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  1. Notice: These projects have no affiliation with any upstream community code sources or organizations. Please direct all support or related questions to here. "Serpent", "New Moon", "MailNews" are generic debranded names and they are subject to change in the future. Archive directory names and archive filenames will only be changed once generic debranded names are not used in the future. Latest changelog is available here as well: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser Serpent/UXP browser (MCP reforked 52ESR as new base), and NM28XP releases: Binaries are moved to here: (I'm lazy to edit all previous posts) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc BOC related binaries: Binary list: https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/?sort=date&order=desc FAQ: Q: Having audio distorted when watching Twitter/etc.? A: Please try turning on "Firefox compatibility" in options dialog or either "general.useragent.compatMode = 2" or "general.useragent.compatMode.firefox = true" in about:config and reload the page. Q: Can't play H264 clips? (for PM27/KM76) A: Download following packages for your browser edition(32bit/64bit) and extract DLLs to same place as palemoon.exe lives. 32bit LAV dlls are in separated package (extracted from K-Lite codec pack 13.5.5) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav.7z Just in case if you have an older processor which has no SSE instruction set support: 32bit NoSSE (ffmpeg 3.1.1 lite build) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav-dll-lite-mmx.7z 32bit No ASM (ffmpeg 3.1.1 lite build, if build above doesn't work on your processor) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav-dll-lite-noasm.7z 64bit LAV dlls are in separated package (LAV Filters 64bit 0.70.2) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav64.7z Q: AV1 Support? (for UXP-based applications except mailnews) A: You need to enable "media.av1.enabled" in about:config Q: VP9 Support? (for PM27) A: VP9 works if async MSE option is unchecked and "Enable MSE for WebM Video" checked in options. Q: Extensions/Themes not working after updating binaries. A: If you encounter extensions not show icon, clicking options button of extension causing browser unresponsive, etc. please try following actions: 1.a Killing palemoon.exe process 1.b Copy whole extensions folder out of profile folder (to somewhere else for example, desktop) 1.c Restart browser without restoring previous sessions 1.d Goto about:addons page 1.e Drop XPI files from the copied-out extensions folder to about:addonss page One-by-One. 1.f After all XPI files are dropped and installed/updated, restart browser Q: Virus detected? A: Tell your anti-virus program to exclude palemoon.exe and/or plugin-container.exe. Some anti-virus heuristic engines (for example symantec's sonar engine) is too sensitive to palemoon.exe/plugin-container.exe network activities. Q: Where's your patches for compiling my own? A: Please visit the link above "FAQ:". Latest source patch files are named "sources_patches_YYYYMMDD.7z" in that page. Q: basilisk browser showing basic pages in GMail? A: set these to "ture" in about:config general.useragent.compatMode.firefox general.useragent.compatMode.gecko Q: How to change User Interface language? A: Please see this post: Q: Portable Loader? A: You can always use official portable launcher with my binaries, or you can use my simple portable loader written in NSIS: Q: How to install extensions/themes in BNavigator browser? A: Please check this post out: ------------------------------------- NewMoon 27 build: ------------------------------------- Serpent/moebius browser (deprecated by MCP, forked by me), and also 26.5 as playground : And NewMoon 26.5 and K-Meleon 74 with Goanna 2.2 (newmoon-26.5) for vanilla Win2000 build: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon browser with Goanna/Tycho engine: It has its own sub-forum in K-Meleon official forum! http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/list.php?19 Latest build: ------------------------------------- Firefox ESR 45 with TenFourFox fixes for SSE-only machines: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon Original cross-post is here: ------------------------------------- ArcticFox XP win32 test build: ----original post message belows---- Today's build with portable LAV libraries. Place LAV dlls (av*.dll) in same place as palemoon.exe lives. Official repo changes since my last build: -Clobber for Brotli/WOFF2 update -Fix some comments (no code change) -Enable Brotli content-encoding by default (https only). -Pull woff2 upstream update. -Update Brotli decompressor. My changes since my last build: - Upgrade Mozilla NSPR and NSS to 4.16 and 3.22 for (hopefully) faster AES operations 32bit: https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.6.0a1.win32-git-20171002_2-e68ab5b3d-xpmod.7z 64bit: https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.6.0a1.win64-git-20171002_2-e68ab5b3d-xpmod.7z
