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Everything posted by Pliek

  1. I have the same problem, thats why I skipped the audio subject for now......untill i've heard a solution for this.
  2. Very nice..............drooling in silence. HHHHHHHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good work from all of you. start testing as soon I find some time.
  3. First try this: Use %wpipath% instead of %cdrom% cmd1[pn]=['%wpipath%American_Mcgee_Alice\\American_Mcgee_Alice.exe']; So rename to shorter names, and take out the double slash after %wpipath% (so then in your install.log.text you don't have a double slash there, because % variable already returns a \). And make your Autorun like this: [autorun] SHELLEXECUTE=WPI\WPI.HTA ICON=WPI.ICO That means you put WPI.ICO on the root of your WINXP source. Succes.
  4. Very good idee zorphnog separate and then you have all the lines you need muiz. Succes
  5. You mean the install switches for the KB****** ? Look her for a tutorial How to set up the cmd for installing hotfixes Make a self extracting SFX with winrar an name it OfficeUpdates.exe. SFX your hotfixes folder but include the OfficeUpdates.cmd and execute this after unpacking the SFX this can be done by winrar itself. Put the hotfix folder in Your WPI\Instal\Apps\Office And call it within WPI like this; cmd1[pn]=['%wpipath%WPI\Install\Office\OfficeUpdates.exe]; Example: OfficeUpdates.cmd (I just copy and paste some hotfixes for example, edit it to your needs) @ECHO OFF %systemroot%\system32\cmdow.exe @ /hid start /wait %systemdrive%\install\hotfixes\Q817787.EXE /Q:A /R:N start /wait %systemdrive%\install\hotfixes\ENG_Q832483_MDAC_X86.EXE /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q start /wait %systemdrive%\install\hotfixes\Q817778.exe /Q /O /N /Z start /wait %systemdrive%\install\hotfixes\KB824146.exe /Q /O /N /Z EXIT The path of cmdow.exe could be different in your configuration, so edit this to your path. Then with WPI execute command after you cleanup the install folder from C:\
  6. Well the strange thing is that when i install wm11 while wpi is open and plays music it installs wm11 fine. (Silent winrar installer) But i want it installed before wpi starts so wpi shows the new skin. The error screenshot was with autoit during t12 Can you use it this way if you are installing from CD/DVD? @ECHO OFF %systemroot%\system32\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have win51ip.SP2 at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\win51ip.SP2 set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% set wpipath=%cdrom%\WPI start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\Install\Mediaplayer11\program.exe start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta EXIT
  7. I uses a cmd file to do this and for hiding I use cmdow.exe
  8. First start using %wpipath% Then you can start WPI with WPI.hta in the WPI folder manually from the path at your Harddisk. Example: cmd1[pn]=['%wpipath%WPI\install\emule\eMule0.47a.exe /S'];
  9. Muiz doe maar zo: cmd1[pn]=['%wpipath%WPI\install\emule\eMule0.47a.exe /S'];
  10. It should be: cmd1[pn]=['%wpipath%"WPI\Tools\Universal Silent Switch Finder.exe"']; Or rename switchfinder to: Tools\Universal_Silent_Switch_Finder.exe];
  11. What is bohtering me is why I got the delay in 5.2 and 5.3 and not in my smooth runnig 5.1. If someone can give a answer to that....... Bye.
  12. Thanks sadicq, hope I can test it today...otherwise it wil be when I rerurn at about 2 weeks. Have to clean my mind now.... LOL
  13. I think that's why I did it my way, the dos screen is mutch shorter. I can change it back with cmd /c so wpi does the command. Do that after my problem is solved. That wil also be after my vacation.............
  14. Is it also hidden that way like my version with cmdow.exe in the line? And yesterday I tried a RunOnceExe version with no WPI.cmd to start WPI so there was no clean-up that way and the delay was still there. So think it's not related to the clean-up afterwards.
  15. Here is a sample, the setup is all the same for other programs. My taskkill command off XstreamRadio3.02.msi looks like this: @ECHO OFF REM Hide this command window. %systemroot%\system32\cmdow.exe @ /hid ECHO. ECHO Even geduld aub... taskkill /F /IM XstreamRadio.exe EXIT And today I try execute after. Good point!!!!
  16. Here you can find all the files. My WPIScripts These are the same config.js files I used for 5.3 (These are reports for 5.1 and 5.2 but the config.js is the same).
  17. I NEED A HOLLYDAY!!!! I am at work (last day, doing this inbetween quickly) Sorry Kel, so my statement is not working for you that's too bad. LOL anyway....
  18. That's too bad. Kel your config is though mutch longer than 5 ?? Maybe people with a larger config ?? Where are you people, thouhgt that most people had a minimun of 25 programs or more.......
  19. Yes but that's your start-up time, I want to know people's shutdown time when installing a large number of programs. So to all people that respond here take that in mind, only the shutdown time I am iterested in . Thanks.
  20. I think you should make notice off it in the bug topic, you all did right...it should work that way. Sorry see you already did that......
  21. In the Options menu, did you select by installer:Force installation on exit?
  22. How large is your config.js because I have the same issue, have a large config also. Posted a topic about this , please reply in there if you got this large config.js too.
  23. Would someone please test his WPI version 5.2 or 5.3 with a large config, it seems that the shutdowntime of after installing all my programs runs up to 90 seconds before shutting the mshta.exe process (in my config are 192 programs). Also the memory usage increases, if this mshta.exe is at start 27.428kb and when installing my last program it's 61.644kb. That's more than double, and in the 90 seconds the process mshta is still running the memory usage slims down from 61.644kb till 27.500kb and then mshta.exe shuts down and my system reboots (this always happens after the 90 seconds delay). I did not had this problem in all the prefious versions before WPIv5.2, so it just popped up and we can't find a solution. I don't run from HD and I don't use RunOnceExe (tried RunOnceExe and it had the same delay), after installing Windows unattended and installed all drivers I reboot manually and then I start WPI from the start menu manually. In my unattended windows installation I put a command in the start menu to start WPI manually from there, after I have installed all drivers ofcourse. We all have been searching for a solution, but till now results (thanks mritter, Djé, sadicq for your help sofar). So if there is someone with a very large config.js, lets say more than 100 programs please test your WPI and select all your programs and post your shutdown delays here. Tomorrow august 10 I'm gone fore two weeks so from that date I can't reply, but fore sure I will read this when I return, and hope this *****bug is solfed. So to all people that respond here take that in mind, only the shutdown time I am iterested in . Thanks already Gr. Pliek
  24. Thats right......need vaction soon....................... B)
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