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Everything posted by Camarade_Tux

  1. Compress it directly to flv (flash video) yourself before uploading it. Trust me, you'll get better results, I've done it several times for videos with a crappy quality, always managing to get something both streamable and watchable while web-based converters gave unusable videos. Get it there : http://esby.free.fr/CelticDruid/mirror/ffm...peg.rev10908.7z And if you need an encoder, I'll code one for you in 35 seconds. Ok, not 35 seconds but 40. ;p Edit : about the resolution, only divide it by an even integer : never ever use 1.2 or 1.5. If you want to reduce 1280x1024, choose between 640x512 or 320x256. Otherwise you'll get very bad results.
  2. I'd play with ffmpeg: ffmpeg.exe -i "original_file" -ar 22050 -ab 32 -cmp rd -subcmp rd -mbcmp rd -ildctcmp rd -precmp rd -mbd rd -skipcmp rd -qscale 15 -r 26 -f flv "output_file.flv" Basically all flv encoders use ffmpeg. The difference is you will have more options when using it directly (for example the *cmp use more computing time but give better output). This command-line is a bit old I think. I have a newer one but stored on another computer I can't acces right now. I'll post it tomorrow. Moreover web-based encoders have an important load and therefore need to use "fast" settings generally making the picture worse than normal. I think you can count on a 1/6 ratio depending of the quality of your source (for example, videos recorded with digital cameras at ski are usually very bad and badly compressed because of all the artifacts). (this is my personnal experience for some videos with my classmates) Is your source file already compressed ?
  3. Thanks. The wallpaper is indeed gloomy , by design. I needed a wallpaper that fitted that black theme and the best idea I had was one from Nine Inch Nails. However I did not have the one I especially thought about so I had to find another one on the internet. This one is for NIN's latest album. If you don't know NIN, read this wikipedia article and you'll understand why you found the wallpaper gloomy.
  4. I never understood why girls like guitar(ist)s. Ok. In fact I've always been jealous. And I give you less than 18 months to have a completely different point-of-view.
  5. Keep IE Core, remove Internet Explorer if you want (i.e. if you don't use it).
  6. Btw, french people who know "Martine" books should have a look at the Martine cover generator. It's really incredible.
  7. Been a while but I think this one is worth. Slackware-current, kde 3.5.7, theme&co is NanoTek suite found on kde-look.org (this is the *first* release !). Music player is audacious 1.4rc1. Wallpaper found on Nine Inch Nail's website. (of course self-compiled patched kernel ;p ) edit: forgot the plain desktop screenshot.
  8. Unfortunately, not right now : I'm going back to school and won't have time to support this for a new tester until next holidays. If you want however I can PM you when it is possible; Good news. Thanks. I feared it would be impossible to reproduce. Btw, KB888111 should be slipstreamed, especially if you have a Realtek card. That's planned (even with all the details one could imagine) but writing documentation really takes a lot of time. I'd never thought it could be that long. Also I wanted to use a dokuwiki plugin that lets you fold/unfold some parts of the page. This way the page would appear in a non-detailled form but then one could make the details he wants appear. Sadly this plugin did not work well in my tests. I might as well go for a different namespace though. I have to think about it. Thanks;
  9. You should get more information in the event viewer and btw, installing all hotfixes from MS puts back many removed files.
  10. Yup, use the compatibility feature of nlite. Same There is no non-obvious dependency for this one iirc. 0 dependency
  11. Thanks. Forgot to send you the link for the $OEM$ files btw.
  12. Try xorgsetup outside of X. It is quick to go through (if it is not then I've missed the names again and you should be running xorgconfig instead). Of course it can also create bad xorg.conf files but its output is usually very good. And if something goes wrong you can still try to check by yourself.
  13. OCaml and therefore F# belong to the class of functionnal languages which emphasis on corectness rather than speed. But who cares you can go 1000km/h if you go in the wrong direction of if you blow up ? People and companies now want safe softwares that do their jobs. OCaml just correspond to this and in fact is not even slow.
