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Everything posted by Pliek

  1. But since you've posted (and experienced) some of them, you may help him a lot by summarizing what is fixed for you, and help us debugging by making another list of what remains to be fixed (again, only for your problems is enough). To be clear I've used fix 2, 3, 4, and 5 (5 was mailed to me by mritter) and problem 7 (longer install. time, no fix still) was related with the other ones (don't know witch fix repaired problem 7 but it's gone after using fix 2,3,4,5), just these four fixes were relevant for my errors. Today I wil adjust this nice working iso with bugfix 1 and test again (although I did not had that bug). I will just test to be sure that it can be used by everyone without getting new errors (related too applying fix number 1). For myself, I have onely one bug to be fixed. The time for showing up my rebootscreen (called from a .cmd file) took over 90 seconds to appear. To be specific, my desktop got cleaned 90 seconds after the installer screen finished and dissappear, and directly after that... the shutdown screen poped up, this dalay "must" be fixed. We talk later,........First work, then hobby.
  2. Oke I'm back, I have been testing and the results are good... I'll tell exactly what I have done, accourding to the errors WPI gave me by starting . I have modified these files The numbers are from sadicq list of fixes: (Thanks for the list sadicq) 2. Uncommented line for theme update. Link Fix Open patchFile.js and replace patchLine(wpipath + "Themes\\" + Theme + "\\wpi.htm", /class="txt"/ig, 'class="opText"'); with //patchLine(wpipath + "Themes\\" + Theme + "\\wpi.htm", /class="txt"/ig, 'class="opText"'); 3. Not a bug, but an enhancement. Link & fix 4. Pause time issue. Link Fix In installer.js, replace Pause(0,100); //wait for the new document to be fully loaded with while (window.document.readyState != 'complete') Pause(0,100); //wait for the new document to be fully loaded 5. Launching from a .cmd file and start cd/dvd problem: I've got this by mail from mritter today (it worked). In wpi.hta line 43 replace fullpath = fullpath.replace("file://","").replace(/\//g,"\\\\"); with fullpath = fullpath.replace("file:///","").replace(/\//g,"\\ <file:///> "); See if that cures the launching from cd/dvd problem with a .cmd file (it worked for me).. 7. Bug that slows down the install time is related with these other ones (don't no witch one). All 192 programs installed perfect, and the installation time of these 192 programs was again 32 minutes (like it always was, so the "bug" that gave 20 minutes extra longer install. time is also solved). And at last one little thing took place, the time for showing up my rebootscreen (called from a .cmd file) took over 90 seconds to appear. To be specific, my desktop got cleaned 90 seconds after the installer screen dissapeard, and almost right after that... the shutdown screen poped up. That .cmd file looks like this. @ECHO OFF REM Hide this command window. %systemroot%\system32\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have win51ip.SP2 at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\win51ip.SP2 set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% set wpipath=%cdrom%\WPI start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta !!!!!!!!! 90 seconds slowing down between these too commands !!!!!!!!!! DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Bureaublad\*.lnk" DEL /s/q "%userprofile%\Bureaublad\*.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\*.log" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\ net user aspnet /delete REM Reset Windows Security Center. SET PP=%systemroot%\system32\WPI\ SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Resetten van het Beveiligingscentrum" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Reset Windows Security Center" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%WinMgmt.cmd" /f REM Herstarten van de PC binnen 30 seconden... shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "Windows zal over 30 seconden worden herstart." EXIT That is the onely thing in my case that needs to be looked after. I hope i've given all the right information, if you guys need more ...let me know.
  3. Is it possible for all other people that read this bug topic, that all replacement are set in one message so it's clear wat we must adjust. I should say Kel's announcement of this topic should keep the fixes updated, or one of you sadicq or Djé . Because now there are more bugs been fixed. Just to be clear for everyone. Thanks
  4. What's the use off debug...it says software won't install that way, but it really does. So where do you use it for ?? if someone can tell me , maybe I start using it then. Leave it out I should say right now, or someone has a answer to the question above........ Thanks.
  5. Open patchFile.js in notepad and replace patchLine(wpipath + "Themes\\" + Theme + "\\wpi.htm", /class="txt"/ig, 'class="opText"');with //patchLine(wpipath + "Themes\\" + Theme + "\\wpi.htm", /class="txt"/ig, 'class="opText"'); Will try this later today after work, thanks already sadicq.
  6. My .cmd files all for 90% taskkil.cmd to kill processes after installing a program, that doesn't work here. I think that the error WPI gave me is resposible for not loading the files to compleet taskill.
