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HOWTO create a fully up to date XP x64 DVD (EoL Feb 2016)

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@ . . . Hotfix\720-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB960225-x64-ENU.exe [1,034,640]

# Hotfix\730-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB958690-x64-ENU.exe [8,420,744]

# Hotfix\740-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB967715-x64-ENU.exe [24,187,280]

@ WMP11\WindowsMedia11-KB959772-x64-ENU.exe [5,936,008]

@ RunOnce\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB938464-v2-x64-ENU.exe [4,386,696]

@ . . . RunOnce\msxml.msi [2,434,048] Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 SP3

@ . . . RunOnce\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB961118-x64-ENU.exe [872,312] (only if installing .Net 3.5 sp1)

Added application install support for:

Vdownloader (as it no longer installs eBay shortcuts)

Comodo Firewall, in the absence of useful silent install switches the following options are provided:

A) Use the older stable firewall only v3.0.25.378, it will default to safe mode on both firewall and defence+

B} Use the current version with default settings, firewall, defence+ and anti-virus will be installed.

C) Use the current version with a very basic, push the buttons, AutoIt script for firewall only, no AV, D+, ThreatCast or toolbars.

and more info on Sun VirtualBox:

In order to have a usable VirtualBox when you first logon to each account you should go [start >> Control Panel >> System >> Advanced >> Performance Settings] and deselect the three options under Visual Effects that begin with "Fade ...".


Kurt_Aust, thanks for the latest updates. I do have a problem with KB967715 (your 740). Under my VMware install, WUD shows it needs to be installed although I installed it via nLite. BTW, how do you determine what hot fixes need to be removed - always wondered? Thanks again, John.


Weird, KB967715 works fine for me.

As for how I determine needed hotfixes, it's depressingly basic. I've created a fully unattended .iso with just IE7 & WMP11 integrated, I simply install it in VMware server and point it at Windows Update. I then check the results against this month's security releases .iso.

Posted (edited)

Kurt_Aust, thanks for your reply. I was afraid you would say that. I reran from scratch and have the same result. I have installed IE8 (RTM) via your .cmd file. I hope you have an idea of where I should look. I attach my Last Session. I checked the length of all updates and I checked the total count and total size of my Hot Fix folder. All agreed with yours. Thanks for any help, John.

EDIT: Have you thought about using IE8 instead of IE7?

Edited by johnhc

I'd suggest trying again without removing any components, KB967715 is the autorun update which affects (amongst other things) USB devices and network shares and there are some items in the removed list that (admittedly at a stretch) could affect it.

I will move the guide onto IE8 when IE8 direct integration is officially supported by nLite.


Kurt_Aust, thanks again. I'll give your idea a try. I just finished installing without IE8 and got the same. I watched nLite run this time and saw 740 integrate. Weird.

I assume you know IE8 does not support the Integrate switch. I even tried it on the update.exe after extracting and got an error about having to integrate from the top layer. Suspect waiting for nuhi to determine how to do it is going to be a long wait. Perhaps we all should see what we can figure out ourselves. Thanks again, I'll let you know if I figure out the 740 thing. The MD5 for my 740 is 80406D0749A16737D651000DBCEF77C4, and I DLed it again and got the same. Enjoy, John.


MD5 is a match.

Integrating IE7 required special modifications being made within the nLite process, similarly the required modifications changed between each version of the IE8 betas. I can't see that it will hurt to allow IE8 to be out in the wild for a couple of months before adding it to the guide as that should lead to the discovery of any missed bugs and/or compatibility hiccups.


John, as I don't get the problem, I can't really help you. As I see it the only way forward is to follow the guide exactly as written, see if you still get the problem and then start diverging until you hit the error.

On another note here is the code for silent install of VMware server:

%Source%AddOns\VMware-server-installer-1.0.8-126538.exe /a /s /v"/qb TARGETDIR=%Temp%\VMwareServer"
msiexec /I "%Temp%\VMwareServer\VMware Server Standalone.msi" ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL SERIALNUMBER=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /Passive /NoRestart
rem msiexec /I "%Temp%\VMwareServer\VMware Management Interface.msi" ADDLOCAL=ALL /Passive /NoRestart
msiexec /I "%Temp%\VMwareServer\VMware VmCOM Scripting API.msi" ADDLOCAL=ALL /Passive /NoRestart
msiexec /I "%Temp%\VMwareServer\VMware VmPerl Scripting API.msi" ADDLOCAL=ALL /Passive /NoRestart
RmDir /S /Q %Temp%\VMwareServer

  • Obviously you will have to supply your own serial number.
  • The VMware Management Interface is remarked out as it is not supported on XP x64 (you'll get an error).
  • Do NOT install VMware Server within VMware Server (it will go boom once you connect the ethernet cable).
  • As I don't have a spare real machine for testing at the moment, if anyone does use this code please post the results.

I have a question that might seem stupid, but I see that the updates in the \Hotfix folder start and 020-Win*, do we have to download previous updates (ie from 001 to 019) or are these superseded?

There are (to the best of my knowledge) no Microsoft updates that start with such a number, the names displayed in the download list are the result of commands like the following:

Rename ..\Hotfix\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB*-x64-ENU.exe xxx-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB*-x64-ENU.exe

Files in the .7z archive and the torr-ent <<[and how can that be flagged as a swear word?] have already been renamed, running UpdatePrep.bat will rename any you downloaded.

The only purpose of the leading number is to ensure that they are integrated in the same order that Windows Update would install them and even of those, only having IE7 first seems to be absolutely critical.

The update list in the first post is current for the month mentioned (currently Feb 07).

not working


Sergo, if you open a Run dialog and type "cmd /?" (no quotes), it will tell you. For compatibility reasons /R is the same as /C. Enjoy, John.

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