  2. NoScript, Firebug, and other popular Firefox add-on extensions are opening millions of end users to a new type of attack that can surreptitiously execute malicious code and steal sensitive data, a team of researchers reported. The attack is made possible by a lack of isolation in Firefox among various add-ons installed by an end user. The underlying weakness has been described as an extension reuse vulnerability because it allows an attacker-developed add-on to conceal its malicious behavior by invoking the capabilities of other add-ons. Instead of directly causing a computer to visit a booby-trapped website or download malicious files, the add-on exploits vulnerabilities in popular third-party add-ons that allow the same nefarious actions to be carried out. Of the top 10 most popular add-ons vetted by Mozilla officials and made available on the Mozilla website, only Adblock Plus was found to contain no flaws that could be exploited by a malicious add-on that relied on reuse vulnerabilities. Besides NoScript, Video DownloadHelper, Firebug, Greasemonkey, and FlashGot Mass Down all contained bugs that made it possible for the malicious add-on to execute malicious code. Many of those apps, and many others analyzed in the study, also made it possible to steal browser cookies, control or access a computer's file system, or to open webpages to sites of an attacker's choosing. Via ArsTechnica
  3. Mozilla has just eliminated a crucial security component of the Firefox web browser. The cookie control setting “Ask me every time” is now gone. It was deleted from FF 44. In addition, Mozilla DIDN’T TELL ANYONE and automatically changed the related Firefox option setting to “Accept [cookies] … Always”, for everyone. And that's ALL cookies, not just third-party cookies. This feature was the #1 reason why I and so many moved to Firefox in the first place – instant fine-tuned easy-to-use control over cookies before they stick. There is no substitute. Because Mozilla didn’t announce this, and because there is no visible sign of the disappearance of this important feature, most users don’t know that they are now allowing cookies that stick. There are two very good threads about this: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2987945 and http://www.ghacks.net/2016/02/05/firefox-44ask-me-everytime-cookie-option-removed/#comment-3819357 To all the experts here at MSFN -- I hope you know what I’m describing. I’m NOT a tech. I’m only a real estate lawyer. But this was truly an essential feature of Firefox. Without it, Firefox is no more secure than Chrome or anything else. Probably less. Why is Mozilla going backwards? What’s its motive? Because MSFN is an unusually knowledgeable group, and because this tourist would like to see Mozilla change its mind, I urge all MSFN participants to re-post and re-send this where it will do the most good. Can someone here start a movement? Thanks.
  4. Has anyone tested Firefox 29 and Firefox 30 on Windows 2000 with the latest version of UURollup? As far as I know, I recently switched to a new computer a few months back and as a result of this, I can no longer test new versions of Firefox on Windows 2000. Also, in Firefox 30, developers removed the dead OS/2 support code due to lack of contribution and the newer code that hasn't been able to work properly on OS/2.
  5. Hi there, I'm facing some... weird.. issues with DNS requests. I don't know exactly when it started but it has gone real bad in the past few days. Basically every 2-3 link I click / site I load in Firefox 27 leads to a "Server not found" error, forcing me to manually reload the site (one or a few times) until the site is loaded properly. First I thought that the issue was entirely FF related and I consulted a few similar issue threads accross the web, deactivated DNS prefechting and flushed my DNS. However I now noticed that other programs have issues as well (e.g. the Secure Download Manager, self written C# WebClient applications, Visual Studio update etc.). Does anybody have an idea where this issue might come from? I also tried determining the current DNS server I'm using using ipconfig but that just shows the IP of my U.S. Robotics Router and I couldn't find anything in the router settings either. Thanks in advance, Max
  6. Specs: WinXP Sp3, old single-core AthlonXp 2800+, 1500Gb ram, geforceFx 5200, 8Mbit connection, Firefox 19.0.2 (newer versions seem bad for memory) I've tested this even without other running programs, scanned for virus\malware, cleaned with CCleaner, checked running tasks\services and such. When I had Flash Player 10.3 I could see 480p videos on Youtube without any problem (720p, instead, is difficult for the old card). After 11.X in this year, the issues started: at early versions I got slowdowns\skips at 480p, then 360p, now with 11.8 even at 240p??? (but videos play fine in Vlc) I fed up, downloaded and downgraded back to 10.3 and.. even that skips at 360p.. WTF is happening, why can't I see the same content on the same computer with the same settings anymore?? Is Adobe messing badly with Flash Player? Does anyone have this problem with an old pc and Youtube? P.S: changing computer is an obvious solution, but I can't afford that right now.
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