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Vistapack 2.4 Released


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About fix for the clock.

Maybe mod 10.bmp to be an alpha bitmap with the center transparent. Hopefully then the refreshes won't stick to the pic.

I wish I had time to help but I am heading to the mainland for 4-5 days.

Also, I was thinking that comctl32.dll, 130 and 131.bmps had originally a background of 192,192,192 and this shows transparent. Maybe this color could be used for the new bitmaps background as well.

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bug in the visual style huh, well...

know how to make a visual style?

i dont really, i am glad i got it like that.

btw, its not mine to begin with, i just modded it, and added a basic scheme to it.

so, maybe, maybe not man.

@squeeto, or anyone else, how the hell do i make the bmp transparent without using the magic pink color?

and i will try the color code you suggested ok?

you want to know where the icons are that look like xp ones in the fileopen dialog huh...

well, i dont know, else i had patched them right :blushing:

so please let me know if you find them, all i know is that some programs have their own resources for that, like office does...

and that windows update is a real pesky one man.

it wont change, just for a sec, and then it will re download itself again...

its a crc check i think...

well thanx again man...


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@squeeto, or anyone else, how the hell do i make the bmp transparent without using the magic pink color?

It doesn't work anyway. See pic.

I made a very crude 32bit bmp with the center transparent. It still displays improperly.

Damian, google "32bit bmp" to get a better idea but simply it is a .bmp with the alpha channel.


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hi squeeto, thanx for the try man, i tried it myself too, but i came to the same conclusion, it looks like s***!!

well, nice try man...

@mara, i found out where to find those xp like icons on the fileopen dialog.

they are stored in the winsxs folder in a folder with controls in the name...

but when i tried to patch it, my pc would not go past the logonscreen..

so i think we should lt it go...

try it if you like, maybe i did something wrong. :)


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I tried to replace and I done it. Here are the results:


I tested in virtual machine and Windows in that machine has Windows File Protection disabled. Maybe that is problem, or maybe not. Maybe you should try again.

Cheers ;)

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hi guys, thanx for the help.

@mara, i think i f***ed it up or something, but tell me this, which of the 2 did you patch? i have 2 folders in there so...

I will credit you for the help you give man.

and squeeto, i got them man, the arrow is much better on this one , thank you man.

i would credit you, but you are allready in there dude!! from the beginning :D


i have created a winntbbu for the cd patcher, nice setupscreen .

you will see...


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EDIT: You were right, I checked the XP CD files (wuaucpl.cpl) and it is patched, but when I installed Windows it seems that got reverted.

I have encountered two bugs related to this in Windows 2000 pack:

- wuacpl.cpl

The icon isn´t patches

The wuaucpl.cpl.txt show this:


-modify "Resources\wuaucpl.cpl\102.ico", ICONGROUP, 102,

but this icon number and ICONGROUP don´t exist in wuaucpl.cpl.The ICON resouce is 1 to 33,and the ICONGROUP is 1 to 5.And in DIR Resources\wuaucpl.cpl only include only 1 icon and this is a generic icon not related to Automatic windows update Vista icons.I dowloaded the Windows XP pack and the wuaucpl.cpl.txt is OK but not the icons 1 and 4.I copied wuaucpl.cpl.txt from XP to 2000 pack and file are patches OK.


The icon isn´t patches

The wuauclt.exe.txt show this:


-modify "Resources\wuauclt.exe\301.ico", ICONGROUP, 301,

but in this file DON´T EXIST ICON or ICONGROUP Resource.I don´t know if in XP are the same error.At this moment I can´t check it.

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hi guys, thanx for the help.

@mara, i think i f***ed it up or something, but tell me this, which of the 2 did you patch? i have 2 folders in there so...

I have two folders too, and I patched both files without any problems. I used your bitmaps from Vistapack v2.1 and I just replaced it with Resource Hacker. I hope that you will be able to replace it yourself. I will done some test with Windows File Protection Enabled as soon as I have some spare time and I'll post the results.

I will credit you for the help you give man.

Thanks. I like to help.

Cheers ;)

Edited by mara-
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I have installed Vista2000 pack but not patched the system.I only want patch a windows 2000 source(CD or in Hardisk) but the cd patch don´t function.

AutoIt Error:

Line -1:

Error:Unable to execute the external program.

El sistema no puede hallar el archivo especificado(Spanish)="The system cannot find the specified file"(I think?)

Edited by jose_rsh
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ok jose, thanx for reporting.

i will check it out for you man.

workaround is patch the system, and see if it will work then.

let me know if it does ok?


Well,I´ve patched my system and I´m looking for posible problem or error on patching or in reshacker command,or posible error or differens in icons.I have encountered a few.For example,there are some system files that have only two icons in the same resorce,with the same resolution(16 or 256 or 32 bit) with diferent format(48x48-32x32,48x48-16x16,32x32-16x16,....)and the icon patch have 3 icon´s but with DIFFERENT resolutions(16,256 and 32 bit) in the same format(48x48 or 32x32 or 16x16).When patching the file some resolutions and format disaparens.An example:

ORIGINAL acctres.dll:

Resource ICONGROUP 100(the language isn´t importand at this time)

32 x 32 (16 colors) - Ordinal name: 1

16 x 16 (16 colors) - Ordinal name: 2

ICON File 100.ico in DIR acctres.dll to pacth the system:

32x32 16 colours - ordinal 1

32x32 256 colours - ordinal 2

32x32 32 bit colour - ordinal 3

System file acctres.dll after pacth:

32 x 32 (16 colors) - Ordinal name: 1

32 x 32 (256 colors) - Ordinal name: 2

32 x 32 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 9

Can you see the differences?The original 16 x 16 (16 colors) - Ordinal name: 2 is ERASED and changed for 32 x 32 (256 colors) - Ordinal name: 2 that is differents in format(32x32) and in colours(256).This is not a problem for the system?The 100.ico file don´t have to have the same ico that is replaced in the same format?

And sorry for my English,I´m from Spain and I don´t know if you can understand me.

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