  7. Have been testing the 5.2 from DVD and had the following error opening WPI.hta with my .cmd file. Also when opening it right away from DVD. This appeared after making a ISO of it (strange because before there were no opening errors, I checked). I'll explain: First telling that my config.js is very large one, i've got 192 programs to select (maybe this is relevant) . And all i've done is downloaded 5.2 and past my Install folder in it and my config.js too. Opening it before I made a iso of it did not showed any problems. I always start my WPI.hta by a .cmd file and it was not possible to open 5.2 this way without an error , so I tried to open wpi.hta right away on te DVD and that worked, but got the same error again. My command to open wpi.hta is: @ECHO OFF REM Hide this command window. %systemroot%\system32\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have win51ip.SP2 at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\win51ip.SP2 set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% set wpipath=%cdrom%\WPI start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Bureaublad\*.lnk" DEL /s/q "%userprofile%\Bureaublad\*.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\*.log" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\ net user aspnet /delete REM Reset Windows Security Center. SET PP=%systemroot%\system32\WPI\ SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Resetten van het Beveiligingscentrum" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Reset Windows Security Center" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%WinMgmt.cmd" /f REM Herstarten van de PC binnen 30 seconden... shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "Windows zal over 30 seconden worden herstart." EXIT The Error that occurt: Error in the script for Internet Explorer.(headline off the error) ! There has been a error in the script on this page. Line: 42 Sign: 3 Error: Objectvariable or blokvariable With is not set right. Code: 0 Url: file://L:WPI\WPI.hta Then it asked me if I want to resume the script on that page and I selected yes, WPI started normally then. I made my selections (all 192) an started my installations. All went well but.... -All .cmd file commands did not run from DVD.(EXAMPLE: I still use: cmd2[pn]=['%wpipath%Install\\Apps\\ICQ\\taskkill.cmd'] -Normally my config.js list takes 32 minutes to install all the software, now it took 50 minutes to compleet (20 minutes more, so I think it was struggling with something else while installing). -The bug I had in 5.1 about not closing the installer after wpi finished is not in this verion, so that's OK now and taken care off. After installation was done, and tried to open wpi.hta again manually from DVD this error occured: Error in the script for Internet Explorer.(headline off the error) ! There has been a error in the script on this page. Line: 43 Sign: 3 Error: "Undefined" is empty or no object. Code: 0 Url: file://L:WPI\WPI.hta I don't know what this all means, and I hope it is usefull information for you all. Still have the original files where I made a iso from (C:\XPCD\WPI), openig wpi.hta from that original file does not give any errors (no error opening it with my command file (after changing the path) an no error opening the wpi.hta manually from C:\XPCD\WPI\WPI.hta). Why can't I open wpi.hta on the DVD with my command file or manually ???? all other versions had no problem with this method. The reason why I still use this command is that I first want to install al mainbord drivers and other drivers like audio and network adapter drivers before installing the software. In my $OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Menu Start I made a folder "Start WPI" with the commandfile (shown above) to start wpi.hta from there. After unpacking the iso that gave the errors (explained above) to C:\XPCD I run WPI.hta manually and got no errors opening it (so that made me believe the iso was OK), went to options and selected debug mode (2) and it said that the software would not really be installed that way, this wasn't the case... all installs really took place and installed perfect (even the .cmd commands worked in the debug mode, so that's nice). But still the installation time was also this way 50 minutes (20 longer then version 5.1). My conclusion is that 5.2 installs OK from harddisk, but gives problems when burning to DVD and install from DVD (in my situation anyway). Also the install time increased with 66% that's something to look at, and verify with other testers (maybe it's because of the new installer you are using). I also found that the system was extremely slow after this installation (both ways, debug way and after install from DVD) I have got this advice from MRitter yesterday: First thing to try is this in WPI.hta, line 43 fullpath = fullpath.replace("file:///","").replace(/\//g,"\\\\"); Take out 1 of the slashes after file:/// Try with only 2. But thats already done by himself I think before going public with 5.2, so that is no solution for this problem. I'll hear from you people....
  8. Change %wpipath%\Install\Blah.exe To %wpipath%Install\Blah.exe So then you don't have the \\ in your wpi-log.txt %wpipath% already returns a \
  9. Congratulations with this new 5.2, I will start testing right away. Hope the themes will be updated soon...
  10. Try this for POWERdvd Succes. prog[pn]=['Power DvD 6']; desc[pn]=['Úóùò ôï êáëýôåñï DVD Player ìå äõíáôüôçôá áíáðáñáãùãÞò Þ÷ïõ 5.1']; uid[pn]=['POWERDVD6']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['CD & DvD Related']; forc[pn]=['no']; gcond[pn]=['FileExists(\'%programfiles%\')']; cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\WPI\\Install\\PowerDvD\\pdvd6dlx_1102.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\PowerDVD.log"'] pn++;
  11. Doesn't matter you both made me glad again and it's working great now, isn't this topic therefore. Thanks
  12. And you both did it again, you solved the problem. Restarting takes now 2 seconds.......COOL. Stick with 5.1 now. Thanks sadicq and Djé.....where would this end without you 2.
  13. Both...sadicq and Djé thanks .......... Will try out right away, and post results today.
  14. Could someone please try out my WPIScript folder. I have posted it on rapidshare. http://rapidshare.de/files/27235852/WPIScripts.rar.html Try out the debug mode and find out yourself.
