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Everything posted by Spooky

  1. RULE #1 about registry tweaks - always back up the key first before applying registry changes. RULE #2 about registry tweaks - see RULE #1 It happens..anyway,,,the tweak you applied might look something like this: Vista Font Registry tweak Here is what I have for defaults for those values from one of my machines where the tweak has not been applied: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes] "Arabic Transparent"="Arial" "Arabic Transparent Bold"="Arial Bold" "Arabic Transparent,0"="Arial,178" "Arabic Transparent Bold,0"="Arial Bold,178" "Helvetica"="Arial" "Arial Baltic,186"="Arial,186" "Arial CE,238"="Arial,238" "Arial CYR,204"="Arial,204" "Arial Greek,161"="Arial,161" "Arial TUR,162"="Arial,162" "Courier New Baltic,186"="Courier New,186" "Courier New CE,238"="Courier New,238" "Courier New CYR,204"="Courier New,204" "Courier New Greek,161"="Courier New,161" "Courier New TUR,162"="Courier New,162" "Times"="Times New Roman" "Times New Roman Baltic,186"="Times New Roman,186" "Times New Roman CE,238"="Times New Roman,238" "Times New Roman CYR,204"="Times New Roman,204" "Times New Roman Greek,161"="Times New Roman,161" "Times New Roman TUR,162"="Times New Roman,162" "MS Shell Dlg 2"="Tahoma" "MS Shell Dlg"="Microsoft Sans Serif" "Helv"="MS Sans Serif" "Tms Rmn"="MS Serif" "David Transparent"="David" "Miriam Transparent"="Miriam" "Fixed Miriam Transparent"="Miriam Fixed" "Rod Transparent"="Rod" "FangSong_GB2312"="FangSong" "KaiTi_GB2312"="KaiTi" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] "Arial (TrueType)"="arial.ttf" "Arial Italic (TrueType)"="ariali.ttf" "Arial Bold (TrueType)"="arialbd.ttf" "Arial Bold Italic (TrueType)"="arialbi.ttf" "Batang & BatangChe & Gungsuh & GungsuhChe (TrueType)"="batang.ttc" "Courier New (TrueType)"="cour.ttf" "Courier New Italic (TrueType)"="couri.ttf" "Courier New Bold (TrueType)"="courbd.ttf" "Courier New Bold Italic (TrueType)"="courbi.ttf" "DaunPenh (TrueType)"="daunpenh.ttf" "DokChampa (TrueType)"="dokchamp.ttf" "Estrangelo Edessa (TrueType)"="estre.ttf" "Euphemia (TrueType)"="euphemia.ttf" "Gautami (TrueType)"="gautami.ttf" "Gulim & GulimChe & Dotum & DotumChe (TrueType)"="gulim.ttc" "Impact (TrueType)"="impact.ttf" "Iskoola Pota (TrueType)"="iskpota.ttf" "Kalinga (TrueType)"="kalinga.ttf" "Kartika (TrueType)"="kartika.ttf" "Latha (TrueType)"="latha.ttf" "Lucida Console (TrueType)"="lucon.TTF" "Malgun Gothic (TrueType)"="malgun.ttf" "Malgun Gothic Bold (TrueType)"="malgunbd.ttf" "Mangal (TrueType)"="mangal.ttf" "Meiryo & Meiryo Italic (TrueType)"="meiryo.ttc" "Meiryo Bold & Meiryo Bold Italic (TrueType)"="meiryob.ttc" "Microsoft Himalaya (TrueType)"="himalaya.ttf" "Microsoft JhengHei (TrueType)"="msjh.ttf" "Microsoft JhengHei Bold (TrueType)"="msjhbd.ttf" "Microsoft YaHei (TrueType)"="msyh.ttf" "Microsoft YaHei Bold (TrueType)"="msyhbd.ttf" "MingLiU & PMingLiU & MingLiU_HKSCS (TrueType)"="mingliu.ttc" "MingLiU-ExtB & PMingLiU-ExtB & MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB (TrueType)"="mingliub.ttc" "Mongolian Baiti (TrueType)"="monbaiti.ttf" "MS Gothic & MS PGothic & MS UI Gothic (TrueType)"="msgothic.ttc" "MS Mincho & MS PMincho (TrueType)"="msmincho.ttc" "MV Boli (TrueType)"="mvboli.ttf" "Nyala (TrueType)"="nyala.TTF" "Plantagenet Cherokee (TrueType)"="plantc.ttf" "Raavi (TrueType)"="raavi.ttf" "Segoe Script (TrueType)"="segoesc.ttf" "Segoe Script Bold (TrueType)"="segoescb.ttf" "Segoe UI (TrueType)"="segoeui.ttf" "Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)"="segoeuib.ttf" "Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)"="segoeuii.ttf" "Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)"="segoeuiz.ttf" "Shruti (TrueType)"="shruti.ttf" "SimSun & NSimSun (TrueType)"="simsun.ttc" "SimSun-ExtB (TrueType)"="simsunb.ttf" "Sylfaen (TrueType)"="sylfaen.ttf" "Times New Roman (TrueType)"="times.ttf" "Times New Roman Italic (TrueType)"="timesi.ttf" "Times New Roman Bold (TrueType)"="timesbd.ttf" "Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType)"="timesbi.ttf" "Tunga (TrueType)"="tunga.ttf" "Vrinda (TrueType)"="vrinda.ttf" "Microsoft