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Posts posted by ringfinger

  1. Hey there... well I just bought a P5WD2 as well, I haven't completed my build yet but we basically have almost the same components. From your descriptions, I would first check the heat sync and fan, be sure that it's seated perfectly and flush. Are you using the stock HS/Fan or another brand? Are you using Arctic Silver 5 or just the stock pad that came with the HS/Fan? Couple other things, you say you bought the 800MHz OCZ, have you gone into the BIOS and told the P5WD2 thats what you're using b/c most like it's being read at 533/667 DDR2. Also check to be sure that all the RAM is being recognized and in the correct slots. If you bought 2 x 512mb matched pair sticks they need to be in the yellow slots to run in dual channel mode.

    Also... check out This Link which is the ASUS Forum for Motherboards. There is tons of useful info in that forum and its nice to be able to work out problems with people that have the same mobo. Be sure and go to the P5WD2 Premium forum ;)

  2. I agree Zxian, I used to run an app called RAMClear, which would allow you to do the 'ol clear RAM feature. However, I would notice that sometimes the RAM app itself was the one hogging the most memory and virtual memory out of any app I was running. They're really not worth it, as Zxian said, let XP manage itself, task manager is all you need. :)

  3. .iso and .bin are essentially one in the same when it comes to the type of format. They are just two different adopted standards, much like any other out there today. They both contain an 'image' of a program/game/app etc... Your comment about burning... Yes. They are both capable of being burned to a CD and they are both capable of being extracted like a .zip without burning them using apps such as WinISO and IsoBuster etc... hope I gave you some insight.

  4. I'm basically in the same boat. Our network here at work is locked down big time. Unless there's a way that I'm not aware of I think you're safe. Just keep an eye on your processes running on your work machine, I know that our corp IT has installed remote software on all workstations to solve issues from a far, but you can always tell when they're in.

    My questions back to you, since our admins have locked down these machines so much I don't see Remote Desktop in the communications portion of the start menu. Do you know the name of the executable for Remote Desktop in the Windows/Program Files directory so I can run it straight from the .exe and possibly do the same thing you're doing? If you could just right click the shortcut and tell me the path i would appriciate it! Thanks.

    Now, I just hope the ports are open ;)

  5. I tried hunting for a driver for her on the Manufacturer's site, but they don't have the driver for that particular drive. Can you force the driver install on XP when it tells you it's not compatible by clicking "Continue Anyway", or have you already tried that ?

  6. This is a temp directory, it is hidden by default in your temp internet files dir. Whenever you open the attachment from an email and then save it, it saves in the temp folders. Instead of editing the file or whatever you're doing from the email itself, save the file in a folder where you wanty it and edit it from there. Or open the file, edit it, and the goto File > Save As. And you should be good to go.

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