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Posted (edited)

I think the problem is in winbrand.dll.txt

check this line:

-modify "Resources\winbrand.dll\1010.bmp", BITMAP, 1009,

Edited by kontini

Posted (edited)


Another problematic question: logon screen, I know that there are some bugs with this in the pack. Do you want change it? I've created this:


It's fully functional, like Xp one. If you like I'll give you the resources.

Edited by kontini

ok, give them and i will look at it ok?

but so much trouble is not reported for it man :D

but i am open for suggestions...


Posted (edited)

Ok. Bye man, will see.

Note: I've managed the attachment because of an unwanted shadow between background and 100.bmp.

Edited by kontini
Posted (edited)


But take a look at this one.

Your 1000.txt is empty in your download; should this be so?

For fun, my logon:

Edit: Since a contest has begun, I need to say that this is not my work. I downloaded it over a year ago and I am not sure where it is from.


Edited by Squeeto
Posted (edited)
Your 1000.txt is empty in your download; should this be so?

It isn't empty. Check line 411!

Edited by kontini

ok, so i get the message dudes...

maybe we should do a sort of a contest, of login screens, the one that makes the nicest one, will get his name in the pack and

credit ofcourse for his work.

and we would have a nice new logon screen, like the idea?


Posted (edited)

I didn't want to partecipate to a contest. :unsure:, but the idea is good for the pack.

You could open a poll.

Edited by kontini

yes, i agree with that man...

i have to figure out to do this contestm but i will figure it out somehow...

stay tuned


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