Yi Baiti (TrueType)"="msyi.ttf" "Tahoma (TrueType)"="tahoma.ttf" "Tahoma Bold (TrueType)"="tahomabd.ttf" "Microsoft Sans Serif (TrueType)"="micross.ttf" "Angsana New (TrueType)"="angsa.ttf" "Angsana New Italic (TrueType)"="angsai.ttf" "Angsana New Bold (TrueType)"="angsab.ttf" "Angsana New Bold Italic (TrueType)"="angsaz.ttf" "Cordia New (TrueType)"="cordia.ttf" "Cordia New Italic (TrueType)"="cordiai.ttf" "Cordia New Bold (TrueType)"="cordiab.ttf" "Cordia New Bold Italic (TrueType)"="cordiaz.ttf" "Gisha (TrueType)"="gisha.ttf" "Gisha Bold (TrueType)"="gishabd.ttf" "Leelawadee (TrueType)"="leelawad.ttf" "Leelawadee Bold (TrueType)"="leelawdb.ttf" "Microsoft Uighur (TrueType)"="msuighur.ttf" "MoolBoran (TrueType)"="moolbor.ttf" "Symbol (TrueType)"="symbol.ttf" "Wingdings (TrueType)"="wingding.ttf" "Modern (All res)"="modern.fon" "Roman (All res)"="roman.fon" "Script (All res)"="script.fon" "Andalus (TrueType)"="andlso.ttf" "Arabic Typesetting (TrueType)"="arabtype.ttf" "Simplified Arabic (TrueType)"="simpo.ttf" "Simplified Arabic Bold (TrueType)"="simpbdo.ttf" "Simplified Arabic Fixed (TrueType)"="simpfxo.ttf" "Traditional Arabic (TrueType)"="trado.ttf" "Traditional Arabic Bold (TrueType)"="tradbdo.ttf" "Aharoni Bold (TrueType)"="ahronbd.ttf" "David (TrueType)"="david.ttf" "David Bold (TrueType)"="davidbd.ttf" "FrankRuehl (TrueType)"="frank.ttf" "Levenim MT (TrueType)"="lvnm.ttf" "Levenim MT Bold (TrueType)"="lvnmbd.ttf" "Miriam (TrueType)"="mriam.ttf" "Miriam Fixed (TrueType)"="mriamc.ttf" "Narkisim (TrueType)"="nrkis.ttf" "Rod (TrueType)"="rod.ttf" "FangSong (TrueType)"="simfang.ttf" "SimHei (TrueType)"="simhei.ttf" "KaiTi (TrueType)"="simkai.ttf" "AngsanaUPC (TrueType)"="angsau.ttf" "AngsanaUPC Italic (TrueType)"="angsaui.ttf" "AngsanaUPC Bold (TrueType)"="angsaub.ttf" "AngsanaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="angsauz.ttf" "Browallia New (TrueType)"="browa.ttf" "Browallia New Italic (TrueType)"="browai.ttf" "Browallia New Bold (TrueType)"="browab.ttf" "Browallia New Bold Italic (TrueType)"="browaz.ttf" "BrowalliaUPC (TrueType)"="browau.ttf" "BrowalliaUPC Italic (TrueType)"="browaui.ttf" "BrowalliaUPC Bold (TrueType)"="browaub.ttf" "BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="browauz.ttf" "CordiaUPC (TrueType)"="CORDIAU.TTF" "CordiaUPC Bold (TrueType)"="CORDIAUB.TTF" "CordiaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="CORDIAUZ.TTF" "CordiaUPC Italic (TrueType)"="CORDIAUI.TTF" "DilleniaUPC (TrueType)"="upcdl.ttf" "DilleniaUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcdi.ttf" "DilleniaUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upcdb.ttf" "DilleniaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upcdbi.ttf" "EucrosiaUPC (TrueType)"="upcel.ttf" "EucrosiaUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcei.ttf" "EucrosiaUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upceb.ttf" "EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upcebi.ttf" "FreesiaUPC (TrueType)"="upcfl.ttf" "FreesiaUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcfi.ttf" "FreesiaUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upcfb.ttf" "FreesiaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upcfbi.ttf" "IrisUPC (TrueType)"="upcil.ttf" "IrisUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcii.ttf" "IrisUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upcib.ttf" "IrisUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upcibi.ttf" "JasmineUPC (TrueType)"="upcjl.ttf" "JasmineUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcji.ttf" "JasmineUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upcjb.ttf" "JasmineUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upcjbi.ttf" "KodchiangUPC (TrueType)"="upckl.ttf" "KodchiangUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcki.ttf" "KodchiangUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upckb.ttf" "KodchiangUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upckbi.ttf" "LilyUPC (TrueType)"="upcll.ttf" "LilyUPC Italic (TrueType)"="upcli.ttf" "LilyUPC Bold (TrueType)"="upclb.ttf" "LilyUPC Bold Italic (TrueType)"="upclbi.ttf" "DFKai-SB (TrueType)"="kaiu.ttf" "Lucida Sans Unicode (TrueType)"="l_10646.ttf" "Arial Black (TrueType)"="ariblk.ttf" "Calibri (TrueType)"="calibri.ttf" "Calibri Italic (TrueType)"="calibrii.ttf" "Calibri Bold (TrueType)"="calibrib.ttf" "Calibri Bold Italic (TrueType)"="calibriz.ttf" "Cambria & Cambria Math (TrueType)"="cambria.ttc" "Cambria Italic (TrueType)"="cambriai.ttf" "Cambria Bold (TrueType)"="cambriab.ttf" "Cambria Bold Italic (TrueType)"="cambriaz.ttf" "Candara (TrueType)"="candara.ttf" "Candara Italic (TrueType)"="candarai.ttf" "Candara Bold (TrueType)"="candarab.ttf" "Candara Bold Italic (TrueType)"="candaraz.ttf" "Comic Sans MS (TrueType)"="comic.ttf" "Comic Sans MS Bold (TrueType)"="comicbd.ttf" "Consolas (TrueType)"="consola.ttf" "Consolas Italic (TrueType)"="consolai.ttf" "Consolas Bold (TrueType)"="consolab.ttf" "Consolas Bold Italic (TrueType)"="consolaz.ttf" "Constantia (TrueType)"="constan.ttf" "Constantia Italic (TrueType)"="constani.ttf" "Constantia Bold (TrueType)"="constanb.ttf" "Constantia Bold Italic (TrueType)"="constanz.ttf" "Corbel (TrueType)"="corbel.ttf" "Corbel Italic (TrueType)"="corbeli.ttf" "Corbel Bold (TrueType)"="corbelb.ttf" "Corbel Bold Italic (TrueType)"="corbelz.ttf" "Franklin Gothic Medium (TrueType)"="framd.ttf" "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic (TrueType)"="framdit.ttf" "Georgia (TrueType)"="georgia.ttf" "Georgia Italic (TrueType)"="georgiai.ttf" "Georgia Bold (TrueType)"="georgiab.ttf" "Georgia Bold Italic (TrueType)"="georgiaz.ttf" "Palatino Linotype (TrueType)"="pala.ttf" "Palatino Linotype Italic (TrueType)"="palai.ttf" "Palatino Linotype Bold (TrueType)"="palab.ttf" "Palatino Linotype Bold Italic (TrueType)"="palabi.ttf" "Segoe Print (TrueType)"="segoepr.ttf" "Segoe Print Bold (TrueType)"="segoeprb.ttf" "Trebuchet MS (TrueType)"="trebuc.ttf" "Trebuchet MS Italic (TrueType)"="trebucit.ttf" "Trebuchet MS Bold (TrueType)"="trebucbd.ttf" "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic (TrueType)"="trebucbi.ttf" "Verdana (TrueType)"="verdana.ttf" "Verdana Italic (TrueType)"="verdanai.ttf" "Verdana Bold (TrueType)"="verdanab.ttf" "Verdana Bold Italic (TrueType)"="verdanaz.ttf" "Webdings (TrueType)"="webdings.ttf" "Courier 10,12,15"="COURE.FON" "MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24"="SERIFE.FON" "MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24"="SSERIFE.FON" "Small Fonts"="SMALLE.FON" "Haettenschweiler (TrueType)"="HATTEN.TTF" "MS Outlook (TrueType)"="OUTLOOK.TTF" "Book Antiqua Bold (TrueType)"="ANTQUAB.TTF" "Book Antiqua Bold Italic (TrueType)"="ANTQUABI.TTF" "Book Antiqua Italic (TrueType)"="ANTQUAI.TTF" "Book Antiqua (TrueType)"="BKANT.TTF" "Century Gothic (TrueType)"="GOTHIC.TTF" "Century Gothic Bold (TrueType)"="GOTHICB.TTF" "Century Gothic Bold Italic (TrueType)"="GOTHICBI.TTF" "Century Gothic Italic (TrueType)"="GOTHICI.TTF" "Bookshelf Symbol 7 (TrueType)"="BSSYM7.TTF" "MS Reference Sans Serif (TrueType)"="REFSAN.TTF" "MS Reference Specialty (TrueType)"="REFSPCL.TTF" "Bradley Hand ITC (TrueType)"="BRADHITC.TTF" "Freestyle Script (TrueType)"="FREESCPT.TTF" "French Script MT (TrueType)"="FRSCRIPT.TTF" "Juice ITC (TrueType)"="JUICE___.TTF" "Kristen ITC (TrueType)"="ITCKRIST.TTF" "Lucida Handwriting Italic (TrueType)"="LHANDW.TTF" "Mistral (TrueType)"="MISTRAL.TTF" "Papyrus (TrueType)"="PAPYRUS.TTF" "Pristina (TrueType)"="PRISTINA.TTF" "Tempus Sans ITC (TrueType)"="TEMPSITC.TTF" "Arial Narrow (TrueType)"="ARIALN.TTF" "Arial Narrow Bold (TrueType)"="ARIALNB.TTF" "Arial Narrow Bold Italic (TrueType)"="ARIALNBI.TTF" "Arial Narrow Italic (TrueType)"="ARIALNI.TTF" "Garamond (TrueType)"="GARA.TTF" "Garamond Bold (TrueType)"="GARABD.TTF" "Garamond Italic (TrueType)"="GARAIT.TTF" "Monotype Corsiva (TrueType)"="MTCORSVA.TTF" "Agency FB Bold (TrueType)"="AGENCYB.TTF" "Agency FB (TrueType)"="AGENCYR.TTF" "Arial Rounded MT Bold (TrueType)"="ARLRDBD.TTF" "Blackadder ITC (TrueType)"="ITCBLKAD.TTF" "Bodoni MT Bold (TrueType)"="BOD_B.TTF" "Bodoni MT Bold Italic (TrueType)"="BOD_BI.TTF" "Bodoni MT Italic (TrueType)"="BOD_I.TTF" "Bodoni MT (TrueType)"="BOD_R.TTF" "Bodoni MT Black Italic (TrueType)"="BOD_BLAI.TTF" "Bodoni MT Black (TrueType)"="BOD_BLAR.TTF" "Bodoni MT Condensed