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Windows 98 DDK


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Well here is the Windows 98 DDK + Documentation to download.

As some of you probably know Win98DDK is unsupported and not available for download for a long time...

After searching on the internet (and 0 hits) I've contacted some guys and one of them had the whole pack on his PC.

I HOPE - that this will help people to develop better drivers for Windows 98.

Permanent link : Windows 98 DDK & Documentation

Expect a permanent one soon....

Edited by marxo
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Well you have documentation there so you will probably be able to find everything you need about it in there...

It would be advantageous for win9x and this forum if people started to get some imputous in this area, I do hope so

Edited by oscardog
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  • 4 weeks later...
And it would be good for Win9x user community to get some new drivers (or improved old ones like i810 drivers)...

improving the i810 drivers alone won't be good enough to add more color depth or resolutions. the i810 chipset hardware itself will also have to be modified to also support higher color depths and screen resolutions.

Even the XP drivers for i810 hardware only support up to 24bit true color mode

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And it would be good for Win9x user community to get some new drivers (or improved old ones like i810 drivers)...

improving the i810 drivers alone won't be good enough to add more color depth or resolutions. the i810 chipset hardware itself will also have to be modified to also support higher color depths and screen resolutions.

Even the XP drivers for i810 hardware only support up to 24bit true color mode

Unless it's older than 1999, then it likely supports 32-bit in 2D mode.

It probably won't in 3D mode and the symptom of that being unsupported is you get a 3D init failure error message from a game and the game may accuse you of having a corrupted DirectX installation.

That's at least the case with Voodoo 3s.

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  • 2 years later...

eh forget the divshare link to the Win98 DDK stuff. divshare servers are not responding.

so divshare download link doesn't seem to work anymore.

however, I did find a working link to the Win98 DDK here. documentation not included though.

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  • 1 year later...

The 98SE DDK package at MDGx's doesn't have all the SYM files for 98SE, some of those in SE directory are for FE. Any idea if that's the way it is? Is there a newer version that includes the missing SYMs? (Or perhaps an original package. This one is modified/repacked.)

Edited by shae
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The 98SE DDK package at MDGx's doesn't have all the SYM files for 98SE, some of those in SE directory are for FE. Any idea if that's the way it is? Is there a newer version that includes the missing SYMs? (Or perhaps an original package. This one is modified/repacked.)
How did you determine that? Do you have an ORIGINAL directory listing? If so, please provide it.

Also, 98FE will have many items that carry over to 98SE (obviously) just like the versions between Win95's.

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The VXD I need the SYM for has a different file size and version between FE and SE, so the SYM file has to be different as well.

As for the rest, which I didn't check in depth, the files for FE are dated 1998, those for SE 1999. There's a README (dated 2000, newer than the DDK) saying files unchanged from FE are not present in the SE directory and should be taken from the FE directory instead. Yet, in the SE directory there are multiple 1998 files, some aren't present in the FE directory, some duplicates.

I don't know what happened, whether that's how it was in the original DDK or they were moved/copied when it was repacked. The directory name "DEBUG_WINDOWS98SE" doesn't follow the Microsoft 8.3 filename convention that otherwise seems to be used in this DDK, so I'm assuming it's changes done when it was repacked.

Edit: Actually, so far the SYM file does seem to fit. I mixed up something. But the package looks odd and at least partially modified. Is there an unmodified/pristine version somewhere? What about newer versions from 2000 or later?

Edited by shae
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Well, thanks to this old MSFN thread : ... and the Internet Archive ... and a little sleuthing ... I'd suggest the following candidates for the W98 DDK and the above-mentioned SYM files :




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