetupFromUSB directory was indeed different to the one on the USB, however overwriting it does not seem to have made a difference.

I have also just realised that this might perhaps be related but, when the GUI portion of the setup begins, where the Driverpacks extraction would normally take place (i.e. the light blue screen where you can see only the cursor) shows for a few seconds, before launching straight into the "billboard" setup screens

However, I also get a Command Prompt appear showing:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
<C> Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


I tried typing "presetup.cmd" at this prompt at which point I get a scrolling list of commands, implying that it is running the presetup.cmd, but it doesnt seem to do anything else (I.e. I do not see the unzipping of .7z files as I normally would) not that this is all taking place while normal installation is continuing in the background...

(Note that this was happening before as well as after I copied an setup.ex_ files as you suggested, I didn't realise until now that the two may perhaps have been connected)

On the case of the log file, there seems to be rather alot inside of it, is there a specific phrase i can search for? Or should I upload the log and link to it?

Thanks again.

Edited by Xeijin

hello there,

i am a newbie with regard to this. I would like to boot from usb, and put a Vista installer instead of xp?

What is the easiest way that I could do so that I can install vista from USB to HD, I have a 4g pendrive.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Maybe you could use the menu from VistaPE over that of the current XP installer. It's much smoother graphically [uses the face background], and all that has to be done [as jaclaz also mentioned] is appending entries to the list.

EDIT: Any plans to add support for multiple 'distros' under the one category [ie VistaPE + Vista installation DVD on the one medium]?. I have done it manually by creating partitions and just changing GRUB's menu file, but it would be that little bit nicer if it was integrated. In any case, it's no problem. A little legwork never hurts :)

That would require a lot of changes, so no such plans any soon.
Compare USB_stick\~LS\I386\setup.ex_ with \WinSetup\files\winsetup\setup.ex_, are they the same? If not- copy the latter to the USB stick.

The program checks presence of BTS OEM folder and does not copy the modified setup.exe (which launches presetup.cmd) in such case, assuming it had been already replaced by BTS integrator. Maybe you still have the original setup.exe, curious why it was not the fake one, if that's the case.

WinSetupFromUSB log files may help revealing what has happened. Check the first post in this thread for the latest and the backed up logs location.

Well the file in the WinSetupFromUSB directory was indeed different to the one on the USB, however overwriting it does not seem to have made a difference.

I have also just realised that this might perhaps be related but, when the GUI portion of the setup begins, where the Driverpacks extraction would normally take place (i.e. the light blue screen where you can see only the cursor) shows for a few seconds, before launching straight into the "billboard" setup screens

However, I also get a Command Prompt appear showing:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
<C> Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


I tried typing "presetup.cmd" at this prompt at which point I get a scrolling list of commands, implying that it is running the presetup.cmd, but it doesnt seem to do anything else (I.e. I do not see the unzipping of .7z files as I normally would) not that this is all taking place while normal installation is continuing in the background...

(Note that this was happening before as well as after I copied an setup.ex_ files as you suggested, I didn't realise until now that the two may perhaps have been connected)

On the case of the log file, there seems to be rather alot inside of it, is there a specific phrase i can search for? Or should I upload the log and link to it?

Thanks again.

This is weird behavior I've never seen. As you can see the section in presetup.cmd added is at the bottom and should not affect the entries above it. No idea why the modified setup.exe does not launch presetup.cmd automatically either :blink:

Does SetupORG.exe exist in the XP source? Maybe BTS guys made some changes to their integrator...

How it was before- original setup.exe is renamed to setupORG.exe and replaced by a fake one, which executes presetup.cmd and then launches the original setup.exe in order to continue GUI mode. If WinSetupFromUSB finds setupORG.exe it does not copy the fake setup.exe, if not- the original setup.exe is extracted and renamed to setupORG.exe and the fake one is copied to ~LS\I386\.

As for the log files- please put them all in a zip archive and upload them somewhere.

hello there,

i am a newbie with regard to this. I would like to boot from usb, and put a Vista installer instead of xp?

What is the easiest way that I could do so that I can install vista from USB to HD, I have a 4g pendrive.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Format the USB stick with HP USB format tool using NTFS. Select Vista setup checkbox, browse and give the Vista source path, then click GO. That's all.
Posted (edited)
This is weird behavior I've never seen. As you can see the section in presetup.cmd added is at the bottom and should not affect the entries above it. No idea why the modified setup.exe does not launch presetup.cmd automatically either :blink:

Does SetupORG.exe exist in the XP source? Maybe BTS guys made some changes to their integrator...

How it was before- original setup.exe is renamed to setupORG.exe and replaced by a fake one, which executes presetup.cmd and then launches the original setup.exe in order to continue GUI mode. If WinSetupFromUSB finds setupORG.exe it does not copy the fake setup.exe, if not- the original setup.exe is extracted and renamed to setupORG.exe and the fake one is copied to ~LS\I386\.

As for the log files- please put them all in a zip archive and upload them somewhere.


I have uploaded the log file of the last time I used WinSetupUSB to create the bootable stick, I've uploaded it here:


I can confirm that setupORG.exe is present in both the i386 folder in my source, and the USB stick.

Edited by Xeijin

Here it is:



This file is not copied by default. In the previous BTS integrators the tag was \OEM folder.

You may copy back setup.ex_ from your XP source to ~LS\I386\ and WIN51 to USB root, or change presetup.cmd to SET TAG=\OEM.

Hopefully this will resolve all the issues.

I will make the required changes in the program, thanks for reporting :)


Thanks for the tip ilko t. Ill try that later. I also have another query. I was able to create an xp installer to usb using the winsetup from usb. I was able to install xp successfully from the usb to HD. However, when I restarted the pc after completing the installation processes, and unplugged the source usb, the pc could not boot anymore. I already changed the boot order in bios. Windows xp was already installed to the HD. It displays something like boot or hardware error. When I inserted the usb again to boot from it, it displays a hal.dll error. What should I do?thanks in advance. have a nice day.

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