  15. Mine looks the same: function Pause(secs,milli) { position="core.js"; whatfunc="Pause()"; var SleepShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var duration, sleepCmd; duration="-m " + ((secs*1000)+milli); sleepCmd=wpipath+"Tools\\Sleep.exe"; SleepShell.Run('"'+sleepCmd+'" '+duration,0,true); // If you have any issues with security prompts on Server 2003, use this line // SleepShell.Run('cmd /c "'+sleepCmd+'" '+duration,0,true); } When testing this problem in 5.1, I saw in taskmanager sleep.exe appear an again disappearing many times like its in a loop. Hoop this is helpfull information?
  16. Yes After installing all the programs the waiting to close mshta.exe is 20 seconds in version 5.0.1 In the latest ( 5.1 ) It's mutch longer like I told above here. The 20 secs. do not get less if I install. 5 apps. or 10.. in version 5.0.1 it stay's stable (20 seconds) no matter how mutch software I install. So there is a different between these two installer going on... Thanks Djé for your reply, hope to hear soon from you.
  17. Have been testing on two latest versions today with same config.js Version 5.0.1 takes 20 seconds (looks normal to me) to close after 192 programs, but 5.1 takes 25 minutes.?????? So I stick with version 5.01 because this is for sure a version related problem to me, maybe it's a bug...that I can't tell. Anyone??????????
  18. Having strange problems with 5.1 now (install bug with the loop is solved, thanks for that), but at the end when WPI has finished installing all my software (together 192 programs) my cpu usage of the proses mshta.exe stands on 100% and it does not close itself right away but after a very....very long time. It seems that the more programs I select, the time to shutdown mshta.exe will be longer too. All installations are oke and there are no loops anymore (it runs fine, just shutting down takes longer then before). I still use wpi.cmd to start WPI, in my wpi.cmd the last line is the restartline: REM Restart PC in 30 seconds... shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "Windows will restart in 30 seconds" Because WPI is not ending itself the wpi.cmd won't start the last line to retsart my pc. So wait for wpi to end takes too long. REM starting wpi and wait for it to end. start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta But when ending mshta.exe manually, then wpi.cmd restarts my pc like it used to do. Never stay all the way looking at all my software (192) to install so maybe this was already there before. What is this and how do I solve it? Don't know how you attach a file (tried but no succes), so I use rapidshare to post config.js WPI.cmd config.js config.txt installer.js generate.js I use the fix from Djé together with the first from sadicq. Forgot to tell that it is in installing mode (installing XP with software) and in the debug mode also (so its not software, related...I think). And also tried this on version 5.0.1 and it gave not these problems (used the same config.js)
  19. You did it again..... You came up with the solution. Autorun is also working, so problem solved. Looks like onely you can solve all the problems I come up with. LOL Thanks sadicq
  20. This is working, thanks sadicq If there is anyone else that knows the solution to my AUTORU.inf??
  21. Thanks will try it rigtht away, let you know in a hour. Have you got a solution for the AUTORUN.inf problem?
  22. How come that my AUTORUN.INF doesn't work in 5.1. I've placed AUTORUN.INF at the root of my DVD together with the WPI folder. It looks like this: [AutoRun] open=WPI\WPI.hta icon=WPI.ico Second problem is how to hide in my execute after: my cleanup.cmd WPI doesn't see cmdow.exe cmdow.exe is also on the root off the DVD. It looks like this: @ECHO OFF REM Hide this command window. %wpipath%\cmdow.exe @ /hid start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\Install\Apps\UPHClean\UPHClean-Setup.msi /quiet start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\Install\Apps\SystemFileDefragmenter\pagedfrg.exe -e start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\Install\system32.exe DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Menu Start\Programma's\QuickPar.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Menu Start\Programma's\Uninstall.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Menu Start\Programma's\Website.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Menu Start\Programma's\TuneUp Utilities 2006.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Menu Start\PowerArchiver.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\ICQ 5.1.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\WinRAR.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\WinZip.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\XstreamRadio 3.02.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Windows-catalogus.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programma's\IncrediMail.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programmatoegang en -instellingen.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programma's\Windows Movie Maker.lnk" DEL "%systemdrive%\*.log" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies\*.txt" DEL "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies\*.tmp" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\"Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\ssdata\" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\"Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\"Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Geschiedenis\" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\ net user aspnet /delete SET PP=%systemroot%\system32\ SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Resetten van het Beveiligingscentrum" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Reset Windows Security Center" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%WinMgmt.cmd" /f REM Herstarten van de PC binnen 30 seconden... shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "Windows zal over 90 seconden herstarten." EXIT Please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
  23. Congratulations solving this bug...Solution also helped for me,WPI runs like a horse now. Thanks sadicq and Djé for the massive support. LOL Thanks sadicq for editting config.js it works like you said, no more \\ .
  24. Just looked in my config.js but there are no \\\\ onely\\ like it has to be. now testing , although I've heard it won't work ( just trying to be sure). Here is my config.js Rapidshare
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