Bold (TrueType)"="BOD_CB.TTF" "Bodoni MT Condensed Bold Italic (TrueType)"="BOD_CBI.TTF" "Bodoni MT Condensed Italic (TrueType)"="BOD_CI.TTF" "Bodoni MT Condensed (TrueType)"="BOD_CR.TTF" "Bookman Old Style (TrueType)"="BOOKOS.TTF" "Bookman Old Style Bold (TrueType)"="BOOKOSB.TTF" "Bookman Old Style Bold Italic (TrueType)"="BOOKOSBI.TTF" "Bookman Old Style Italic (TrueType)"="BOOKOSI.TTF" "Calisto MT (TrueType)"="CALIST.TTF" "Calisto MT Bold (TrueType)"="CALISTB.TTF" "Calisto MT Bold Italic (TrueType)"="CALISTBI.TTF" "Calisto MT Italic (TrueType)"="CALISTI.TTF" "Castellar (TrueType)"="CASTELAR.TTF" "Century Schoolbook (TrueType)"="CENSCBK.TTF" "Century Schoolbook Bold (TrueType)"="SCHLBKB.TTF" "Century Schoolbook Bold Italic (TrueType)"="SCHLBKBI.TTF" "Century Schoolbook Italic (TrueType)"="SCHLBKI.TTF" "Copperplate Gothic Bold (TrueType)"="COPRGTB.TTF" "Copperplate Gothic Light (TrueType)"="COPRGTL.TTF" "Curlz MT (TrueType)"="CURLZ___.TTF" "Edwardian Script ITC (TrueType)"="ITCEDSCR.TTF" "Elephant (TrueType)"="ELEPHNT.TTF" "Elephant Italic (TrueType)"="ELEPHNTI.TTF" "Engravers MT (TrueType)"="ENGR.TTF" "Eras Bold ITC (TrueType)"="ERASBD.TTF" "Eras Demi ITC (TrueType)"="ERASDEMI.TTF" "Eras Light ITC (TrueType)"="ERASLGHT.TTF" "Eras Medium ITC (TrueType)"="ERASMD.TTF" "Felix Titling (TrueType)"="FELIXTI.TTF" "Forte (TrueType)"="FORTE.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Book (TrueType)"="FRABK.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Book Italic (TrueType)"="FRABKIT.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Demi (TrueType)"="FRADM.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Demi Italic (TrueType)"="FRADMIT.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Demi Cond (TrueType)"="FRADMCN.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Heavy (TrueType)"="FRAHV.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic (TrueType)"="FRAHVIT.TTF" "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond (TrueType)"="FRAMDCN.TTF" "Gigi (TrueType)"="GIGI.TTF" "Gill Sans MT Bold Italic (TrueType)"="GILBI___.TTF" "Gill Sans MT Bold (TrueType)"="GILB____.TTF" "Gill Sans MT Italic (TrueType)"="GILI____.TTF" "Gill Sans MT (TrueType)"="GIL_____.TTF" "Gill Sans MT Condensed (TrueType)"="GILC____.TTF" "Gill Sans Ultra Bold (TrueType)"="GILSANUB.TTF" "Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed (TrueType)"="GILLUBCD.TTF" "Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (TrueType)"="GLSNECB.TTF" "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed (TrueType)"="GLECB.TTF" "Goudy Old Style (TrueType)"="GOUDOS.TTF" "Goudy Old Style Bold (TrueType)"="GOUDOSB.TTF" "Goudy Old Style Italic (TrueType)"="GOUDOSI.TTF" "Goudy Stout (TrueType)"="GOUDYSTO.TTF" "Imprint MT Shadow (TrueType)"="IMPRISHA.TTF" "Lucida Sans Regular (TrueType)"="LSANS.TTF" "Lucida Sans Demibold Roman (TrueType)"="LSANSD.TTF" "Lucida Sans Demibold Italic (TrueType)"="LSANSDI.TTF" "Lucida Sans Italic (TrueType)"="LSANSI.TTF" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular (TrueType)"="LTYPE.TTF" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold (TrueType)"="LTYPEB.TTF" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique (TrueType)"="LTYPEBO.TTF" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique (TrueType)"="LTYPEO.TTF" "Maiandra GD (TrueType)"="MAIAN.TTF" "OCR A Extended (TrueType)"="OCRAEXT.TTF" "Palace Script MT (TrueType)"="PALSCRI.TTF" "Perpetua Bold Italic (TrueType)"="PERBI___.TTF" "Perpetua Bold (TrueType)"="PERB____.TTF" "Perpetua Italic (TrueType)"="PERI____.TTF" "Perpetua (TrueType)"="PER_____.TTF" "Perpetua Titling MT Bold (TrueType)"="PERTIBD.TTF" "Perpetua Titling MT Light (TrueType)"="PERTILI.TTF" "Rage Italic (TrueType)"="RAGE.TTF" "Rockwell (TrueType)"="ROCK.TTF" "Rockwell Bold (TrueType)"="ROCKB.TTF" "Rockwell Bold Italic (TrueType)"="ROCKBI.TTF" "Rockwell Italic (TrueType)"="ROCKI.TTF" "Rockwell Condensed Bold (TrueType)"="ROCCB___.TTF" "Rockwell Condensed (TrueType)"="ROCC____.TTF" "Rockwell Extra Bold (TrueType)"="ROCKEB.TTF" "Script MT Bold (TrueType)"="SCRIPTBL.TTF" "Tw Cen MT Bold Italic (TrueType)"="TCBI____.TTF" "Tw Cen MT Bold (TrueType)"="TCB_____.TTF" "Tw