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You CAN integrate IE8 with vLite!

Bilar Crais

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When I attempted to install IE8 on Vista x64 today, the install failed. Looking at the install log, I noticed that the WU "KB944036" failed to install correctly. I found the update Windows6.0-KB944036-x64.cab in Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download. It occured to me that this update was almost exactly the same size as the IE8 download package; that this cab was in fact, IE8.

I was able to integrate that .cab with Vlite in the hotfix section, and when I installed Vista this afternoon, IE8 was installed. Yipee. Now, it's just a matter of extracting that .cab from the IE8 install package -haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Edited by Bilar Crais
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I tried universal extractor on random some days ago, it did the job on .cab files from exe's. Also you could maybe get it out with 7zip. If not there's probably some tool from the windows automated installation kit, phew, iso package u could use. Not into that myself.

Good job!

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  • 10 months later...
When I attempted to install IE8 on Vista x64 today, the install failed. Looking at the install log, I noticed that the WU "KB944036" failed to install correctly. I found the update Windows6.0-KB944036-x64.cab in Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download. It occured to me that this update was almost exactly the same size as the IE8 download package; that this cab was in fact, IE8.

I was able to integrate that .cab with Vlite in the hotfix section, and when I installed Vista this afternoon, IE8 was installed. Yipee. Now, it's just a matter of extracting that .cab from the IE8 install package -haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Open with 7zip. Extract the msu and repeat!


Edited by fragbert
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Extracting the exe and msu files is no problem, there is a pretty good tutorial on how to slipstream the IE8 on IEBlog: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/06/2...eaming-ie8.aspx

5. Extract and expand the MSU file

From the IE8 exe file:

* To extract the MSU, in the command prompt run this <IE8.exe path> /x: <folder you want the MSU to be placed>. For example: c:\Slipstreaming\IE8x86en\IE8-WindowsVista-x86-enu.exe /x: c:\Slipstreaming\IE8x86en

* To expand the MSU, in the command prompt run this expand.exe <path to the IE8.MSU> -F:* <pkg folder>. For example: expand.exe c:\Slipstreaming\IE8x86en\IE8.MSU -F:* c:\Slipstreaming\pkg

With the help of that I have been able to integrate the english IE8, but I get problems with integrating the IE8 to a german Vista.

Has anyone been able to slipstream a non-english IE8?

The next thing I'll try is using Vlite to integrate the IE.

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So you just add the msu to vlite and IE 8 will be integrated? The tutorial on IEBlog is not needed then?

That was my experience with the beta and the RC, but haven't tried the RTM. I remember the trick was knowing what to keep, or it wouldn't work....can't remember what was essential to keep though.

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So you just add the msu to vlite and IE 8 will be integrated? The tutorial on IEBlog is not needed then?

That was my experience with the beta and the RC, but haven't tried the RTM. I remember the trick was knowing what to keep, or it wouldn't work....can't remember what was essential to keep though.

Where do you add the IE8.msu?

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  • 1 month later...

Someone needs to get a hold of vlites creator and tell him to get off his a** and get crackin. My god if he just asked for donations to start up work again I am sure he would be flooded with support. Hell SP2 and Windows 7 just around the corner come on....

Edited by svan71
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Someone needs to get a hold of vlites creator and tell him to get off his a** and get crackin. My god if he just asked for donations to start up work again I am sure he would be flooded with support. Hell SP2 and Windows 7 just around the corner come on....

are you some kind of nervous living wreck? Nuhi is my Guru and noone is allowed to speak about him like that! :realmad:

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Someone needs to get a hold of vlites creator and tell him to get off his a** and get crackin. My god if he just asked for donations to start up work again I am sure he would be flooded with support. Hell SP2 and Windows 7 just around the corner come on....

Have you considered that maybe he is waiting FOR donations before starting work?.Or do you expect him to live from air and love?.

Nuhi is currently at work to make money(assuming ppl didnt donate any).Naturally he doesent have time for development.If and when he returns it will be glorious :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

hoping for the best...

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