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Everything posted by Ausmith1

  1. Has anyone else tried slipstreaming KB925336? It does not seem to be working for me on Windows 2003 with SP2 and v1.7.5 of HFSLIP. It should be dropping in 5.2.3790.4036 of advapi32.dll but instead I get 5.2.3790.3959 Ignore that, I found the problem. I was not syncing the correct file in my build script. Recompiling now and and I'm hoping it will work.
  2. I've run into an odd problem on my unattended Windows 2003 install DVD. I have a very large SFX file that contains the complete install of SQL Server 2005, in the previous version of the unattended DVD this SFX only contained the x86 install of SQL Server 2005 and this managed to fit into a 880MB SFX file. Now I've added the x64 version of SQL Server 2005 plus SP2 and the latest hotfixes and the SFX file is now 2.3GB in size. (it's almost 6GB uncompressed so that's not an option as I would not have adequate disk space for everything I need even on a double layer DVD). The problem I'm having is that the 2GB SFX file does not get copied to the hard drive during text mode install (the old 880MB file version always got copied) I'm wondering if there is a known hard limit to the size of files in the $OEM$ folder structure? Since I couldn't find any data on this in my searching I decided to do a test to see what file sizes would actually copy, here are the results. 1023MB = copies OK 1026MB = copies OK 1100MB = copies OK 1200MB = does not copy. 1500MB = does not copy. 1700MB = does not copy. 2046MB = does not copy. 2049MB = does not copy. Where 1MB = 1024 *1024 bytes. A max file size of 1GB file isn't a whole bunch of use to what I need since it would take at least 3 such files to make up the 2.3GB SFX I have currently, not to mention that three separate SFX files would be bigger than the single SFX file I have today (It's 7-Zip compressed with the 4GB solid block option so it's as tightly compressed as is realistically possible), so that would put a further squeeze on the free disk space on the DVD. (I want to avoid using a double layer DVD if possible) Here is the solution I came up with, it's not the only possible solution but it works well for my situation. I edited \$OEM$\INSTALLS.CMD to add the line: @ECHO Copying SQL Server 2005 install files to Support folder... IF EXIST %CDROM%\WIN2003\STD\EVAL\$OEM$\$1\Support\Applications\SQLServer.2005\SQLServer.2005.exe COPY %CDROM%\WIN2003\STD\EVAL\$OEM$\$1\Support\Applications\SQLServer.2005\SQLServer.2005.exe %systemdrive%\Support\Applications\SQLServer.2005\SQLServer.2005.exe This copies the file at T-13, I already copy the i386/AMD64 folders from the DVD in this script so this fits nicely for me.
  3. I figured out how to get multiple Win PE 2.0 WIMs in the menu with help from the posting here: http://www.deployvista.com/Blog/JohanArwidmark/tabid/78/EntryID/27/Default.aspx This is what I ended up with: Rem Creates BCD (boot configuration data) for Windows 2003 - PE 2.0 DVD set bcdedit=D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit set BCD-File=D:\multiboot\boot\bcd del %BCD-File% %bcdedit% /createstore %BCD-File% %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "Ramdisk options" %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi set A=Windows 2003 R2 - Standard Edition - Automated Install set B=Windows 2003 R2 - Standard Edition - Manual install set C=Windows 2003 R2 - Standard Edition EVAL License - Automated Install set D=Hardware Setup (Windows PE) set E=Quick Restore (Windows PE) for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('%bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create /application OSLOADER /d "%A%"') do set guida=%%c %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guida% device boot %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guida% path \STDO\SETUPLDR.BIN %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guida% DESCRIPTION "%A%" for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('%bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create /application OSLOADER /d "%B%"') do set guidb=%%c %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidb% device boot %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidb% path \STDO\SETUPLDR.BIN %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidb% DESCRIPTION "%B%" for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('%bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create /application OSLOADER /d "%C%"') do set guidc=%%c %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidc% device boot %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidc% path \STDO\SETUPLDR.BIN %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidc% DESCRIPTION "%C%" for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('%bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create /d "%D%" /application osloader') do set guidd=%%c %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidd% systemroot \Windows %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidd% detecthal Yes %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidd% winpe Yes %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidd% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\hwsetup.wim,{ramdiskoptions} %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guidd% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\hwsetup.wim,{ramdiskoptions} for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('%bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create /d "%E%" /application osloader') do set guide=%%c %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guide% systemroot \Windows %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guide% detecthal Yes %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guide% winpe Yes %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guide% osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\restore.wim,{ramdiskoptions} %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set %guide% device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\restore.wim,{ramdiskoptions} %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /create {bootmgr} /d "Windows Vista Bootloader" :: %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set {bootmgr} timeout 30 %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /set {bootmgr} displayorder %guida% %guidb% %guidc% %guidd% %guide% %bcdedit% /store %BCD-File% /enum all cdimage.exe -lMultiBoot_Test -u1 -e -oi -m -h -bD:\multiboot\boot\etfsboot.com D:\multiboot "multiboot_test.iso" Now everything works nicely.