Cen MT Condensed (TrueType)"="TCCM____.TTF" "Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold (TrueType)"="TCCB____.TTF" "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold (TrueType)"="TCCEB.TTF" "Tw Cen MT Italic (TrueType)"="TCMI____.TTF" "Tw Cen MT (TrueType)"="TCM_____.TTF" "Algerian (TrueType)"="ALGER.TTF" "Baskerville Old Face (TrueType)"="BASKVILL.TTF" "Bauhaus 93 (TrueType)"="BAUHS93.TTF" "Bell MT (TrueType)"="BELL.TTF" "Bell MT Bold (TrueType)"="BELLB.TTF" "Bell MT Italic (TrueType)"="BELLI.TTF" "Berlin Sans FB Bold (TrueType)"="BRLNSB.TTF" "Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold (TrueType)"="BRLNSDB.TTF" "Berlin Sans FB (TrueType)"="BRLNSR.TTF" "Bernard MT Condensed (TrueType)"="BERNHC.TTF" "Bodoni MT Poster Compressed (TrueType)"="BOD_PSTC.TTF" "Britannic Bold (TrueType)"="BRITANIC.TTF" "Broadway (TrueType)"="BROADW.TTF" "Brush Script MT Italic (TrueType)"="BRUSHSCI.TTF" "Californian FB Bold (TrueType)"="CALIFB.TTF" "Californian FB Italic (TrueType)"="CALIFI.TTF" "Californian FB (TrueType)"="CALIFR.TTF" "Centaur (TrueType)"="CENTAUR.TTF" "Chiller (TrueType)"="CHILLER.TTF" "Colonna MT (TrueType)"="COLONNA.TTF" "Cooper Black (TrueType)"="COOPBL.TTF" "Footlight MT Light (TrueType)"="FTLTLT.TTF" "Harlow Solid Italic (TrueType)"="HARLOWSI.TTF" "Harrington (TrueType)"="HARNGTON.TTF" "High Tower Text (TrueType)"="HTOWERT.TTF" "High Tower Text Italic (TrueType)"="HTOWERTI.TTF" "Jokerman (TrueType)"="JOKERMAN.TTF" "Kunstler Script (TrueType)"="KUNSTLER.TTF" "Lucida Bright (TrueType)"="LBRITE.TTF" "Lucida Bright Demibold (TrueType)"="LBRITED.TTF" "Lucida Bright Demibold Italic (TrueType)"="LBRITEDI.TTF" "Lucida Bright Italic (TrueType)"="LBRITEI.TTF" "Lucida Calligraphy Italic (TrueType)"="LCALLIG.TTF" "Lucida Fax Regular (TrueType)"="LFAX.TTF" "Lucida Fax Demibold (TrueType)"="LFAXD.TTF" "Lucida Fax Demibold Italic (TrueType)"="LFAXDI.TTF" "Lucida Fax Italic (TrueType)"="LFAXI.TTF" "Magneto Bold (TrueType)"="MAGNETOB.TTF" "Matura MT Script Capitals (TrueType)"="MATURASC.TTF" "Modern No. 20 (TrueType)"="MOD20.TTF" "Niagara Engraved (TrueType)"="NIAGENG.TTF" "Niagara Solid (TrueType)"="NIAGSOL.TTF" "Old English Text MT (TrueType)"="OLDENGL.TTF" "Onyx (TrueType)"="ONYX.TTF" "Parchment (TrueType)"="PARCHM.TTF" "Playbill (TrueType)"="PLAYBILL.TTF" "Poor Richard (TrueType)"="POORICH.TTF" "Ravie (TrueType)"="RAVIE.TTF" "Informal Roman (TrueType)"="INFROMAN.TTF" "Showcard Gothic (TrueType)"="SHOWG.TTF" "Snap ITC (TrueType)"="SNAP____.TTF" "Stencil (TrueType)"="STENCIL.TTF" "Viner Hand ITC (TrueType)"="VINERITC.TTF" "Vivaldi Italic (TrueType)"="VIVALDII.TTF" "Vladimir Script (TrueType)"="VLADIMIR.TTF" "Wide Latin (TrueType)"="LATINWD.TTF" "Century (TrueType)"="CENTURY.TTF" "Wingdings 2 (TrueType)"="WINGDNG2.TTF" "Wingdings 3 (TrueType)"="WINGDNG3.TTF" "Arial Unicode MS (TrueType)"="ARIALUNI.TTF" "MS Mincho (TrueType)"="MSMINCHO.TTF" "ZWAdobeF (TrueType)"="ZWAdobeF.TTF" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache] "@themeui.dll,-2037"="{Tahoma, 8 pt}" "@themeui.dll,-2038"="{Tahoma, 8 pt}" "@themeui.dll,-2039"="{Tahoma, 8 pt}" "@themeui.dll,-2040"="{Tahoma, 8 pt}" "@themeui.dll,-2041"="{Tahoma, 8 pt}" "@themeui.dll,-2042"="{Tahoma, 8 pt}" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontMapper\FamilyDefaults] @="Arial" "Swiss"="Arial" "Modern"="Courier New" "Decorative"="Impact" "Script"="Segoe Script" "Roman"="Times New Roman" I might have a few things in mine you don't have, but you should be able to make the adjustments as needed after looking at the tweak post and what I have posted here. Hope it helps
  2. Wern't people having some type of incompatability problem with VB6 and Vista? Dunno.
  3. Just a quick guess; First make sure the file actually exists at: c:\windows\system32\mscomm32.ocx If it does actually exist try this; at the Start - Run line type: "regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\mscomm32.ocx" (without the quotes) then click OK. See if the message: "DllRegister Server c:\windows\system32\mscomm32.ocx Succeeded" or similar is displayed. If the file does not actually exist then put the file in that directory and try the above.
