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Posted (edited)

Vistapack 2.4

The new version has arrived!!


The Vistapack is made to transform your old and boring Windows 2000 rig in a modern looking and feeling OS.


It takes the files from the host, backs it up, modifies a sample and puts the modified file back in the system.

This ensures that you are using the latest files so no need for alerts like "Now I am using an old file, what if its updated by m$? Then i will be open for attack..."

Nope, no need to worry. You keep the updated file.

The pack uses ResHacker to change icons, bitmaps and some dialogs, to make it look like the new Windows Vista!

Its rather safe in my opinion, but of course there are some risks when you modify system files.

This is at your own risk!!!

But no need to worry, there are few bugs that cause your pc not to boot or something.

Personally i did not had that happening here.

Of course, when you don't like it, you can uninstall the pack like any other software.

Send me the bugs you find or some remarks, just let me know.

greets damian666


What's New in Vistapack 2.4 - 2000 version


Release of new website!!!

Changed the startmenu icons, made them smaller

With credits to Dave.net, Thanx man!!!

Changed the vistasounds to the louder scheme

Finally added the force reloader back in the pack

this also makes it possible to update the pack

without the user uninstalling the old version.

Again tweaked the dialogs in the shell32...

Thanx Xibad, again... :)

Added an error message when errors are detected on

the patch and reload functions.

Fixed the drive icons not reverting back

to the original on uninstall of the Vdrive.

Changed the wallpaper, now a ultimate like one...

Let me know what you think.

Added the option to patch a program to use 32bit

icons through the rpl2k dll.

Done with the helpfile now...

Other little things...


What's New in Vistapack 2.4 - XP version


Release of new website!!!

Changed the bootscreen, yet again...

i was not too happy with it, now its better...

Changed the vistasounds to the louder scheme.

Finally added the force reloader back in the pack

this also makes it possible to update the pack

without the user uninstalling the old version.

Again tweaked the dialogs in the shell32...

Thanx Xibad, again... :)

Added an error message when errors are detected on

the patch and reload functions.

Fixed the drive icons not reverting back

to the original on uninstall of the Vdrive.

Changed the wallpaper, now a ultimate like one...

Let me know what you think.

Done with the helpfile now...

Other little things...


Please note that there are now two seperate installers, 1 for 2000 and one for XP.

Vistapack 2000 2.4

Vistapack XP 2.4

softpedia mirror

Vistapack Mirror on Skydrive

let me know guys, and when reporting bugs, please let me know what version you use.


Windows XP



Windows 2000



Edited by damian666


ok initial reactions and thoughts:

I really, really like the rebuild.

But there are a couple of issues I see with the sysdm.cpl I am attaching a pic.

You coud squeeze it together quite a bit. It is way too wide.

The main graphics has a white section at the top and bottom that just don't look right.

your "Globe"s shadow look funky (Weird)

I couldn't acces any of the other buttons on the installer untill after a reboot (besides the main install button and the first extras button. (Feature maybe I dunno)

Will there be source patching for 2000? That would be sweet. Are you using my Vdrive or dougiefresh's? Mine has had some code optimizations that I have yet to upload if you are.

Maybe move the genuine windows pic down to the bottom reight refion and shorten the width up alot? I will give it some play and see if I can give you a pic of what I mean.

Posted (edited)

Expect a new sysdm.cpl in the next period, maybe even in the next release, if damian666 takes my recommendations about sysdm.cpl...

Edited by marxo

This is very good work! :thumbup


- As mentioned - the disabled tabs are deceiving - they should at least be kept hidden to avoid confusions

- You should warn people that reboot is needed after patching is complete

- I use the task in vertical mode at the left of my screen and after clicking the "orb" button there is "ghost shadow" left.


Can this procedure be slipstreamed on a windows install?


I like it :)

Posted (edited)

Whoah. Cool and all but, whats up with the rich text document icon on top of any shortcut icon??? Its already been removed, so not that .... only happens with .lnk's. I tried repairing icon cache, all that. I tried creating new shortcuts, I checked the "File type" list, and made .LNK and set no icon, can't get it to go away. Please tell me what did it. :huh:

edit: also it only happens when the links are full sized, i.e. it doesn't happen in start menu, but in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\ it does. And .RTF is not that icon anyways. OpenOffice is set to open it, and it gets the OO icon.


Edited by NewStylist
Posted (edited)

Is that happening when you uninstall VP2000?

Oh it seems damian's patcher patched the wrong resource, instead of the overlay shortcut indicator it puts Rich Text icon...

Edit: Seems that the bandwith has been exceeded, so I can't download it and fix it. :(

I guess you're have to wait for damian 'till Friday.

Edited by marxo
Posted (edited)

It was like that when it installed to, just that it was the new .rtf icon. Can't you download it from SoftPedia?

edit: also I DO NOT want it installed again, so if possible something to just simply fix this ?

Edited by NewStylist

Well you need to change that particular resource in shell32.dll. I just don't know if you know how to...

Posted (edited)

I seem to be having a slight problem. The font in the title bars dont match what everyone else has in their screen shots. Take a look at my image below, hopefully someone can tell me whats wrong? Even though I have all options installed in the VistaPack menu, some options say they're NOT installed when they are.

One last thing, how do you get the start/taskbar to look like Vista instead of the plain one?


Edited by DarkCloud
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