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Everything posted by Pliek
Jeah originally it's Pliekly in the movie but I made Pliek of it. By the way ...nice avatar WolfX2.
Thanks I will try it Kel.
Sorry just liked the System Properties from Kel, wanted it also.
Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong... First I deleted my oemlogo.bmp then replaced/overwrite original with the hacked sysdm.cpl file (523kB) in system32 but I don't see the picture appear in my system properties and still have the original monitor picture.Even after a reboot the original file is there again (295 kB).
I did the same you told me, but after restarting windows the original file is there again. Is the modifyd sysdm.cpl a protected windows file, and how do i shut down that protection it wil stay after reboot?
I will try after work today. Thanks for explaining.
just downloaded sysdm.cp .......what do we need this for? I mean what is the benefit of this System properties file. How do I use it... togetheter with my oemlogo.bmp ? or do you use another method? Explain please. Thanks.
What is the use of these images, what can we do with it? Can we use it for oemlogo.bmp?
Unfortunately I have the same error after install. But MCE seems to work good although.
Problem solved. My mistake.
Strange....wil test also after the weekend. Hope this won't pop up for me. I will inform you wensday. And just to let you know, I don't have a bought OEM version. Nice queensday, don't drink too much.....
Thanks muiz for this clear explanation how to get this working,I wil test this later (after queensday party) and let you know my results. However i'm not using RunOnce but WPI, so have to test how to do this in WPI (I will sort it out). Nice job.
Just streamed DriverPack Graphics A V6.02.1 (using the very clear manual) an after install. I got a BSOD . What am I doing wrong? My graphic card is a Nvidia N6600 ASUS . The reason I am using DriverPack Graphics A V6.02.1 is,In WPI my resolution doesn't change like reschange.exe supposed to do (1024x768x32x80). reschanche.exe says that the requested resolution is not supported bij my graphic card or monitor. I've tried different resolution,all with the same results. some people told me that I needed to preinstall the graphic driver before WPI starts,thats why I choose DriverPack Graphics A V6.02.1 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lost Soul said before in another post of me: Youll probably also need to have net frame work sp1 installed before the driver pack takes effect.. some graphics cards depend on that now to work properly like for example ati or if that dont work you could just do your graphic drivers the old fashioned way and add them to the winnt.sif file ,, id try that if you just want only your graphics card
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Please be more specific. why is not -quiet ??? -
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
No it still doen't work for me. Still looking for a solution.......... Tell me when you get it working ,and how you did it. Greetz Pliek. -
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Thanks for your reply ,i will start a topic for the bsod there. -
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
DriverPack_Graphics_A_V6021 gave me a BSOD? I dont know anymore.??? -
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
No didn't work for me ,I'll stop and enjoy my WPI like it is now. thanks for all the feedback from you people. Gr. Pliek -
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Thanks kelsenellenelvian for reply ...will try it after work . Thanks for helping ,hope it will work. Gr. Pliek -
reschange doesn't start ..What is wrong?
Pliek replied to Pliek's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
It's a ASUS N6600 256 mb (6 months old) ,do you think I can use the driver pack A (DriverPack Graphics) from Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks to slipstream?? Does anyone has experiance with this A-pack?? -
Before WPI starts I get the message that my monitor or videocard isn't capable showing the resolution I want it to. I tried to install on different screens and even on my laptop (ati mobility 9600) ,they all give the same error. My videocard is a Nvidia N6600 256mb. In the options section off WPI resolution is set to 1024x768. My wintt.siff is: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=yes UnattendSwitch=yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS FileSystem=* OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000_chipset;Drivers\001_netwerk;Drivers\002_grafisch;Drivers\003_geluid;Drivers\004_printer;Drivers\005_memorycard;Drivers\006_modem;Drivers\007_touchpad;Drivers\008_muis;Drivers\009_beeldscherm;Drivers\010_toetsenbord;Drivers\011_wifi;Drivers" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx FullName="USER" OrgName="Got2be-Un@ttended-4U" ComputerName=* [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 Vrefresh=85 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup="WERKGROEP" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=off pinball=off solitaire=off spider=off zonegames=off [Shell] DefaultStartPanelOff=No DefaultThemesOff=Yes [GuiRunOnce] "%systemroot%\system32\wpi.cmd" There are no graphic drivers in : Drivers\002_grafisch in my wintt.siff just to let you know. My WPI.cmd is: @ECHO OFF REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WPI.ico set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% REM Determine the WPI startup path. REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%. set wpipath=%cdrom%\WPI REM Hide this command window. %wpipath%\Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface. %wpipath%\Tools\reschange.exe 1024x768x32@85 -q REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way. REM start /wait %wpipath%\Tools\fonts\fontinstaller.exe REM Special registry tweak needed. regedit /s %wpipath%\common\wpi.reg REM Make WPI directory the current directory. cd /d "%wpipath%" REM Start WPI and wait for its end start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta REM Undo registry tweak. regedit /s %wpipath%\common\undo.reg start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\UPHClean\UPHClean-Setup.msi /quiet start /wait %systemroot%\SystemFileDefragmenter\SystemFileDefragmenter.exe RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Drivers\ RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\ DEL "%systemdrive%\Q" DEL "%systemdrive%\*.log" REM restart computer... shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "Windows XP will restart." EXIT Please someone help me because WPI is finished now ,but the resolution doesn't look nice. Hope to solve this problem with you people.
My WPI.cmd is in System32 and looks like this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ECHO OFF REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WPI.ico set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% REM Determine the WPI startup path. REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%. set wpipath=%cdrom%\WPI REM Hide this command window. %wpipath%\Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface. %wpipath%Tools\ResChange.exe -width=800 -height=600 -depth=16 -refresh=60 REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way. REM start /wait %wpipath%Tools\fonts\fontinstaller.exe REM Special registry tweak needed. regedit /s %wpipath%common\wpi.reg REM Make WPI directory the current directory. cd /d "%wpipath%" REM Start WPI and wait for its end start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta REM Undo registry tweak. regedit /s %wpipath%common\undo.reg start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Updates\Updates.cmd DEL "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Registry Mechanic\ref\Deutsch.ini" DEL "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Registry Mechanic\ref\Espanol.ini" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Drivers\ RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\ DEL "%systemdrive%\Q" ECHO. ECHO Restarting in 1 minuut... shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Restaring system" "%systemroot%\system32\wpi.cmd" My wint.siff is on my DVD in I386 and looks like this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=yes UnattendSwitch=yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS FileSystem=* OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000_chipset;Drivers\001_netwerk;Drivers\002_grafisch;Drivers\003_geluid;Drivers\004_printer;Drivers\005_memorycard;Drivers\006_modem;Drivers\007_touchpad;Drivers\008_muis;Drivers\009_beelldscherm;Drivers\010_toetsenbord;Drivers\011_wifi;Drivers" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=110 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FullName="USER" OrgName="Got2be-Un@ttended-4U" ComputerName=* [Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=800 YResolution=600 Vrefresh=60 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup="WERKGROEP" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [URL] Home_Page= [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=off pinball=off solitaire=off spider=off zonegames=off [Shell] DefaultStartPanelOff=No DefaultThemesOff=Yes [GuiRunOnce] Hoop Someboby will help.........Still Waiting