  14. No I made a mistake when I wrote this : I meant wihu in place of the second hfslip. In fact running hfslip after nlite is a very bad idea as it readds some components while being unlikely to put them properly back. You don't necessarily run in troubles but it's far from being clean. Post edited thanks.
  15. Zxian, I hate you ! Do you know for how long I have to scroll in order to see the other edge of your screenshot ?
  16. F# rocks. F# is basically ocaml able to use .net libraries so by definition it rocks.
  17. Both : hfslip, then nlite and a few extras, hfslip wihu and driverpacks. You may see the link in my signature. The beast is ready but I can't publish it because I have no time to provide support for it (hopefully I've only a few months left). edit : read "Both : hfslip, then nlite and a few extras, wihu and driverpacks." instead of "Both : hfslip, then nlite and a few extras, hfslip and driverpacks."
  18. You don't need big applications and if you have the proper tools (a proper cd burner for instance) you don't need the one in explorer. Hopefully explorer is modular so you can remove parts of it. And get rid of windows media player as it installs tons of things everywhere (just look at the context menu for a mp3 file).
  19. You can access Google in France but there's no Walmart here in France and probably in whole Europe. That's probably why it is more valued : google can be accessed from anywhere whereas you need a physical stro near you for walmart.
  20. Note : there's an uncaught exception if you want SP0 (-1 has never been a positive integer) or a SP that is bigger than what is available. Will fix next week, I got work for tomorrow.
  21. In order to test my just-released update downloader, I made a new test iso. Result was 120Mo, 5MB more than Windows Jacked OS, a difference around 4%. I forgot to put WIHU so no software has been added and since my program only downloads critical updates for windows, IE was left untouched. I had a 50MB commit. With softwares installed I get a bit more than 60MB. As I wanted to know down to which memory usage I could go I disabled some services (including print spooler...) and got 40MB. csrss+lsass use 5MB. explorer at least 8MB. you need at least two svchost and one services.exe : at least 18MB. Sum this and the absolute minimum is 30MB. This is really and *absolute* minimum.
  22. Hi, During the last holidays I wrote a program that would parse the now famous mssecure.xml file in order to retrieve updates automatically. The result is a 130-lines ocaml code which atm relies on an external wget (will be fixed once I get the ocaml terminology for networks): exception Xml_not_found_by_name_in_xml_list exception Missing_mssecure_cab exception Bad_number_of_characters_read_from_mssecure_cab exception Error_during_expansion_of_mssecure_cab of int exception Xml_not_found_by_attrib_name_and_value_in_xml_list of string * string let lang_code=ref "" let lang_string=ref "" let product=ref "" let service_pack=ref "" let product_id=ref "" let product_family_id=ref "" let service_pack_level=ref 0 let service_pack_id=ref "" let dest_dir=ref "Windows XP Professional SP2 English" let number_of_updates=ref 0 let rec find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list name=function |xml::q->if (name=Xml.tag xml) then xml else find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list name q |[]->Printf.printf "%s" name; raise Xml_not_found_by_name_in_xml_list let rec find_xml_by_attrib_name_and_value_in_xml_list attrib_name attrib_value=function |xml::q->if try attrib_value=Xml.attrib xml attrib_name with _->false then xml else find_xml_by_attrib_name_and_value_in_xml_list attrib_name attrib_value q |[]->raise (Xml_not_found_by_attrib_name_and_value_in_xml_list (attrib_name,attrib_value)) let set_lang ()= Printf.printf "language ?\n"; lang_string:=read_line (); lang_code:=match !lang_string with |"English"->"1033" |"French"->"1036" |"German"->"1031" |"Japanese"->"1041" |_->read_line () let set_product ()= Printf.printf "product ?\n"; product:=read_line () let set_service_pack ()= Printf.printf "service pack level ?