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Making Nero 8 a silent install


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I'm trying to make nero 8 a silent install in windows post installation but USSF gives the next message:

USSF detected that the file you selected is a valid PE file.

However, it couldn't identify its type.

The header returned by PEiD was 'Nothing found'

Can anyone tell me how to make it a silent install in WPI?

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I'm trying to make nero 8 a silent install in windows post installation but USSF gives the next message:

USSF detected that the file you selected is a valid PE file.

However, it couldn't identify its type.

The header returned by PEiD was 'Nothing found'

Can anyone tell me how to make it a silent install in WPI?

I would also prefer silent but in full... having it as legal dl since yesterday!

btw if i want make for Windows 2000 (with nLite) and for Vista (using vLite), how? or should i create differect application disks for both Windozes?

Edited by ChrisKuhli
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I have been working on the updated AutoIt-script for Nero and I have uploaded a testrelease to the AutoIt section. I really can't do extended testing myself because my real system is down at the moment (motherboard on RMA) :(

Please give feedback as what to fix/implement in this release.


- Support for Multilanguage distributions

- Exclude components as you wish

- Option to specify a custom installation path

- Automatic search and install of the trial distribution (Nero-8*.exe)

- Optional install of Help File Package (Nero8_chm_*.exe)

- Optional install of Template Packages for Nero Vision 5 (Templates_*.exe)

- Ability to activate additional Plug-ins

- Optionally disable 'Nero Scout', 'Patent Activation' and 'Media Indexing Services'

- Update DirectX if necessary

- Several customized settings to choose from

The Help File Package is not available yet. Please make your own pack until NeroAG releases it (if they ever do) ;)

Script is found in my signature :hello:

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Install Nero Burning ROM unattended with the original trial distribution files

Sorry to hear about your MB troubles. My system HD just died on me :(

Anyway your script looks very nice but I wonder if it can be used with other versions of nero other then the Trial version? It is my understanding that the regular paid download is the same files, or?

How does this autoit script work??

Visit AutoIT Section Here will Help you ;)

I must say I still don't know how to use the script after visiting that thread. It has lots of what seems to be excellent scripts but no noob friendly instructions on how it works or how to use it. Not that I could find anyway.

I guess that this particular script you just place in the dir where you have the nero install/exe files and run the script and it will guide you from there. Or do you need to download the AutoIT app?

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Thanks ricktendo64 for the pointers for our new users out there. :thumbup

Keep in mind that this script is still a work in progress and I only recommend experienced users to try this new script. There are probably a few bugs in there that needs to be fixed.

This script may work on the upgrade and paid download version, thats why I need feedback.

Nero demo, trial and full are all same versions, just depends on your key.

Don't forget to read through the top of the script and make the changes you want within.

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I've the update version file(s) cause i'm a registered user of a full purchased version.

The first look into script seems it doesnt fit my needs yet ;)

So, meanwhile i loaded the Vists Ultimate in memory, should i use it of course, hmm :P ?

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Thanks for the help!

I have come so far as to be able to edit the script and it looks easy enough. Since I'm on a temporary os install anyhow I have no problem of being a beta tester. Svensk kvalitet, eller? :rolleyes:

This is the settings I am planning on using:

16 = 0 ; Nero Home

$4E = 0 ; StartSmart

$04 = 1 ; Burning ROM + Express

$59 = 0 ; Vision

$29 = 0 ; BackItUp

$26 = 1 ; CoverDesigner

$7B = 1 ; WaveEditor

$46 = 0 ; SoundTrax

$E2 = 0 ; ShowTime

$20 = 0 ; MediaHome

$0C = 1 ; Recode

$52 = 0 ; Photosnap + Viewer

$8F = 0 ; BurnRights

$06 = 0 ; ImageDrive

$E0 = 1 ; CD-DVD Speed

$12 = 1 ; DriveSpeed

$4A = 1 ; InfoTool

$B0 = 0 ; RescueAgent

$D8 = 0 ; Burn/Burn Settings Plug-In for MCE

$B3 = 0 ; Media Streaming

$75 = 0 ; CopyGadget

$94 = 0 ; Toolbar

$HLP = 0 ; Search and install Nero 8 Help File Package

$NV5 = 0 ; Search and install additional Template Packages for Nero Vision 5

$SCO = 0 ; Enable Nero Scout

$NPA = 0 ; Enable Nero Patent Activation

$NFC = 0 ; Enable autostart of Nero Filter Check

$BKS = 0 ; Enable autostart of BackItUp KeyScan

$EAU = 0 ; Enable Automatic Updates

$AUD = 30 ; Change number of days before Nero checks for updates

$SND = 0 ; Enable all sounds in Burning ROM

$TWS = 1 ; Show temporary writing speed

$EAC = 1 ; Enable all compilations

$EDO = 0 ; Enable DVD overburning

$ESL = 0 ; Enable generation of short lead-out

$ECD = 1 ; Prevent the CD/DVD from ejecting after burning is complete

$VWD = 0 ; Verify Written Data after burning is complete

$RBR = 0 ; Run BurnRights to allow all users logged on locally to burn media

$RFA = 0 ; Reset File Associations created by Nero ShowTime

$MIS = 0 ; Enable Media Indexing Services

$DCC = 1 ; Delete Nero ControlCenter Start Menu shortcut

$DNH = 1 ; Delete Nero Home Desktop shortcut

$QNH = 1 ; Delete Nero Home QuickLaunch shortcut

$DSS = 1 ; Delete Nero StartSmart Desktop shortcut

$QSS = 1 ; Delete Nero StartSmart QuickLaunch shortcut

Edited by Matamua
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run the setup file first and dont install.

go to temp dir and copy the NERO13820 dir somewhere.

put this cmd file inside NERO13820 dir and run it.


@echo off
title Nero
echo Updating DirectX 9c Redistributable...
start /wait Data\Redist\DirectX\dxsetup.exe /silent
echo VCR...
start /wait Data\Redist\VCRedistSetup.msi /passive /norestart
echo Nero XML...
start /wait Data\Redist\neroxml.msi /passive /norestart
echo KB884016 v2...
start /wait Data\Redist\WindowsInstaller-KB884016-v2-x86.exe /passive /norestart
echo Installing Nero Premium
start /wait SetupX.exe /qb! /NORESTART RebootYesNo="No" NERO_SCOUT="FALSE" serialnum_userval="---your-serial---no---" AgreeToLicense="Yes" EULA_AGREEMENT=1

if /passive used instead of /qb!, it asks for restart.

finally, use 7zip or winrar to create installer and repack to the normal size.

7zip installer : http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?...&highlight=

Edited by rajesh.kumar
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