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nLite 1.4 RC2 - Rain Ultra


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has anyone tried rc2 with server 2003? for some reason, i get a configuration file error when in pre-install mode! it happens after files have been copied to the hard drive & before the computer restarts! everything works fine with 1.4beta tho?

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hi nuhi,

could you please be so kind and add the missing visual effects like combo box, menu animation + shadow and mouse animation + shadow back to the final release of nlite 1.4? otherwise i have to stay with 1.4beta, because i got used to that.

thanks for your attention and have a nice time! :hello:

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examiner, preset please, attach it.

What is that with the DHCP, you'll need to be more specific.

dead0, preset?

georgeasch, so those sure worked for you?

And you would stay with more buggy release because of few tweaks...funny but I don't respond good to threats ;)

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examiner, preset please, attach it.

What is that with the DHCP, you'll need to be more specific.

dead0, preset?

georgeasch, so those sure worked for you?

And you would stay with more buggy release because of few tweaks...funny but I don't respond good to threats ;)

yes i'm shure, they all worked 100% perfect for me!

and sorry, that might have been a missunderstanding between you and me, because this was NEVER meant to be a threat!

i just meant, that these effects are so important for me, that i prefer to stay with the beta and that i would be a little bit sad, if they will not appear again in the final. but this is of cause my problem and should never be yours. NEVERMIND! ;)

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I have made a XP PRO SP2 fr + all security patches with nLite 1.4rc2 + some addons and i have two bugs :

First: the infamous SFC message (tcpip.sys and Uxtheme.dll patched by nLite) pop-up every time a new hardware is detected.

second: the "HID input service" is impossibe to start (not removed by nLite) and I can't install any usb mouse or KB.


Edited by mooms
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nuhi, is it possible that you make nLite so lastseason.ini is always on english (even if someone using different language in nlite)? The reason for this is helping people on this forum. For example, mooms attached his preset and I can't understand a thing there. I hope you will consider this.

Cheers ;)

Edited by mara-
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The advantage will be, that you can use LastSessions from other languages. If you import an english File into a german nLite nLite get's into trouble and is not able to select all componnets. You have to go and check all settings again.

We must see what nuhi says about this. I never understood why nuhi used ini files.

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Of course that I agree on the unified save file, it's just that part was written 3 years ago and I never got to it.

Gonna redo it for the 1.5 beta so that I don't mess up 1.4 final in the last minute. Probably it will be left as ini so that it can recognize old presets.

I understand what you mean by XML, it's the name tags and ability to save the object, but for me it's the same since I have to write ID for every component (can't directly save) so I prefer INI, simpler to read.

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legolash2o said:

the only thing i dont like about .ini is when someone removes keyboards/lanaguages and get a massive list! and when its in another language

I only remove japanese/korean/chinese. These are the languages that take most of the space,

and I don't get a "massive list" this way.

I think that nlite should regroup these langages in few options,

just like it's already does for vlite.

Edited by extrabigmehdi
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