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vLite 1.0 Final - Recreate Vista in your own image!


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Kevin Raptor & piXelatedEmpire, you're welcome.

datalife, yeah I wonder that myself.

dexter.inside, it doesn't add or remove anything from the boot.wim, yet. My assumption is that you messed up the folder structure, rebuilt that from the recovery custom dvd or something like that.

Or there is that peimg option which tampers with that. Anyway no bug, regular Vista is working just fine.

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Hi nuhi.

I use from the beginning nLite and now vLite. I've seen there is an suggestion thread bellow this, but my question is when you believe you will be able to bring vLite to something similar to nLite ? In fact I wait for those changes:

- Integrating Updates - this is an must, as there are already a lot of them.

- Integrating Plugins - I know, no plugins yet, but considering Drivers can be integrated is just an small step to have also an plugin integration.

- More selective removal - For example instead of Games to be able to select wich game to be removed or keeped, also for screensavers ( in nLite I can add files to remove or files to keep and I use this for screensavers, but checkboxes could be even better).

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Games separation, I gotta try something newly learned then yeah probably. Screensavers no.

Well, at least you can do as in nLite - to add manually wich files we don't want to remove. ( Yes I know, it's more problematic due to mui files )

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@ eiffel_g: In the components tab there is a button "Protect files". Do you mean that?

I don't have vista files on this computer so I cannot enter vLite menu but I believe not, this from what I remember is for preventing removing some files wich may be needed for the choosen preset - Media Center, Internet explorer and others.

But in nLite at Components there is an Advanced tab. When clicking on it there are 2 windows one with [Keep Box] - Specific files to keep and bellow, one with [Remove Box]- Aditional files to remove - something like this I think could be used for screensavers or other files.

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Tested result of VISTA 64bit and DELL notebook Inspiron 9400:

All work fine and more fast than 32bit vLited version (only problem with Ricoh MMC and MC drivers) but if remove all features of Media Player and related modules and install Windows Media Lite v2.40 (latest version) NOT WORK! (tested edition: ULTIMATE - HOMEBASICN) I tried install external 64bit codec's pack but not WORK again. If possible to help me to find one solution from this problem? Or the solution is not remove WidowsMediaPlayer and related modules?

Thanks2All... pardon for little offtopic!

P.S. my personal consideration: if vLited, for example, HOMEBASIC or HOMEBASICN, the result ISO is more little respect ULTIMATE version with same vLite setting's (32 or 64 bit the situation is the same) System work and load more fast but the services loaded is more less into homebasic respect to ultimate. My test's are: 800Mb or less CD-ROM for 32bit and 1.1GB or more DVD NEEDED!!! for 64bit with same vLite setting's. Why? The vLite reduction is not the same for all version of Vista? 64bit and 32bit have different files size?

@ Nuhi: is possible from future version of vLite insert more OS tweak like

Major request

- disable "bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS" for 64bit edition... and 32bit

- timerlock.sys integration aka "timerstop batch script" and 2099 patch like "scaramonga" or ironcatan"

- tcp-ip connection tweak 1 (max numbers of simultanious connection aka "vista manager")

- tcp-ip connection tweak 2 (max IE connections at one time feature aka "xp-antispy")

Minor request

- disable (or enable) default internet time sincronyzation (for all sys and default users)

- enable (or disable) default online driver update (for all sys and default users)

Possible? request

- USB patch (for fast mouse smoothing if is possible)

- disable (or enable) file protection (if is possible)

Edited by datalife
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datalife, different Vista versions have different components in them, it's that simple.

Install WMLite11 Alpha.exe and the WMV will work.

I won't comment on the requests, I just write them down for later. Thx.

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Thanks Nuhi, i attend the next vLite version with some of these tweak.

Another test: Diskeeper 11 build 709 (the full version of basic built-in windows defrag) run and work fine with all features scheduling and IFAAST without "performance and monitor timer's" and "task scheduler" components. Only one minor problem if "INTERNET EXPLORER" component (not HTML engine) are removed: online new version check not work. This features search IE for working.

Edited by datalife
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