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Everything posted by SwedenXP

  1. I´m just a little bit confused here... Dear MCT and dear yoz7120; I cant´t find any post about installing the msn messenger 7 beta silently in this forum. I have tried the same method as with the 6.xxx but that doesn´t work on the 7 beta. So please direct me to the right post. Thanx in advance / SwedenXP
  2. Yes, exactly. / SwedenXP
  3. No 1 / SwedenXP
  4. Please read the earlier posts... Run the setup Abort Find the msi use the msi file in Your installation B)
  5. Thanx for a quick reply. Please advertise when the new guide is out. / SwedenXP B)
  6. I think I have seen it... I have searched for it... but I have not found it... Can somebody please give me the link to the complete and updated guide with SP2 as a pdf-file as it is described at the http://unattended.msfn.org/ Big thanx in advance / SwedenXP
  7. This is how I do it - and it works for me If you have winrar installed, just right click your favorites folder & choose add to archive, select create SFX archive, click best for compression, click comment at the top right & paste: The comment below contains SFX script commands Path=%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\SwedenXP\Favoriter SavePath Silent=1 Overwrite=1 Delete=*.* In Your main_batch.cmd You have; ECHO Installing Favoriter ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Favoriter\Favoriter.exe ECHO. And it works just beautifully That is, in principle I agree with Swampy with a few mods and some extras... / SwedenXP
  8. This is how I do it - and it works for me I run the diskeeper exe file, aborts the installation and from the C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations\Diskeeper Professional\ I pull the .msi file B) The .msi goes into my \$OEM$\$1\Install In my main_batch.cmd I have ECHO Installing Diskeeper Professional Edition 8.0 ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Diskeeper\Diskeeper.msi /qn ECHO. It works fantastic B) / SwedenXP
  9. Like this
  10. I have an old graphic card (Nvidia Geforce 4 MX 440) and at the moment I am running the "NVIDIA Display Driver for Windows 2000/XP ver 45.23, 07/28/2003" and it works just fine. I have tried some of the new drivers from Nvidia but they tend to use more memory . Are there any advantages in using a newer driver ? And which do You recommend? / SwedenXP
  11. Found this in antother thread... / SwedenXP
  12. This works for me Place it in Your main_batch.cmd and You can do both the install and register it at the same time ECHO Installing Nero ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Nero\nero63120.exe /silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /write_sn ECHO. / SwedenXP
  13. I have been a member of this forum since late september last year and I have a lot to thank You all for! The things I have learned here - I don´t think that it would have been possible to learn these things enywhere else There is one final thing I haven´t mastered yet... and it´s probably easy, when I know how to... Status; My harddrive is partitioned in several logical drives. I have a complete "unattended install" on drive D. I would like to boot my computer as simple as possible. Access drive D and start the "unattended install". This instead of burning a cd with every update and installing from it. So gentlemen, and women Please give me an advice on how to do this. I have looked into Bart PE-builder, but... no... / SwedenXP
  14. If one of You more experienced gentlemen would like to comment this new driver and perhaps give a recommendation if one should use this instead of ver 45.23. Nvidia Version: 52.16 Release Date: October 23, 2003 WHQL Certified English File Size: 8.7 MB International File Size: 18.9 MB / SwedenXP
  15. Via Windows Update --> Windows Update catalog --> search for updates for MS Windows --> Windows XP SP1 --> and the updates You want. / SwedenXP
  16. Mr Marztabator - it is the ultimate challange to master MS I don´t - but I keep Keep up the good work! / SwedenXP - and I like this forum
  17. This is a really nice tool. But, since I´m a bit new to all this - can someone please give me an example of how I can use this tool in a practical way. Let´s say if I would like to modify or reduce an excisting MSI package. Thanx in advance / SwedenXP
  18. Quote from http://www.MSFN.org/unattended/xp/officexp...xp_advanced.htm "Please note that you can only run a slipstream if you have PRO.msi or PROPLUS.msi, you cannot slipstream if your Office XP disc contains PRORET.msi." One of the differences between corp. and ent. versions - but they are all PRO. When You find the right version - it will work just fine. I did a slipstreamed, updated version and kept it on an own cd with an "tailored" .MST file and a .bat file to run it - works great! / SwedenXP
  19. Hello; First some questions to You In which enviroment are You installing? An install on a real HDD or an install on a simulated HDD, ie Virtual PC or WMware? If it´s on Virtual PC or WMvare Your graphic driver won´t install and the driver directory will remain on Your HDD... As far as I know - and that is also my own experience. As for the no reboot I am also a bit curious... Good luck and please tell me if You get it to work perfectly. / SwedenXP
  20. Sounds strange... I run WMware (4.0.5) and it works just great. Try it with Virtual PC - if it dosn´t work... / SwedenXP
  21. Sorry to see that You are leaving. I have the greatest respect for the knowledge that You have shared with us! Big Thanx from / SwedenXP
  22. Yeahh Aaron - looked and found some of them - but not all yet Didn´t know that the language would mess things up so much... In WinXP there are no such problems. / SwedenXp - still missing some files
  23. When I try to slipstream the updates into the office pack I get this message; Windows Installer It´s not possible to install the correctionfile for the upgrade because the program which is to be updated may be missing or the correctionfile is created for antoher version of the program. Check that the program which is to be upgraded is intalled and that you have the correct correctionfile. OK Questions; 1. I have a swedish Office XP and these updates I´m supposed to slipstream are all ENU - english. Is that a problem? 2. I use antoher path to my admin install of OfficeXP and thus I change the paths whereever I need to change them. I have tried to do the "slips" manually from the commandpromt - but same result - a windows installer Pop-up. A bit an slightly / SwedenXP
  24. Most grateful! I do love this forum! I remenber that thread - but I wasn´t sure that was applicable to this new version. Big Thanx / SwedenXP
  25. Has anyone got an idea of a silent install with choices of what You want to install for K-Lite codec pack 2.10? Thanx in advance / SwedenXP
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