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Everything posted by gunsmokingman

  1. Space the final frontier

  2. Here is a little code that will show you how to convert the WMI OS Install Date and OS Last Boot Date, to a more readable format.
  3. This is a way to do what you wanted as a VBS script. To use this script just Drag And Drop The Folder on the script. Save As DelFileNameAsFolder.vbs
  4. Since I do not know this scripting langauge, I would assume the reason you cant delete folder because it exit before the deletes happens. That the way I read this script perhaps try changing it to this
  5. Now I know you did not ask for a VBS Script, but here is what you ask for done as a VBS script. Save as a vbs script
  6. Your welcome, now the only problem might be in the first loop change Dictionary Objects can not have duplicate objects, so incase 1.txt has say the script would error out because the object exists, this code change prevents that error
  7. The script only looks for what missing from one file, what you want is a script that looks for what missing from both files. I write up a script that will look for what missing from both files. 1.txt 2.txt What missing from both files are stored Differences.txt Save As Sort2.vbs
  8. I tested the script Test1.txt Test2.txt Differences.txt So the scripts looks for what missing in Test1, From Test2, reports it in Differences.txt
  9. I have not tested this, but this VBS script might do what you want. Fill in the paths Save As Sort.vbs
  10. I did 2 google searches Search One CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 Results One Search Two CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX" ) Results Two Hope you find what you are looking for.
  11. If you posted what you needed to compare I think I could help you write a VBS Script for you.
  12. Worf this wasnt for your project, this was more to see if could code a drag and drop app.I know in vbs there a limit to how many items can be drag and drop on to it, I think it limit is 24 items. I dont know if that limit exists in cmd promt, but in Vb.net I have not hit a limit yet. jaclaz the purpose of thread like these are to help people to learn new things. That didnt happen on mine because of this line I have updated this app and started a new Thread New App New Source Code
  13. I have updated this app and started a new Thread New App New Source Code
  14. That the tranlation of the quote in chinese, I see nothing offensive in it, other then murdering the English langauge.
  15. This would explain the error On the next version I will do a simple check and have this message if it not supported Property Not Supported By OS
  16. If you wanted to try a vbs script, I have it so echo out the day Name. This could be modified to do what you want it to. Here is what you wanted a way to run bat on certain days Save as RunBat.vbs This one I added a check to make sure the file exists before it ran Save As RunBatch.vbs
  17. Do you mean something like this Example from first script posted 1:\ Is the script going to be in the same path as the files EG C:\Users\Lisa\desktop\colours\YOUR_VBS_SCRIPT If yes then you can use a line of code like this to get the path Dim Dir :Set Dir = FSO.GetFolder(".") Try this script it uses copy then delete. I used this in case the file that was getting moved existed this will causes a error to occur. Using the copy and setting the switch to true means to copy and over write the file.
  18. In your script you should make a varible for this path C:\Users\Lisa\desktop\colours, I also change all the If End If
  19. The script takes the current directory as the start point. So if you are running the script and there are no files then the files dont exists in that location. Try this script, I have it produce a text file, see if it does what you want.
  20. I have updated the code so it should be able to retrieve these keys Office 2010, Office 2007, Office 2003, Office XP Source Code V3 OsInfo_V3.exe
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