\n"; service_pack_level:=int_of_string (read_line ()) let set_destdir ()= dest_dir:=!product^" "^"SP"^(string_of_int !service_pack_level)^" "^(!lang_string) let localized_mssecure_cab_location=function |"1033"->"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=18922" |"1036"->"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=18122" |"1031"->"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=18121" |"1041"->"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=18120" |_->assert false (* [url="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=74689"]http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=74689[/url] *) let rec update_concerns_product=function |xml::q->(("AffectedProduct"=(Xml.tag xml)) && (!product_id=Xml.attrib xml "ProductID") && (!service_pack_id<>"") && (int_of_string !service_pack_id = int_of_string (Xml.attrib (List.hd (Xml.children xml)) "ServicePackID"))) || (update_concerns_product q) (* est-ce qu'il n'y aura toujours qu'un seul "AffectedServicePack" ? *) |[]->false let rec list_updates_for_product_out_of_bulletin=function |xml::q->if ((update_concerns_product (Xml.children xml)) && ("0"=Xml.attrib xml "SBID")) then (Xml.attrib xml "PatchLocationID")::(list_updates_for_product_out_of_bulletin q) else list_updates_for_product_out_of_bulletin q |[]->[] let rec list_updates=function |xml::q->let patches_list=try Xml.children (find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list "Patches" (Xml.children xml)) with _->[] in let updates=list_updates_for_product_out_of_bulletin patches_list in if updates!=[] then updates@(list_updates q) else list_updates q |[]->[] let rec list_locations updates locations= match updates,locations with |[],_ |_,[]->[] |(update::update_queue),(xml::xml_queue)->begin match compare update (Xml.attrib xml "LocationID") with |0->((Xml.attrib xml "Path")^"\n")::(list_locations update_queue xml_queue) |_->list_locations (update::update_queue) xml_queue end let rec run_wget_for_each_element_of_the_list n=function |t::q->let _=Printf.printf "downloading update %d of %d\n" n !number_of_updates in let _=flush stdout in let _=Unix.system ("..\\wget.exe -N -nv \""^t^"\"") in let _=print_endline "" in run_wget_for_each_element_of_the_list (n+1) q |[]->Printf.printf "All %d updates successfully downloaded in %s.\n" (n-1) !dest_dir let solve_escaped_quote in_channel= let mssecure_xml_length=in_channel_length in_channel in let s=String.create mssecure_xml_length in let _=try really_input in_channel s 0 mssecure_xml_length with End_of_file -> raise Bad_number_of_characters_read_from_mssecure_cab in let i=ref 0 in let _=while (try s.[!i]<>'3' || s.[!i+1]<>'2' || s.[!i+2]<>'\\' || s.[!i+3]<>'\"' with _->false) do incr i; done in let _=if !i<(mssecure_xml_length-2) then (s.[!i+2] <- '\"'; s.[!i+3]<-' ') else Printf.printf "Seems MS has fixed the \\\" problem in mssecure.xml\n" in s ;; set_lang (); set_product (); set_service_pack (); set_destdir (); print_endline "";; let _=print_endline "\nDownloading the localized mssecure cab-file." in let _=Unix.system (".\\wget.exe -N -nv \""^(localized_mssecure_cab_location !lang_code)^"\"") in let _=if (Sys.file_exists ("MSSecure_"^(!lang_code)^".cab")) then let expand_exit_code=Sys.command ("expand MSSecure_"^(!lang_code)^".cab mssecure.xml") in if expand_exit_code<>0 then raise (Error_during_expansion_of_mssecure_cab expand_exit_code) else () else raise Missing_mssecure_cab in let xml_parsed=Xml.parse_string (solve_escaped_quote (open_in_bin "mssecure.xml")) in let this_product_xml= find_xml_by_attrib_name_and_value_in_xml_list "Name" !product (Xml.children (find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list "Products" (Xml.children xml_parsed))) in let _=product_id:= Xml.attrib this_product_xml "ProductID" in let _=product_family_id:= Xml.attrib (List.hd (Xml.children (find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list "ProductFamilies" (Xml.children this_product_xml)))) "ProductFamilyID" in let _=service_pack_id:= Xml.attrib (List.nth (Xml.children (find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list "AvailableSPs" (Xml.children this_product_xml))) (!service_pack_level-1)) "ServicePackID" in let