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HOWTO create a fully up to date XP x64 DVD (EoL Feb 2016)

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It looks like it will be mainly root certificate and application updates from now on.

Unless there is some other component change they will not be listed in the ChangeLog, however the relevant posts will note the month of latest update.

  • 9 months later...

Posted (edited)

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I haven't been able to find a reason.

Why is 940-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2900986-x64-ENU.exe in \Hotfix for IE6 and IE8 but in \XP64\RunOnce for IE7?

(This is all in the "XP x64 hotfix lists" page.)

Edited by PCBONEZ
Posted (edited)


 1. Introduction
 2. System requirements
 3. Included software
 4. Virtual Machine settings
 5. Required command
 6. Installation sequence
 7. File Associations
 8. Troubleshooting
 9. Usability tips
10. Useful websites
11. Other driver options
12. VMware Player

1. Introduction

There are quite a few guides out there on how to install Windows 98se in VirtualBox, this one differs in the following ways:

  • Level of detail - for instance this guide takes you step by step through installing the system, the other guides I've seen only give a general outline
  • Installed software - once you finish you will have a fully updated system with a basic software loadout and some important runtimes

2. System requirements

VirtualBox 6.1.38 or later plus extension pack

Host CPU must be capable of and have hardware virtualization enabled  (VT-x/AMD-V)

A Windows 98se install CD and the Windows 98se updates CD for this guide, available from MediaFire or via torent

The install has been tested in Windows and Linux but obviously not all versions thereof

3. Included software

The Windows 98se updates CD image file contains the following software:

The extracted config and batch files from this post's attachment [attachment=0]Win98se_Config_Files.7z[/attachment]
Auto-Patcher December 2007 Full - MSFN topic
Auto-Patcher December 2008 Upgrade - download
Realtek AC97 - Audio driver
SoftGPU - Video driver
KernelEx-4.5.2.exe - compatibility layer to run XP programs
Kernel Ex Updates - version 4.5.2016.25

GDIplus.dll - 5.1.3102.5581, needed by SumatraPDF and some other applications
flashplayer10_3r183_90_winax.exe - Flash for IE, extracted from fp_10.3.183.90_archive.zip, last version to work
Microsoft XML 4.0 SP3, extracted from msxml4-KB2758694-enu.exe
vcredist_x86.exe - Visual C++ 2005 SP1 KB2538242
dotnetfx.exe 55MB - .Net Framework 1.1 RtM
NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe - SP1 for .Net 1.1
NDP1.1sp1-KB971108-X86.exe - .Net hotfix
NDP1.1sp1-KB2833941-X86.exe - .Net hotfix

7z920.msi - 7-Zip file archiver
Firefox Portable 38.1esr - a bit twitchy, last version to work
Dictionaries.7z - spell check for Yanks, Poms, Canuks & Aussies
install_flash_player_32bit.exe -, last version to work
jre-6u22-windows-i586.exe Java runtime environment, last version to work
Open Office 3.2.1 - Great Britain - United States - Other - needs Java, last version to work
SumatraPDF-2.2.1-install.exe - last version to work
Chair_Agenda.pdf to register the .pdf file association
klmcodec345.exe - K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, last version to work
quicktimealt156.exe QuickTime Alternative, last version to work

sdd-win- - SciTech Display Doctor
VMware drivers - Mouse and Audio

4. Virtual Machine settings

Create a new virtual machine named "Win 98se" with 512MB of RAM and an 8GB or larger hard drive (fixed size drives are faster on host HDDs) then adjust the VM settings to match as closely as possible the list given below.  The changes from default settings are in bold, if an item is mentioned then its matching box is ticked.

  • General
    • Basic        
      • Name:            Win 98se
      • Type:            Microsoft Windows
      • Version:             Windows 7 (32-bit)

    • Advanced        
      • Snapshot Folder:    Default Setting
      • Shared Clipboard:        Disabled
      • Drag'n'Drop:            Disabled

    • Encryption    
      • Not Enabled
  • System
    • Motherboard    
      • Base Memory:        512MB
      • Boot Order:            Optical then Hard Disk
      • Chipset:            PIIX3
      • Pointing Device:        USB Tablet
      • Extended Features:        Enable I/O APIC (only)

    • Processor        
      • Processor(s):        1 CPU
      • Execution Cap:        100%
      • Extended Features:        Enable PAE/NX

    • Acceleration        
      • Paravirtualization Interface: Default
      • Hardware Virtualization: Enable VT-x/AMD-V & Enable Nested Paging
  • Display
    • Screen        
      • Video Memory:        128MB
      • Monitor Count:        1
      • Scale Factor:        100%
      • Graphics Controller:        VBoxSVGA
      • Acceleration:        Enable 3D Acceleration

