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Posts posted by ringfinger

  1. Well... the 360 will be out in about a month, you know someone will dig up the thread once they've been released for a long time. I myself have an Xbox as I find it to be far superior to the PS2, and quite a bit more moddable ;)

  2. You could install something like 007 spy or an app like it if you can get access to the machine, and then have it email you at set intervals. I use 007 all the time, its a great app. Logs all keystrokes, opened applications, all web sites viewed, screen shots at a user defined time (and you can set the quality of the pic taken to cut down on size)... maybe that'll work for ya.

  3. Outlook 2003 SP2

    SMTP & POP3 thru comcast.net servers

    Basically what I want is to be able to receive emails as soon as whoever's sending me an email hits "send" and it's processed thru the servers. Just like when you're sending an email and you send it it's automatically processed and sent. Is there a way to do this?? It works this way in a W2k network environment with an Exchange server and Outlook XP, is it only possible on a network? I know about the time intervals, and a send/receive setting of 1 minute is alright, just would rather everything be instant w/o envoking Send/Receive. Thanks All.

  4. I would recommend downloading ProcessExplorer as it offers many more details than Task Manager. Now when you say "Free Space" are you referring to hard drive space or RAM and virtual memory? As far as having to chase after the remains of the app after removing it, I've never had a problem once removing a full install... to save the majority of the CPU you can turn of the "live system protect" option, I know thats not exactly what its named, but that eats the majority of your processing power constantly keeping an eye on your files.

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