thomas.rehberg Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 You´re a true damian, or magicman, whatever you like... It took me both: patching the registry PLUS using the break-button as advised, run setup second-time, off we go !All patches applied as it should, wow!Now, if I might, is it too much expected to ask how to get the nice Vista taskbar...... via starting Tclock... ...customizing...There was one guy in the posts posting a German.ini for tclock to get it, is that I need to do..bloody hell, now I want to get it all, finally
damian666 Posted December 24, 2007 Author Posted December 24, 2007 i am glad i could help dude, thats why i made that secret key, its a failsave key!!Only us eit in a emergency. like you had...tclock 3 huh?well, i dont advise it if you dont know what you are doing.but you could install it, run it and then open it to play with some features, first enable ful skinning.BUT, i will create a vistastyle pack for it and then will give link on first page.with some explanation.get it friday ok?i forgot to put it in the pack again doh!!!so look sharp for friday ok?damian666
thomas.rehberg Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 perfectly ok with friday, I rely on you with any further experiments I´m running I´m rather happy with the results so far, thank you so much!b.t.w: the German.ini I´ve mentioned was NO GOOD for my config: freezes the whole desktop!I was too impatient, lookin into that .ini is explaining why: it was taken out of another config, so a lot of files are located somewhere ...fortunately nothing crashed, I´ll run a full backup now, be sure!I made my lessons, waiting for your pro-advices for the config of the Tclock 3, which seems to be another hot stuff.a merry christmas to you, have received my present from you already
mara- Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Hi,First I wanna say that this pack s really great. XP look very nice. Great job! I just want to make a small suggestion. Maybe you could change buttons for shutdown, log off and sleep to vista ones (instead of this arrows) and you could implement option that text "Log Off" and "Turn off Computer" are removed from start menu so it looks closer as Vista.Cheers
marxo Posted December 27, 2007 Posted December 27, 2007 Yea damian... mara-, that (I think) is possible. damian what do you say?
damian666 Posted December 28, 2007 Author Posted December 28, 2007 hi there, well ofcourse its possible...only thing i need to know is if you aply the visual style.because thats were the buttons are at you know.not only in the resources.i will check it out, maybe marxo can help me? For the ones that wanted tclock3, "Thomas", check out the first page for the link.its a silent, self extracting rarfile, which after extraction enables you to install tclock3 with all things ready.just install it from the vistaoack GUI.Then it will run on startup, or if you execute it from the install dir which is in programfiles.the clock will dissapear and you wil see a little notch thats left there.right click it, and open the settings.then load settings and choose the settings language thats for YOUR language.and then press apply or ok...finished.hopefully this will work for you guys, for me it does...have a good new year everybody!!Damian666
mara- Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 (edited) Quote only thing i need to know is if you aply the visual style.Yes, I'm applying the visual style. I'm applying style which cames with you pack. Also I think I found one bug with visual style. Look at attached picture, look what is happening with start menu when I apply basic color scheme.Also it would be nice that your theme appears in Display Properties (look at attached picture).One more thing. I see that yours pack can be applied to XP CD and I tried that and it worked (I had to disable SFC to make it work) and it would be great if you could change setup screen to vista one which appears during xp installation.Hope you will consider some of these suggestions.Cheers EDIT: I don't know if this is a bug, but it don't look nice. Take a look at screen shot. Edited January 2, 2008 by mara-
thomas.rehberg Posted December 28, 2007 Posted December 28, 2007 Thanks damian, you are as reliable as a swiss-clock: Tclock announced for friday, et voilá Unfortunately it´ll take me to the new year to finally test it, I go skiing in the mountains for a week starting tomorrow morning.But you can be sure it will be tested soon, and INTENSIVELY tested by my little daughter...Again, many thanks for your nice SW and a Happy new Year to you ! Thomas
damian666 Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 thanx for the bugreport dudes, and dudettes.@ mara, i ill check those bugs , thanx for telling me.check it out for the next versiondamian666
spitf1r3 Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 (edited) damian666 said: now its ported to a better installer, for me at least.With all respect for XPero, but it was a real pain that one...This one is much better to maintain. XPero said: XPize will no longer be released in the classic NSIS installer. The NSIS installer has been bad for both me as developer and you as users for several reasons:NSIS code hard to maintainNSIS does not allow advanced features (or makes them hard to implement)NSIS does the easiest difficultUsers have been dealing with an improper installerUsers have been lacking advanced featuresUsers have been lacking a *real* desktop applicationFor these reasons amongst others, XPize will be completelly rewritten in C#.XPeroOh, and maybe you would try to include this and this in your pack...?Would be cool.This might be also interesting, as well as that... Edited January 2, 2008 by spitf1r3
damian666 Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 well, thats what i said, its f***ed to do it with nsis.and about thoseapps, i dont want to flood the pack with all kind of software.but its a nice thought. thanxDamian666
spitf1r3 Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 But did you take a look at them?They look great, bring a lot of functionality, and are esy to install..Besides, may I help with polish tranlation?
marxo Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Some of those applications require Windows XP + .Net Framework 2.0 or later so I don't think that it is very smart to include them...
Squeeto Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Hi D.Nice to see Vistapack going strong into 2008.I was going through the latest resources for the XP version.I know that this is a very small thing but explorer.exe - 157.bmp is wrong.See pic. and a possible alternative.explorer157.bmpnew157.bmp
spitf1r3 Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 (edited) marxo said: Some of those applications require Windows XP + .Net Framework 2.0 or later so I don't think that it is very smart to include them...I mean, it'd be great to include them, but they should be disabled by default;)BTW Vistapack already contain some 3rd party software, so why not include this...? Edited January 3, 2008 by spitf1r3
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