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Posts posted by ringfinger

  1. Hmm.... I used to have the same problem with Norton a while back however it had nothing to do with Office. Sometimes when I would right click > "open with" on a file I would get the same thing. I completely uninstalled Norton, cleaned up all the temp & settings and registry signatures and reinstalled and it's been fine ever since. Try reinstalling NAV.

  2. I'm sure there is a download out there for it somewhere, I'm blocked behind an extememly picky firewall at the moment or I'd research for ya... although try what atomizer said, I hadn't thought about the Add/Remove Windows Components. Check under games, all you may have to do is check pinball if its not checked, click ok and pop in your 98 disk.

  3. Looking for a good quality controller for playing all kinds of PC games.... I'm hooked on NFSMW and yeah, the keyboard just isn't cutting it anymore lol. In case your wondering about wired/wireless I do have a 2.4GHz 802.11b wireless router, not sure if there'd be a problem with interference due to frequency. I'd like to go with a wireless one if at all possible, I can turn off the wireless when I'm not using it. I've never ventured into this area before so just looking for some suggestions. Thanks! :thumbup

    P.S. pardon the misspelled topic... :whistle:

  4. Basically what you're doing is calling 'Marco' and the server should reply with a 'Polo' to put it in ridiculous terms, lol. Open up your command prompt (Start > Run > Type "cmd" w/o quotes) Then type ping and the server address which you entered into outlook. So it'll look something like this... ping outgoing.comcast.net ...for example, and if you get a reply back from the server you know its gotta be some configuration issue and not a connection to the server.

  5. Wow.. this is an interesting debate. My 2 cents are if the .exe is 'stored' then it is backed up, or saved in a location on the drive somewhere not installed for later use. But when an .exe is installed to me that means the application can be run from the code which is 'stored' within the programs files and is completely different then just storing the file.

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