    • Remote Display    
      • Not Enabled

    • Video Capture    
      • Not Enabled
  • Storage
    • Controller: Floppy
      • Type:        I82078 - Use Host I/O Cache
      • Floppy Drive:        Floppy Device 0

    • Controller: IDE    
      • Type:            PIIX4 - Use Host I/O Cache

    • Win 98se.vdi - 8+ GB Fixed (must be C:)
      • Hard Disk:        IDE Primary   Master

    • Win 98se Install CD (must be D:)    
      • Optical Drive:        IDE Secondary Master

    • Win 98se Updates CD (must be E:)    
      • Optical Drive:        IDE Secondary Slave
  • Audio
    • Enable Audio    
      • Host Audio Driver:    Windows DirectSound or Linux/OSX equivalent
      • Audio Controller:        ICH AC97[/b]
      • Extended Features:        Enable Audio Output
  • Network
    • Adapter 1    
      • Enable Network Adapter
      • Attached to:            Bridged Adapter
      • Name:            {system specific}
      • Adapter Type:        PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)
      • Promiscuous Mode:        Deny
      • MAC Address:            {randomly generated}
      • Cable Connected

    • Adapters 2-4        
      • Not Enabled
  • Serial Ports
    • Ports 1-4    
      • Not Enabled
  • USB
    • Enable USB Controller
      • USB 2.0 (OHCI + EHCI) Controller
  • Shared Folders
    • Machine Folders
  • User Interface
    • Mini ToolBar:        Show in Full-screen/Seamless & Show at Top of Screen

5. Required commands

After creating your virtual machine and applying all the settings but before starting it up exit VirtualBox and run the following terminal command in the same user account, it does not require admin privileges.

Windows (replace "Win 98se" with the name of your virtual machine if you changed it)

"%ProgramFiles%\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" setextradata "Win 98se" VBoxInternal/USB/HidMouse/0/Config/CoordShift 0

Linux & OSX (replace "Win 98se" with the name of your virtual machine if you changed it)

VBoxManage setextradata "Win 98se" VBoxInternal/USB/HidMouse/0/Config/CoordShift 0

You are now ready to start the installation

6. Installation sequence

As Windows 98se can be more than a bit unstable you may wish to save your image at various points, just chose to "restart later" and shutdown instead of restarting then take a snapshot of the virtual hard drive before proceeding.  I've given the time taken for some processes on my system (with the AntiVirus turned off) if you want to take a break while they run.

Optional steps are described in green, guaranteed errors are described in red, system specific errors are described in orange.

Boot from CD-ROM - Start Windows 98 Setup and configure the hard drive (enable large disk support)
Boot from CD-ROM - Start computer with CD-ROM support then enter the following command E:\Install, does the following

  • Formats C:
  • Copies installion files to C:\Win98
  • Patches the installation files
  • Launches Windows 98se Setup

Custom - add ALL Windows components except additional Accessibility, Multilanguage Support and Web TV for Windows
Setup will hang on the last reboot, just force a restart
Enable DMA on all drives (Device Manager >> Generic IDE Disk | VBox CD-ROM >> Settings)
Set Virtual Memory from 1024MB to 3072MB (My Computer >> Properties >> Performance)
Switch to Windows Logon (Network Neighbourhood >> Properties >> Configuration)
E:\ Auto-Patcher December 2007 Full (install only)
E:\ Auto-Patcher December 2008 Upgrade (install and run)
Enter the following key sequence - M N U 5 1 3 7 B P S I I - 35 minutes- save point 1
You might have to do the odd restart but if the VM continually aborts then it's time to refer to the troubleshooting section

E:\Audio\Setup.exe (Realtek AC97, keep 7+1 files)
E:\Video\SoftGPU.exe Enable SSE/AVX hack & QXGA
Network Setup Wizard (Accessories >> System Tools, cable must be connected, keep 3 files)
Internet Connection Wizard (Accessories >> Communications, connect via LAN)
Lock down Internet zones (Internet & Restricted to High, others to Medium)
E:\KernelEx-4.5.2.exe (compatibility layer to run XP programs)
Boot from CD-ROM - Start computer with CD-ROM support then enter the following command E:\KX, does the following

