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Windows 7 Wishlist!


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1. ability to take out visual effects (ie same way i speed up win xp)

You can already take out most of the effects stuff with Vista using the windows classic theme.


Vista (& older versions) can already use WiMax, the hardware comes with the drivers for it.

5.flash drive bootable

It's not Vista's fault if your computer won't boot from USB (maybe you meant getting WinPE to boot from USB, but that's also possible).

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  • 1 month later...

1) Complete classic theme, including file menus and navigation buttons. Don't fix what isn't broken, I hate the IE style navigation in Vista. (Where's my folder up button!)

2) Localization of Programs Registry and Files (much like osx), I hate programs that modify system files on installation, ESPECIALLY VB programs changing ocx's and dll's. All this should be in the Programs local folder, and never touch the system directories or registry.

3) Administrator account with COMPLETE control over everything.

4) Proper information shoved at hardware manufacturers and developers so that things work the FIRST TIME at launch.

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Almost everything said.

As many have said:

No WGA because piracy/pirates don't worry about it because before they install any ms stuff, they make sure isn't a problem for them.

If they install (as others said) at the corner's store, they can make sure to disable automatic updates yet update services.

Is like a P** in t** **s to download and verify wga almost every month or whenever you need something wich ask for validation.

W7 to work without pagefile or without RAM 1 of the 2.

The install option as win98 (already said).

Menu style (this already said, shift between classic, xp and vista)

automatic GAME MODE (outperformed), i mean, almost in kernel mode, saving anithyng else as hibernation or paused (as in virtual machines) because whyle you play you dont need antivirus, if you play crysis, a monster is not going to infect your system, don't need MDM (microsoft debug machine or likely), etc.

anybody agree with "my game mode"?

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Yeah, "my game mode" can make the system fit to games, no worry about the optimiztion.

All waste services are down and necessary things is running in background.

(priority all low)

Also, the installation of Windows could select the components, not a lot of things hard to understand.

WGA, only add this to the version could sell to the region which illegal is serious.


Why Microsoft don't add a Download Manager to Internet Explorer, which download slower and slower... :unsure:

PS To Nexus_06 at #47:

3) Administrator account with COMPLETE control over everything.

How about "Super Administrator"???


Edited by xlfdll
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Well the owner for all folders (Program Files, WINDOWS etc etc) is TrustedInstaller and not Administrator. And to modify/replace files, you usually have to take ownership.

I've not had a problem modifying or replacing files in either, but you can take ownership as admin (even of folders you're locked out ot). Not to mention you do still have full rights over the folder and subfolders, even without ownership. So, again, what don't you have access to as administrator?

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I saw the new preview images of the Aero interface. On the main Explorer window, it had the info bar and it said the name of the workgroup. It would be nice if you could configure what shows up in that box. For example, I would think being able to see your IP address would be more beneficial than the domain/workgroup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want the interface to be consistent. Just look at all the strange looking windows in vista, some use aero wizards, some use wizard 97 with a vista image at the side. Why? They had enough time to develop the OS. Having consistency with the IE7 parts is fine, if they weren't so hard to get into. Having used vista for a while now I can say that they aren't as bad as when I started. But still...

Also, I DON'T want Windows NT 7. To be honest, Windows NT gives the home user too much power to play with. NT is fine for the workstation, but not for the average home user who just wants to put some songs on their iPod and listen to some music while browsing the web. The security flaws are caused by NT being used for tasks it was not designed for. NT is fine for servers and any serious work, but it has too many features that aren't for the home, that cause bloat and can slow the whole operating system down.

Next, I want to see Windows 7 be more efficient with my RAM by taking up less of it for what I deem unnecessary tasks. Oh sure, it may be dirt cheap these days, but I still don't have that kind of money, especially with the credit crunch. Don't assume that everyone has spare money to throw at their rigs. I'd love to run vista with all its bells and whistles with 4GBs of RAM, but that's not gonna happen any time soon, because I and many people in the UK (and I'm sure abroad) can't afford 4GBs of RAM.

And last of all, bigger is not often better. With these ever-increasing patches and newer files, they are growing out of control. Why? Shouldn't the patches simply replace part of the code? Surely that would make the files the same size, or smaller if they were just removing the offending code? Why does Vista take up around 15GBs? Because of functionality that most people would never use, like the Chinese UI, and tablet PC functionality. There is, of course, the speech control function that people might use, but all this should be selectable in the installer. The installer for Vista is great, really flies, and it's very simple, but a little too simple? I'd rather have control over my OS without having to resort to vlite.

I'm sure that Windows 7 will be great, with its use of the ribbon UI and its many projected improvements like faster booting and lower power consumption. I'm excited about it, and hope it's everything that it's cracked up to be.

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  • 4 weeks later...
You don't see Mac Genuine Advantage

Mainly because it's locked to run only on their hardware (the absolute lock-in). It's not like billions of people everywhere on the web could just install it on their PC.

Wrong..Google OSX x86, in about 10-20 min you could find enough info to install MAC OSX Leopard 10.5.5 on a Windows Machine, and even dual boot to it.....

We'll see where Win 7 goes, So far I like what I see in the Media Center app on it, I wish I could get a copy of it to check out...

