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Everything posted by Adebisi

  1. Install Maximus Decim Native USB ver.3.3 ( http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=43605 ) and then try again. http://www.poddox.com/ - Another great iTunes alt
  2. Gilly Messenger @ http://www.cracksoft.net/
  3. look @ http://www.firewallleaktester.com/tests_overview.php
  4. maybe you want to add mplayer @http://www.mplayerhq.hu/ it's open-source and don't need any installation just unzip and play. last version for win includes gui. great work (Y)
  5. http://www.kood.org/windows-password-renew/ http://www.ubcd4win.com/
  6. Try safemode, then the hidden Admin account will be visible
  7. Apple iPOD's and their software are incompatible with Win98/ME. ipods require Win2000/XP and USB 2.0 ports. http://www.redchairsoftware.com/anapod/sup...sist.php?c=9899
  8. http://www.winguides.com/forums/showflat.p...;sb=9∂= http://www.governmentsecurity.org/articles...estrictions.php
  9. In network propertites set the Primary Microsoft Logon to Microsoft Family Logon
  10. 2. for windows metric http://www.virtualplastic.net/html/eppie.html http://www.virtualplastic.net/#
  11. Can you please upload it somewhere.
  12. look here http://tweakhomepc.virtualave.net/dual/removedualboot.html
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