  4. Thanks for the great tip, I got this to work very well for multi-booting Windows PE 2.0 (the new Vista based version) and several editions of Windows 2003 on a single DVD. However I cannot get the resulting ISO to boot once I add a second instance of Windows PE to the bcd store, has anyone tried doing this and gotten it working? Here are the docs I worked from: Boot Configuration Data Editor Frequently Asked Questions http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows...a/aa905126.aspx Here is what I did: Started with Windows PE 2.0 files from WAIK (x86). [Root] D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {default} DESCRIPTION "Windows PE 2.0" D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {default} EMS no D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /deletevalue {bootmgr} TIMEOUT [boot Option #1] D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /create /application OSLOADER /d "Windows Server 2003 R2 - Standard Edition - Automated Install" D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {2770bd0a-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} device boot D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {2770bd0a-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} path \STDO\SETUPLDR.BIN D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /displayorder {2770bd0a-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} /addlast D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {2770bd0a-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} DESCRIPTION "Windows 2003 R2 - Standard Edition - Automated Install" [boot Option #2] D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /create /application OSLOADER /d "Windows Server 2003 R2 - Standard Edition - Manual install" D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {3963abdf-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} device boot D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {3963abdf-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} path \STDM\SETUPLDR.BIN D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /displayorder {3963abdf-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} /addlast D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {3963abdf-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} DESCRIPTION "Windows 2003 R2 - Standard Edition - Manual install" [boot Option #3] D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /create /application OSLOADER /d "Windows Server 2003 R2 - Standard Edition EVAL License - Automated Install" D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {4828a50f-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} device boot D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {4828a50f-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} path \STDE\SETUPLDR.BIN D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /displayorder {4828a50f-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} /addlast D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {4828a50f-4174-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} DESCRIPTION "Windows 2003 R2 - Standard Ed. EVAL License - Automated Install" This config boots up to here. [Add second instance of Windows PE to menu] D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /copy {default} /d "System Quick Restore (Windows PE)" This config boots up to here too. D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {4d28b85c-4183-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} device ramdisk=[boot]\sources\restore.wim,{4d28b85c-4183-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} D:\multiboot\boot\bcdedit /store D:\multiboot\boot\bcd /set {4d28b85c-4183-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]\sources\restore.wim,{4d28b85c-4183-11dc-97f6-005056b27ab4} Editing these two lines causes the ISO to no longer boot. Any ideas?
  5. Try this post: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=99823
  6. I swear by Verbatim DataLifePlus DVDs, there is a MediDisk option also available that is designed for long term storage and rough handling. I've gouged the surface of one of these with a penknife and was able to read the DVD with no issues afterwards. They print quite nicely too. http://www.verbatim.com/products/detail.cf...3F5DCEF6867B443
  7. Are you sure that your REG file is valid? For instance having anything other than "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" in the first line will cause REGEDIT to fail without any error popping up. It's happened to me before when I added a comment on the first line rather then further on down the file...