  4. Mines different then. In my control panel I had the Sound settings that affect the overall levels for the card, but I also have a seperate mixer that does what your talking about.
  5. Thats what i'm trying to tell you, there is a way. I'm not talking about the mixer. The max level you set in the control panel/sound/your sound device will be as high as it goes. The application might say 100% but 100% will be what you set 100% to be in the control panel sounds settings. So if you say for example set the control panel sound settings to 50%, then use an application that has a control that goes 0% to 100% when you set the applications control to 100% it will only actually be 50%. Thus you have achieved what you wanted to do. Your sound card does show up in Control Panel/Sound/ on the Play Back tab ?
  6. I understand exactly what you mean. There might be a way in the registry but I haven't looked. Something you can do is set the max volume of the sound device in the control panel and then the max sound will not go beyond that level even if you set them to 100% in an application. Control Panel - Sounds - select the playback device (your sound card) and then configure it. This way you can set the max level.
  7. One of the things i've used them for is to link to a remote directory on another server somewhere. Its just like having the remote directory as a directory on your own hard drive in explorer.
  8. Go ahead and produce your own operating system from scratch, leave out or put in what you want personally, then try to market your OS and get rich. I think you will soon find, maybe except a small niche of similar thinkers, not many will buy your OS and you probably will not get rich. And why would this be? Its simple, your OS did not appeal to the widest consumer base it possibly could, it was too narrowly focused and not enough of the features that the majority want or need, and in not doing so ignored one of the basic principal concepts of marketing and consumer supply and demand "Find out what they want and give it to them. If they don't think they need it then let them decide if its what they want. You can't be everything to everyone all the time and you can't give everyone what they want." P.S. you'd be suprised at how many really liked that little dog. It irritated the crap out of me but my wife loved it.
  9. In Vista they are called symlinks. The ability to create them is already included in Vista, there is no need to add anything to do whtm with. These were called 'Junctions' in previous versions of windows. Instead of going into the long explaination, the easy way to become aquanted with the Symlink feature in Vista is to open up a command prompt and type 'Mklink /?' ,you will be presented with the necessary information for creating your own symlinks in Vista.
  10. Its difficult to test something like this on just one or even a few systems, it might turn out they don't do anything at all except in very narrow circumstances or only with a specific system set-up. Might work for some and not for others. Keep checking them out and let us know how it goes for you.
  11. OK, here's some reg settings, I don't make any promises about them. They will not defeat the event 4226 event and are not intended, nor offered, to do so. They might help with compensating for some P2P clients. Use them at your own risk, do not complain if they don't do anything for you or even kill your connection. A few of these affect settings already existing in the registry, they are provided to ensure something hasn't messed with these and changes them back to their defaults. A few of the entries could adversly affect security of your system and expose it to attack. These may fundamentally alter the way TCP/IP operates in an adverse manner from slower connections up to and including no connection at all. All of the values are at max except for one of them but its in an entirely reasonable range for anyones use using any client. Back up this reg key before using these entries. Once again, use at your own risk, I do not assume any responsibility for their use or for what you do with them or for any damage or adverse condition that may occur from their use. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] "TcpFinWait2Delay"=dword:ffffffff ;use DisableTaskOffload only if your NIC can handle it "DisableTaskOffload"=dword:00000000 "EnableICMPRedirect"=dword:00000001 "EnableFastRouteLookup"=dword:00000001 "MaxFreeTcbs"=dword:000007d0 "MaxHashTableSize"=dword:00000800 "MaxNormLookupMemory"=dword:ffffffff "TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried"=dword:0000ffff "TcpMaxHalfOpen"=dword:0000ffff
  12. It's a myth that the 10 limit slows your connections. TCP only connects as quickly as it will connect and thats it, the connections can be made only as fast as your path to where ever will allow, but the Vista TCP/IP tries to connect immediately. No one connection is exactly the same as another, even if they are made to the same host at the same time, they are all different. There are so many variables involved that its impossible to determine how quickly it will really connect. If your connecting 'slowly' it can be that the host is taking its time, it can be that there are slow servers and routers on the net you have to pass through that are taking their time, it can be that the client your using is taking its time to report the connection, it can be that a server along the route has hardened their own TCP/IP against SynAttack (not uncommon for this to happen, in fact its recommended - remember we are dealing with Syn here in the TCP/IP handshaking, if this is the case its entirely possible for repeated connections from the same source to be timed out going thru the server enroute to its destination, depends on how the server is set up), it can be anything at all. TCP attempts connections immediately, its the other stuff that it has to go thru that determines the quality of those connections. The myths that the limit of 10 concurrent connections with Vista TCP/IP keeps you from making more than 10 connections or slows your connections is false. The 10 limit in TCP/IP has nothing at all to do with how quickly you connect and does not keep you from making more than 10 concurrent connections if all the connections respond properly and in time. The wording for the 4226 event doesn't mean that at all, its just telling you that this happened because the connections either couldn't be made or they timed out for some reason. It could be that the host end has a limit on the number of connections allowed and additional connection attempts beyond that limit simply time out, it could be that the host end is already saturated with numerous connections and is slow in responding which causes it to time out from your end, it could be a slow or screwed up router or server in between you and the host for the route your connection took, it could be the ISP is doing some type of automatic 'throttling' of some sort, it could be a server along the route that only allows so many connections at a time to get thru and yours is in line some where and times out, and it could just be that your having a bad internet day. It could be anything at all. But if your using the default TCP/IP stack in Vista, it is not the TCP/IP stack in Vista that is keeping you from making more than 10 connections.