  • Updates Kernel-Ex files
  • Patches Windows 98se Memory Manager

Close the VM, you can now increase main memory to 1024MB

E:\Apps - installs the following, reboots on completion - 10 minutes

  • uninstall MSXML 4.0 SP2
  • copy GDIplus.dll (5.1.3102.5581) to C:\Windows
  • flashplayer10_3r183_90_winax.exe (flash player for I.E.)
  • msxml.msi (MSXML 4.0 SP3 - extracted from msxml4-KB2758694-enu.exe)
  • vcredist_x86.exe (Visual C++ 2005 SP1 KB2538242)
  • dotnetfx.exe (.NET Framework 1.1 RtM)
  • NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe (Service Pack 1)
  • NDP1.1sp1-KB971108-X86.exe (hotfix)
  • NDP1.1sp1-KB2833941-X86.exe (hotfix)
  • reboot and autostart Apps2.bat
  • extract OOo_3.2.1_Win_x86_install_en-**.exe (Open Office)
  • 7z920.msi (7-Zip file archiver)
  • Firefox 31.8esr portable (KernelEx - XP SP3)
  • extract Dictionaries.7z for Firefox
  • install_flash_player_32bit.exe (flash player for Firefox)
  • jre-6u22-windows-i586.exe (Java Runtime Environment)
  • install openofficeorg32.msi (En-GB by default)
  • SumatraPDF-2.2.1-install.exe
  • klmcodec345.exe (K-Lite Mega Codec)
  • quicktimealt156.exe (QuickTime Alternative)
  • MenuReorg.bat (tidy quick launch, desktop & start menu)

Windows Explorer settings (details view, don't hide file extensions, show system files)
Set KernelEx compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3 on C:\Firefox\FirefoxPortable.exe, C:\Firefox\App\Firefox\Firefox.exe & C:\Firefox\App\Firefox\XUL.dll
Set Firefox home page to http://kproxy.com/ (converts https to http)
Set file associations for 7-Zip, K-Lite Mega Codec & SumatraPDF (see below)
DeFrag & ScanDisk
All done - save point 2

7. File Associations

To register the file associations:

  • 7-Zip - Open 7-Zip and it's under Tools >> Options >> System (clear the email options on the 7-Zip tab)
  • K-Lite Mega Codec - Open Media Player Classic and it's under View >> Options >> Player >> Formats
  • SumatraPDF - Open a .pdf file in Windows Explorer and link it to C:\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe
  • Open Office - The easiest reset method is to uninstall Open Office, reboot and then reinstall Open Office with the command
    C:\Windows\System\msiexec.exe /I C:\OpenOffice3\openofficeorg32.msi REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1 /Qb
    or for individual file types you can open the file in Windows Explorer (shift-right-click if already linked) and link it to C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Program\[word=swriter|excel=scalc|powerpoint=simpress] and then edit the file type (Tools >> Folder Options) adding [ -o "%1"] to the end of the open command - Open Office file association commands (these do not work on network shares, local files only)
    "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\swriter.exe" -o "%1"
    "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\scalc.exe" -o "%1"
    "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\simpress.exe" -o "%1"
    "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\sbase.exe" -o "%1"
    "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\smath.exe" -o "%1"
    "C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\sdraw.exe" -o "%1"

8. Troubleshooting

A. Security software has been known to interfere with VirtualBox (for instance it is impossible to install Windows 2000 in VirtualBox if Avast Free anti-virus is installed on the host) so first try disabling such programs and if that doesn't help you might even have to uninstall them

B. An older version of this guide using different software can be found here, it may work better for you

9. Usability tips

Some games can have trouble with the mouse, if so try turning mouse integration off

Some games require that the install CD be in the drive, if so connect to a physical (or advanced virtual - Windows, Linux) drive and enable passthrough

10. Useful websites

KernelEx wiki (application compatibility database)
Main install guide used
Auto-Patcher MSFN topic
Display Driver
Firefox for Win 98se

11. Other driver options (all in the Other_Drivers directory on the updates CD)

SciTech Display Doctor was released for free (item 2) when the company went out of business, it's not as flexible or powerful as SoftGPU but it is an alternative option that provides limited 3D acceleration.

You can use the Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM) network adapter as drivers are available, however it won't increase your network speed as VirtualBox will push data through the virtual interface at the highest speed your physical network will support, also don't change to it until after you've run the Network Setup Wizard

You can chose to stick with the default SoundBlaster 16 rather than changing to ICH AC97, in which case you should not run E:\Audio\Setup.exe

VMware-98SE-Audio.exe conflicts with SoftGPU so you have the option of using (SoftGPU + SoundBlaster 16) OR (SciTech Display Doctor + SoundBlaster PCI 128) if using VMware Player

12. VMware Player

If you are using Microsoft Windows 7 (15) or later (16) or a current version of Linux you can use VMware Player 15/16 (or VMware Player 12 if your host has a pre-2010 CPU - Windows, Linux)

However the installaion is considerably more difficult and SoftGPU does not provide "hardware" OpenGL acceleration (DirectX is the same as in Virtualbox), there are notes on the installation in the Other_Drivers folder on the update CD.

Edited by Kurt_Aust
Posted (edited)

Thank you for getting right back. It still doesn't make sense that 7 (the middle one) is different from 6 & 8 but I'll take your word for it.