  8. Yes, I was aware of that ability of HFSLIP. I guess I'm just more used to the old $OEM$ way of doing things :-)
  9. NOTICE: This script is not for first timers! Experience with SCM systems and batch scripting are required if you would like to adjust this script to your specific needs. I can only answer a limited amount of questions on this script due to time constraints. I have written a set of scripts for automating an ISO build with HFSLIP. The main script syncs all the necessary OS and $OEM$ files from a Perforce SCM database and can build a variety of ISO images (Quick driver test, $OEM$ refresh only, Full DVD rebuild) with up to five versions of Windows on the ISO (2003 ENT EVAL, 2003 ENT Retail, 2003 ENT Volume, 2003 STD Retail, 2003 STD Volume). It maintains a full history of what was build and by whom in the Perforce database so you can easily track what changes were made by who and when. I believe that the script is fairly well commented for those who wish to dive in and see what's going on. FAQ: Why use an SCM system? Can you really keep track of everything you changed in a build in your head? Well, neither can I. Why use Perforce as the SCM system? 1) It's free for 2 users. 2) It can handle files and directories with a $ in the name (VSS can't). Why don't you use CVS or Subversion for the SCM? 1) CVS is junk. 2) Subversion is an OSS copy of Perforce, imation is the sincerest form of flattery, no? If you want to use your own SCM simply change the SCM commands to the SCM of your choice. That's not something I can help you with though. Do I really need to use an SCM system to use this script? No, but then you lose out on the change tracking features. Not the simplest thing to totally rip out the SCM feature in any case... Learning how to efectivly use an SCM system is a very marketable skill in any case. Where do I get Perforce? Perforce Downloads http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadprog.html How do I use Perforce? Perforce Technical Documentation http://www.perforce.com/perforce/technical.html Isn't Perforce a commercial product? Don't I have to pay for it? From: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadprog.html You may use software downloaded from Perforce for any purpose you want and for as long as you like. The Perforce Server supports only two users and five client workspaces unless used with a Perforce License. How do I make my own custom boot sector? Time, lots of patience and a copy of VMware/VirtualPC. Simply changing the text without changing the position of the chars in a HEX editor is the easiest way to start. How many multi boot items can I have in the boot sector menu? The 2003 boot sector can support up to 16 items. Windows 2000 boot sectors supported 8 items. This is really slow! It takes an hour on my machine to do a full build! Mine too. Time to buy a faster machine :-) Seriously it's doing a lot of work. It takes time. Go interface with the real world while it's crunching. How much disk space do I need? That depends on how many versions of Windows you plan on integrating and how much extra stuff you plan on putting in the $OEM$ folder. Figure that you need 600MB for each version of Windows and figure that you need the space to hold a copy of the $OEM$ folder for each version of Windows during CDIMAGE's symlinking phase. For me I needed 30GB free + 15GB on the Perforce server. What files are in your HFTOOLS folder? In addition to the regular modifype.exe and HFANSWER.INI, I also have the following tools/scripts: buildrev.vbs custom cdimage.exe v2.47 - Google it datetime.vbs custom dvdrev.vbs custom grep.exe Win32 port by Tim Charron (http://pages.interlog.com/~tcharron/grep.html) gsar.exe General Search And Replace (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gsar.htm) junction.exe http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/Utilities/Junction.mspx replaceAMD64.xsc http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 replaceI386.xsc http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 robocopy.exe Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&familyid=9D467A69-57FF-4AE7-96EE-B18C4790CFFD) sed.exe http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 SETUPLDR.BIN http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 sleep.exe Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&familyid=9D467A69-57FF-4AE7-96EE-B18C4790CFFD) universalrepl.xsc http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 unix2dos.exe http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 XVI32.exe http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58446 XVI32.ini Automatically created by XVI32.exe All custom scripts are included in the ZIP attached at the bottom of the post. How should I