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Next, I want to see Windows 7 be more efficient with my RAM by taking up less of it for what I deem unnecessary tasks. Oh sure, it may be dirt cheap these days, but I still don't have that kind of money, especially with the credit crunch. Don't assume that everyone has spare money to throw at their rigs. I'd love to run vista with all its bells and whistles with 4GBs of RAM, but that's not gonna happen any time soon, because I and many people in the UK (and I'm sure abroad) can't afford 4GBs of RAM.
Win7 runs *better* on the same hardware as Vista - even 1GB. I still wouldn't run with 512MB, but for a home-user type machine, Win7 runs fine on 1GB of RAM.
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Wrong..Google OSX x86, in about 10-20 min you could find enough info to install MAC OSX Leopard 10.5.5 on a Windows Machine, and even dual boot to it.....

I'm not wrong. And yes, I'm well aware those hackintoshs. It's not legal though. OS X is sold exclusively to be run on Mac hardware, has fairly extreme DRM (a TPM module -- above and beyond what I've ever seen any other platform/software use for copy protection). You also have to pick hardware that's supported by it (it won't run on just any PC). Plus, you have no support then.

As for MCE, I have absolutely no hope of it not sucking for once. Hell, it even seems to be getting worse with time. With the TV Pack 2008, you can't get ATSC tuners to work anywhere outside the USA (like in Canada). We've had ATSC feeds for quite a while, and we had to resort to workarounds to even enable the feature, and now they went out of their way to "fix" that too... It's even more useless than before, and I'd call that quite an accomplishment!

Anyways. Windows 7 is looking like a decent successor to Vista. Some stuff if obviously improved a lot. Big enhancements to the taskbar: no large task buttons (already! I might not need 2 rows anymore) and taskbar shuffle-like abilities (just like I was wishing for) built-in. The system tray is improved too. Calc and paint are a LOT nicer (another thing I was wishing for). Very nice additions to networking, like HomeGroup. Lots of nice little things overall -- just like Vista has lots of of nice little things over XP.

There's some more nice features, which actually seem to be good ideas overall, but I'm just not sure if they'll end up getting used much. Things like Device Stage -- which might be nice, but the XML needs to be signed by MS, so 100% useless for my existing Rockbox-running mp3 player and other devices. Same for multitouch displays. I had a peek, and it seems like a 24" touchscreen monitor is like $1000 extra (ouch). I don't see anyone running out replacing their already expensive monitors for even more expensive monitors just for that anytime soon, not with that price premium anyways.

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  • 2 months later...

1) Just three versions: Home, Professional, and Ultimate.

BTW, XP actually had a lot of versions as well:

Windows XP Home Edition

Windows XP Professional Edition

Windows XP Media Center Edition

Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

Windows XP Professional ("Corporate/VLK") Edition

The last four were OEM and/or VLK only. Vista's versions were more public, hence the confusion.

Proposed public versions of 7:

Windows 7 Home Edition (x86, x64)

Windows 7 Professional Edition (x86, x64)

Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (x86, x84)

Home replaces Vista Home Basic and Home Premium

Professional replaces Business

Ultimate corresponds with Vista Ultimate (hopefully with lower pricing...)

Proposed private versions of 7 (OEM, VLK, etc.)

Windows 7 Enterprise (x86, x64)

Enterprise corresponds with Vista Enterprise. Just don't advertise it to the general public...

2) Modular install, a la Windows Server 2008 (or even Windows 98!)

Pick the stuff you want. If the stuff you want has dependencies, those will be selected for you.

However, there are things I DO like about Windows 7 that are already there:

1) Optimized! It can run on a Netbook! (THIS is the reason why Windows 7 is not 64-bit only! Vista can't run on Netbooks, ya know...)

2) Sidebar gadgets are integrated with the Desktop instead of having a separate app that sucks up more RAM than it should.

3) User Account Control is more flexible. Instead of "all or nothing," you can control how much or little nagging you want...

4) Media Center--supports QAM and H.264...about ****ing time!

5) Faster startup and shutdown!

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2) Modular install, a la Windows Server 2008 (or even Windows 98!)

Amen to that. I'm using vLite in Vista but, I know W7 devs can bring this back. I have no problem with the existing Express install mode. If anyone wants to install W7 with a few clicks, that's perfect. But I want the "Custom" option to be "really custom", not the "Custom = full" we have seen so far. If they can bring the custom mode back in W7, well, that could be enough for me to pre-order...

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  • Built-in Virtual OS emulation (like VMWare)
  • No UAC!!! Worst feature in Vista by far. I hate that thing.
  • Need a resource manager to shut down unused processes and services
  • Rename everything in the control panel back to how it was in XP and before and stop moving things around. This is annoying!
  • I agree with having a 64-bit version ONLY OS. It's time to move on. For those still running ancient software, they can buy copies of Win98 SE off eBay. haha. Also, it'll force us that are using multi-boot systems to get better hardware, anyway so using VMWare is a more viable option. I'm sure if I even tried to install Windows 7 in VMWare on top of Windows Vista my computer would explode w/ only 2 GB of RAM. I haven't gone 64-bit yet for fear of compatibility issues but I will with Windows 7 and I'll probably do a masive upgrade on my machine as well.
  • I also agree w/ having only one version of Windows 7, unlike Vista where there's like 5 of em (I lost count/don't care really). C'mon, it's not necessary. Why couldn't we have used Windows Update to get any necessary tools that might be found in Vista Ultimate that aren't found in Vista Basic?
  • Make it easier to get to the command prompt. Some of us prefer to type than click.
  • Add a warning message when you click Shutdown. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally shut down my computer just because my hand went retarded and clicked it instead of the Sleep option. Add an option to suppress the warning.

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