I would have expected to see 6 & 7 (older set) different from 8 -or- 7 & 8 (newer set) different from 6, not the middle one different.

I've been rearranging your XP64 package into prebuilt drop-in Modules for some of the optional configurations. In the course of doing that I manually assemble a file set and directory structure for each option. I noticed the difference when building the three IE Modules.

Edited by PCBONEZ

Also an XP64 question. I've looked online and found no definite answer. Someone in the knowledge pool here probably knows this off the top of their head.

Am I correct that XP64 SP1 and SP2 are like W2k3x64 and come as original with no .NET integrated in the OS?

Thanks in advance.


Define "integrated."  ;)

W2k3x64R2 has an installer for .NET 2.0 named NETFX64.EXE in the "CMPNENTS\R2" folder that can be called from the Optional Components wizard.  XPx64 and "R1" editions of Win2k3x64 do not include this installer.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, 5eraph said:

Define "integrated."  ;)

W2k3x64R2 has an installer for .NET 2.0 named NETFX64.EXE in the "CMPNENTS\R2" folder that can be called from the Optional Components wizard.  XPx64 and "R1" editions of Win2k3x64 do not include this installer.

Thanks 5eraph.

By "integrated" I mean if you use a bone-stock unaltered (SP1 or SP2) install media you end up with (none/which) .NET installed.

I wasn't asking about R2. The info doesn't hurt but W2k3x64(R2) doesn't seem to be in locked-step with XP64 like W2k3x64(R1) seems to be so I didn't even think about R2 as a mirror (so to speak) of XP64.

I would expect W2k3x64(R1) and XP64 to be the same in regard to .NET, but, while the lack of .NET in W2k3x64(R1) is mentioned in several places, none seem to mention what goes on with .NET and XP64.

Here is an example. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/astebner/2007/03/14/mailbag-what-version-of-the-net-framework-is-included-in-what-version-of-the-os/ -- They don't mention XP64 at all. Same every place I looked.

The reason I'm asking has to do with making the package Modular. If I strip all the (provided) .NET files out for the .NET-None idea (in Kurt's 1st post) and there is a .NET in the install media then it's not really .NET-None and any security fixes for the integrated .NET version/level would need to be put back in. (Something similar happens with the IE and WMP Modules but those were easy to figure out what version comes integrated in XP64.)  

You answered what I was asking except for one minor detail. - SP1 vs SP2. - I think I know the answer but I'm not an expert like some of you folks so I'll ask.

Am I correct that -both- XP64 SP1 & SP2 (with original/unaltered media) lack any version of .NET. (Same as with W2k3x64(R1) SP1 & SP2.)

Thank you again.


Edited by PCBONEZ
Posted (edited)

Correct, PCBONEZ  .NET is not on any of my media for XPx64 (SP1 or SP2) or Win2k3x64SP2 (R1).

Edited by 5eraph

This is more a question about nLiteing "successfully" a copy of Windows XP Pro SP 2 64 bit iso;I have tried 3 times to slipstream,lighten,tweak Windows XP Pro 64 bit iso with nLite....but,always get a missing or corrupt "Hal.dll" file error after Text Mode of setup is finished in virtualbox,and was wondering how to "fix" the error without abandoning using nLite or ??

Any recommendations,suggestions,tuts or sub-forum referrals (if necessary) will be appreciated!!



Just got back from holidays

Now while I won't try to troubleshoot component removals, if it doesn't work without removing any components, ask yourself if you did the following steps correctly:

Note that nLite must be run with administrator privileges, you might need to disable anti-virus software and most importantly, slipstreaming Service Pack 2 must be done on a Win NT 5.x host (2000/XP/XPx64/2003/2003x64).

If working from a SP1 source slipstream service pack 2 then exit nLite (if nLite is open it can interfere with the WMP11 slipstreamer).

These are the things most likely to result in a corrupt file error (assuming a clean source), note that all the Microsoft downloads should have a valid digital signature.

Posted (edited)

In your XP64 Hotfix page in the WMP11 section you refer to steps 3 and 9, but over here in the guide you haven't numbered any steps - so which/where are steps 3 and 9?

Particularly where is step 9 in the sequence. I can't tell if for a WMP11 silent install I should copy the WMP11 folder into \XP64\ before or after I run the process.



Edited by PCBONEZ

Due to the stupid WYSIsn'tWYG editor MSFN now uses I can't fix it when the main post goes awry, for instance when lists change from numbered sequence to bullet points.

That is why it got moved to RyanVM, go by that version of the guide.  Note that some options got removed, partly to simplify testing, but mainly because some things not longer worked with the pure hotfix method but still did when using 5eraph's packs.

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