setup my folder structure in the Perforce SCM depot? \Depot \Automation-Depot \OS \2003 \x86 \ENT \EVAL <- Copy of the base OS CD + R2 files \ADMIN <- R2 (Optional) \CMPNENTS <- R2 (Optional) \DOCS \I386 \PRINTERS \SUPPORT \RETAIL \VOLUME \STD \RETAIL \VOLUME \My-Project \$OEM$ \$$ <- Custom files to go in \WINDOWS folder \$1 <- Custom files to go on C:\ \HFSlip \AIO-DVD.OUTPUT <- HFSLIPed files will make their way in here. \BOOT-BINS <- Custom boot sectors \HF <- OS QFEs \HFCABS <- OS CAB updates \HFEXPERT \STORAGE <- Mass storage drivers to be slipstreamed by HFSLIP \HFTOOLS <- Custom tools and scripts \LOGS <- HFSLIP Logs \SIFS <- Your customised WINNT.SIF files \ISOs <- Where the ISO file will be created (Can be anywhere, not restricted to this folder) hfslip.cmd <- Renamed HFSLIP.version.cmd script build_hfsliped_iso.cmd <- My build script AIO-DVD_manifest.md5 <- Files that contains an MD5 hash of completed builds. Automatically updated by the build script. How do I figure out what the difference was between two builds? Diff the file //Automation-Depot/My-Project/HFSlip/AIO-DVD.OUTPUT/manifest.md5 in Perforce for the two builds in question. How do I automate HFSLIP so that I don't have to sit and wait for it constantly? Use the HFANSWER.INI file. Other than that read through the HFSLIP.cmd file and find the pauses. Why do I have to rename HFSLIP.version.cmd to hfslip.cmd? Just makes it easier for me, since each version is held in the SCM system anyway, I can can easily revert to an older version at any time. AIO_Build_Script.zip
  10. Didn't work the first time I tried it, but I think that the case of the files may be important. Will try again with all files in the STORAGE folder in uppercase.
  11. No, I don't have that INF there. Let me try that... Thanks!
  12. I got the right version of storport.sys when I ran HFSLIP v1.2.0. Not sure what sure what happened previously but it's all working now.
  13. No, I'm creating a slipstreamed DVD for 2003 SP1 x86 Enterprise Edition. My local machine is running x64.
  14. OK, I'll try it again with v1.20 and see what happens. Thanks. ps: Tomcat76, check your messages.
  15. Well, it's a QFE file isn't it? Where should I put it if not /HF?
  16. I'm having a problem integrating the IBM ServerRAID 8 SAS RAID drivers into a Windows 2003 SP1 install. The slipstreamed install picks up the SAS controller just fine during textmode install but when the OS is fully installed no RAID device shows up in the Device Manager. The file ARCSAS.SYS is in my HFSlip\HFEXPERT\STORAGE folder and the following is in my storage.ini file: ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Adaptec RAID controllers Storport miniport for IBM SAS based ServeRAID HBAs [HardwareIdsDatabase] PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0285&SUBSYS_02f21014 = "arcsas", "IBM ServeRAID 8i Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0285&SUBSYS_02989005 = "arcsas", "Adaptec SAS RAID 4000SASx Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0285&SUBSYS_02999005 = "arcsas", "Adaptec SAS RAID 4800SAS Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0285&SUBSYS_029A9005 = "arcsas", "Adaptec SAS RAID 4805SAS Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0285&SUBSYS_02A49005 = "arcsas", "ICP SAS RAID ICP9085LI Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0285&SUBSYS_02A59005 = "arcsas", "ICP SAS RAID ICP5085BR Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0286&SUBSYS_95801014 = "arcsas", "IBM ServeRAID 8k/8k-l Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0286&SUBSYS_95401014 = "arcsas", "IBM ServeRAID 8L Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0286&SUBSYS_02A29005 = "arcsas", "Adaptec SAS RAID 4810SAS Controller" PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_0286&SUBSYS_02A39005 = "arcsas", "ICP SAS RAID ICP5085AU Controller" [SCSI] arcsas = "IBM ServeRAID SAS Controller" ;-------------------------------------------------- Running "DEVCON hwids * " shows none of the PCI ids of the ServeRAID HBA and without the ability to check if a ServeRAID card is in the system I can't really determine if I should install the ServeRAID Manager application. I've attached the original inf file for the arcsas driver. Any ideas? arcsas.inf
  17. I put the QFE file from http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=916048 into my HF folder but it does not seem to have made it into the SOURCESS folder. The storport.sys file that ended up in my SOURCESS folder was the original Windows 2003 SP1 version. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
  18. Just wondering if any progress had been made on an x64 "port" of HFSLIP? I've been using nLite to slipstream x64 OS builds, but I much prefer the way that HFSLIP works.