  13. Lets review a little bit about what the 4226 really is before we start hacking stuff up. Take a look here first : What 4226 really means OK, now, take a look at the The TCP Handshake Process also from the above. What this limit does is limit the "half open" (syn sent or syn recvd) connections..ONLY IF THEY DO NOT CONNECT AND WE ARE WAITING FOR THEM TO TIME OUT! Lets say we want to make 50 connections, our client sends SYN to the first 10 hosts. Lets say connection 1 responds, connection 2 - 10 time out, so it sends now to host 11, 12-20 time out, it now sends to hosts 21 - 30 and lets say all those connect and do not time out, and lets say 31-40 also connect and do not time out, and lets also say that 41 - 50 also connect and do not time out. OK we are now connected to 32 connections, but we look in or error logs and see Event 4226; for the example above this is because of the connections 2-10 and 12 -20 timing out and not actually connecting. But wait a second, we still made 32 connections out of the 50 we attempted....not only 10! You see the picture here....the limit imposed of 10 does not keep you from making any number of connections you want to make. Basically, the limit of 10 only does one thing and one thing only - it simply breaks down the number of connections in blocks of 10 and handles 10 at a time, if all 10 connect then it takes the next block of 10, then the next block, and so on. The event 4226 DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS A LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS YOU CAN MAKE! The limit in TCP/IP does not limit your clients or the number of connections you can make, it never has, and its a myth that it does plain and simple. If for example we are trying to make 100 connections from our clients heres what would happen if some of them timed out not completing the handshake and some of them didn't, here is what it might look like and when you would get an Event 4226, lets use a mythical P2P application called 'MakeConnect' to demonstrate: A. MakeConnect wants to download something from 200 other P2P client sharing computers. We start our connections B. Connections 1 - 50 connect, do the handshake sucessfully and do not time out - OK we are good - there will not be an Event 4226 for these connections. C. connections 51 - 60 try to connect but all of them don't complete the handshake and time out - not so good - because they timed out and did not connect we will see an Event 4226 in the logs - this does not mean that we had a problem or there was a limit imposed of any type (because there isn't) it just means connections 51-60 didn't complete the handshake and timed out. D. connections 61 - 200 complete the handshake and connect - OK good to go - there will not be an Event 4226 for these connections. I know the examples don't cover everything, but the Event 4226 only happens if the connections time out and do not connect during the TCP/IP handshake. There is no limit imposed at all in TCP/IP. If you look in the logs you see for Event 4226 this : "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts." All this means is that a block of 10 attempted connections timed out and did not connect or respond, thats all it means, it does not mean you have reached any limit at all. People have taken this and twisted it all out of proportion to mean a dooms day sceinario indicating that MS has taken steps to restrict their internet use, this is not true and never has been, why would a company who makes its money by producing an OS thats made to connect to the net limit the number of connections you can make? There is no sinister plot here, there is no "to keep people from pirating or sharing stuff" sceinario here, its just the way that TCP/IP in Vista works and designed to limit the spread of worms, and thats all it is plain and simple. People simply do not understand what is happening and how its really supposed to work. The way this description of Event 4226 is worded makes it seem like the connections are limited, perhaps its badly worded, but take into account its a "techinical" and literal explaination, so if we look at it and knowing what we know about how its supposed to work, the wording now begins to make sense. Maybe they could have worded it better. Read what is says carefully; "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts." It does not say "TCP/IP has reached the limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts." Its simply doing what it was designed for to limit the spread of worms, it will not keep valid connections that sucessfully complete the full TCP/IP connection process from being made, unfortunately some P2P connections don't make the grade for connection attempts on every system due to whats between the client and the host, most P2P clients also have very sloppy and inefficient methods of utilizing TCP/IP because of including things that really don't do well on TCP/IP but have an effect on TCP/IP. Connections that time out not completing the TCP/IP handshake and cause a Event 4226 may simply have been slow in responding and may connect fine later when another attempt is made. Another little secret too, you remember the TCPIP.sys files for XP that were modified to defeat this '10 limit'? They actually didn't do anything at all other than change or remove when the Event 4226 was triggered, the connections that did not initially respond and would have triggered the 4226 were simply slow in initially responding and responded later or just failed, this is why it 'appeared' to have 'removed a limit' because it wasn't reported until much later or not as frequently but tcpip.sys was still doing what it was designed to do, make connections, there was never any connection limit to remove in the first place, but this is another story. Now all this considered, when it comes down to it, the Event 4226 simply means that a block of 10 connections failed to respond and connect in the TCP/IP handshaking stage. Thats all it means, it does not mean you are limited to only 10 connections. Heck, those 10 connections from the Event 4226 might connect later and be fine too. The TCP/IP imposed limit does not limit then number of connections you can make.
  14. Why are people having so many problems with installing on SATA drives, always thinking they need to load drivers to do so? Basically, if your BIOS can see the SATA drive you can install on it without having to load drivers. I've never, not once, had to load drivers to install Vista on a SATA drive.
  15. "But could the company really blame a pirate who's distributing this striped down version if there is no legal alternative to obtain one?" Yeah, they would blame a pirate, maybe even catch him/her and send said pirate to jail, or stiff fines, or a court order to prohibit the use of any computer (even those at work) for a period of time, but possibly a combination of any of the above and thats just the criminal penalties...the civil suit penalties would probably take your property and garnish your wages for a while. (Maybe not to jail but if they got caught which seems remote these days). "eye-candy, reminders about security, disk space, digitial signatures" Satisfying your wish is simple; either in the interface or the registry (yes you can do it so don't say you can't) - enable the classic windows interface, disable defender and UAC, turn off DEP, disable digital signatures, enable autolog on, turn off drive space warnings, change the account permissions so your account has full control over all the drives, and you have what you wanted.... over 95% of eye candy gone, no more security restrictions, no more warnings, and no more protection from your own computer. Yes, all these can be disabled. And...you can have all this today with just a few minutes work if it makes you happy, enjoy.
