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About qwerty12

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. The icon overlays LSE adds are working fine here for me on 15063.322 (I tested with symbolic and hard links to a file, and a directory junction). Maybe you're hitting Windows' limit of 15 icon overlay handlers: https://superuser.com/a/1166585
  2. Try StartIsBack++ with its options to "not prelaunch SearchUI and ShellExperienceHost processes" and "not prelaunch frequently used modern apps", which do what they say on the tin -- for many months, there's been no SystemSettings.exe running on my laptop until I start Settings myself. I guess all this is done because instead of Microsoft actually, y'know, putting in work making UWP apps start up faster, they decided prelaunching everything would be OK and nobody would complain about the new calculator showing a splash screen while it loads any more ...
  3. With Windows 10 10586.318 64-bit, with the exception of Settings and Store, all UWP apps removed: since 1.2.2 (both the 4th April and 26th May builds), the Start Apps folder has disappeared for me. As soon as I install 1.2.1 again and the installer restarts Explorer, I see the folder again. Is this happening with just me? EDIT: It's now renamed to "Apps". I can't see it mentioned in the changelog, and for the life of me, I don't know why it was changed (esp. when the settings part of SiB still refers to it as "Start Apps"), but I do feel like a tit for posting.
  4. Not a new finding by any means (just Google the functions I've mentioned), but sadly, this isn't the worst thing about VS2015 in this regard. Build a simple hello world console program (hell, no need to even go that far: just keeping main() { return 0; } is sufficient enough for testing) using VS2015 and look at the imports table of the resulting exe using Dependency Walker/your favourite PE viewer. Even with a binary in Release mode, you'll find MSVC shoves in calls to functions like __telemetry_main_invoke_trigger and __telemetry_main_return_trigger. Maybe it's done so that the diagnostic component of VsHub can trace the process via ETW as according to https://habrahabr.ru/post/281374/ (a good analysis, worth using Google Translate for), nothing's written to the disk. I don't know if there's a proper linker option to turn it off, but the best way I found to avoid it is to add notelemetry.obj as the first additional dependency of any project that links with the VCRT, which will replace those telemetry functions with stubs and they won't be referenced in the import table.
  5. O&O Defrag 17 (from what I recall, 18 installs on XP if you use Orca to remove the version check) worked to TRIM my Samsung 840 Pro under XP Professional 32-bit with Intel's SATA controller driver installed and AHCI enabled - at least according to https://github.com/CyberShadow/trimcheckanyway. (Although I just ended up using Samsung Magician anyway for the short time I had XP installed)
  6. There's a DWM hack for the first (special emphasis on the word hack) available on a ThinkPad forum called w8classic, IIRC. To make the show desktop button larger, install 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and adjust the advanced setting show_desktop_button_size.
  7. 'Cause there's only so much you can do with 1366x768
  8. It's an old version that's already been posted on reddit and subsequently here. The DLL is probably modified, hence why it comes with its own injector. I think the DLL is from bigmuscle's Glass for Windows 10 build 10130 (which may explain why, unlike the current version, people are saying it crashes when the Start Menu is displayed).
  9. Ah, you've not had the pleasure of using GNOME 3 yet, I take it? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00; Non-XAML Action Center (warning: less functionality); Windows 8 Clock and Battery Applets[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell]"UseActionCenterExperience"=dword:00000000"UseWin32BatteryFlyout"=dword:00000001"UseWin32TrayClockExperience"=dword:00000001; Windows 8 Network Applet[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Settings\Network]"ReplaceVan"=dword:00000002; Windows 8 Volume Applet[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MTCUVC]"EnableMtcUvc"=dword:00000000With the above applied (to apply the ReplaceVan key, you'll need to take ownership or just run reg/regedit under a Command Prompt session as SYSTEM with the TrustedInstaller token) and StartIsBack++, the only XAML thing remaining here are the jumplists.The non-XAML Action Center is far more barebones compared to the XAML one so perhaps consider not setting that key, for anyone interested. (Saying that, I only collected the list of keys above from various sources because the XAML applets took eons to show in my initial installs of 10 in VMware, but on a real install, there's only a slight delay compared to the native ones. I just still prefer the native ones nevertheless.)
  10. You could use AutoHotkey to do it. I can't really tell the difference since I'm running 8.1 with Aero, but zDump confirms Client Edge is set for all new windows: ;script stolen from user "SEAMEN_STAIN" Gui +LastFoundhWnd := WinExist() DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )Return ShellMessage(wParam,lParam) { If (wParam = 1) ; HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED := 1 {WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %lParam%if (WinClass = "CabinetWClass") {WinSet, ExStyle, ^0x200, ahk_id %lParam%} }}
  11. Tihiy, Is it possible to support two activations on the same install? I have Windows 8 + StartIsBack installed on a partition and activated with the key that I bought. SIB activates fine. I also boot into the same physical partition from another OS using VMware and, of course, this changes the hardware configuration entirely. StartIsBack wants me to reactivate again - that is fine, as one license supports two computers and the activation goes through. What I'm having problems with, however, is that stopping the VM and running Windows directly again like normal requires StartIsBack reactivation again (and then when I activate again, I need to reactivate when running in VMware again and this cycle continues). I'm not asking for any free keys or anything like that - I already have one and two PCs with one license key is very generous and I'd happily pay again for another key if I needed it - it's just I would like to save myself from having to activate again and again every time I switch between booting in VMware and booting directly. (Yes, this is a weird combination but it's the most convenient way for me to get things done.)
  12. You are talking about vista. With a different network stack, I dont think its going to be quite as easy as hex editing.
  13. I think windows is giving me bs because my honestly runs fine with vista:
  14. I know windows key (shareware) can make a bootable iso which can reset the password.
  15. I like it . Thanks . As far as I understand it ; it stays in the sidebar right? (I'm getting the upgrade in 6 weeks lol so that is why I am n00bish ) Br
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