  19. Yes, I tried running everything manually from a command line in the D:\HFSLIP folder when the script didn't work. Same result.
  20. I had the bright idea of using reparse points (Windows retarded way of doing symlinks) for the SOURCE folder for HFSLIP, but have run into some weird issues. I was wondering if anyone else is using this method with the latest release of HFSLIP? If so are you encountering the same issues I'm seeing? My script: Build 2003_R2_x86_ENT_EVAL #junction.exe D:\HFSlip\SOURCE D:\Source\2003\x86\ENT\EVAL CALL D:\HFSlip\hfslip-1.1.0.cmd C:\Support\SysInternals\junction.exe -d D:\HFSlip\SOURCE What happens is only the files that are actually changed/updated/patched by HFSLIP get copied to the D:\HFSlip\SOURCESS folder, all of the unchanged files get left behind... I tried the method mentioned by Bilou_Gateux @ http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...=368791� but I get the same results, only the changed files in the I386 folder get copied to D:\HFSlip\SOURCESS. I've had weird results with other applications when using reparse points, like folders getting deleted one level above where they should have been deleted so maybe it just one of those weird things with reparse points, but it sure would be nice to have it work, it would save a lot of time copying from the source folders...
  21. Actually I found that there is a mkisofs option "-force-uppercase" that will work better. My new mkisofs args are: mkisofsargs -iso-level 4 -force-uppercase -allow-multidot -relaxed-filenames -allow-leading-dots -N -l -d -D -duplicates-once -no-emul-boot -b boot.bin -hide boot.bin -hide boot.catalog
  22. The mkisofs switch "-iso-level 4" creates a file system compliant to what the mkisofs man page refers to as "ISO-9660:1999 (Version 2)" (I do not use cdimage.exe due to legal concerns) This filesystem is different than the standard ISO-9660 filesystem that is on the original Microsoft CDs/ISOs. There is no difference between how a VM or a physical system interpets the the filesystem. The problem comes down to the initial textmode portion of setup only looking for files in uppercase. I have verified that on a physical system. Keep in mind that I have not tested this on anything other than Windows 2003 SP1 install CDs (x86 and x64) but I see no reason as to why 2000/XP should not have the same issue.
  23. From what docs I've read the only options for x64 installs are to boot from the CD or a RIS server and run setup that way. Maybe you could do what you want in the latest version of WinPE, but I don't have that so I can't say for sure....
  24. I had been banging my head trying to figure out why I kept getting the following error "Cannot find the file MSVMSCSI.SYS" early in the test mode portion of setup when testing my latest build of my automated Windows 2003 R2 (x86) CD. I finally figured out the issue and I thought that I may as well share the resolution here in case it could help even one person. What was causing the problem was the case of the file, on my hard disk the file existed as "msvmscsi.sys" just as I had copied it from the Microsoft supplied driver disk. I use BCD and mkisofs to generate my ISOs with the following options: mkisofsargs -iso-level 4 -allow-multidot -relaxed-filenames -allow-leading-dots -N -l -d -D -duplicates-once -no-emul-boot -b boot.bin -hide boot.bin -hide boot.catalog These options were a deviation from my long time mkisofs settings of: mkisofsargs -D -N -l -allow-leading-dots -allow-multidot -joliet -hide boot.bin -hide boot.catalog Changing the case of the driver file (to UPPERCASE) in my source folder fixed the issue and allowed me to continue setup, but I'm sure that reverting to the old mkisofs settings would have worked as well.
  25. The VMware v5.5 beta allows for 64 bit VM clients.
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