  16. I'm not saying its just having to do with the XP OS. Vista install isn't just restricted to clean installs because you load drivers, I've done several upgrade installs with having to load drivers with the 'Load Drivers' command during install, Vista allowed me to do the upgrades just fine over XP. I did them during the Beta (except that RC1 wouldn't do it for me), but after RC 1 up to and including RTM I could do them again and the upgrades work fine. So I know that Vista will allow an upgrade install with having to load drivers, i'm just saying that the problem could be anywhere.
  17. Either interesting or dumb? Lets see, 200 million computer users in the U.S...lets say 10 % of those find a bug (and what's their qualifying definition of a 'bug' anyway and who determines if its actually a bug or not.), so we have 2 million people who find a bug...the math = 2000000 X $8000.00 = $1,600,000,000,000.00 WoW! I seriously doubt that they have that much money to lay out for something like this. Heck, all you have to do is look on the MS KB and pick out things that say "We are aware this is a problem in Vista" and then report it as a bug.
  18. Hmmm...thats really odd. ffdshow had a few problems in the beta versions but nothing I remember like you described. The lastest K-Lite package had a version of ffdshow that works fine in the RTM but had some problems in RC 2 for people still running RC2. The only way your ever going to be sure if its Vista or the ffdshow is to re-install the version of ffdshow you had several times and duplicate the problem with each install. Other then that you will never really know if you have a problem somewhere else thats going to get you later.
  19. Well...DuH! your right...I was thinking about a regular unattend install from DVD...sorry 'bout that. Please read. I'll trying to do it through WDS. I know that a custom DVD and uploading from the WinPE works. I'm trying to use WDS to deploy Vista. This is just a headache.
  20. There are certain conditions under which Vista will not let an upgrade install happen, this may be one of those conditions where it detects that an upgrade is not available - there are lots of things that can cause Vista to think that a system doesn't meet the requirements for an upgrade install. In these cases there really is no choice but to do a clean install. The fact that you are able to do a clean install and load the drivers during install indicates the Vista install functions are working. It may be something set up in the BIOS on a particular machine, it could be that a particular machine doesn't provide certain information in the BIOS, It could be that Vista doesn't detect a qualifying previous OS to upgrade for some reason (some odd security restriction to the drive for example), Vista may even see a corrupted FAT table from the previous OS that doesn't given any indications of problems in the existing OS or erros in the OS file system that make the OS appear as not really present to Vista but every thing runs fine with the present OS (I actually had one of these odd balls during the beta, run a chkdsk on the OS and fix any errors then try the upgrade), Vista may think that there have been modifications made to the previous OS that makes it appear as a disqualifying upgrade OS to Vista, It may even be that Vista doesn't think the previous OS is genuine, it can be that Vista simply thinks for some reason the previous OS just doesn't exist, it could even by that the conditions present on the system your trying to upgrade and then adding in the drivers may make Vista think that the only option available is a clean install (it happens), in some cases Vista may not allow an upgrade install with certain drivers unless it already has them in-box ....heck...there are lots of things. Clean install vs. Upgrade - there are pros and cons, but in the end it comes down to what you want to do. For integrating the drivers on the install DVD why don't you give the MSFN Vista Unattended install forum a try, there are lots of people in that forum who are doing the same thing you ask about.
  21. Theres a lot to the licensing, but basically, you can only have it installed on one computer at a time. So this means you will not be able to do the desktop and laptop simultaneously and have them both activated. Its basically one license per computer. Its not like it was in the past where you had one license and installed it anywhere you wanted as many times as you wanted (even though it was only supposed to be one license per computer), this was because activation was different back then. Vista activation now will only allow activation on one computer at a time, and if you install it on a second computer the first computer install will be de-avtivated. So you can still install it on as many computers as you like but only one at a time will work. If you upgrade then the machine you upgrade will need to be re-activated.
  22. OK, You want manufacturer drivers but without the installer...is that right? There are a few options; 1. You can hunt down the particular driver your looking for in Vista (the in-box drivers) and the associated files for them. You can do this by finding the .inf file for the driver in your install and it will contain the names of all the files it installs. Copy the .inf and the files to somewhere and save them. 2. You can attempt to extract a set of manufacturer drivers. Some of the installers are really executable .zip files so if you right click on them and choose extract you can extract them. I think ATI's drivers are like this for example. 3. You could install a set of drivers using the install routines then apply #1 above to them. 4. You can possibly find people on the internet who have modified drivers in some way like the Omega drivers for ATI vid cards. 5. You could contact the manufacturer and ask them for some drivers without the installer. I did this once a few years ago for some drivers for a special contracting project, they sent me drivers without the installer with just the .inf's and the files. Remember, however, not many manufacturers supply WDDM drivers for Vista to the public right now. For the most part the vast majority of WDDM drivers only exist in Vista right now.
  23. kamtesel17, You seem to be having some odd problems with your Vista. Your 'activate by phone' is disabled, your update mode is disabled on install. From another one of your posts I also see that you tried to do a dual boot with Vista and XP. Are you using an RTM version of Vista Ultimate? and...have you tried a clean install? Is this an upgrade?
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