bulletins=find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list "Bulletins" (Xml.children xml_parsed) in let updates=list_updates (Xml.children bulletins) in let locations=Xml.children (find_xml_by_name_in_xml_list "Locations" (Xml.children xml_parsed)) in let _=if not (Sys.file_exists !dest_dir) then Unix.mkdir !dest_dir 0o777 else () in let _=Unix.chdir !dest_dir in let urls=list_locations updates locations in let _=number_of_updates:=List.length urls in let _=Printf.printf "%d updates and %d URLs collected, beginning download :\n" (List.length updates) !number_of_updates in let _=run_wget_for_each_element_of_the_list 1 urls in let _=print_endline "All done. The program will now exit." in read_line () ;; (all rights for this source code belong to me, will give a nicer license later on) Just compile it with "ocamlopt.opt -o upddl.exe unix.cmxa xml-light.cmxa main.ml". What ? You don't have an ocaml compiler on your computer ! OK, you can have binaries too : http://tools.yaxm.org/upddl.7z Just expand and double-click the upddl.exe file but read the instructions and details that follow. It should work for any product, service pack and language (Japanese is problematic in fact) described in mssecure.xml a. I get 64 critical updates and HFNetChk returns only this : * WINDOWS XP SP2 Patch NOT Installed MS06-014 911562 File C:\Programs\Fichiers communs\system\msadc\msadco.dll has a file version [2.81.1117.0] that is less than what is expected [2.81.1124.0]. * INTERNET EXPLORER 6 SP2 Information There are no entries for Internet Explorer 6 SP2 in the XML file. The use is a bit strict at the moment : it needs a precise string and is case-sensitive. - You have four choices for language : French, German, Japanese, English. - For the product, you have much more choices as this program is not limited to windows, here is the part relevant to hfslip (don't forget, precise names, unlocalized and case-sensitive, I'll make it nicer next week) : - And for the service pack level, 0, 1, 2 and so on. For XP SP2 french, I type: French<return> Windows XP Professional<return> 2<return> edit: Internet Explorer are in another place and can be downloaded with "Internet Explorer 5.5", "Internet Explorer 6", "Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows Server 2003" as product. Same goes for MSXML, Outlook Express, WMP (which won't appear in hfnetchk's log as it has been removed by nlite). But of course there's a problem. Microsoft just discontinued mssecure.xml files. They are still availables but not updated anymore (probably the reason why I lack some recent updates). There's a new format but there's no information available about it : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927745 Basically what is available is "the v2 format is compatible with the v1 [which is not mssecure.xml], refer to information about v1" but there's no way to find information about v1 as everything links to v2... So I can't have recent hotfixes. I think I understood the spec but it uses UIDs instead of names (as Microsoft Windows XP) for which I don't have a list. If anyone has a list of UIDs for microsoft products, please share it. Thanks. Have fun. :beer:
  23. Then you'll have to remove it as soon as you see it : it's a pirate mod. I really doubt you can run XP on so little memory. OK, you can : you just need a proper swap file to compensate. Anyway, what is advertized shows they missed something can run on 18.73MB RAM (not quoting) : why don't they go to 18.728MB ; such a precision makes me go like that -> Drivers are also a big source of memory usage. Default ones and also 3rd party ones. For example Realtek drivers easily use 20MB which is already over their 18MB. Linux with no graphic interface uses 30MB at least. I know by personnal experience that ~115MB implies at least 60MB of memory to be used. I'm trying to download a copy of it but I certainly won't install it, it really seems to be a lie. And a 30MB commit in XP is unachievable in decent conditions. 60MB is. 80MB is doable while having a confortable OS. 100MB is easy.
  24. First compress your log with 7-zip, winrar, winzip, winace...
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